Tempt Me: Tattoos and Temptation Book 5

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Tempt Me: Tattoos and Temptation Book 5 Page 8

by Mia Monroe

  A flair of jealousy lands in my stomach. I want to be in a relationship. I want stolen kisses at lunch time, and a man who wants to make sure I eat exactly what I want that day. I put the final macaron in the box. At least I have half of that with Apollo.

  We all head out, walking down the sidewalk a few blocks until we get to the sandwich shop Luca suggested. Jude and Apollo insist on buying lunch for everyone, and I can tell from the easy acceptance this must happen often. I order a Cuban sandwich to continue my celebration of all things Miami, and we find a nice outside table in the shade.

  The conversation is pleasant, laugh out loud funny at times, and I find myself nearly giddy with joy that these are my new friends. Cairo and Genesis provide most of the entertainment while Luca gazes at them like they are precious gems. Jude is always touching Briar, sharing bites, kissing, whispering. It’s sweet. When I glance at Apollo, he’s watching me with a sweet smile on his lips.

  “I have to believe,” he begins, “when I’m surrounded by all my friends like this, that love is coming for me too.”

  “Yes. It is bittersweet, no? I love seeing men in love and openly sharing affection, but it twists the knife of loneliness a little bit.”

  “It does.” Apollo reaches up and tucks some of my hair behind my ear as the gentle breeze tosses it around. “You won’t have any problem finding someone once you get out there a little more. You have an amazing personality, and well, you’re pretty.”

  I smile, willing the blush creeping up my neck to stay away. “Thank you, Apollo.”

  “You’re welcome, Felix.”

  After lunch, we all return to our respective shops. We still have plenty of baking to do, and before I know it, it’s almost three in the afternoon. Unlike the past few days at home when I felt tired midday, I feel energized.

  Briar pats my back. “You killed it today.”

  “Thank you. It is good to be swinging the saddle again.”

  Briar’s brow pinches. “Uh…”

  “Oh. I said that wrong, didn’t I?”

  “Do you mean back in the saddle?”

  “Euh.” I tap my chin.

  “Oh. Back in the swing of things?”

  I perk up. “Yes. That's the one.” I laugh. “I get so confused. I speak English fluently, but the slang is hard to remember. I have been gone so long too.”

  “We can teach you slang, boo,” Genesis says. “It’s like one of my many strengths.”

  Briar laughs. “Let’s wrap up and get out of here.”

  “Yes, but a question first, please.”

  Both men look at me.

  “I want to take Apollo to dinner on Thursday for helping me adjust. Do you have suggestions of a good place?”

  “What’s your goal?” Gen asks.


  “Yes. You have three options. Romance, Hookup, or Friends Only. What is your goal?”

  Briar shakes his head. “Gen.”

  “It’s a valid question.”

  “Those are the only choices?” I ask. “Euh.”

  “Oh, I get it,” Gen says, raising one eyebrow as his mouth forms a pout. “The elusive fourth option—Let’s See How it Goes.”

  I nod. “Yes. That one.”

  “Then I know the perfect place. I’ll write it down for you. It’s got a nice upscale-but-casual ambiance. It’s intimate without being too romantic, so lots of opportunity for chatting. And the food is divine. Price range?”

  “Oh, it doesn’t matter.”

  “Why? Are you independently wealthy?”

  “None of your business, Gen,” Briar scolds.

  “It’s okay.” I’ve perfected my response to this. It’s not that I like hiding my trust fund, but I’ve learned the hard way that people treat you differently when they know you don’t need the money. “I have some savings I can use, and I am still staying at my parents’, so my overhead is low.”

  “Not that you had to tell us that,” Briar says, glaring at Genesis.

  “He’s right. Sorry. Anyway, it’s mid-range for prices.”

  “It sounds perfect. Thank you, Gen.”

  “No problem, boo. Also, I think you and Apollo would make a great couple.”

  My cheeks immediately heat. Damn them. “Merci, but he is just a friend right now. I do not know if he will be more.”

  “Never hurts to try.” He glances at Briar. “This one here married his best friend. His straight best friend.”

  At that, Briar actually giggles. “I’ll have to tell you that story sometime.”

  “I will look forward to that.”

  When I finally arrive home, I take a quick shower then join Maman in the kitchen to help with dinner. She’s been making all my favorite childhood favorites, and even though it is mostly French food, there is nothing as good as her French cooking.

  “How was work, mon amour?”

  “Good, Maman. Really good. Everyone is so nice. I made macaron, madeleines, and fifty cupcakes. Briar, my new manager, seems to really like my style. He said my buttercream tastes like heavenly clouds.”

  She smiles. “Magnifique, Felix. I am so happy for you.” She rubs my hands. “Did you have a nice time with Apollo?”

  “Yes. Try not to embarrass me tonight with silly childhood memories.”

  She laughs softly. “No promises.”

  As I boil water for tea, I notice her still watching me. “What, Maman?”

  “I like him for you. His whole face lit up when he saw you. It was beautiful.”

  I nod. “I like him too, but I have to take it slow. He has only just realized he is open to dating men. Of course, we have the added obstacle of Lucien.”

  She nods, eating a cookie. “But Lucien would be supportive, no?”

  “Yes.” I smile. “Maman, I have dreamt of Apollo since I was still a boy. I never thought I could have a chance with him.”

  “Why? You have a beautiful heart, a kind soul, and a pretty face. Why would he not want you?”

  I laugh softly. “He was straight. He thought.”

  “I understand. What a glorious revelation for you that he is not.”

  “D’accord, Maman.” I nod in agreement. “I asked him to dinner Thursday. I have a plan.”

  “Will you tell your maman or is it things I would not like to know?”

  I laugh. “Maman.”

  She smiles.

  “It is fine. My plan is to sweep him off his feet. I am going to woo him.”

  Her eyes widen with amusement. “What a romantic plan. How will you woo him?”

  “I don’t have all the details yet, but my goal is to make him feel how special he is to me. I want him to know if he gave me his heart, I would treasure it forever.” I smile. “I am excited.”

  “So, am I. Perhaps I can get a wedding out of one you kids.”

  I laugh. “There’s hope, but let’s not start planning just yet. I am not one hundred percent sure he feels the same about me.”

  “I am. I saw his face.”

  “I do not think I could want for anything else if it were true. I would never wish on a star or blow on the dandelion or throw the coin in the fountain if Apollo were mine. It would be greedy to ask for anything else.”

  “Mon fils, do you love him?”

  “No, Maman. It is too early for that. I hope though, someday, it will be love. For now, we have much to learn about each other.”

  “It is a start, no?”

  I nod. “I am going to start looking for my own place though.”

  She wrinkles her nose. “I know. You are a man now. It has been nice to have you here.”

  “Good news. I live in Miami now. You can see me all the time.”

  “Yes. Your father cannot wait to return home. Tomorrow.”

  “I know. I am so excited to spend more time with him. It feels so good to be back here, Maman. France was an amazing experience. I am so glad I did it. I learned so much and saw so much beauty. I will never forget it.” I smile, gripping her hand. “But I learne
d that home is not always where you are born. Home is where you want it to be. I want it to be here.”

  “Good. Convince Lucien he wants it too. Claudia is a lost cause.”

  We both laugh.

  After chatting with her over a cup of tea and tidying the kitchen, the doorbell rings, and a flurry of nerves wash over me.

  “I will get it.”

  I hurry to the door, smiling as I open it. Apollo smiles, handing me a bottle of wine and some flowers.

  “This is sweet.”

  He steps inside, leaning close to my ear. “Don’t tell your mom, but the flowers are for you. We’ll just say they’re for the table.”

  I know my cheeks are bright red right now, but I don’t care. “Merci, Apollo.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Come with me.”

  I watch Apollo greet my mother as she dishes dinner onto a platter. Apollo carries it to the table, and we sit.

  After filling my plate, I put my head down to focus on my meal, a beautiful potato galette with roasted chicken, instead of the gorgeous man next to me. I sip my wine, trying to avoid Maman’s curious gaze.

  “Apollo,” she begins. “Are you dating anyone?”

  I give her a hard look.

  “No,” Apollo answers. “Thinking about it though.” He glances at me, grinning. “For now, I’m enjoying getting to know Felix again.”

  “Is there anything about him that surprises you now?”

  “Everything. He’s still Felix, but intensified. In a good way.”

  I glance away again. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “What is your work like?” Maman asks.

  “Busy.” He sips his wine. “The place I work is quickly becoming a celebrity favorite. We have more business than we can handle. I was brought in to help run things, but I’m working on upgrading all the systems and filing and stuff. It’s a lot of work, but it makes me happy.”

  “What’s the best thing about working there?” I ask, finally finding my voice again.

  “Besides the people, it’s being able to be myself. “

  “That’s important,” Maman says.

  “Very,” I agree. “I feel like I will be able to experience that at Dulce too.”

  “Totally,” Apollo agrees.

  “I am surprised, Apollo, that you are not tied down yet. You and my son, Lucien, are perennial bachelors, no?”

  “Maman,” I complain, but Apollo pats my thigh. My brain scratches like a needle on a record from his touch, and I almost forget why I was annoyed seconds ago.

  “Not by choice, Mrs. Marchand. I would very much like to be married. I’ve just had trouble finding the one.”

  Her face softens. “I do not understand. My boys, all three of you, are such amazing people. So good of heart, handsome, kind. Maybe, fate has a plan we are not aware of yet, no? She is conspiring to bring you someone who is worth the wait.” Her eyes shift to me in a not so subtle gesture, but thankfully, Apollo is looking at his meal.

  “I believe that,” Apollo says softly, slowly turning to me. “I’ve learned in my years on this planet, life is unexpected. You can try all you want to make things go how you want them to, and sometimes it works out. Other times, you just have to believe that you’re in the right place at the right time, and that your person will be there when the time is right.”

  I swallow hard, nodding. “Yes, love is on her own timeline, no?”

  “I think so.”

  When I shift my eyes back to my mother, she smiles knowingly and sips her wine.

  After dinner, Apollo insists on helping us clean up the dishes, praising my mother’s cooking. She excuses herself, leaving me alone with the object of my desire.

  “That was really nice,” Apollo says.

  “Thank you for coming. She is very pleased now.”

  “It’s always nice to spend time with your parents. I guess I’ll have to subject you to mine at some point. They’re actually in Greece right now, on vacation.”



  We stand across from each, gazing into each other’s eyes, until I break the silence. “Would you like to see something funny?”



  I lead him up to my bedroom, stepping to the side to let him enter. He chuckles, immediately looking around the space. “It’s 2010 again.”

  “They changed nothing. Even my Bruno Mars poster is still on the wall.” I point to the other wall by the closet. “And David Beckham.”

  Apollo laughs, sitting on the edge of my bed, running his hand over the purple material. “It’s kind of cool.”

  I sit next to him. “Yes.”

  “But you don’t fit in this room anymore.” He shifts to face me. “You’re too glamorous, too pretty, too...grown.”

  “Merci. It is a bit awkward. I need a little more room to sleep.”

  “Well, we can find a place soon.”

  “Yes.” I take a moment to just experience this. Apollo Onassis is in my room, sitting on my bed.

  “Did you ever sneak a boy in here?” he asks.

  I laugh. “No. I was not like Lucien. I followed the rules. Besides, I had no boys to sneak.”

  “Bet you would now.”

  My body heats up, and I’m very tempted to throw him down, but instead, I stand. “I have something to show you.”


  I walk to my closet, stepping inside and coming back with the purple beret he gave me when I left for France. His eyes widen then soften.

  “You kept it.”

  “It reminded me of home. Of you. You were always a pleasant memory.”

  “That’s really sweet, Felix. I’m excited to make new memories with you now.”

  “So am I. Does Thursday still work for you?” I ask, changing the subject away from topics that will get me in trouble.

  “Of course.”


  I walk him downstairs, and at the door, Apollo hugs me, holding me tightly.

  “Tonight was awesome. Please thank your mom again for me.”

  “I will.”

  “I’m looking forward to hanging out again.”

  “Me too. Very much.”

  Apollo kisses my cheek, stealing my breath in the process. “Night, Felix.”


  I watch him get into his car, waving before he backs out. Once he’s gone, I shut the door and lean against it. There was chemistry. I know it. I just have to try.

  Let the wooing begin.


  On Thursday, I finish putting on my shoes, then grab a glass of water as I wait for Felix. His text said to dress nice but not too nice, so I chose a pair of black slacks and a baby-blue button-down shirt. I hope he isn’t planning to go somewhere expensive, an ongoing battle I have with his brother. Lucien makes okay money in Los Angeles, but a lot of his work is pro bono or for small nonprofits, so he’s set aside an amount from his trust fund he calls his play money. He blows it on expensive clothes and food but lives modestly and doesn't own a car. Balance, he calls it. I’ve yet to learn how Felix manages his money.

  The doorbell rings, bringing a smile to my face. As I walk to the door, I don’t lie to myself and deny I was overly excited for this all week. I’ve seen him briefly here and there, with visits to the bakery I've never made before. I’m highly aware that everyone probably notices, but I also give zero fucks. I like Felix, and I make no secret of that.

  When I open the door, I swear my jaw hits the floor. Whoa.

  Felix looks worried. “Too much? I can tone it down if it makes you—”

  “No, not too much. You look…” Fuck. What word can I use? “Amazing. Wow.”

  “You’re sure?” he asks, smoothing his hands over his shirt.

  “Yes, sorry for my reaction. I just wasn’t expecting it. I mean it though. Stunning.”

  He bows his head slightly. “Merci.”

hair, normally wavy, is bone-straight, falling well past his shoulders. He’s wearing heavy eye makeup, but with an unshaven face. His clothes are…wow. Form-fitting black pants that stop just above his ankles, with a white blouse that has a delicate ruffle on the sleeves. On his feet, an ankle boot with a wedge heel. He’s found the line between feminine and masculine, and seriously fucked with it. As for the effect it’s having on me…I want to rip his clothes off.

  If he were anyone but Felix, I think I’d try to find the nerve to act on this swirling storm of chaos in me. But right now, it’s as if I’m frozen.

  “Apollo? You’re staring at me. Are you sure you’re comfortable?”

  “Yes. Sorry. I’m in awe of you.”

  His face softens as a surprised laugh leaves his lips. “Awe?”

  “Yeah. You’re gorgeous, Felix.”

  “Merci, Apollo. You should stop looking at me like that. I might get the wrong impression.”

  “As long as you think the way I’m looking at you is good, then your impression is right.”

  His smile grows. “Come along, you. We have a reservation.”

  “Lead the way.”

  “I plan to do just that.”

  I cock my head at him, noticing the way his voice dipped when he said that last part. Is he flirting with me? If he were, what would I do about that?

  In the car, we laugh and talk and listen to music. More than once, I flinch from his erratic driving as he readjusts to life in America, but it’s not horrible.

  We arrive at the restaurant, a place I haven’t heard of before.

  Felix pats my thigh. “Please wait a moment.”


  He steps out of the car and walks around to my side. When he opens my door, I give him a confused look, but he extends his hand for me. Smiling, I take it, wondering what he’s up to.

  “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure, Apollo.”

  He offers his hand, so I take it. This is nice, but I have no idea what is happening. Inside, the hostess finds Felix’s reservations and leads us to a table. It’s very nice, a booth for two against the wall. There are high walls between each table in this area, which makes it feel like we are in our own room.

  Felix sits and scoots so that he’s closer to me. After ordering wine, we look at the menu. I’m happy to see the prices are reasonable.


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