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Australians: Flappers to Vietnam

Page 80

by Thomas Keneally

  L.F. Fitzhardinge, The Little Digger 1914–52: A political biography, William Morris Hughes, Volume II (Sydney 1979)

  Mungo McCallum, The Good, the Bad and the Unlikely: Australia’s Prime Ministers (Melbourne 2012)

  The Aboriginal fight

  Richard Broome, Aboriginal Australians

  Richard Broome, Aboriginal Victorians: A history since 1800 (Sydney 2005)

  Henry Reynolds, Dispossession: Black Australians and White invaders (Sydney 1989)

  John Maynard, ‘Fred Maynard and the Australian Aboriginal Progressive Association’, Archive, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, online

  As a result

  Paul Hasluck, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Civil, Volume 1: The

  Government and the People, 1939–41 (Canberra 1952)

  Graham Freudenberg, Churchill and Australia (Sydney 2008)

  Cameron Hazlehurst, Menzies Observed (Sydney 1979)

  Martin, Robert Menzies

  David Day, The Politics of War: Australia at war 1939–45, from Churchill to Macarthur (Sydney 2003)

  Michael McKernan, The Strength of a Nation (Sydney 2008)

  Joanna Penglase and David Horner, When the War Came to Australia (Sydney 1992)

  Paul Hasluck, Sir Robert Menzies (Melbourne 1980)

  Girding loins

  Joan Beaumont, ‘Australia’s war: Europe and the Middle East’, in Joan

  Beaumont (ed.), Australia’s War, 1939–45 (Sydney 1996)

  Nigel Starck, Proud Australian Boy (Melbourne 2011)

  Penglase and Horner, When the War Came to Australia

  Douglas Gillison Napier, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Air, Volume I: Royal Australian Air Force, 1939–42 (Canberra 1962)

  John Herington, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Air, Volume III: Air War Against Germany and Italy, 1939–43 (Canberra 1962)

  D.M. Horner (ed.), The Commanders: Australian military leadership in the twentieth century (Sydney 1984)

  Charles Robinson, Journey to Captivity (Canberra 1991)

  Hal Colebatch, ‘Treachery: The Communist Party and the Labor Party’, National Observer, Summer 2004


  Across Cyrenaica

  Gavin Merrick Long, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Army, Volume I: To Benghazi (Sydney 1961)

  Frank Legg, The Eyes of Damien Parer (Adelaide, 1963)

  John Hetherington, Blamey, Controversial soldier: A biography of Field Marshall Sir Thomas Blamey (Canberra 1973)

  D.M. Horner, ‘Field Marshal Sir Thomas Blamey, Commander in Chief,

  Australian Military Forces’ in Horner, The Commanders

  D.M. Horner, High Command: Australia’s struggle for an independent war strategy (Sydney 1982)

  Julie Padanyi Rine, ‘Loyalty and courage at Bardia’, Wartime, issue 13, posted online 2011

  David Horner, ‘Strategy and Command in Australia’s Campaigns of 1941’, Remembering 1941, AWM Conference 2001.

  A poet to the front

  Clement Semmler (ed.), The War Diaries of Kenneth Slessor, Official Australian

  Correspondent, 1940–44 (Brisbane 1985)

  James McAuley, A Map of Australian Verse: The twentieth century (Melbourne 1975)

  David Walker, ‘The writers’ war’, in Beaumont (ed.), Australia’s War 1939–45

  Kenneth Slessor, One Hundred Poems, 1919–39 (Sydney 1944)

  Kenneth Slessor, Beach Burial (Sydney 1944)

  To classic lands

  Gavin Merrick Long, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Army, Volume II: Greece,

  Crete and Syria (Canberra 1953)

  Hetherington, Blamey

  David Horner, ‘The Greek campaign, February to April 1941’, in Horner, High Command

  Barney Roberts, A Kind of Cattle (Sydney 1985)

  Freudenberg, Churchill and Australia

  Semmler, The War Diaries of Kenneth Slessor

  Day, The Politics of War

  McKernan, The Strength of a Nation

  War Diary of the 19th Infantry Brigade, April 1941, AWM 52, Item No. 8/2/9

  Escapes, various

  Long, Greece, Crete and Syria

  Alan J. Levine, Captivity, Flight and Survival in World War II (Westport, Connecticut, 2000)

  ‘Reg Saunders’ in David Ramsland and Christopher Mooney, Remembering Aboriginal Heroes: Struggle, identity and the media (Melbourne 2006)

  The Cretan farce

  Long, Greece, Crete and Syria

  Horner, High Command

  Freudenberg, Churchill and Australia

  Hetherington, Blamey

  Martin, Robert Menzies

  Day, The Politics of War

  Barney Roberts, A Kind of Cattle (Sydney 1985)

  Semmler, The War Diaries of Kenneth Slessor

  War Diary of the 8th Infantry Battalion AIF, AWM 52-8-3 8

  Bob’s big ambitions

  Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1939–41

  Martin, Robert Menzies

  Freudenberg, Churchill and Australia

  Day, The Politics of War

  Horner, High Command

  Cyrenaica rats

  Barton Maughan, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Army, Volume III: Tobruk and El Alamein (Canberra 1966)

  Hetherington, Blamey

  A.J. Hill, ‘Lieutenant-General Sir Leslie Morshead: Commander, 9th Australian Division’ in Horner, The Commanders

  War Diary of 2/17 Infantry Brigade, AWM 52/8/3/17

  Curtin rising

  Day, Curtin

  Ross, John Curtin

  Dowsing, Curtin of Australia

  Fred Alexander, From Curtin to Menzies and After: Continuity or confrontation? (Melbourne 1973)

  Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1939–41

  NAA, David Black and Lesley Wallace, A Guide to the Archives of Australian Prime Ministers: John Curtin


  The prophet of Japan–Australia

  Prue Torney-Parlicki, ‘Selling goodwill: Peter Russo and the promotion of Australia–Japan relations, 1935–41’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 37, issue 3, September 2001

  Muirden, The Puzzled Patriots

  Jumpy about invasion

  Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1939–41

  Paul Hasluck, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Civil, Volume II: The

  Government and the People, 1942–45 (Canberra 1970)

  Penglase and Horner, When the War Came to Australia

  Day, Curtin

  Day, The Politics of War

  Ross, John Curtin

  McKernan, The Strength of a Nation

  Kylie Tennant, Evatt, Politics and Justice (Sydney 1972)

  Fifth column

  Broome, Aboriginal Australians

  Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

  Robert Hall, The Black Diggers: Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders in the

  Second World War (Sydney 1989)

  Lionel Gage Wigmore, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Army, Volume IV: The Japanese Thrust (Sydney 1957)

  Day, Curtin

  Day, The Politics of War

  William Manchester, American Caesar (London 1978)

  The Malay barrier

  Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, 1939–42

  Wigmore, The Japanese Thrust

  NAA, A7711: History of the Directorate of Prisoners of War and Internees 1939–1951, volumes 1 and 2

  NAA, A10952, A Report of War Crimes by Individual Members of the Armed Forces Against Australians

  NAA A10952 Files of the Commission

  Peter Stanley, ‘The Defence of the “Malay Barrier”, Rabaul and Ambon, January 1942’, Remembering 1942, AWM Conference, 2002

  What is to be done?

  Dudley McCarthy, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Army, Volume IV: SouthWest Pacific Area, The First Year, Kokoda to Wau (Sydney 1959)

  Day, Curtinr />
  Day, The Politics of War

  Gabrielle Chan (ed.), War on Our Doorstep: Diaries of Australians at the frontline in 1942 (Melbourne 2004)

  Fighting the tiger

  Wigmore, The Japanese Thrust

  Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force 1939–42

  Horner, High Command

  Russell Braddon, The Naked Island (London 1951)

  Phillippa Poole, Of Love and War: The letters and diaries of Captain Adrian

  Curlewis and his family 1939–45 (London, n.d.)

  A.B. Lodge, ‘Lieutenant Henry Gordon Bennett: A model major-general’ in

  Horner The Commanders

  Day, Curtin

  Day, The Politics of War

  Freudenberg, Churchill and Australia

  Ross, John Curtin

  Chan, War on our Doorstep

  NAA, Letters and cables Vivian Bowden and others, 6/n, volumes 5 and 6

  NAA, A3196, O.2040 Curtin to Churchill, Jan 23 1942, AA:A981, WAR33, Attachment B

  NAA, Shenton Thomas to Curtin, 23 January 1942, A3195,1942,1.2898

  NAA, Evatt to Casey, A981, WAR33, Attachment B at; Sydney Morning Herald, Dec 8 and Dec 27 1941

  The fortress falls

  Gordon Bennett, Why Singapore Fell (Sydney 1944)

  Rohan Rivett, Behind Bamboo (Sydney 1946)

  NAA, various communications, including British government cables and communications, volume 6/n; NAA:A3196, O.2040 at

  Days of brains and brawn

  McCarthy, South-West Pacific Area, The First Year, Kokoda to Wau

  Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force 1939–42

  Hasluck, The Government and the People

  McKiernan, The Strength of a Nation

  Chan, War On Our Doorstep

  Day, Curtin

  Day, The Politics of War

  Freudenberg, Churchill and Australia

  Tennant, Evatt, Politics and Justice

  Joan Beaumont, ‘Australia’s war: Asia and the Pacific’ in Beaumont (ed.), Australia’s War, 1939–45

  Dorian-Smith, ‘War and Australian Society’ in Beaumont (ed.), Australia’s War, 1939–45

  Muirden, The Puzzled Patriots

  Georgina Fitzgerald, ‘Inky Stephensen internment experience in Australia: letters to his wife, 194245’, Eras, edition 9, November 2007

  Bombing northern Australia

  McCarthy, South-West Pacific Area, The First Year, Kokoda to Wau

  Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force 1939–42

  Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

  Penglase and Horner, When the War Came to Australia

  Peter Grose, An Awkward Truth (Sydney 2009)

  Peter Stanley, ‘The Bombing of Darwin, 19th February, 1942’, speech at AWM, February 2002

  Drew Cottle, ‘The Brisbane Line: an episode in capital history’, JAS, volume 25, issue 69, 2001

  NAA, Japanese Bombing Raid on Darwin, A 2684, 872

  The Japan–Australia society

  Walker, Anxious Nation

  Day, Curtin

  Muirden, The Puzzled Patriots

  Torney-Parlicki, Selling Goodwill

  Martin, Menzies

  Drew Cottle, The Brisbane Line, a Reappraisal (Sydney 2002)

  Cottle, ‘The Brisbane Line’

  In the wake of bombs

  McCarthy, South-West Pacific Area, The First Year, Kokoda to Wau

  Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

  Grose, An Awkward Truth

  Day, Curtin

  Tennant, Evatt, Politics and Justice

  Kate Dorian-Smith, ‘War and Australian society’, in Beaumont (ed.) Australia’s War, 1939–45

  Chan, War on Our Doorstep


  The apparition

  Jack Gallaway, The Odd Couple: Blamey and MacArthur at war (Brisbane 2000)

  Manchester, American Caesar

  Horner, High Command

  Hetherington, Blamey

  Day, Curtin

  Parer again

  Legg, The Eyes of Damien Parer

  Osmar White, Green Armour (Sydney 1945)

  Paul Ham, Kokoda (Sydney 2004)

  Phillip Bradley, Hell’s Battlefield (Sydney 2012)

  Manpower, prisoner power

  Kay Saunders, ‘Down on the farm: Italian POWs in Australia, 1941–47’, JAS, volume 19, issue 46, 1995

  David Lee, ‘Politics and government’ in Beaumont, Australia’s War, 1939–45

  Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

  Dorian-Smith, ‘War and Australian society’ in Beaumont, Australia’s War, 1939–45

  NAA, Administration of Italian POWs in Cowra and on farms, A/1066, SP1714/1; A5954, SP 1048/7

  Carol Fort, ‘Regulating the labour market in Australia’s wartime democracy’, Australian Historical Studies, 122, 2004

  Women power

  Patsy Adam-Smith, Australia Women and War (Melbourne 1984)

  Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1939–41

  Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

  Penglase and Horner, When The War Came to Australia

  Kate Darian Smith, ‘War and Australian society’ in Jean Beaumont (ed.), Australia’s War 1939–45

  AWM website under names of individual women’s services

  The imprisoned

  E.E. Dunlop, The War Diaries of Weary Dunlop (Melbourne 1990)

  Poole, Of Love and War

  Horner, ‘Field Marshall Sir Thomas Blamey, Commander-in-Chief, Australian

  Military Forces’

  Hetherington, Blamey

  Wayne Errington and Narelle Miragliotta, ‘From the gallery to the parliament: journalists in the House of Representatives and Senate 1901–2007’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 55, issue 4, 2009

  Bring them home

  All Curtin biographies

  Day, The Politics of War

  Freudenberg, Churchill and Australia

  Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

  Lorna Froude, ‘Petrol rationing during World War II’, Journal of the AWM, online

  NAA, A Guide to the Archives of Australian Prime Ministers: John Curtin


  S.J. Butlin and C.B. Schedvin, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Civil, Volume IV:

  War Economy 1942–45 (Canberra 1970)

  Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1939–41

  Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

  Penglase and Horner, When The War Came to Australia

  Kate Darian Smith, ‘War and Australian Society’ in Beaumont, Australia’s War 1939–45

  Day, Curtin

  Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1301.0 Year Book Australia, 1944–45 at

  The people and policy, 1942

  Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

  Sydney J.C.L. Butlin, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Civil, Volume II: War Economy 1942–45 (Sydney 1977)

  Judith Brett, Menzies’ Forgotten People (Sydney 1992)

  Crisp, The Australian Federal Labour Party

  L.F. Crisp, Ben Chifley: A political biography (Sydney 1961)

  David Day, Chifley (Sydney 2001)

  Foreign parts

  Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

  J.M. Main, Conscription: The Australian debate 1901–70 (Sydney 1970)

  Day, Curtin

  Ross, John Curtin

  Crisp, The Australian Federal Labour Party

  NAA, A Guide to the Archives of Australian Prime Ministers: John Curtin

  Conscription documents, including The Shedden Collection, A 5954, 1630/6, Amendment of the Defence Act to Enable Militia to be Used, etc.

  Second- and third-phase peril

  Peter Dornan, The Silent Men: Syria to Kokoda and on to Gona (S
ydney 1999)

  Galloway, The Odd Couple

  David Horner, ‘Lieutenant-General Sir Sydney Rowell: dismissal of a corps commander’ in Horner, The Commanders

  Via Dolorosa

  Waiko, A Short History Of Papua New Guinea

  Horner, High Command

  Ham, Kokoda

  Bradley, Hell’s Battlefield

  McCarthy, South-West Pacific Area, The First Year, Kokoda to Wau

  Dornan, The Silent Men

  Gallaway, The Odd Couple

  Michael O’Connor, ‘Kokoda: the lessons remain valid’, ADF Journal, number 98, January/February 1993

  White, Green Armour

  Young blood, old politics

  All as for previous two sections

  Your doctor, my doctor

  Rosalind Hearder, ‘Memory, methodology, and myth: some of the challenges of writing Australian prisoner of war history’, Journal of the Australian War Memorial, online, n.d.

  Stan Arneil, One Man’s War (Melbourne 1980)

  Dunlop, The War Diaries

  Starck, Proud Australian Boy

  K.J. Fagan, ‘Surgical experiences as a POW’, The Medical Journal of Australia, 1 June 1946


  The great desert battle

  Peter Rees, Desert Boys: Australians at war from Beersheba to Tobruk and

  El Alamein (Sydney 2011)

  Maughan, Tobruk and El Alamein

  Day, The Politics of War

  A.J. Hill, ‘Lieutenant-General Sir Leslie Morshead’ in Horner, The Commanders

  Horner, High Command



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