Have a Heart 4

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Have a Heart 4 Page 5

by Rachel Burns

  “Please, we don’t get along, we have nothing in common, and you have a girlfriend.” Cathy felt even worse about herself. She was the other woman.

  Chandler was hurt by her words. They got along just fine this evening. They had tons of things in common. However, the girlfriend was a whole different story. He had to get rid of her. “I’m going to end things with my girlfriend.”

  “Please, don’t do that. You don’t have to dump her because of me. After Saturday, we will never see each other again.”

  “Cathy, don’t say that.”

  “It’s true. I live here now. You live in Birmingham. We aren’t going to be a couple. There is no need to pretend. This was a one-night-stand.”

  Chandler didn’t know how to answer her. He had to sort through his feelings for her. For now, it was enough that she was lying beside him.

  Chapter 6 – Deeply In Love

  The next morning, Brianna and Scott checked out of the hotel. Both were pleased with how things went and sorrowful that they had to wait a whole week before they could make love again.

  Scott looked over at Brianna and grinned. He had never felt happier in all of his life. When they reached his car he hated having to let go of her hand, so he could lay their bag in the trunk. He was so used to her touch it felt wrong to let go of her.

  They had made love five times while they stayed at the motel. Scott had never seen Brianna more alive. He should have known this would be perfect. Everything about her was perfect.

  Brianna’s fingers lingered by Scott’s hand when he let go, brushing over the palm of his hand to his fingertips.

  The simple touch of her letting go of him was once again sending blood rushing to his penis. “I can hardly wait for our wedding night.”

  “Me neither. Thank you, Scott. Now I can worry about normal bride things.”

  “Normal bride things?” he asked with a grin.

  “Stepping on and ripping my dress, flowers not being right, drunk relatives.”

  “Don’t worry. The most important thing is that we are married by the end of the night, so we can go on our honeymoon. I’m definitely looking forward to that. We are going to stay in bed throughout our entire honeymoon.”

  “I’m not going to argue.” Brianna got in the car and buckled her seatbelt.

  Scott got in beside her, fastened his seatbelt and started the car. It was time to take her home.

  Brianna reached over and laid her hand on his thigh.

  The heat of her hand so close to his penis was making his breath shallow. It was going to take all of his concentration to get her home safely.

  Scott brought Brianna home and reluctantly turned her over to her parents.

  “In a few days, you will be all mine.” He was looking forward to their life together.

  “I’ll be counting the minutes.”

  “I’ll stop by in a few hours to check on you.” Scott bent down to her and kissed her.

  Charles cleared his throat. In his mind he understood that Brianna was going to be Scott’s wife, with everything that entailed, but in his heart the thought sickened him.

  He feared sex would be too much for his daughter. He doubted he would sleep at all on her wedding night. Charles worried he would get a call, telling him she hadn’t survived it.

  Eva laid a hand on Brianna’s shoulder. “We have so much to do. I’m glad you’re finally home.”

  “Goodbye, Scott. I’ll see you later.”

  “Goodbye, Brianna.” Scott walked backwards to his car. He waved to her, knowing he had a silly grin on his face. He wished tomorrow were Saturday. The wedding couldn’t come soon enough.

  Brianna went into the house with her mother.

  They talked about seating arrangements and flowers. Brianna tried to pretend she cared, but her thoughts kept returning to Scott. They were going to be so happily married.

  She had such a good feeling about their marriage. They would never fight and quarrel like many couples did. They would love each other and get along.

  Chapter 7 – You Have To Earn It

  Jessica stood in the hallway of the doctor’s house. She knew this was very unprofessional of him, but the idea of someone taking three weeks to help her intrigued her. She longed for that kind of attention.

  When he referred to himself as ‘Master’ it made her insides melt. She longed to have this man spank her. Sex would be nice too.

  “I have a guest room for you. You may stay in it while you’re here.” He walked past her and up the staircase. He was glad he had inherited this house from his grandmother when she passed on. Thankfully, she had also left him enough money to fix it up the way he wanted it. His grandmother had always known what he wanted and needed. They had gotten along perfectly. She understood that he wanted to help people. His parents wanted him to take over the family business. When he had flat out said no, they had gone into shock and threatened to disown him.

  His grandmother had stepped in and reminded everyone that her late husband had built up the business from nothing. His late grandfather had followed his dream, breaking with family tradition. Richard should be allowed to do that as well.

  Richard once again found himself following his heart. He wanted to help Jessica, but he felt something for her too. Richard had a feeling he knew exactly what she needed. He would give it to her.

  Chances were she would become dependent on him.

  If there was chemistry between them, then maybe this could be a lasting arrangement. If not, he would help her find an appropriate master. She was obviously a submissive who had been forced to be aggressive to find what she needed.

  He would help her with that too. She needed to learn to wait and let her master decide when she received punishment or not. She would have to be especially well behaved to get punished.

  “This will be your room. I expect it to be perfectly kept up. I have a certain style I like to maintain in my home. I won’t allow you to disturb that.”

  “Of course, sir.” Jessica could feel herself reverting to the way she had spoken back at school in Texas.

  Richard stopped and stared at her in her beautiful blue eyes. He gave her a cold stare. He wasn’t about to lose the upper hand with her. “I clearly told you I will be your master, address me as such.”

  Jessica dropped her voice and whispered her response. “Of course, Master. I’ll respect you, as well as your property.”

  His lips curled up a little. She was incredibly sexy. “I’ll give you an hour to settle in. When you are, you may join me in the kitchen.”

  Jessica had a feeling he was honestly trying to help her. He could see through everything she was trying to do. She wouldn’t be able to pull a fast one on him. “Thank you, Master.”

  Jessica joined him in the kitchen. He was already cooking. It had taken a bit of nerve to come downstairs, so she was late.

  “I want you to finish cooking. I have to make an important call.” Richard left the room without looking at her. He went into his office and called a friend. He needed to cancel the plans he had made. Now that Jessica was here, she would need his complete attention.

  Jessica looked through the cupboards and found the things she needed to set the table. She sought him out to tell him their food was finished.

  “Thank you, Jessica.” He planned to praise all of her good behavior. It was classic positive reinforcement.

  He wondered how long it would take her to realize she needed to be good to get a spanking.

  Chapter 8 – Fooled

  Chandler parked outside of Brianna’s house. He was lucky to get a spot because over twenty cars were surrounding her house. If someone hadn’t just pulled away, freeing up a parking spot for him, he would probably be lurking in the bushes now.

  All the lights were on in the mansion, and the garden was lit up. He could hear the sound of many women’s voices all talking at once.

  This was something he would have gladly hid from a week ago. Now, he found himself lurking outside of this funct
ion in the hopes of spying on his Cathy.

  Things hadn’t gone well when they woke up together the next morning. Cathy had kicked him out of bed and started to clean. She washed the bedding and once again explained why this wouldn’t work.

  When Chandler promised to dump his girlfriend, Cathy went at him, telling him if he could so easily exchange his girlfriend for someone new, it could only be a matter of time before he dumped her too.

  Chandler had driven her home, but Cathy had fumed at him. She had been mad at herself as well. At the hospital, she avoided him. Chandler needed to speak with her.

  One thing had become very clear to him; he was hopelessly in love with Cathy. Not seeing her caused him actual pain. When she avoided him, it hurt. He took it very personally.

  He worried about her. It was too easy to picture some guy hitting on her at the nightclub they wanted to go to. Cathy was a good catch. Many men would want to take her away from him. She was the type of woman who would have men fighting over her. Chandler would see to it that he won all of those fights.

  He wanted to talk Cathy out of taking Brianna to a strip club. That was the most important thing at the moment. Prevention was the best cure.

  While he waited, he thought up several reasons why they shouldn’t go. His plan was to say Brianna looked a little pale and advise them that she stay in for the rest of the evening. That way Cathy couldn’t go either.

  He didn’t want her to go to a club. Those men would all look at her and think she was easy to have.

  She wasn’t.

  In fact, she was impossible to get because she was now his. Well, if she said she was his, then he wouldn’t argue with her.

  More women were leaving the house. Most of them were older. They must be the relatives. Once all of them had cleared, Cathy and Brianna would come out giggling away with a wad of money in their hands.

  No, not his Cathy. He wouldn’t allow it.

  No one had come out for a long time. The lights in the house were slowly going out one by one.

  Chandler saw a woman standing in the window in an upstairs bedroom. She had her hands on her hips, and she was staring at him. The second he noticed her she closed the curtains.

  He wasn’t sure, but he thought he saw Brianna getting into bed behind Cathy.

  Did that mean they weren’t going out? Did it mean Brianna wasn’t feeling well? Should he go in and offer his help?

  He figured Cathy saw him. She knew he was here if they needed him.

  Ten minutes later, Cathy and her mother came out. They said goodbye to Mrs. Banks who was giving them a plate full of cake, lots of different kinds. He’d bet that cake was for Scott.

  Chandler had to wonder what it would feel like to have someone bake a cake for him, like Brianna sometimes did for Scott. That must be nice.

  Would Cathy ever do that for him?

  He didn’t have much of a sweet tooth, but he like the idea of someone going out of their way to do something nice for him.

  Chandler sunk down a little in his seat, so Mrs. Greene wouldn’t see him. Cathy scowled his way, but thankfully, she didn’t make a scene. He would have been hard put to explain what he was doing here.

  Once they were gone, he started his car and the long journey to Birmingham.

  He had made a fool out of himself. Cathy had obviously been lying about the strip club, and he had fallen for it. He felt so stupid now.

  Still, he was thankful that no idiots would be hitting on his girl this evening.

  Chapter 9 – Jealous

  “Rebecca, did you pack a suitcase for me?” her husband asked her when he came from work. He had left early, so they could leave right away. Tomorrow was the big day. Scott and Brianna were going to tie the knot.

  “I was thinking we should call and say the twins have a fever,” she answered.


  “I don’t feel like going.”

  “It’s your brother’s wedding. You shouldn’t want to miss it.” He shook his head. “What is going on between the two of you?”

  “We never got along.” She shrugged her shoulders. She had resented him while they were growing up. Scott was older and better at everything. Now, he was a lawyer after working his way through grad school, and he was marrying a girl with special needs, and everyone thought what a great guy he was. She could never top that.

  All anyone ever talked about was how wonderful Scott was and what a good family Brianna came from. They were quick to say that: even though Brianna was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, she wasn’t the kind to put on airs.

  Of course, she didn’t, because Brianna was perfect. But would she be able to give him children. Her parents wanted grandchildren. That was something Perfect Brianna couldn’t give him.

  Or would she do it anyway and die for her efforts, thus becoming a saint in everyone’s eyes.

  “Becky, we’re going. You know we have to pick up your sister Sharon in Montgomery on the way. We can’t cancel. Pack as quickly as you can, and then we’ll leave.”

  “Brad, I really don’t feel like it.”

  “I don’t care. I’m not going to lie for you.” Brad started to pack his suit and several other things. “I’m going – with or without you.” Brad left her standing and went to pack for the twins. Everything was such a battle with her. He worked as hard as he could to earn money, so she could stay home with the kids. Still, she made it very clear she wasn’t happy or satisfied with him.

  He thought more and more about getting a divorce. This simply wasn’t working out.

  After a very uncomfortable trip in the car, they arrived at Rebecca’s parents’ house just as Chandler was picking up Scott for his bachelor party.

  Chandler had called Brad, so he knew what to expect. He had a bag packed and ready.

  Chandler helped Brad carry in their things while Sharon greeted Scott and told him how happy she was for him. Chandler was hoping to see Cathy. Should he ask where she was?

  All he could do was think about her. It wasn’t only because of the sex, which had been great. It was because of everything else too. He liked her. They worked together so well, and she meant something to him. Why hadn’t he seen it sooner?

  When she pushed him away, it hurt. Several girls had dumped him over the years, mostly because he had neglected them. He would never do that with Cathy. He wanted to talk to her and hear what she had to say. Now that the sexual tension was out of the way, it was clear that he had liked her all along.

  Rebecca gave Scott a weak smile and hugged him. “I’m really happy for you.”

  “Thanks.” Scott could see it in her eyes. She was lying. He never understood why they hadn’t gotten along. He assumed they would once they were older.

  Scott was disappointed. He hadn’t begrudged her happiness at her wedding. In fact, he had worked hard to make everything perfect. They had celebrated out in their parents’ garden. Scott had worked for days building things, cutting the grass to perfection and trimming the hedges for her.

  He frowned a little before Brad greeted him. Brad sincerely wished him the best.

  John and Karen greeted their daughters, son-in-law, and grandsons. They asked Sharon about her job and Rebecca about the boys.

  Rebecca shook her head a little. Why didn’t anyone ever asked about her personally?

  Coming home had been such a bad idea. Now she had to pretend to smile while wonder boy got married.

  Chapter 10 – Handling Her With Care

  Jessica was frustrated. She thought about leaving and not coming back to this house as she packed a bag to go to the wedding.

  Scott had been the one to invite her. The only reason he invited her was because she wrote to him, telling him how wonderful her life was, and thanking him for being the one who cared enough to set her on the right track. He felt obligated to invite her. A no from her wouldn’t have disappointed him. Luckily, she was allowed to bring along a guest.

  Richard would be her date. They were going to drive off early
in the morning.

  “Good, I see you’re packing. Have you thought of everything you need?

  She nodded without looking at him.

  “When you’re finished, I want you to pack a bag for me too.”

  Jessica rolled her eyes. He had been bossing her around the whole week. She had done everything he wanted, but her needs hadn’t even been talked about, much less seen too.

  Richard saw her rolling her eyes. He grabbed onto her tightly. “At this rate you will never get a spanking.”


  Richard left the room. He didn’t look back at her. She had been purposely doing things wrong the whole week. He realized she would never figure out she had to be good to be punished, so he dropped a hint.

  An hour later, she stood in the door to his office. “I packed for you, Master.”

  Richard took the bag from her and looked through it. He had everything he would need. “Very good.” He liked the thought of her going through his things and picking out what he should wear.

  “I also picked out a suit for you to wear. I brushed it to make sure there was no dust or lint on it. I also took the liberty of setting out a pair of matching shoes. I hope my choices please you.”

  Richard grinned to himself. She spoke as only a true submissive could. It was now time for him to be a good master.

  “I’m very pleased with your choices. Please step inside and close the door behind you. You have earned yourself a punishment.” He stressed the word ‘earned’.

  Jessica’s heart was beating so quickly. Had he said what she thought he said?

  “Jessica, I’m waiting. I don’t like to wait,” he called out to her.

  “Of course, Master.” She closed the double doors and went to stand in front of his desk like a naughty little girl would. Her nipples stiffened merely thinking about getting a spanking from him.


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