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Stolen By The Warrior

Page 20

by C. J. Brookes

  Mallory sighed. Why all of this happening at once? Her, Emily, Joselyn, Mickey—Jade and Becca. All it would take now would be Cass. The youngest of them all. The most vulnerable.

  Cass was nowhere near equipped to deal with a paranormal world. Mallory barely was. She made her youngest cousin a promise—she was going to protect Cass from all of this. No matter what. Because it didn’t make sense to her that six of them would be fated for a paranormal world and Cass not. Not if she bought into the idea that a goddess was responsible for all of this in the first place. “You love him. Need him. Feel like you can’t breathe without him, and knowing he’s out there and can be hurt terrifies you beyond anything you’ve ever imagined.”


  “I understand.” It didn’t make sense, it wasn’t what her brain told her should have happened, but it was the same way she felt about her own mate. “I do.”

  Something slammed into the side of the van, sending it careening off the side of the easement.

  Becca growled.

  Mallory hissed.

  Tajic howled in pain. Mallory’s hand went to the door handle, knowing getting out was probably the stupidest thing she could do. She had to help if she could. Aodhan’s family was out there. Aodhan was out there somewhere.

  “Becca, stay in the van!”

  “Not a chance!”

  “Becca!” Mallory grabbed for her sister as the shadow she knew to be Naeron went into full-on attack mode against other more canine shadows. Lupoiux. “Stay inside!”

  They were not touching her baby sister again.

  “I can take care of myself, Mal. You just stay inside the van.”

  Hell, no.

  Her sister hopped out of the vehicle and disappeared into the night.

  Mallory cursed, then flipped the headlights of the van on. Hopefully, the light would give Naeron and Becca a fighting chance and would alert Aodhan that she needed him.

  Howls split the night, and Mallory did what she had to do.

  Her baby sister was out there. And she would always protect Mickey and Becca. Always.


  Aodhan stopped walking and listened. Something wasn’t right.

  Mallory needed him. Now. A wolf’s howl split the night. Not Lupioux.

  Aodhan recognized Tajic’s howl. Tajic would not have traveled far from Mallory’s side, not with Aodhan out in the dark woods and unable to protect her. No, Tajic would have taken it upon himself to protect his mistress. “Mallory’s in trouble!”

  Matt and Rand were directly behind him.

  Aodhan whispered a prayer to the goddess that they would get to his female and her sister in time. He should have kept her and her sister at his side and sent help back for Matthuin once he’d gotten the two females back to Dardanos. He shouldn’t have risked them to help his cousin.

  He could see the wolves surrounding Naeron, could see his female’s red hair highlighted in the headlamps. She fought hard; a roundhouse kick to an approaching wolf’s throat sent it tumbling down the embankment. She turned toward another. She battled it back toward Naeron, who dispatched the bastard with the longsword he carried.

  Pride hit him at the cool and skillful way his female defended herself. She was biding her time, protecting.

  He let loose a loud hiss, one designed to warn of his presence. He wanted the wolves to shake from terror.

  This was a battle he would relish fighting.

  Cormac’s laugh was cold and half wild on the still air. “Save me a wolf or two, Aodhan. I need a new rug for my female’s office!”

  “Then you’d better pick your pelts now. When I’m finished, there won’t be any of them left.” Aodhan threw the words over his shoulder, his knife already drawn. “They’ve gone after my female. It’s the last choice the bastards will ever make.”

  Her twin was on his heels. “You might just make a decent brother-in-law, after all.”


  Mallory heard Aodhan’s call, and relief filled her, but she didn’t pause to look for him. Not with the eight or so wolves still surrounding her. She didn’t dare. “The red wolf is my sister, and she’s hurt!”

  “Understood, kitten.” His knife sliced through the wolf that was nipping at Mallory, trying to force her back toward the others. “We’re here to help her!”

  Then others were there, men she recognized—Cormac, Rand—and one she didn’t. Matthuin? She kicked another wolf away from him as he dropped to the ground beside Becca. He lifted her sister in his arms so tenderly Mallory hurt for him.

  “She’s breathing, but she needs a healer. She has a reckless streak that terrifies me.”

  “Aodhan!” Mallory tried to keep the wolves away when they snapped at Matthuin and her sister. Aodhan ripped one away from her, killing it instantly with his knife. It dropped to the ground as a man. “Hurry! My sister!”

  Within three minutes, eight wolves lay dead around them. Mallory didn’t care. All that mattered was getting Becca into one of the vehicles and back to the resort where she could be helped.

  The vampire or wolf or whatever he was carried Becca to the nearest SUV and climbed into the back with her. Mallory jumped into the passenger seat as Cormac climbed behind the wheel. Aodhan lifted Tajic into the back bay. “Go. Rajni, I’ll be praying to the goddess for your sister! I’ll be right behind you once we get those females and children to safety.”

  He slammed the vehicle door closed, and Cormac hit the gas. Aodhan disappeared back into the night.


  Aodhan studied the dead wolves around him. Phelan had taken pelts from each of them. Phelan knelt beside Naeron, doing a quick field first aid on the slashes in Naeron’s arms. He’d been bitten. The wolves hadn’t cared if they bit Naeron, because they’d fully intended to kill him.

  He’d live. But the future was uncertain for his cousin.

  The chances of Naeron finding his Rajni now were exceedingly slim.

  If he turned into a Lupoiux, he did not have a Rajni. The goddess most likely would never have whispered a name for Naeron to begin with.

  He’d have a mate, though. And she would be out there somewhere. No doubt the idea of being Lupoiux would rock him for a while. But Naeron was strong; he’d adjust. Be fiercer because of it.

  “How badly are you hurt?”

  “Not bad. Your Equa is one exceptional female, Aodhan. I’d hate to get on her bad side. Had she and her sister not aided, it would have been a closer fight. Not impossible, but much more difficult. They wanted the two females. Badly.”

  “Because of the bounties. Half a million for two of my sisters.” Rand’s growl was understandable. “And three more of the bastards are out there somewhere.”

  “We need to get back to Lanze and the Lupoiux women and pups. Only three Redd Gothan wolves are left. We can handle them as they come, but Lanze is surrounded by females and children—young children, at that.” Aodhan turned toward Naeron as Rand helped him to his feet. “Are you able?”

  “I’m battered a bit, but the day I can’t fight three puny wolflings is the day you need to kill me. No offense, Wolf Taniss.”

  “None taken,” Mallory’s brother said.

  Aodhan had expected as much from the seasoned warrior that was his third-in-command. “Let’s get these females and children back to Dardanos. I need to be at my female’s side.”

  Lanze had the females and pups silent, hidden in a gully five hundred feet from where Aodhan had left them. Twelve women and ten children and three infants were huddled together, with Lanze standing guard like the seasoned sentry he was. Aodhan gave the signal he’d long ago developed with his warriors. Lanze’s posture softened slightly.

  Aodhan stepped closer. “No signs of the three remaining Lupoiux?”

  Lanze laughed coldly. “Just one. His pelt will hang on my wall.”

  “Phelan exhibits the same enthusiasm. He’s collected pelts from all our kills this night.” Aodhan studied the two dozen refugees. “We shall have safe passage from here. We
’ll get everyone to Dardanos, where warm food and even warmer clothing awaits. Only two of these curs remain living.”

  The wolf spokeswoman stood. “You’ve killed them all?”

  “All but two. We will hunt them down in the morning. Come.”

  A palpable sense of relief settled over the females, and Aodhan took the first steps toward the van. The females didn’t rejoice, but the fear that had enshrined them had dissipated. They had hope again.


  Barlaam and Thadd leaned over Becca, murmuring quietly between them. Mickey’s hand wrapped around Mallory’s, holding her in place as they waited for the diagnosis.

  Barlaam stood and looked at them. He gave a tired smile. “She’s going to be fine. She’s a fully turned Lupoiux female. An extremely strong alpha at that. I have never seen one so young be able to shift. She should be back on her feet in a few days. The twin pups do beautifully. One male, one female—quite strong, like their parents.”

  Matthuin fell to his knees beside the bed. “Thank the goddess. Thank the goddess.”

  Mallory wiped the tears from her cheeks as Mickey hugged her. “She’s going to be ok, Mickey.”

  “It’s incredibly rare for a Lupoiux female to be able to change. That she can, especially at such a young age, speaks well for her recovery,” Thadd added. “It’s very curious.”

  “Her uncle and brother are both strong alphas. And her mate is an alpha as well as a Dardaptoan Equan,” Barlaam said. “She is both alpha and Equa. That is a powerful combination. She will grow stronger with the years.”

  “She’s been changing on command for three days. She just did it, without me showing her how but once. The wolf runs strong in her. A perfect red. So rare. She is breathtaking.” Matthuin cradled Becca close, his touch so reverent he won Mallory’s loyalty just by the way he was looking at her baby sister.

  One thing she had to say about Dardaptoans, they loved their women. The males practically worshiped the females.

  All at once she was flooded with the need to see Aodhan. To reassure herself he was fine.

  Almost as if someone knew what she was thinking, a knock sounded on the door, and Cormac and Joselyn walked in.

  Cormac nodded to Mallory after inquiring about Becca. “Your Rajni has returned. We’re on our way to the lobby to help Milendo sort out any of the Lupoiux who need medical care. Thought you might want to join Aodhan?”

  Mallory didn’t have to be asked twice.


  Aodhan was surrounded by frightened women and children, and Mallory paused just inside the lobby to study him. He was definitely a leader among his people. Strong, but with a reassuring presence. Beautiful.

  He held a small child in his arms, the pose natural on him. He saw her, and his face relaxed. He handed the baby to the woman next to him and walked through the crowd that parted. Mallory met him.

  He had blood on him, again. She was beginning to suspect it was a common occurrence with him. “You’re filthy.”

  “Yes. But the mess isn’t mine. I need a shower.” His hand tangled in her hair, and he nuzzled her cheek lightly. “How is your sister?”

  “Becca will be fine. She’s resting now. Nothing like what happened to Joselyn. They bit her a week ago to turn her, I think. And she hit her head when we were attacked tonight. She has a few bites and scratches as well. But she’ll be fine in a few days, Barlaam said.” Mallory looked around the group of women and children. “How many did you find out there?”

  “Twenty-five captives. A few of the females are close to delivering their pups. What about the other female? How is she? Who is she?”

  “Jade is sitting with her. We’re not entirely sure who she is. She’s been ill; no one can figure out exactly what it is she suffers from yet. And she has been bitten. She’s unconscious now, but Barlaam thinks she’ll wake soon. Jade swears her name is Jordan, and she’s met her before.” Mallory ran her hands up and down his chest, testing for injuries. The dork liked to fight, to battle. She might as well get used to it. “You’re not hurt anywhere?”

  “Not at all. This was but a brief skirmish. I had more of a battle with your brother than these thirty or so wolves. Pitiful on their part. You are in one piece? They did not scratch or bite you? Harm even a single hair on your head?”

  “Not a scratch on me. I told you I can take care of myself when needed.”

  “I know. You were beautiful tonight. But that does not mean that I want my female needing to defend herself.” His hands slipped around her waist and he lifted her up. Mallory knew what he wanted, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He kissed her, hard. “Come, let’s go to our suite. Amaia and the rest can get our guests handled. You and I, we have a need of each other. After I clean up first.”

  Mallory knew what he meant, and she smiled. “Do we? It’s only been a few hours since my bedroom.”

  “You know we do, female. Do not tease me so.”


  Aodhan lay watching her for several long moments after he woke. His female was more than perfect—she was beautiful, strong, and a fighter. Everything he had dreamed of and more. The goddess had definitely known what she was doing when she gave him his Mallory.

  He brushed her mouth with his, then smiled when she hummed and rolled toward him. Sleepy green eyes opened. “Hi. Going somewhere?”

  “Hmm. Yes. I have to speak with Rydere about what I learned last night.”

  “And what did you learn last night that can be shared?” Her hands brushed his chest, and she nipped his neck lightly.

  A confused look went through her eyes. He smiled, recognizing the need. His female needed to drink from him, and Aodhan loved giving her what she wanted.

  “Quit that.” He covered one hand with his. “You’re distracting me.”

  “That is my intention.” She pushed the blanket back and sat up, revealing her body to his eyes. His body tightened, as it always would with this female. “As I’m sure this pertains to my family somehow, I’m coming with you.”

  Aodhan had suspected as much. It was why he had wanted to slip away while she slept. It would take some getting used to, her not appreciating him protecting her from the harsher side of their life.

  “There is a bounty on your head. On every relative you have. Someone offered a quarter of a million for each female in your family. One hundred thousand for the males. All of them.”

  “Even the kids? Jase and Davin and Ethan are just teenagers.” Her playful flirtation was gone, and she grabbed her clothing quickly. No doubt, she had thoughts of finding those threats and ending them herself. Mallory had a protector’s soul, just as he did. “Why? When?”

  “That’s what I am going to discuss with Rydere. And your brother and cousins. We need to trace this threat quickly. See whether it originates with Dardaptoans or with some other Kind. Until it’s settled, no one in your family is completely safe. Your brother was having his wolves bring the rest of your family here today. Our numbers are great enough to ensure proper protection. For all except your grandfather. He will be jailed as soon as he is brought here.”

  “What about the rest of the people on the properties we own? We have staff that we care about. Claudette and Abel and—”

  “Your cousin and uncle are making accommodations for them. You also need to face the possibility that the threat may be internal.”

  She dressed twice as quickly as he did, then darted into the bathroom to brush her teeth and hair. She peeked out the door at him as she spoke. “Our people have been with us for years. Do you think that if there was someone with that kind of hatred for us, Rand, Uncle Jason, or even Rathan would not have detected it? Jade certainly would have. She’s got some sort of people radar.” She paused for a long moment, then looked at him. “You know, I’m not certain Jade is completely human. Was, I guess. She’s always been a bit strange. Her, Becca, and Cass. The three of them are really odd sometimes.”

  “The demon would have sensed something. Even the wolves, maybe.” Aod
han pulled his vestis over his head as he answered. It made sense that the human girls were not fully human. But that was the last thing on his mind now. “But someone somewhere has been organizing this attack against your family. Is it coincidence that a pack of Lupoiux were near your family’s properties at the same time that the Dardaptoan Equa of Houses were threatened? Or are the two somehow related?”

  “There’s a traitor among your Kind, and someone wants my entire family dead. At the exact same time that you and your buddies abducted us. That adds up for me.”

  “The two are related, yes. I just don’t know how. We just need to figure out how.”

  “We need to see who would have the greatest reason to want my family—especially my female family members—dead. Who would gain the most? Because I doubt it’s about ascending to some Dardaptoan throne. It sounds more like revenge to me. From one of your people. Or greed; we are worth a lot of money. Two hundred and fifty thousand apiece is chump change. I have ten times that just in one high-yield savings account I started when I was sixteen. I have several others.”

  “Someone who wants revenge against the Taniss family, who would attack the females and children, too. It must be a pretty sophisticated grudge.” And she’d been targeted by Dardaptoans once before. There were others out there besides him who could have focused on her. He needed to speak with his brother-in-law. Rand, not Theo or Matt. He would have to dig into the Dardaptoan who had attacked Mallory before.

  It could very well be a revenge plot coming back to the surface.

  “Someone who feels we wronged them completely. Who would that be?”

  Aodhan ran it through his mind. “One thousand, eight hundred, eighty-seven people were killed by your grandfather’s hands or by his people. That’s just who we know of. Each of those victims had a family, who may hold a pretty significant grudge. Family is everything to us.”


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