Have a Heart 4

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Have a Heart 4 Page 6

by Rachel Burns

  Richard sat down behind his desk and opened his bottom drawer. He removed a paddle. He lifted it up, so she could see it. “Do you know what this is?” he asked her coldly, knowing she needed him to be that way.

  “It’s a paddle, Master.” Jessica could feel a tingle in her fingers. She wanted to reach out and grab onto the paddle. She wanted to rub the sensitive tips of her fingers over the seemingly innocent wood.

  “Have you ever been paddled before?”

  “Yes, Master,” she admitted.

  “Tell me about it.” He laid the paddle down on his desk and looked at her. She was gorgeous.

  “I was paddled at school.”


  “I was listening to music. It was too loud.”

  “That’s rather strict,” he commented.

  “I did it repeatedly despite being warned not to. Scott was clear if I did it again, he would use the paddle on me. I was curious.”

  “Are you curious how I paddle?” he asked her.

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Tell me how you earned the paddling you’re about to receive?”

  “I packed for you, thus pleasing you.”

  “Very good. You’re making progress. You have learned the first lesson I wanted to teach you. The second lesson is the hardest.”

  “What is the second lesson?” Jessica asked, assuming the faster she learned it, the faster she could get punished again.

  “The second one is very difficult to learn. It could take years.”

  Jessica’s face dropped in fear she would have to wait so long before she would get punished again.

  “Don’t worry, Jessica. I won’t leave you on hot coals.” He paused and looked her over. “Unless you ask me to.” He had to smirk at the face she made. She didn’t like the sound of hot coals. “The second lesson is learning that you’re completely normal. You clearly need to be spanked every once in a while. There is nothing wrong with you.”

  Jessica glanced away from him. She found it very hard to believe she was normal, and that every one else was wrong. It was too implausible.

  “Jessica,” Richard called out. “I was clear. There is nothing wrong with you.”

  “But why am I so different?”

  “Different doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you. You simply need to find a man with similar corresponding interests. It’s that simple.”

  “Do you have similar interests?” she asked.

  “Perhaps. Time will tell. For now, I’m interested in you. If you will please remove your clothing, your punishment will begin.”

  This was the moment Jessica had been waiting for since she moved in here. Nevertheless, now that it was here she hesitated. He was her therapist, and he was asking her to get undressed. That wasn’t okay. “I thought you wanted to cure me?”

  “I can’t cure you because you aren’t sick. I’m here to help you make healthy choices. Your body and mind tell you that you need to be soundly spanked. What you used to do to get what you needed was very dangerous and unhealthy.”

  Richard could see she didn’t understand. “Every time you’re given something, it reinforces your behavior. If I give you a punishment, I do so knowing you will increase the type of behavior I want to see from you. You packed my bag with care. The care was the most important thing. That’s a trait I wish to see more often. I’m reinforcing it by giving you a well-deserved paddling.”

  Jessica exhaled. She had been holding her breath. He had said exactly what she longed to hear these past four years. She was normal. Could he be right?

  “Jessica, I’m still waiting for you to undress, completely. You will have no secrets from your master. That is also a lesson you need to learn.”

  “Yes, Master.” Her right hand slowly moved to her left shoulder. She pushed the spaghetti strap of her dress off her shoulder. Her left hand did the same. She pushed her dress down further, so her breasts were bare.

  Jessica couldn’t resist looking at him to see how he was reacting to her body. Again he had his eyes on hers. He wasn’t looking at her body.

  Jessica pushed her dress down even further. She bent forward, so her breasts would sway at his eye level, so she could lift up her foot and remove the dress. She repeated the same movements to remove her underwear.

  “Very good. You may lay your things on the chair in the corner.”

  “Thank you, Master.” She walked over to the chair and bent slightly, making her body look long and emphasizing her buttocks.

  “Stay where you are.” Richard stood, grabbing the paddle. “I want you to stand facing the chair with your hands on the chair’s arms.”

  Jessica got into position. She pressed her legs tightly together in anticipation.

  “Spread your legs, Jessica.”

  “But this is better for me,” she protested.

  “Do you want a spanking or not? You have to learn that the Master decides how punishments are carried out, not you. You aren’t in control of this, and you never will be. The only thing that lays in your hands is earning a punishment, but how that punishment is carried out isn’t up to you. Spread your legs.”

  Jessica lifted up her foot and moved it away from her other leg. She needed the pressure on her clitoris. Maybe he didn’t understand about women’s bodies.

  Richard grew inpatient. He reached between her legs, stroking over her clitoris as he moved her legs the way he wanted them.

  Jessica was feeling very weak in her knees. Moving in with him was either the best idea she had ever had or the worst idea.

  Richard moved behind her. He knew she was swooning from his rough touch. He let the paddle soar down at her; so new pleasure would be added to what she was already feeling.

  Jessica gasped and moaned. This was great, but she needed so much more.

  “Good girl. Let’s see how many you can take with the paddle.” He gave her a hard sharp swat, which made her rock forward. Her bottom immediately returned to position, ready for more.

  Richard grinned to himself. This was exactly what she needed. A woman like her was a rare find. She worried she wasn’t normal.

  Couldn’t she see that she was extraordinary?

  Richard gave her ten more. He stopped when it was clear she was crying.

  “I can take more,” she whispered.

  “I decide when I stop, Jessica. It disappoints me when you don’t call me Master.”

  “I’m sorry, Master.”

  “Prove it by never letting it happen again.”

  “Yes, Master.” She beamed at him eagerly. He had punished her, and he was still interested in her. This was all she wanted in life.

  “If, and this is a big if. If you’re very good at the wedding tomorrow, I’ll spank you afterwards. I’ll be watching you. I don’t know anyone else, so you will have my complete undivided attention.” He took a step closer to her, wanting to touch her.

  “How do you want me to introduce you to my friends, Master?”

  “How do you want to introduce me?” His lips were so close to her face. He wanted to kiss away her tears.

  “I don’t want anyone to know I have to see a therapist.”

  “I see you haven’t learned lesson number two yet. There is nothing wrong with you. You’re here for that reason.”

  “And if it takes me years to learn?”

  “Then you will be here a very long time.” He laid his hand on her hip and moved her, so she was directly in front of him.

  Jessica closed her wet eyes and leaned forward, hoping he would kiss her back.

  Richard took hold of her face and kissed her deeply. “I have a feeling we were made for each other.”

  Jessica sighed, feeling a deep love for the man standing in front of her. Her heart had finally found a home.

  Chapter 11 – Bachelor Party

  Scott was grinning from ear to ear when they parked outside of the arena. “Are we going to a game?” He asked Chandler.

  “You’ll see.” He got out of the car and sm
iled at the guys. “You said you didn’t want to go to a strip club. Naturally, we all understand that. Why would you want to look at other women when you already have the most beautiful one in the world as your bride? However, I wanted your bachelor party to be something to remember anyway. Inside is your party. I hope you like it. Grab your bags guys.”

  Scott was surprised to see all his friends grab gym bags out of their trunks.

  “Don’t worry, Scott. Your mom packed a bag for you. Soon, Brianna will be the one doing things like that for you.”

  Scott took the bag Chandler offered him. He couldn’t help but think Chandler sounded a little envious.

  “Thank you. Why do I need to change?”

  “Life is a game. Let’s play.” Chandler and the others went in.

  Scott’s jaw dropped. “Are they who I think they are?”

  “Yep, meet Alabama’s finest.” Chandler was proud to give Scott such a memorable party.

  Scott couldn’t believe the state’s professional basketball team was standing in front of him.

  “Which one of you is Scott Greene?” one of the professional players asked them.

  Scott raised his hand like a kid in school would.

  “Good then you’re on my team.”

  The men went about picking teams. The teams were made up of half professionals and half of Scott’s friends.

  They played a real game with the professionals and had the time of their lives. There was a photographer taking pictures of the guys. Chandler was glad he had thought of that. It would serve as proof the guys hadn’t been in a strip club. He wanted Cathy to know he was being faithful to her. Besides, Scott and Brianna weren’t the type for wild stuff.

  Chandler had been thinking things through, and he was sure he and Cathy would be the perfect pair. He was a doctor, and she was a nurse. That was something they had in common. It also meant she understood about him working long hours and being on call, so they wouldn’t fight about the phone ringing in the middle of the night.

  The sex had been fantastic. They wouldn’t have any problems in that area either.

  When he wasn’t being a jerk, they got along too.

  Tomorrow, Cathy wouldn’t be able to avoid him. Tomorrow he would be walking her down the aisle.

  That thought made him grin.

  Of course, they would visit often. She could see her parents as often as she liked. It would also be a chance for him to see Scott. Chandler hated the idea of Scott moving away. In fact, Chandler had tried to convince him to stay in Birmingham, telling him his hospital would be the best if Brianna needed anything.

  Brianna had also been whispering in Scott’s ear. She wanted to be closer to her parents. Of course he had listened to her. So he applied for a position in their hometown, and found one. Scott would be making so much more money if he worked in law firm in Birmingham, but he didn’t try to find a job here.

  When Chandler asked, Scott answered him he wouldn’t be one of many, and he had a realistic chance at partner. Everyone knew him, and he figured he was doing the best he could to provide for Brianna.

  Still, his and Cathy’s house would be bigger.

  Chapter 12 – The Big Day

  “My mom told me what the guys were up to last night. They played basketball. I just thought I would tell you in case you were wondering.” Cathy sat down in a soft chair in Brianna’s room and studied Brianna’s face. “Did you even worry?”

  “No, I knew about the basketball thing for a while now. Chandler ran it by me before he pulled strings to get the team to play with them. They don’t usually do things like that, but Chandler has treated a couple of those guys at the hospital, and he made a large donation to the team.” Brianna smiled at Cathy. She knew her best friend couldn’t stand Chandler.

  “I’m so sorry you have to walk down the aisle with him. I think the problem is you two have too much in common. Sometimes people who are very similar simply don’t get along. They need to be friends with their opposite, so they can see how special they are. Thank you for doing this, and for everything else you’ve been doing for me, Cathy.”

  “Oh Brianna.” Cathy threw her arms around Brianna and gave her a hug. “I’ve been glad to help in every way I can. Just think in a few hours you will be my real sister. This is the best thing that could happen to me.”

  Brianna was glad to see Cathy was back to her usual self. Cathy hadn’t been relaxed in so long, ever since they moved back home.

  “I’ll throw the bouquet to you. Watch for it.”

  “Brianna, I don’t know. I don’t even have a boyfriend.” Cathy looked away from Brianna. She still couldn’t confess she had a one-night-stand with Chandler. At least, she couldn’t confess her misdeeds today, maybe in a couple of years. This was Brianna’s special day, and Cathy wouldn’t do anything to ruin it.

  There was a knock at the door. It opened, and her mother came in with the dress. “I ironed it one last time. I think it would be best if you knelt down. Cathy, and I will help you into it.”

  Brianna removed her robe and knelt down in her corset and sexy white underwear. A scarf covered her hair. Her mother had done it for her early this morning. She felt a little naughty to be wearing white although she wasn’t a virgin anymore. No one knew that only her and Scott. It was a special little secret only they shared.

  The dress was placed over her, and as she stood up it fell into place.

  Brianna felt like a transformation had just taken place. She was no longer a caterpillar. She had become a beautiful butterfly.

  Cathy and Eva went to work closing the tiny pearl buttons, which closed the dress in the back. When Brianna was all buttoned up, she went over to her full-length mirror to look at herself. She remembered looking into the same mirror and thinking of herself as an ugly duckling who would never get married. Today she felt beautiful and lovely, like a real southern belle.

  Eva fished her handkerchief out of the sleeve of her blouse. She already regretted getting a dress without pockets. She dabbed at her eyes as she looked at her daughter. Brianna was going to be a married woman in a couple of hours. Her baby was going to leave the nest for good and have a nest of her own.

  Cathy laid her hand on Brianna’s shoulder. “You look fantastic, Brianna. Scott loves you so much already, and when he sees you in this dress, he is going to faint.”

  “I can’t wait to see him in is tuxedo. I’m sure he will look amazing in it.” She smiled at herself, hoping Scott would be pleased with her.

  The doorbell rang downstairs. Eva went to the banister of the upstairs staircase and told Charles to see who it was. The women were on high alert. They feared Scott would stop by and see Brianna before the ceremony.

  “It’s Scott,” Charles called over his shoulder, warning them.

  Eva and Cathy both moved in front of Brianna to protect her and block his line of sight. The young couple didn’t need any bad luck.

  Charles moved the door, so Scott couldn’t look inside.

  “Will you please give this to Brianna. You have to hold it exactly as I am. Give it to her right away. I’ll see you later.” Scott handed the wrapped up gift to Charles and turned away. He got into his car and drove home to get ready. Today was the big day. This evening he would be taking his wife to their new house. Scott was ready to take the next step and make the last major change in his life. He was about to become a husband.

  “He’s gone,” Charles called out.

  The women all sighed with relief.

  Charles went up the stairs with the gift in his hands. “I’m supposed to give this to you right side up.”

  Brianna took the gift and laid it down on her desk. She opened the card.

  “You once told me on the days you ate raspberries, nothing bad has ever happened to you.” She read aloud. She could hardly believe he remembered what she had said all of those years ago.

  Brianna opened the gift. “It’s a bowl full of raspberries.”

  “You aren’t honestly going to eat that
, are you?” Eva’s forehead wrinkled up.

  “My soon-to-be-husband was pretty clear I should.” Brianna shrugged her shoulders.

  “But your dress. It will stain.” Eva feared the dress could get ruined before they left the house.

  “We could hold up a sheet and feed her them one by one,” Cathy suggested. She felt her brother had done something completely romantic. She would never find a guy who would do things like that for her.

  Why had she slept with Chandler? What had possessed her? Sleeping with guys always backfired.

  She should have waited until her wedding day like Brianna was. No man would ever treat her the way Scott treated Brianna.

  Charles was the only man in a room full of women. He felt out of place. There was a knock on the door. It was the groomsmen.

  “It’s time,” Charles called over his shoulder. He was getting a terrible sinking feeling in his heart. He wanted to drop to his knees and beg God to watch over his baby tonight. She looked so happy. She didn’t have a clue about what happened between a man and his wife in the bedroom. Would this be her last day on earth? To lose her because of something so avoidable would break his heart. Scott would never recover from something like that either.

  Charles wanted to call the whole wedding off.

  Eva gave him a kiss on his cheek before she left to go to her spot. She knew how hard this was for him. He had kept her up all night with his worries.

  She was worried too, but she had faith Scott would be careful with Brianna. He truly loved her daughter.

  Chandler grinned to himself. He could see Cathy next to Brianna. They were both excited and smiling. Would Cathy smile like that on their wedding day? Chandler asked himself.

  The women were filing out. Charles held his arm out to Brianna.

  “No more jokes, Daddy. I’m warning you.”

  “You’re still my daughter, Brianna,” he warned her right back.

  Brianna narrowed her eyes at him. “You aren’t planning anything are you?”

  “Of course, he isn’t, Brianna.” Cathy felt a need to go in between them before things got worse. “He loves you too much to do anything to ruin your big day.”


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