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Why Did You Hurt Me?

Page 11

by Phylicia Joannis


  Spring Fever

  Jennifer opens the door and Johnny feels his pulse quicken.

  She’s stunning.

  Jennifer’s dark brown eyes perfectly offset her cream-colored gown. Her hair is up in a flawless mass of curly ringlets, with a single lock hanging carelessly in the front.

  Johnny sucks in his breath and whistles. “You look beautiful, Jen,” he says more to himself than to her.

  Jennifer smiles. “Thank you, sir.” Jennifer looks Johnny over. His chocolate brown suit complements his sandy blonde hair. He’s standing up straight, revealing his full height. “You look good.”

  Johnny smiles, looking very comfortable in his skin. Jennifer grabs his hand in excitement.

  “Shall we?” she asks.

  “After you,” Johnny gives a slight bow and moves over so she can walk past him. She calls out a brief goodnight to her mom before stepping outside with Johnny.

  When they arrive at the school, the parking lot is quiet and only halfway full. The mood magically changes when they get inside, with activity increasing as they walk down the hall. Johnny and Jennifer can hear the squealing tires and clacking stilettos outside.

  Jennifer grabs Johnny’s hand as he helps her down the steps to the recently transformed gym. The bleachers are folded back to make room for the dance floor, the food and drink tables are on the sides, and a live band plays something upbeat.

  Johnny admires the decorations, noting the details Jennifer points out to him as they walk to the center of the dance floor. Someone booms a welcome over the microphone, thanking them for participation in the annual Logoria High Spring Dance and a few more slow songs play.


  Martin hopes Jennifer will be here tonight. He wants to apologize to her for the way he’s acted since Wednesday night. He expects her to come with Johnny but holds out hope that she’ll come alone. That hope dissipates as she walks in with her arm linked around Johnny’s.

  Martin sighs. At least she’s here. Martin watches her glide delicately to the other side of the dance floor towards the platform. Her smile lights up the room. She looks phenomenal in her cream colored evening gown. He is tempted to walk over to her now and pull her from Johnny’s arm. He resists the impulse and reminds himself that he is here to make peace, not start a fight. He walks over to the punch table. He will take his time and wait.


  Johnny thoroughly enjoys dancing with Jennifer. They dance to nearly every slow song, and each time he feels closer to Jennifer than before. He has to make his move. This opportunity might not come again, and if it does, he might not have the nerve. He slows his footing and leans his head towards her ear.

  “Jennifer, there’s something I want to say to you.”

  Jennifer lifts her head slightly. “Do you want to sit down and talk?” she puts her hand on his shoulder and slows her steps to match his tempo.

  “No, this is perfect,” Johnny assures her. He leans over her, placing his cheek on hers. He can feel her smiling. “I just wanted to let you know how I feel about you,” he tells her softly.

  Jennifer feels heat rise to her face. Her heart flutters and she swallows. “Oh?”

  Johnny grabs both her hands and places them around his neck. He looks into her eyes and smiles. Jennifer’s eyes shift slightly to the left as a curl falls out of place. Johnny pulls it back, briefly brushing her cheek as he does. Electricity shoots through her at the touch and she looks into his eyes. Johnny knows he can’t hold back any longer.

  “Jen, I’m crazy about you,” he confesses. Each word is loaded with intensity. “I have been since that first day we spoke at the library.” His whole body is trembling. He is anxious to tell her how he feels. He looks down at his shoes for a moment before returning his gaze to her eyes. He speaks softer, but the intensity in his eyes remains.

  “Jennifer, I can’t really express in words how you make me feel. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, and I want you to know how much you mean to me. I love everything about you, and I want you to consider…” Johnny pauses.

  “Consider what?” Jennifer searches his face anxiously.

  “I want you to consider us being more than friends,” he finally replies. Jennifer’s eyelashes flicker with an emotion Johnny can’t read. Now it is her turn to look away.

  “You mean, you want me to be your girlfriend?” she asks. Her voice is barely loud enough to be considered a whisper.

  “Yes,” Johnny replies. He turns her chin toward him softly with his hand. “Would you consider it?” he asks, moving in closer to her.

  Jennifer smiles, though her stomach is in knots. The atmosphere between them is fully charged, and she feels herself falling into him. She wraps her fingers around his neck to keep her balance and nods at him. He smiles as he places both of his hands on her face and draws her close to him. He searches her eyes for any signs of hesitation, but finds none. He leans in close and kisses her. After a few seconds he is pleasantly surprised with the fact that she isn’t pushing him away. She is kissing him back.

  Johnny feels as though he is floating. Though the kiss lasts less than thirty seconds, the feeling of her touch lingers for an eternity. He keeps his face close to hers as they continue their slow dance. She wraps her arms tighter around his neck, and they stay in that embrace until the song ends.


  Martin nearly spits out his punch when he sees Jennifer kissing Johnny- or Johnny kissing Jennifer. Who kissed who doesn’t matter. The point is that they’re kissing, and Jennifer isn’t pulling away. She’s closer now.

  How can she kiss Johnny? Martin cares about her; more than the connection between brothers and sisters in Christ. Doesn’t she know that? He spends more time with her than anyone else. Not recently, of course, but before their fight they were together almost every day.

  Martin pours himself another cup of punch and drinks it quickly. Of course she is kissing Johnny. The two of them have been breathing each other’s air for weeks now, and Martin has never once bothered to share his feelings with her. Regret hovers over Martin like a raincloud as he watches them holding each other. He’s too late. Jennifer’s taken - and by Johnny Reese, of all people! Martin narrows his eyes at Johnny. Stealing Jennifer from him is a low blow, and the longer he thinks about it, the worse Martin feels. How fitting for Johnny to pay him back by dating Jennifer.

  Martin frowns at the cup in his hand. What if it’s true? What if Johnny is only with Jen to get to him? He’s considered this a million times before. It makes sense. Jennifer is obviously smitten with him. If Johnny is only toying with her emotions, she’ll end up hurt more than anyone else. He has to do something.

  Without another thought, Martin walks toward Johnny and Jennifer. The song has ended, but the two of them are still locked in an embrace.

  “Jennifer I need to talk to you,” Martin stops just a few inches away from the couple. They’re startled out of their embrace, and Jennifer turns blazing eyes on Martin.

  “What is it?” she asks through clenched teeth.

  Martin opens his mouth, but pauses. He hadn’t actually considered what he would say. He has no real plan and only one objective: to expose Johnny’s charade. Jennifer is not amused.

  “Martin, you’re being rude, and I really don’t want to be bothered by you now.” Martin opens his mouth again to speak, but Jennifer holds up her hand. “Please, Martin, just leave before I say something I might regret.” Jennifer pleads with her eyes for him to go, and Johnny glares at him with clenched fists.

  Good, Martin thinks. At least his slimy hands aren’t on Jennifer anymore. He knows he is making a fool of himself, but he has to make Jennifer see she is being tricked.

  “Jennifer, he’s playing you. Can’t you see that?” Jennifer looks as though she might slap him again. Maybe he should try subtlety. “Jen, he’s not what he seems to be,” he tries again.

  “Please, not this again,” Jennifer looks away from him in

  “Yes!” Martin feels his frustration rise to an all-time high. “The only reason he’s with you is because of me, Jennifer! I figured it out!” Johnny’s mouth gapes open and Jennifer turns to Martin. A fierce look quickly replaces the one that pleaded for reason.

  “You are so full of yourself!” she cries. “Everything’s about you, isn’t it?” Martin backs up as Jennifer inches toward him. He shakes his head, but Jennifer doesn’t relent.

  “I’ve gotten nothing from you but insults and accusations and I’m sick of it, Martin! It seems like the only things you have to say to me are negative. ‘Jen’s stuck up;’ ‘Jen’s a bigot;’ ‘Jen’s an idiot.’ You know what Jen really is? Jen’s tired of being blamed for your insecurity, Martin. Get over yourself!”

  Martin swallows his hurts. “Jennifer, that’s not it at all. I’m only trying to protect you!”

  Johnny finally finds his voice. “Hey back off, Martin.” Johnny places his hand on Martin’s shoulder, but Martin quickly flicks it away.

  “Touch me again, and I’ll break your fingers,” Martin snaps. His temper flares, and, if Johnny touches him again, he’ll certainly break something.

  “Really?” Jennifer shakes her head sadly. “Honestly, Martin, what’s going on with you?” When he doesn’t say anything, Jennifer speaks for him.

  “I’ll tell you what this is about, Martin. You’re a jealous, lonely boy. You’re jealous because someone else is enjoying life while you’re making yours miserable. You’re jealous because Johnny and I are friends. When you thought I wasn’t good enough to be your friend I left you alone, but now that I’m happy you can’t stand it. Johnny’s twice the friend you ever were, and the only thing I regret is not getting to know him sooner.”

  Martin bites his lip and glares first at Jennifer, then at Johnny. Finally, he backs up.

  “Fine!” he huffs. “If you want to be stupid, Jen, I can’t stop you. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” Martin stalks off, intentionally knocking over a stack of plastic cups as he walks out. Jennifer watches him go and can’t help the tears that force their way out. She sniffs and Johnny grabs a napkin from a nearby table. He hands her the napkin and wraps his arms around her.

  “I’m sorry about that,” she sniffles.

  “Hey it’s okay,” he says softly. “It’s not your fault.” Johnny feels lousy inside. Most of what Martin said was true. Jennifer had defended him in ignorance. He rocks her back and forth and, as a new song begins to play, they slowly sway to the rhythm of the music.


  Martin loses it. He knows he’s driving way too fast, but he can’t will himself to hit the brakes. With any luck, he’ll strike a pole and end it all. His friendship with Jennifer is over. He’s pathetic as far as she’s concerned. But Jennifer doesn’t know what she’s doing. Johnny is all wrong for her. Martin doesn’t notice the stoplight change to red. He swears as he runs the light, nearly colliding with an oncoming vehicle as he passes the intersection.

  He needs to calm down. Martin finally slows down and turns down a back road. He hasn’t misbehaved in months, and now he’s making threats, breaking traffic laws and cussing. His heart aches, and God seems far away. Martin can’t blame Him. At this moment, Martin is sick of himself.

  And Jennifer! No wonder she can’t stand him. His behavior towards her has been lousy for months. Mr. James calls episodes like this one “fleshing out.” Martin finds himself caught up in the middle of them way too often. He turns a corner and pulls to a four way stop. There are no other cars coming, but he decides to stay there anyway. He has to come to terms with something, here and now.

  He’s in love with Jennifer Smith.

  Martin slams his hand onto the steering wheel in frustration. From his rearview mirror he sees lights; Red and blue flashing lights. Apprehension creeps up his spine as the officer’s siren blips. Martin pulls his car onto the grass by the stop sign and cuts the engine.

  A tall male officer gets out of the patrol car and slowly makes his way to Martin. Martin rolls down the window as he approaches and is blinded by a flashlight; Martin instinctively turns away.

  “You must’ve been in a pretty big hurry to run a light back there, son. License and registration.”

  Martin blinks away the blurry haze of the flashlight. He reaches into his pocket for his ID and grabs his registration from the glove compartment.

  “I’m sorry, Officer.”

  “I’m inclined to haul you off downtown,” the officer grabs Martin’s ID and registration, “and put you in a little cell, Mr. uh...” the officer looks down at Martin’s ID and pauses.

  “Hmm,” is all he says. He walks back to his patrol car and Martin sees through his window that he is on the radio. Martin slinks down in his seat. His father is going to kill him.


  “You ran a red light?” Mr. West is livid. He looks back from the officer to Martin. Martin’s head hangs low. The officer’s expression is firm, but compassionate.

  “I talked to the boy, and he seems to understand the error of his ways.”

  Mr. West is not satisfied. “He nearly collided with another car, you said so yourself.”

  The officer clears his throat. “Well, sir, I’ll leave this to you. I thought it a courtesy to let you deal with it privately. Good night.” The officer makes a quick and silent exit, and Martin is left to face his father alone. For a long time, Mr. West glares at his son. Martin is the first to break the silence.

  “Dad, I’m sorry, I-”

  “Save it, Martin!” his father cuts him off. “You were acting out, the same as you’ve always done. The only thing you’re sorry about is getting caught. I thought we were done with all of this!”

  “I know you’re disappointed with me, Dad,” Martin tries again. “I messed up, and I’m sorry. It won’t happen again, I swear.”

  Mr. West looks away. “No it won’t happen again, Martin. I’m taking your keys. Until further notice, your car is gone.”

  Martin begins to protest but holds himself back. “Could you clarify that? I’m not sure I understand?”

  “I mean, from this moment on, you have two modes of transportation: the bus and your feet! I’m pretty sure you can do a lot less damage with two feet than with three tons of metal.”

  Martin wrings his hands and gives his father a bewildered look. “Can’t we talk about this, Dad?”

  “Sure!” Mr. West says sarcastically. “Martin, I want you to hand me your keys.” Martin fishes his keys out of his pocket and takes off the ring holding his car key. He hands it slowly to his father, waiting for the lecture. Mr. West locks his eyes onto Martin’s.

  “This discussion is now closed. Go to your room before I take something else.” Martin obeys and closes the door as quietly as he can manage.

  He knew the consequences would be unpleasant, but he hadn’t expected his father to be so cold. He didn’t even ask Martin what was really wrong with him. He skipped the trial and went straight to the sentencing part. Martin groans in frustration. Mr. James would have gotten to the root of the problem first.

  Martin’s heart aches as he thinks about Jennifer. Is she with Johnny right now? Are they still dancing? Still holding each other? Are they kissing again? Jennifer isn’t the type to flirt or throw herself at a guy, but will she allow things to go too far with Johnny? Are they together now, officially?

  A part of Martin gently encourages him to pray, but Martin’s unable to get past his first few words without thinking about Jennifer again. After a third attempt, he stops altogether. Mr. James is wrong. Prayer doesn’t solve anything. Things have gotten worse since he started to pray. No, he’ll just have to find another way to get through to Jennifer.

  Martin feels a weight come over him as he ponders another important question. Will she ever speak to him again?


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