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Page 15

by Regan Black

  Paige practically floated on the happy vibes while she waited for the event to start. It made her smile every time she thought of Jayne staying at the main house, having that extra time with Jack and Cora.

  Then the three of them walked in and her heart swelled with joy. This was right. It was their first night as a family of four. Cora and Jayne were stunning in their jewel-toned dresses and boasted smiles of delight as they took in the decorations. Jack’s surprise over being the guest of honor was genuine when he saw the ‘happy retirement’ banners, and no small feat considering the grief and drama of recent days.

  Cocktails and appetizers went by in a blink as they greeted the guests. Her two aunts and their husbands arrived, surprising Jack all over again. Paige’s heart soared. Her aunts fawned all over Jayne, welcoming her to the family and Paige caught the murmurs as several guests assumed her twin was actually a cousin.

  When the doors opened for dinner, butterflies were flying in formation through her belly. Everything was in place as her family took their seats at the head table. The four of them were flanked by Carter, Gloria and her husband, and the aunts with their husbands.

  Guests found their places at the round tables in the banquet room and conversation continued buzzing as the meal was served. The food was exquisite, though Paige was so nervous about her speech that she could barely enjoy more than a taste of each dish. Looking out at the room, it was clear everyone was savoring the She Crab Soup, winter greens salad, and the main course of Melissa’s signature lightly sauced pasta topped with either seasoned shrimp or chicken.

  “You knocked this out of the park,” Carter murmured at her ear. “Well done.”

  She appreciated his unwavering support and as soon as the hard part was done, she planned to tell him just what he meant to her. He’d become so much more in such a short time. She loved him. Not because he’d saved her life or brought Melissa’s killer to justice. Carter’s integrity and kindness were in perfect harmony. He was a man who knew when and how to step up in the face of a crisis. He was the man she loved.

  “Here goes.” She pulled her notes from under her plate and pushed back from the table. As she walked to the podium at the head table, her gaze landed lightly on Carter once more. His encouragement was subtle, likely imperceptible to anyone else in the room. But it was enough to bolster her courage, a gentle reminder that she’d chosen to be part of a miracle here tonight.

  The secrets about her birth could’ve torn her family apart, instead they had a chance to be stronger now. Finding her sister only to cut her father out for his mistakes was senseless. A choice like that would’ve crushed her and likely taken Jayne and Cora down with her. Bitterness would only compound the mess Yost and Yvette had set in motion.

  That wasn’t the legacy she wanted for anyone in the family. She touched her mother’s shoulder as she passed by, pleased to see Cora so happy and content in the moment. The best part was knowing her delight wasn’t a byproduct of any medication. It was pure pride in her husband’s achievement. Whatever had passed between them after Jack first introduced Jayne to Cora, her mother seemed increasingly all right with having a new daughter to dote on.

  Paige had reworked her notes about half an hour ago, shocked and thrilled that she could remove the excuses for her mother’s absence that she’d written in last night as a precaution. She gave the standard remarks, thanking everyone for coming out to help them celebrate, followed by a few of her dad’s personal and professional highlights through thirty years of a great career. With a quick glance to Carter for a boost of confidence, she finished with heartfelt gratitude to Melissa’s team for coming through so beautifully despite their loss.

  On that cue, the curtains over the screen parted and a memory video began. The guests at each of the tables watched the presentation with obvious amusement. The laughter made her happy, but it was the affection in her father’s eyes when he looked her way, the appreciation for what she’d done, that made her feel hope for what their relationship could become.

  She might not have said it aloud, but she’d already forgiven him. The bottom line was she loved him, flaws and all. He was her daddy, and though he had made a dreadful mistake, his brief infidelity had resulted in an extraordinary family. A family that was finally whole.

  On the other side of Cora, Jayne appeared captivated by the video, her smile wide and bright, as if she could soak up all those moments she’d missed.

  Paige had heard the murmurs as the guests arrived. Small little shocks as people noticed the inevitable: Jack and his wife and his daughter were the expected sight at the head table. The second woman, identical to Paige was the surprise. It shot through the room as quick as lightning that Jack and Cora had just discovered their second daughter, Paige’s identical twin.

  She was sure Jayne had no idea what the coming days and weeks would hold. Society could be a bear, but Paige was eager to help Jayne get acclimated. She anticipated lots of late-night laughter and coaching her sister through challenging moments as she embraced a fresh start as part of the Coker family.

  Naturally, those challenges would be mitigated, thanks to maturity and perspective. They weren’t little girls; they were adults. And no one would be foolish enough to truly butt heads with Jack and Cora Coker.

  No more questions or secrets. They were a family of four now—if Jayne so chose—and that was the last word on the subject.

  When the video presentation ended, Paige returned to the podium. She urged everyone to sign the guest book and enjoy the various scrapbooks stationed around the room. She also announced the opening of the silent auction, explaining that all proceeds would go to the local food bank and the children’s holiday gift drive, two charities her parents were most passionate about.

  Then she invited her father to speak to a round of applause that emphasized the positive impact he’d had on the people around him throughout his career.

  No one in this room was perfect, she thought as she returned to her seat beside Carter. There wasn’t a single perfect person in the world, thank goodness. She slipped her hand into Carter’s under the table, the tension in her shoulders easing at last. Her part was done. She’d pulled it off and gotten her answers with Carter’s help.

  Listening to her father’s remarks, she glanced to the other end of the head table and caught Gloria’s eye, giving her a thumb’s up. She’d done an amazing job with the final details while Paige had been consumed with the investigation and search for justice. Gloria might not know all the gory details, but she had a good grip on who Jack Coker was and what he meant to the firm, the community, and his family.

  When Jack finished speaking, ending with a warm thanks to Gloria and Paige for this surprise party, the applause turned into an ovation. A slideshow began on the big screen in the corner. It would cycle through, serving as a backdrop for the rest of the evening.

  Music started and voices lifted as conversations picked up around the room. The energy was lovely and upbeat and exactly what her family needed after the last harrowing days.

  “Can I have a word, sweetheart?” her dad asked.

  “Of course, Dad.”

  Carter quickly vacated his seat and offered it to Jack.

  A prickle of unease rushed over her skin as Carter walked away. But she didn’t need to be afraid of a conversation. Her father wouldn’t make a scene. He was an expert at glossing over mistakes whenever and wherever they occurred. Whether it was her mother’s weak moments, Paige’s blunders during cotillion season, or his own lost daughter, he was a picture of stoic grace.

  “Thank you for this,” he said, his deep voice cracking with emotion.

  The sorrow and sincerity in his gaze arrowed straight to her heart. This man had been her rock from day one. The mistakes of his past paled in comparison to everything he’d done right throughout her life. The positive steps he was taking now with Jayne only proved his inherent good character.

  “You’ve always been a treasure,” he continued. “And now more
than ever, far more than I deserve.”

  She felt tears gathering and blinked rapidly. “Don’t make me cry in public,” she warned. “That’s not allowed.”

  “Never, sweetheart. Your mother trained me better than that.” He grinned, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I need to thank you for following through with all of this. For me and your mom. It couldn’t have been easy. And I sure made it downright difficult.”

  “It wasn’t easy,” she said. It had been the first time in her life she hadn’t felt comfortable going to him for the answers to life’s tough questions. She smiled, catching sight of Jayne. “It was worth it.”

  Jack’s gaze followed hers. “Your mother really hopes Jayne will stay so we can figure out how to be a family.”

  “I want that too,” Paige said. “She could use some pampering and a lot of love,” she added, thinking about Jayne’s early years with Yvette.

  “What about you? Is my little girl still in there somewhere?”

  “Always,” she assured him. “Discovering that you lied all these years hurt,” she admitted softly. “But your reasons were sound and I don’t believe knowing I was adopted earlier would have done any of us any good.” She covered his hands with hers.

  How many times through the years had she reached for him? He’d always been there for her. Always available in a crisis—real or imagined—ready to support or cajole, or simply listen. Not once had he turned her away, too busy for her.

  “Honestly, knowing I was adopted might’ve caused more trouble and grief. If I had gone looking for my mother the way Jayne looked for you...”

  She couldn’t quite finish that thought. Nothing good would’ve come from meeting Yvette and Yost was a vile excuse for a human being. She hoped he rotted slowly behind bars for what he and Yvette did to their family.

  “Let’s agree that things worked out as they should,” she suggested. “You and Mom clearly worked through it and she was much more fragile then than she is now. The choices you made then were about the two of you and none of my business.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “It’s about the four of us moving forward,” he said. “I don’t want to gain one daughter and lose the other.” His gaze drifted to Jayne across the room. “Or worse, lose you both.”

  “Oh, no. Not that.” Paige gave his hands a squeeze. “Our family might be awkward, but if you can’t work out the awkward with family, what’s the point?”

  He chuckled, but there was a sadness and regret in the sound. “Fair enough.”

  “We’ll be okay, Daddy,” she promised. “I’ve always wanted a sister and I think waiting this long only makes it sweeter.”

  The shadows lifted from his eyes and his smile was closer to normal. “You’re a remarkable woman, Paige. Thank you for being my light and my joy from day one.”

  “Good thing I had such remarkable examples of love and devotion in my life from day one,” she replied. “Looks like we’d better get you mingling before Gloria and Mom tell all the best stories without you.”

  Standing, he drew her to her feet and into a warm hug. She let herself feel all those wonderful things she’d felt as a little girl. Safe. Confident. Content.

  As she and her father mingled, she glanced around for Carter and spotted him chatting with Jayne. The days ahead would be different with a sister in the family, but they would all be okay. Better than.

  Watching her sister laughing over some joke with the man Paige loved, she thought maybe the days ahead could be perfect.

  Carter struggled to keep his distance while Paige spoke with her father. The instinctive need to shelter her from any kind of pain would likely be a factor for the rest of his life. But she was safe, Yost was out of their lives, and tonight marked their first step as a united family moving forward.

  He could stand down.

  Instead he took a circuit of the room and eventually caught up with Jayne. She was flanked by Cora and one of Jack’s sisters. Although she seemed to be holding her own, he thought she might like a quick break.

  “Pardon me, ladies. Can I borrow Jayne for a moment?”

  “Of course,” Cora shooed them away.

  “Thanks,” Jayne said as they headed toward the silent auction tables. “They mean well…” Her voice trailed off.

  “How are you holding up?” Carter queried.

  “I’m good.” Her eyes went wide. “Don’t give it away, but I like them. This is so weird and the last thing I expected, but I feel like I belong here. Like I fit.” She shook her head. “That shouldn’t be possible. I grew up in a totally different social galaxy than this crowd.”

  “Did you feel like you fit there?”

  “No.” She elbowed him. “But I had no reason to dream I’d ever be part of a night like this.”

  “It’s not about where you grew up, it’s about what’s in your heart,” he said. “From the outside, it looks like you fit and not just because you’re a twin. I hope you’ll stay and give the family a chance.”

  “You just hope I’ll take over that little cottage so Paige has a better excuse to move in with you.”

  “The thought crossed my mind,” he admitted. “We’re not there yet.” They should probably have a few normal dates before he leaped straight to living together. “She’s excited to get to know you. Maybe it should be a cottage for sisters for a little while.”

  “No, thanks. I don’t think we should go from strangers to roomies. I’m fully capable of finding my own place.”

  That’s right, she’d been thrifty with the money Yost had sent over the years. As a nurse, she could find a job anywhere at any time if she was so inclined. “Of course you’re capable, but what do you want?”

  “Cora wants me close.”

  “I’m sure she does. That’s not an answer.” He blocked her next elbow jab.

  “Oddly enough, I want to stay close. I never intended to do that. I came here to figure out who my dad was and why he didn’t love me enough to do anything more than throw money at me. It’s a gift to realize there are two people who are genuine about wanting to know me. It’s so strange to feel like a kid when I’m an adult.”

  “I’m sure it is. A week ago I would have been worried that you could hurt them, intentionally or not. Now I just hope the four of you figure it out and embrace this second chance to have something really special.”

  His gaze skimmed the room, a fast scan as he kept an eye on Paige.

  “What about you, Mr. Investigator?” Jayne asked. “Are you going to embrace something really special?”

  “Is this your twin-sis way of asking what my intentions are?”

  “Absolutely. Dad might have been a little too preoccupied to ask himself.” A smile lit up her face. “Calling him Dad feels amazing. Especially since he isn’t a total loser like Yost.”

  Carter couldn’t help it, he laughed, bringing on a few curious glances. “You’re refreshing, Jayne. I’m really glad you came to Charleston, whatever the original motivation.”

  “You’re avoiding my question. Will you ask her to move in with you? You’re smitten,” she declared. “It’s all over your face.”

  Again his gaze drifted to Paige. She and her father had been so serious, but that seemed to be over now. While he watched, her father pulled her up into a big hug. Carter let out the breath he was holding.

  He was well past smitten.

  “So when will you tell her you love her?”

  “Boy you caught on to that little sister role quickly enough,” he muttered.

  “And I’m right,” she insisted.

  “Says who?”

  “Oh, come on. You are not going to stand here and tell me you were in it for the job? I was right there when she got that confession out of Yost for Detective Lewis. You were losing your mind.”

  “Shh,” he admonished, glancing around. No one was close enough to overhear. “She did that for you,” he said.

  “And for Melissa,” Jayne added.

  “True,” Carter agreed. Paig
e had gone into that meeting for those reasons and more. She might call him a hero, but her protective tendencies, her desire to see the right thing done, were just as strong as his.

  Life would be amazing if she was willing to stick with him. He couldn’t be sure she was interested in that kind of change right now. She’d just gained a sister and a new perspective on her parents. They needed time.

  It was possible her feelings didn’t match his, although when they kissed, when they talked, the connection went so deep. He was at his most vulnerable with her and had never felt so safe with any other woman. He didn’t want to believe that was one-sided, but they hadn’t known each other long.

  He would wait for her. Find another line of work if that made her feel better. He’d promise her that. Whatever she needed, he’d do it for a chance to explore all of the feelings blooming between them. She could take her time and he would show her in dozens of ways how much she meant to him.

  He caught Jayne staring at him and said the first thing that came to mind. “A woman with her background might not be interested in a future with a professional investigator.”

  “You do know that if you guys made a thing of it, you wouldn’t have to work.”

  “That’s not me. I’m not after her money.”

  Jayne laughed. “No one’s accusing you of gold digging. But having options is always a good thing. You could be the full-time lifeguard at the Coker family pool.”

  “Stop it.” She was surprisingly good at being an annoying little sister. He had to admit she made a good point about options. He just had to find the courage to tell Paige how he felt and what he hoped for their future.

  “There, that’s the determination,” Jayne said pointing to his jaw. “I had to convince myself to stay. And your encouragement on that helped me a great deal. Let me do the same for you now.” She patted him on the shoulder. “Take a chance, Carter. You are too good together. That kind of synergy and affection and, yes, love isn’t something to walk away from.”

  “You’re a good sister,” he said.


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