Growth Hero 2
Page 37
“Without you appearing in my life, my fate would be the same as my fellow Chosen. Each of them failed to overcome adversity… adversity that you have beaten, time and time again. Today’s fight has made me question if I am truly worthy of my burden.”
“Aurielle…” I began, but she wouldn’t look at me.
I gently cupped her chin and tipped her face my way. Her eyes blinked back tears to stare into mine for a long moment.
“Listen... You asked if you could court me and… well, as your suitor, I want to let you know that I couldn’t have done any of it without you. All the great feats and overcoming adversity… that was only possible because of you. Because of everyone who has fought by my side.”
“But, you… You used your own spell on the Hydra and made use of the artifact sword, while I failed to do so even half as effectively,” she protested.
I shrugged. “And if you hadn’t used your gravity magic to keep the Hydra’s final head pinned to the sand, I could never have reached its neck on my own. Just like with the Titan, it was a team effort… Juliana’s, Clarissa’s and Anny’s help are what made it possible for me to defeat it.”
I took a deep breath and stared into her beautiful eyes.
“What I’m trying to say is… all the stuff I do? I don’t do it alone. Whatever burden you feel on your shoulders, you don’t have to bear it alone, either. Let the rest of us hold it up with you.”
I rubbed at the back of my neck with my other hand. I wished she could understand just how much she meant to me.
“You have been a great addition to the Clan, Aurielle, but what I really want you to know, is… I just wish you realized how much that I… well…”
Oh jeez…
I wasn’t nearly as good at this wooing stuff, as Clarissa seemed to think I was.
“I… I think I understand, Alex.”
Aurielle raised a hand to cup my cheek, studying me. “I’ve been running from my duty for so long because I didn’t want anyone else to fall in pursuit of my duty. I… I wasn’t willing to put anyone else through that.”
She dropped her hand and hung her head, red locks hiding her face. So softly I could barely hear her, she said, “I was content to grow my own power and vowed to save my homeland or perish alone. I couldn’t risk losing anyone else.”
“Yeah,” I admitted, “it’s a tough problem to tackle, never mind tackling it alone. Like I’ve said several times before… if you want any help, with anything, just say the word.”
Aurielle looked up and touched my cheek.
I found myself getting lost in her eyes all over again. Her hesitant smile was enchanting and I couldn’t help but lean forward to kiss those perfect lips of hers.
Just like in the Arena, Aurielle’s kiss was gentle at first before deepening and becoming more and more greedy. By the time our lips parted and we pulled back to catch our breath, I spotted that same hunger in her eyes.
“Clarissa spoke at length about your… well… I don’t want to wait any longer to know for myself,” she said, her sultry tone taking on a slight purr.
With one hand, Aurielle grabbed mine and pulled it to her breast.
My fingers tightened of their own accord and I squeezed her soft, yielding flesh.
“Whoa,” I breathed, mesmerized as Aurielle proceeded to run kisses down my neck.
“No matter what, Alex,” Aurielle said. “I vow on my honor to protect you. But know that I now consider this part of my duty, as well.”
“Well… I hope you don’t mind if I consider protecting you part of my duty, too,” I said, grinning as Aurielle’s face flickered through several expressions in a row.
Ultimately, that slow blush appeared on her cheeks and spread down her neck.
“I see…” she squeaked.
I chuckled as I leaned in and found myself cupping both of her breasts through her nightie, watching her lids grow heavy as she groaned. That groan did amazing things to make my pants suddenly feel way too tight.
Just as the beautiful Aurielle reached up to undo her nightie, the door to our room slammed open.
“Ah ha!” Clarissa shouted as both she and Juliana stood in the doorway. “I knew the two of you would start without us!”
“Indeed, to think that they would proceed to… the next stage so soon after our departure,” Juliana murmured.
Somehow, both women were each wearing nighties of their own, even though they had left in their normal dresses just a few short minutes ago. Clarissa’s nightie was, as expected, a Hogannan shade of green with a rather plunging neckline that allowed for me to see a large expanse of cleavage.
Juliana’s nightie was naturally as carmine as the Sovereignty’s colors and seemed to be just as revealing as Clarissa’s. My eyes were drawn immediately to their stacked chests, which their nighties perfectly displayed before my gaze.
“W-wait, w-w-what…?” I stammered. “Wow…”
Both the women giggled at my stupor.
I had to shake my head to clear it.
“You didn’t think we’d leave you alone with Aurielle long enough to miss out on all the fun, did you, handsome?” Clarissa asked as the two women strutted over to the bed, after closing the door.
“Hasn’t it been only a few minutes?” I questioned. “And weren’t you both going off to get dinner?”
“We wished to prepare ourselves, instead, handsome,” Clarissa purred.
“For your reward,” Juliana said.
I raised an eyebrow at that. “My… my reward?” I asked, suddenly intrigued.
“We won the tournament, handsome,” Clarissa declared. “Well, in a manner of speaking. Doesn’t that call for a celebration?”
A thought occurred to me, and I turned to Juliana. “Hey… does this finally mean you can join my Clan, Juliana? I did it all for you, after all,” I said.
Juliana, for her part, blushed so hard that she practically swooned. I quickly grabbed her by the shoulders and eased her down onto the bed next to me.
“I… I haven’t had a chance to talk to my father about it, just yet. The Clan Messages are all simply orders from him to the rest of his advisors and commanders,” she said.
“Well, he did agree to make a deal for it. We certainly held up our end of the bargain,” I said. “At this point, I’m ready to go to his mansion and simply demand it.”
“Wait, Alex,” Juliana said, laying a delicate hand on my still armored chest. “There is no need to go there. I will leave his clan and join yours… right now, if you will have me.”
I grinned.
She ducked her head demurely to the side. “I also do not care what my father will say about the matter, any longer.”
I wrapped my hand around Juliana’s and gave her a quick kiss before diving into my Clan Management screen, pulling up the message I had been hoping to see for so long.
Juliana Vos Tasberg has requested to join your Clan.
Everything we had gone through in the tournament was worth it, as I finally had what both of us had wanted for such a long time. With a grin, I accepted her request.
Juliana Vos Tasberg has joined your Clan!
Current Clan Members has increased to 5!
Default Role Applied: Novice
“Finally…” I whispered to her.
Juliana let out a sigh of relief as she sank into my chest, her eyes closed in contentment.
“About time,” Clarissa said as she went around the far side of the bed and wrapped her arms around my shoulders from behind. “Now we are finally all in the same Clan with our man.”
Although I couldn’t see it, I imagined the smirk I could hear in her tone was positively wicked. “A lovely and… vigorous celebration is certainly in order now, right handsome?”
I chuckled as I idly stroked one of Clarissa’s arms across my chest.
“What did you have in mind?” I asked.
“Continue doing w
hat you were about to start doing with Aurielle,” she purred. “And then we can all join in, right after.”
I looked to Aurielle, who still had a hungry look in her eyes.
“You all planned this together, didn’t you?” I asked, eyes narrowing.
They all nodded.
“Clarissa and Juliana were kind enough to provide me with tips on how best to go about this… courting,” Aurielle admitted. “On my honor, I swear we will reward you for all that you have done.”
I laughed at that, before shaking my head.
“How did I ever get so lucky... Seriously ladies, each of you are family to me. I would do anything… heck, everything… for any one of you.”
“We know,” Juliana said, reaching up to stroke my cheek. “And know that we would do the same for you, Alex.”
The women took a moment to grab onto any part of me they could reach. Aurielle latched onto my right arm, and Juliana my left, with Clarissa leaning over to wrap her arms along my shoulders even more snuggly than before.
I felt a wave of contentment wash over me as my harem dream came true, once again.
“Will you both help me with his armor?” Aurielle asked.
The other two women quickly nodded. Clarissa pulled me down to the bed while Aurielle was the first one to me, reaching for a buckle on my shoulder. As the women removed each piece of my armor, with Aurielle taking the lead, I couldn’t help but think back on my journey so far.
We had managed to get pretty deep into the Dungeon and won a tournament a short time after freeing Valdura from the Ogres. I had also gained the trust and company of an incredibly overpowered and amazing woman from the southern deserts. Our journey hadn’t been the smoothest of treks, but it had all been worth it.
If this moment was any indication, I knew the road ahead would no doubt have more than a few surprises for me.
I knew, however, that as long as I protected my new family, we would be able to overcome any challenge. Together.
With a decent handle on my magic, I still had a few more stats to level, though. It definitely wouldn’t hurt to get all of my stats up even higher. Perhaps a little more grinding in the Dungeon was in order.
Well, make that a lot of grinding.
But as the women had their way with me, I realized I wouldn’t have much energy left for leveling up my stats.
Not for a long while…
Overlord - Black Deep
I smirked as the machine flared to life, its dark metal lighting up with runes in the old language.
The symbols had not been seen by anyone, including me, since the Almighty had first enthralled the Deep Watcher to do her bidding during the last Void War. Even now, that insufferable, twisted entity still tried to deny the future I had set for us.
The future centered around only me…
“Overlord!” A Wrath Demon shouted as the machine gurgled and shook. “It hates the machine, you must…”
With a wave of my hand, my personal guard rushed forward to cut the Demon in half, ending its pitiful existence before it could disrupt my plans. The Deep Watcher had gotten better at turning my brethren against me, addling their minds to suit its purpose.
It mattered not.
Not anymore, as the machine sputtered to life.
A massive shock wave rocked the courtyard, throwing Imps and Fiends alike to the ground. Windows cracked and parts of the Deep Palace exploded into flame, yet the machine endured.
Within its confines, the dark portal opened, swirling with unimaginable magical energy.
“Good...” I breathed as I watched the energy stabilize. “None can stop what is coming.”
I looked around to see if I could find that twisted abomination. No doubt it was watching me even now.
“Did you hear that, Deep Watcher? Tell that blasted master of yours that I will reign supreme!”
It didn’t answer me. Nor did it show itself. Pitiful.
Several Demons tried to smother the flames but, unfortunately for them, none would survive the day. Ancient Void Demons had a certain appetite, after all.
Several Fiends who had withstood the initial blast wandered towards the portal, mesmerized by its dark splendor.
The ground began to shake, and an earthquake rattled the palace. The slight breeze I had felt but a few moments prior had morphed into a powerful gale that swept several Imps off their feet.
A single fiend wandered right in front of the portal before a large, demonic hand enveloped its entire head, gripping tightly before dragging the fiend back through the portal, kicking and screaming.
My Wrath Demons were on edge. For the first time, I felt a lick of fear in them. They stood between the portal and me, holding their battle-axes at the ready.
“Overlord, the Deep’s core is destabilizing,” a thrall said next to me, its eyes unfocused as it read the reports that came from the ship hovering above the Deep.
“Yes…” I said, grinning as a massive thunderstorm formed above us, black rain pouring down over us all. “The machine’s touch is molding our very environment...”
The thrall paused, its face unmoving, as it tried to fathom my plans.
“The Black Deep will break,” I said, staring at the portal. “And from the ashes…”
A single Demonic hand reached out of the portal, curling around the edge of the machine.
“The void will rise, and swallow all.”
I cackled as my new minions emerged from the portal.
Not even the Almighty could stop me now.
Stephania Vos Yunissa - Tringall’s Border
“I can’t believe Father ordered me to leave the city,” I mutterred, crossing my arms.
“Yes, you’ve said that already, My Lady,” Oliver replied as he parted the curtain to look outside the window of the carriage.
He had been continually checking the surrounding area for the past hour now, and I couldn’t understand the reasoning behind his scrutiny. With a hundred men in our column, with even more waiting for us at the border, we couldn’t possibly be in any danger.
“I want you to tell Father that I am not happy,” I insisted. “He could have at least waited until the tournament had concluded. All of my efforts and training have been for naught.”
“I’m sorry, My Lady, but… you wouldn’t like what your Father had planned for Tringall.”
“And what could that possibly mean?” I asked, my eyebrow arching dangerously.
Oliver clamped his mouth shut and simply shook his head.
I tried not to growl in frustration. First, my father ordered me to escort some soldiers into a deep and secret part of the Dungeon, and now this. I thought he would be happy with my efforts.
We had been accosted by Alex and his party in the Dungeon, but while the rest of our soldiers had been driven crazy by that box, I had managed to secure one of the artifacts for him. It was a small, round marble. One that appeared to glow a soft white from its core.
I had no idea what it was, or what it did, other than hearing my father briefly mention that it would aid him with his plans for Tringall.
My retinue had done extremely well in the tournament, as was to be expected. We were due to fight Alex in the finals. I had watched his previous match and studied up on his amazing results in the previous two stages.
He intrigued me.
I would have loved to see what he could do firsthand. Now that chance was gone.
It didn’t help that Clarissa Vos Hoganna and Juliana Vos Tasberg had each latched onto the man. Clarissa I could easily see taking a suitor this early in our Academy tenure, but I had heard that Juliana had refused many suitors in the Sovereignty’s capital.
To think that both of them had chosen the same man…
I idly wondered if Alex would accept an invitation to dine with me in Yunissa, when the carriage suddenly stopped.
“Hmm, what ever is the matter?” I asked Oliver.
He looked out of the window again. And then ope
ned the carriage door to peek around the corner.
I could hear the soldiers shouting over each other outside, but it was hard to make out what they were saying.
All of a sudden, a monster crashed through the carriage door, knocking Oliver back to the other side. It was a four legged beast, with black fur and sharp claws. Its eyes were a deep shade of red as its snout pushed into the carriage, only to growl and snap at the air.
My body moved of its own accord as I grabbed and unsheathed the sword I had set beside me on the seat. By the time I managed to turn, blade in hand, the monster had opened its maw to bite Oliver’s arm.
As the lightning magic along the sword’s edge took hold, I kicked the monster in the stomach and sliced my sword down in an arc to carve through its head, ending it in an instant.
The monster suddenly ceased moving, laying limply on top of Oliver. He pushed the beast’s corpse off of him, leaving several clots of blood sticking to his armor.
“Ugh, thank you, My Lady,” he said as he pulled the rest of the monster’s body inside the carriage and closed the door.
“What is the meaning of this, Oliver?” I questioned. “How did this monster slip through all the guards?”
Oliver put a finger to his lips to call for silence, and we both listened intently to whatever was going on outside. Screaming and the sounds of battle could be heard in every direction.
We were under attack.
“My Lady?” a voice called as the carriage door opened once more, revealing several of my father’s soldiers. “Thank the Gods, you are unhurt.”
“I am fine,” I said as I hooked my scabbard back onto my belt. “What is the situation?”
“Monsters such as these are attacking all along the column. It is no longer safe for you to remain here,” the soldier said.
“Are we across the border yet?” Oliver asked.
The soldier shook his head.
“No, we are still several miles from the border. They came out of the surrounding forest and there seems to be no end to them.”
I couldn’t believe my ears. There had never been an attack of this caliber on an organized force by mere monsters before. I looked back down at the beast that had attacked us and examined it closely.