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The Setup

Page 6

by Van Dyken, Rachel

  “Hmm.” He moved again, this time to lock his door.

  “Ah, locking me in so I can’t tell your secrets?” I shivered at the dark look he gave me before he joined me back on the couch.

  “Pretty sure NASA knows my secrets after that visit from Aunt Nadine.”


  “Encouraging, thanks. Could you at least have attempted to lie or say something like Finn it’s fine, no big deal, only the entire floor heard, not the world!”

  I winced. “Right, but I don’t like lying to people’s faces.”

  He covered his face with his hands and then slid them down in what seemed to be frustration. “Look, for the last four years, we’ve banked on the idea that every heart can be fixed for a price, men and women alike would come to us. They paid to feel better about themselves, to gain confidence, and not one of us ever had sex with any clients—obviously—and the one time a relationship occurred with two of them there was already a previous relationship, and they quit the minute feelings developed, and what the hell is with this Lucky Charms rumor?”

  I grinned. “I still don’t believe you, especially because of the Lucky Charms rumor. I mean, it’s legendary!”

  “It’s cereal!”

  I pointed my pen at him. “Exactly.”

  “There’s nothing sexy about eating a cereal that uses a leprechaun as its main selling point,” he argued.

  “I highly doubt girls are thinking about the man in green when they could be watching you take a bite.” I shouldn’t have said it, but it was already out there, and I couldn’t take it back, so I stared at him a bit freaked out over what I’d just admitted.

  He leaned in with a sexy grin. “Are you saying you’d pay to watch me eat cereal?”

  “N-no, I’m saying that it doesn’t surprise me that girls would talk about it being sexy.”

  “So, me eating cereal is sexy?”

  “We should get back to work.” I changed the subject and reached for the binder only for him to pull it away. “Finn, come on, seriously, we only have a few more hours.”

  “All I need is three minutes.”

  My heart hammered against my chest. “For what?”

  “To prove my point.”

  “That cereal’s not sexy?”

  “That I can make you feel good without even touching you, that I can make it all better, and that I have more weapons in my arsenal than any manwhore out there.”

  Oh, this was bad, good, but bad. “Listen, Finn, I’m not judging your sexual prowess or… lack thereof.”

  “You know, some might argue that the best kind of sex is the kind that happens in your mind, the kind that you dream about but know you’ll never have. The brain is very powerful.” His voice was so damn smooth.

  “I guess that’s true.” I gulped.

  “Three minutes.” He pressed again.

  “Three minutes.” I narrowed my eyes. “And you won’t touch me?”

  “Not unless you say please.” His wicked smirk had me ready to either stab him or just jump into his lap and say something stupid like take me against the stapler, please and thank you.

  “Fine, but this doesn’t mean anything,” I felt the need to add even though my heart screamed it meant everything, and I was a crap liar.

  “Agreed.” He said the words, but they held no conviction as he leaned closer and then whispered, “Close your eyes.”

  I sighed like I was annoyed and did as he said. And then something moved over my skin. “You said you weren’t going to touch me.”

  “I’m not.”


  “Shhh…” Finn’s voice was hypnotic as he leaned in close. “Your lips look swollen, you know. I would suck the bottom one for at least ten seconds before moving to the top, I would lick the seam, and taste you for hours and then I’d do it over and over again while you moaned in my arms, I’d appreciate you the way no man ever has before. I’d dip my hands into your hair.”

  Something happened outside my body like sensual energy was getting shoved into me without me even knowing how. It came in waves then, hot waves. What in the world?

  “And I’d pull you across my lap just so I could feel every single one of those curves under the palm of my hand, and I’d take my time because a real man does exactly that. Sex? Who needs sex when I can kiss every secret spot of your luscious body?”

  I started to pant as the heat around me grew to epic proportions.

  “I’d tease you until you came apart all over my mouth, my hands, I’d lick up every inch, and then I’d do it all over again. Mouth.”

  A wave of pleasure hit me. “Fingers.”

  Another wave hit while I gripped the edge of the leather couch. “Tongue.”

  I shuddered out an exhale as the smell of something spicy hit the air. I clenched my thighs together.

  “I’d worship you the way you deserve, like the strong, confident, sexy woman you are,” he finished on a whisper, and then I felt him right in front of me.

  Inches, he was inches from my face.

  Tension strained between us.

  “That was only two minutes,” he murmured. “I’m not one to test my theory. I already know it’s foolproof because I bet if I slid my hand exactly where you want it right now, you’d be ready for me, you’d be so ready you’d be panting against me, and I know how much you probably hate to be wrong, so I’ll just assume by that blissed-out look on your face that you get exactly what I did for four years while staying a virgin.”

  “How? How did you stay a virgin? How did you do that?”

  “Four years of practice.” He sighed. “Open your eyes.”

  I did just that. His face was so close I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck. “Four years of practice?”

  “Most guys don’t practice foreplay. They want the main event. I spent four years perfecting it.”

  Sweet. Lord.

  “Can I tell you a secret?”

  “Yes.” I was breathing so heavy it was embarrassing.

  “In all my years it’s been easy to separate it, to think of people as clients. This is the first time I’ve ever been tempted to touch.”

  I gulped. “So why didn’t you?”

  He tilted his head. “Because I promised I wouldn’t.”

  I wanted to argue that, to say, go back on your promise, and by the amused look in his eyes, he knew it too.

  And when he got up to unlock the door, I saw obvious arousal, and it had my eyes widening and my jaw hanging. But he acted like it was natural, no big deal. Still, I couldn’t get the picture out of my head.

  And for the next three hours, I fought between tackling him and staying professional.

  It was finally time to end the day. We’d made as much progress as we could, and we both decided we’d plug in our dates for the coming Friday before we left.

  I typed in using the keywords.

  He did the same.

  “All right.” Finn yawned. “Go home, I know it’s been a rough day.”

  “Some might say hard,” I teased.

  “Very funny.” He looked down. “Not my fault.”

  “So, it’s mine.”

  “One hundred percent. I’ve been trapped in a small room with you for hours after performing Reiki on you. I can’t help it.”

  “Is that what that was?”

  “My secret.” He winked and then looked uncomfortable, like he was about to ask something but afraid to.

  I slowly grabbed my things.

  Still nothing from Finn. “So, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  “Yeah.” He frowned. “Tomorrow.”

  “Okay, goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, J-dog.”

  “Jillian,” I muttered with a smile then floated back to my desk to grab my purse and everything else I needed.

  “So,” Slater said suddenly appearing next to me, scaring the crap out of me. “I have an idea.”

  “And I have a date with a bottle of wine,” I replied.

was suddenly flanking my other side. “It’s a good idea.”

  “The wine?” I wondered.

  “Slater’s idea.”

  “Guys, it’s been a long day—”

  “A day of honesty.” Slater nodded with a grin. “Which is why we need you. Finn needs you!”

  “Finn needs me like he needs another ab muscle.” Even as I said it, I was sad. I wasn’t his type, no matter how good he was at his job. I was more than deflated when he plugged in another supermodel type for his ideal woman.

  Did he want nothing but Brookes for the rest of his life?


  It was depressing.

  “Please,” Leo said. “Just help him get out of his shell.”

  “Shell? Finn? Are you guys blind? The world’s lucky he hasn’t unleashed himself on the female population in full force! Can you imagine?”

  “No,” Slater said seriously. “Because then, I would prefer men, but I’m sure you can imagine, and you’re imagining all sorts of things…”

  “Office romances are against company rules,” I reminded myself more than telling them.

  “Just think about it.” Slater shrugged.

  “I’m not seducing him!” I all but shrieked.

  Leo burst out laughing. “Um, Slater meant for you to take him to dinner and help him get back out there, but I like where your head’s at!”

  “Same!” Slater gave him a high five. “Our girl’s got balls, or ovaries? Do we say ovaries these days?”

  “More PC.” Leo nodded. “Doesn’t sound as cool as balls, but whatever.”

  “Ovaries out!” Slater shouted. “Get your man!”

  “Guys, I’m not—”

  “Good talk!” Leo patted me on the back, and then they were gone.

  I sighed and shook my head, then nearly died on the spot when I saw that Finn had heard the entire thing.

  “You need new friends,” I grumbled.

  “Or I need to upgrade them both to best friend status, depends on who you ask.” He winked, and then he was back in his office, leaving me to decipher what he meant by that.

  And like a total girl, I spent the next hour mulling over what he’d said and checking my phone to see if he was going to text.

  Which he wasn’t.

  But he could.

  You know, just to… talk.

  Like friends do.

  Friends who are dating other people and work together.

  Friends who see erections.

  And talk about sex.

  Good friends.

  Solid friends.

  Hah, I was so screwed.

  Chapter Eleven


  It was the day from hell, and I still didn’t know what to do about my ever-growing attraction to Jillian.

  I mean, she counted her carrots for shit’s sakes!

  She didn’t just fall at my feet like most women either.

  She was different.

  And beautiful.

  And son of a bitch.

  I’d been home for maybe two hours before I became so restless, I wanted to rip my pillow with my teeth.

  I grabbed my phone and texted the guys. Nobody answered. Seriously? Abandoned?

  I shot out another text against my better judgment.

  Me: What are you doing?

  Jillian: Oh, you know, living the life on my couch. Should I buy a cat with or without fur?

  Me: That’s girl speak for having a low moment in life, please don’t make a pet decision while sitting in your sweats and watching reruns of Vampire Diaries.

  Jillian: Stop being creepy.

  Me: I wasn’t wrong, was I?

  Jillian: Did you have a reason for texting or are you texting because you sensed I was getting ready to buy a cat and wanted to tell me all the reasons it would ruin any chances of getting a boyfriend?

  Me: I was… thinking.

  Jillian: Should I be worried?

  Me: You didn’t let me finish.

  Jillian: Sorry, go ahead, think away, just don’t be too hard on those brain cells, they’re rarely used.

  Me: HA HA—hilarious. And I was thinking that I missed your body wash, so I was wondering if I could come over.

  Jillian: Does that actually work on people?

  Me: Hey, I like coconut, don’t judge me. Besides, I don’t know where to get it, and if you’re in your sweats watching reruns, you’re lonely, and I bet you haven’t eaten. We can go over our plan for Friday, and I can bring Chinese.

  Jillian: What kind of Chinese?

  Me: Is this a test? If I get it wrong, do I still get to come?

  Jillian: Yes, but I’ll lose respect for you.

  Me: No pressure.

  Jillian: I’m waiting.

  Me: Orange chicken. It’s my go-to, and if you say no, then you haven’t lived.

  Jillian: Good guess, you may bring that, lots of that. And chow mein.

  Me: On it. See you in forty?

  Jillian: Perfect.

  By the time I grabbed the Chinese, I was sweating bullets. I hadn’t had a plan other than seeing what she was doing, and yes, I was lonely. Whatever! I can admit it, but I did miss her even though I’d spent the whole day with her.

  That stupid feeling in my chest spread out through my limbs.

  Holy shit! I was having a heart attack, wasn’t I?

  I inhaled, exhaled, tried to deep breathe as I pulled up to her little townhouse, and then nearly blacked out. What was wrong with me?

  I quickly called Knox. Slater and Leo were dead to me after all of their suggestions to Jillian. If they’d had it their way, I’d be tied up in my room with Viagra pumped into my system through an IV, and then they’d drop off Jillian and say something like don’t come back until you have his flower.

  And I would kill them dead.

  “Yo,” Knox said into the phone. “Something wrong?”

  “Why would something be wrong?” I asked innocently.

  “Because I’m the friend you call when you need actual advice, considering Leo and Slater like to sabotage.”

  “Valid point,” I muttered. “All right so, I may have gotten takeout, and I may be sitting outside Jillian’s townhouse, and I may have this feeling deep down.”

  He was quiet and then, “Deep down? Like in your dick?”


  He burst out laughing. “I’m sorry.” More laughing. “Where is this feeling? Are you sick?”

  “Maybe.” I winced. “No, it won’t go away, and it’s in my stomach but also in my chest, and now I feel like I’m going to have a panic attack.”

  “You like her.”

  “Everyone likes her.”

  “No, I mean, you like her like her.”

  “Are we in middle school? Seriously man? What are you getting at?” I clenched the phone tighter. “Maybe I just have acid reflux!”

  “Sure, or really bad gas,” he agreed, making me curse at him. “Finn, it’s okay to like a girl.”

  I was suddenly back in that hotel room with my prom date. I’d spent four years pleasing other women, thinking I was a damn pro, all things considered, but I’d never liked them, not like this. I’d been attracted at some points, sure, but I’d never felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest. I’d never felt insecure the way I did in that moment.

  “You still there?” Knox asked.

  “Yeah, sorry, I just… have a lot on my mind.”

  “The fact that you’re at her townhouse on a Monday night tells me that you like her in a way that’s different than the rest of us—”

  “Thank God for that.”

  Knox chuckled. “Just be yourself, little slugger.”

  “I hate you.”

  “Look, you’re a pro, you slayed through college despite the fact that you kept your treasure—”

  “I’m disowning you as a friend if you finish that sentence.”

  “Sorry, last time.” He laughed harder. “I think it’s great; honestly man, wait until y
ou find someone you care about, and look at that, you did! So, stop acting like a pussy and get in there and be a man!”

  “Be a man,” I repeated.

  “Be a man!” he roared and then, “Oh shit, Shawn needs me. I gotta go, something about the fridge light going out.”

  I made a whipping noise.

  “Just wait,” he threatened. “One day, you’ll be wondering how going to Home Depot and looking for light fixtures on a Saturday night feels more exciting than going to Happy Hour.”

  I scoffed. “Right.”

  “Night, dude.”


  I hung up the phone, put on my typical cocky face, grabbed the food, and then made my way to her door.

  It had a little peephole.

  I wondered if she was watching me.

  And then I knocked.

  She opened it after the first knock wearing a pair of Nike sweats and a purple tank top that hugged her body in a way that made me insanely jealous of cotton. “You would make a killing doing DoorDash.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Because I’m so punctual?”

  “No, because you delivering Chinese is almost too much for my heart to take, let alone my stomach.” She opened the door wider. “Come in, oh obsessor of body wash.”

  “Hey, I like good smells.”

  “Speaking of.” She inhaled the Chinese. “This smells amazing, and I was starving.”

  “Eat, please, and if you don’t get at least a bit of sauce on your face, you aren’t doing it right.”

  She grinned. “Noted.”

  We grabbed the cartons and spread them out on the living room table. I handed her a few napkins, and she pressed play on her Vampire Diaries rerun.

  We ate and watched TV like we’d been doing it for the last year.

  And when the next episode started, I took the empty cartons, found the trash, and dumped them.

  Jillian shivered.

  “You cold?” I was instantly concerned.

  “A bit.”

  “Here,” I grabbed the blanket on one of the other chairs and handed it to her, then tucked her into it, not realizing what I was doing until her eyes met mine. “Better?”

  “Much,” she whispered.

  My adrenaline spiked along with my arousal, making it hard to concentrate on anything but her lips.

  “There’s a ninety-nine percent chance that I’m going to kiss you right now.” I leaned in. “So, tell me if you’re feeling the one percent, and I’ll back off.”


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