You'll Never Lose Me (The Never Series Book 4)
Page 12
“I want to feel this sweet, sarcastic mouth of yours around me woman,” he says thickly and I don’t need to be told twice.
I start by licking along his shaft but he pulls at my hair and tries to guide me where he wants me.
“So impatient,” I moan as Noah slips a finger inside me and continues to glide his tongue over my clit.
“Don’t tease me woman,” he growls and I swallow him whole. Taking him further and further each time I bob my head.
It isn’t long before I feel him hitting the back of my throat and I unsheathe my teeth causing him to hiss and tighten his grip further. I move up and down, getting faster and faster as his hand helps to set the pace he craves. I can feel my own walls start to contract and Noah pulls away causing me to groan and Harrison starts to shudder. Before lining his face up with my pussy.
“Touch yourself while he’s tasting you,” he moans and my hand meets my clit, stroking hard and fast as Noah swallows everything I have to give, but they still won’t let me reach my peak.
Harrison suddenly pulls away and slides his hands under my arms pulling me away from Noah’s hot mouth. My mind is frazzled but the teasing is a bloody wicked game to play.
He holds me close as he plunders my mouth with his tongue, palming my arse before I’m spun around and lowered onto Noah. His moans match mine as I sink down onto him and just being filled is enough to drive me close to the edge. Harrison comes behind me, his chest against my back as he palms my breasts and pinches my nipples. I can feel my walls contract as I grind my hips over Noah, making us both gasp and pant.
One of H’s hands glides down my back and I don’t know what to think or do as one of his fingers strokes across my puckered hole.
“Can I?” He asks, his tone strangled and lust ridden. I’m not sure what to make of it, but I know he’ll look after me and only bring me more pleasure. If that is even possible.
“Yes,” I say on a breathy sigh and he puts a finger against my lips and holds it there until I draw it into my mouth.
I bite down and he moans as he pulls it free and places it against my hole, Noah is clutching my hips tight as he starts pumping his hips, hitting my sweet spot every time. It’s as he comes up for another thrust that Harrison slides his finger inside and I’ve never felt fuller in my life. The slight pain soon gives way to undeniable pleasure and I explode, milking Noah for everything he has at the same time.
My body feels like jelly as I collapse over him but I’m soon pulled away until I’m lying on the mattress beside him, with Harrison hovering over me.
“Think you can go again?” He asks, with the challenge as clear as day in his eyes.
I need to say no, I really should but instead I’m wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down to me. He wastes no time in sinking himself balls deep within me and he’s far from gentle and controlled as he lets himself go and we soon find a release all our own. Noah stays at my side as Harrison pulls himself free, sliding an arm beneath my head until I’m sandwiched between them.
“I love you woman,” he says and there’s nothing but pure, unadulterated affection shining from his eyes.
“I love you too H,” I place a kiss on his chest, right above his heart before turning to face Noah.
“I love you Noah bear,” I place a kiss upon his heart too.
“I love you, always will,” he replies simply and I don’t think truer words have ever been spoken between three people. Sure this is unconventional, but it’s perfect for us.
“You’re ours and we’re yours, no matter what happens it will never change. Also, that was hot as fuck and I will gladly do that again,” says H as his fingers interlock with mine and he brushes kisses over my knuckles.
“You can say that, you boys nearly killed me,” I say with a laugh.
“I never thought I could do something like this, but it feels right. Maybe that’s messed up, but I don’t think it would be the same without his ugly mug as well,” Noah says looking at Harrison who flips him off.
The thing is he’s right, I can’t say for sure it would work if there were only two of us. We all bring something to our strange little family, we complement and challenge each other perfectly. We just make sense. Here’s hoping it will stay that way when Elijah is in the fold as well.
UNKNOWN: did you think you were safe?
I forward the message and number to Devon without any hesitation. I want to believe it’s some kind of sick joke, but I can’t risk it. I’m not going to let it ruin today though, I’m determined to go to class and then I’m spending some time with my guys... and Sawyer.
“Henleigh, where have you been all my life,” Scott calls as I walk into class, hopeless flirt but he’s harmless enough.
“Knock it off, you know you won’t get anywhere with that one,” comes from Callum, he’s a knob for sure but compared to Finley he’s an angel.
“If you’re going to be coming in, you may as well enrol,” I say to Sawyer as he drags a chair over to the back wall and makes himself comfortable.
“With a guy like that, I wouldn’t be interested in you either Scott,” Lucy says and I’m going to do my usual and just ignore them.
“I’m not here to learn little lady, you’re the clever one I’m just the muscle,” he says with a smirk before pulling his phone out.
He gives my tutor a quick nod, and she doesn’t even react to him anymore. I know Devon spoke to her but I have no idea what he could have said to be able to swing this one.
She wastes no time in giving us our assignments, covering different aspects of our cameras and the various filters she would like us to try and use in our portfolio for the week. The only issue, she would like us to partner up for the day and take some portrait photos.
I hate partnering up, I barely speak to anyone past pleasantries or flipping them off and now I have to work with someone. Unbelievable.
“I’ll work with Henleigh,” Scott calls out and all I want to do is hit my head against the table, repeatedly. This day is going to be so much fun... not.
“Hey Henleigh,” he says as he comes to stand beside me and there’s two ways in which I can play this, I think I’ll go for the swift option this time.
“That guy sitting by the back wall, he’s a tough old cookie and he won’t like you getting up too close and personal,” I say and I don’t miss the way his eyes wander over to Sawyer who sends a shark-like grin our way.
“So... portraits,” he fumbles over his words as he looks longingly towards his mate, oh yeah he’ll definitely think twice next time we have to partner up.
OKAY, I’ll admit it, Scott is a riot when he isn’t flirting or hanging with Callum.
“I don’t believe you, in fact I will never believe a single word you say again,” I say as I sit down on the grass and he folds himself down next to me. Lanky shit.
“It’s true, I was up in the air being pulled along by a speedboat and my parachute buggered right up. They had to land me in the water, I nearly died. Your lack of faith wounds me Henleigh, this could damage our friendship,” he says with an exaggerated sigh and I can’t help but do a facepalm.
“What friendship, you really need to stop inventing shit,” I say utterly deadpan and he clutches at his chest, instantly reminding me of Elijah. These two would get on like a house on fire.
“Yo muscle man, sort her out will ya. She’s going to give me a complex,” he shouts to Sawyer and I can tell his finding all of this amusing with the way his lips turn up. He's even watching me just a little less intensely than he was when we first set out for our joint assignment.
“If she hasn’t given you one already, then you’re made of tougher stuff than most. Henleigh lives off sarcasm and disbelief, good luck,” that’s all he says but it still makes me crack up, he isn’t wrong.
“He’s not your fella is he?” Scott asks, and the moment is ruined, six words and I’m back to wishing I didn’t have to partner up.
“No he isn’t,
” my voice is monotone and even Sawyer picks up on it as he subtly moves closer in case he’s needed.
His job is to keep me safe from Dante, not horny teens, guess he didn’t get the memo.
“Well in that case I’ll give you this,” he slips me a piece of paper with a friendly smile on his face and all I want to do is slap his hand away.
He’s honestly giving me his number right now, is he for real? I stand up and throw the paper in his face.
“Save it, I’m not interested. This is why I don’t talk to anyone, you had to go and ruin a surprisingly good morning by hitting on me didn’t you? Fuck this, I’m going home,” he jumps up and grabs my wrist and Sawyer has him pinned up against a tree in a Nano second.
My skin is crawling and I want to go home, at the same time I want to slap him across the face and make it clear not to touch someone without their goddamn permission. I don’t care how innocent it was, sometimes the most innocent of actions can be the most hurtful or dangerous.
“Hey, I didn’t mean anything by it. Please call your muscle off and let me explain,” his words don’t mean anything to me, but he doesn’t sound scared if anything he sounds... sorry.
“Let him go Sawyer,” I say with a shaky voice, I didn’t have a full on flashback this time but it’s still left me coiled tighter than a spring in a car’s suspension system. Even my analogies are being affected by my guys.
“As you wish little lady, but I think I’ll stay with you for the time being,” not going to argue with him, not this time anyway.
“Start talking,” I bite out, folding my arms across my chest and staring him down.
“I’m gay,” I did not see that one coming. Jaw meet floor.
“I’m a hopeless flirt and I will flirt with anyone but I only go for guys, I was just inquiring in case he did,” he tilts his head in Sawyer’s direction and his face is creasing up on silent laughter.
“Then what was with the number?”
“I was having fun with you, it was an olive branch of a bloody friendship lady. Nothing more and the offer still stands, I get the feeling you could use a few friends. With the way your man moved when I laid a hand on you, I’d say you’ve had your fair share of enemies already,” he’s perceptive and he’s right. It would be nice to have a few more friends, if only I wasn’t full of suspicion regarding everyone I come across.
“I still need to get a few pictures of you, if you’re willing to still help me that is.” He’s giving me the damn puppy eyes and bloody hell, he can really pull the look off.
I’m going to agree, I did just overreact in a big way and he hasn’t been scared off so what more can I do but nod my head in agreement.
“Come on then my little gobshite, time to get your pose on,” he’s laughing and holding his arm out for me to link with.
Maybe I could do it, link arms with some guy. I won’t know if I don’t try and I’m never going to stop trying.
My heart is racing a mile a minute as I thread my arm through his and I can’t miss the proud smile on Sawyer’s face when I don’t instantly pull away. I guess I’m growing as a person, Halle-fucking-lujah.
TWO WEEKS HAVE ALREADY PASSED and Scott has worked his way into my small circle of friends. The problem is, although I’m intelligent I don’t always think things through and issues tend to arise.
Scott and I are sitting on the sofa watching Stranger Things, we like the same stuff and tend to binge watch it all together. Either in person or sitting on the phone and watching it simultaneously. Oh yes, we have one of those annoying friendships and although it’s formed really quickly, it doesn’t feel weird or awkward.
“He’s going to die,” Scott says and I want to slap him.
“You say that about everyone I like,” I point out and he slaps a wet, sloppy kiss on my cheek.
“Ewwwl,” I screech and push him off the sofa but he doesn’t stay down for long.
“You are so mean to me lady, clearly you only want me for my good looks,” he says with a wag of his eyebrows and I can’t stop laughing until Harrison is suddenly looming over us and even Scott looks shit scared.
“Who the fuck is this?” It comes out as a growl which only intensifies as I roll my eyes at his attitude.
“Harrison this is Scott, Scott this is H. He’s one of my guys,” I say with a dramatic sweep of my arm that only he appreciates. You just can’t get the right audience these days.
“Hey H, nice to meet you. I’m the new best friend,” he says as he holds his hand out and Harrison looks at it as though it’s something ridden in filth.
I am not going to stand for this, he’s being rude and Scott doesn’t deserve it.
“Hey mardy arse, take the attitude down a peg or two before I abandon all hope of salvaging my good mood,” my tone is as sharp as a knife but it’s only making his eyes narrow at me.
“Scott is my friend from class, the one I was taking portrait photos of,” he’s looking at me as though he has no idea what I’m talking about.
“For crying out loud,” I throw my hands up in the air and get off the sofa to get some space between us.
“He’s gay,” is suddenly shouted from down the hallway and I can’t get over how unbelievable this whole situation is.
“Thanks Sawyer,” I shout back towards the kitchen and you can hear a pin drop with how quiet it’s become.
“Sorry, I didn’t know,” H says, shaking Scott’s hand but even Scott can tell what’s about to happen. The way he’s looking at me and slowly moving around, oh yeah, shits about to get real.
“Why should that matter?” my tone is cold enough to freeze a room with the heat from the sun shining down upon it.
“He likes guys, so there’s nothing to be worried about,” he says, as though my question perplexes him and he can’t fathom what could possibly be wrong.
“Scott my man, now is probably the time for you to run for cover,” Sawyer says as he appears in the doorway and it only strengthens H’s confusion.
I walk over to him and jab my finger into his chest, I wonder if he can feel my anger pouring out of me in waves.
“It shouldn’t matter if he’s gay, bi or collects women like you collect your tools or Noah collects movies. He could be the biggest playboy around and it wouldn’t mean anything, not if you trust me,” the heat and anger leaves me replaced with nothing but sadness.
Because he doesn’t trust me, not really. Otherwise it wouldn’t matter how many guy mates I had, he would know that I wasn’t interested.
“I do trust you woman, but it isn’t as though you only like me now is it,” this hurts more than any physical blow. Didn’t we go over this when Elijah came back on the scene, what more can I do?
“That’s a little uncalled for mate,” Sawyer says as he comes further into the room, going into full on protective mode.
“This has nothing to do with you Sawyer, there’s no threat around so keep your arse out of it,” Harrison bites out and it’s only pushing me further and further away.
“You’re full of the low blows today ain’t ya Harrison, well I’m here to keep her safe but nobody said it was all I could do. Now you’re upsetting the poor lass and pissing me off and I won’t be leaving until I know she is okay,” his voice is hard and his eyes are dark. I can see qualities in him that I haven’t noticed before, a hardness that he keeps under wraps. Just another piece of the Sawyer puzzle.
“I’m going to my room,” I say numbly but as Harrison grabs my hand all I see is red and I don’t even realise my hand is swinging until it connects with his face and the noise of it travels across the room.
“I can’t deal with you right now,” I can’t even look at him as I brush past and make my way upstairs.
Scott, bless his heart follows me up to make sure I’m okay, after waiting in the hallway to make sure that I would be okay and we get to making plans for me to leave. I’m not running away or ghosting on them but I need some space, so why shouldn’t I join up with the girls a little earlier
than planned.
ME: I’m going away for a couple of weeks, thought I’d better let you know in case you decide to come down on an impulse.
Big guy: Oh, where you off to, anywhere exciting? You know, just in case the impulse to visit this fascinating place of yours occurs.
Me: Going up to Norwich, the girls have a gig and I may be joining in. I’m not sure yet, I just need an excuse to get away and if that means imposing a week early then so be it.
Big guy: Why don’t you impose on me instead?
I nearly drop my phone as Elijah’s face pops up on the screen, texting is so much easier.
“Hey,” I sound so lame right now. Face meet palm.
“Seriously, come see me. I’ve got some free time coming up anyway and I live off campus so no one will bother us. There is even a spare room for you and a sofa bed for that Sawyer guy. I’d love for you to come and see me, please don’t say no.”
“I don’t know Eli, won’t it be weird?” I ask, my hesitation clearly for all to hear.
“Only if we let it, we’re still us Hen and clearly something has gone down if you’re suddenly eager to get away. Nothing has to happen between us you know, we can just be together. Come on Hen, what do you say?” There’s so much hope in his voice but I can also hear the uncertainty. He thinks I’ll say no and honestly, I am tempted to turn him down.
“She’ll do it.”
“What?” I ask dumbfounded, as I turn to look at Noah. I hadn’t even heard him come in.
“Go and spend some time with Lija and I’ll make sure Harrison sorts his act out before you get back. We both know you want him to join the fold eventually, so what’s stopping you?” He asks and my cheeks are burning from the knowledge that Eli can hear all of this.
“I’m terrified,” I whisper and Noah is wrapping me within his arms in seconds.
“I think we all are, but being scared isn’t always a bad thing. It means you care enough to fear it going wrong, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t risk it for something that could be incredible and amazing. Just like you,” he drops a kiss upon my head before pulling away.