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The Magnificent Cyborg

Page 17

by Honey Phillips

  “Oh, you think so?”

  In one swift move, he flipped her face down on the padded floor and came down over her, enclosing her with his arms and legs. She laughed and started scrambling wildly to get free but only succeeded in rubbing her luscious ass repeatedly into his aching erection.

  “If you’re trying to get free, darlin’, you’re going about it the wrong way,” he growled in her ear as he thrust his cock against the lush curves of her ass.

  She stilled momentarily, then very slowly and very deliberately rubbed against him.

  “You asked for this.”

  He yanked her pants down to mid-thigh, lifting her ass higher as he freed his erection. He parted her legs just enough to slide his thick cock through her folds, finding them already wet and swollen. He dragged the head of his cock back and forth over the hard little pearl of her clit until she was moaning and trying desperately to push back against him.

  “Ready, darlin’?”

  “Yes, dammit. Fuck me.”

  He filled her in one hard stroke and felt her shudder into an immediate climax, but he was too desperate for her to stop. His hands dug into her hips as he held her in place, plunging into her over and over. Her pants bound her legs together, further restricting her mobility and making her feel even tighter than usual. She quivered beneath him at each hard thrust, and he could feel her excitement building again. He loosened one hand long enough to drag his thumb through their combined wetness, then pressed it to the small pink pucker of her bottom hole. She moaned and tried to push back against him. He pressed deeper, her snug cunt so tight he could barely breathe as his cock began to vibrate, rippling through their joined bodies as she cried out his name, convulsing around him, and he followed her over in a rush of heated passion.

  Collapsing down on the floor, he tucked her against his side, his cock still buried deep within her. He curved his arm around her, cupping a full breast, her hard little nipple stabbing at his palm.

  “I didn’t even get a chance to play with these,” he said regretfully.

  “Next time,” she promised. “After I catch my breath.”

  “Your nanites mean you don’t have to worry about breathing.”

  “Maybe you override even my nanites.”

  He laughed and tightened his grip, filled with contentment. As he relaxed, his eyes drifted idly around the room.

  “Isn’t Kami too big for a crib?” he asked.

  “She most certainly is. And you don’t really think that Addie would send us into her daughter’s bedroom to make passionate love, do you?”

  “You mean, they’re having a baby?”

  “Addie didn’t come right out and say so, but I’m pretty sure.”

  He took another look around the room, suddenly wistful.

  “I don’t suppose…”

  “I’m afraid not, Wyatt. I had that taken care of a long time ago.” She twisted around to face him, blue eyes full of sorrow. “I never expected to meet you. To find someone I would want to have a child with.”

  He shook his head, his longing vanishing as quickly as it had appeared. “It doesn’t matter. I have everything I want, right here in my arms. I loved you as Rebecca. I love you even more as Cherry, and I’m going to go on loving you for the rest of my life.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  They spent the afternoon loving each other. Night had fallen by the time, Cherry convinced Wyatt they had to join the others again.

  “I want you all to myself,” he grumbled.

  “You have me,” she promised. “But don’t you want to know what’s been happening outside this room?”

  “I’m sure it’s nowhere near as interesting as what’s been happening inside this room.” He grinned at her, then climbed reluctantly to his feet and helped her up. “But if we’re going out in public, you might want to comb your hair.”

  “Is it that bad?”

  “You’re as beautiful as ever,” he assured her. “But I don’t want anyone else knowing what you look like after we make love. You’re enough to entice any man…” His eyes heated as he stalked towards her.

  She laughed and slipped past him with a speed she’d never imagined possessing. “Just hold that thought until later. I’ll go and make myself less tempting.”

  “Impossible,” he called after her as she slipped out of the room.

  “Is there any news?” she asked anxiously as they joined the others in the main dome.

  Sam grinned, looking more relaxed than she had ever seen him. He was seated in a big chair by the window, Addie curled in his lap. The other woman colored when they entered and made a half-hearted attempt to stand but Sam pulled her firmly back into his arms. Cherry noticed that his hand curved protectively over Addie’s stomach and her heart ached a little. But as long as she had Wyatt, she had no regrets.

  “Lots of news. While you two were… resting,” Sam said with a glance at Kami, who was coloring at the table, “I heard back from Clint. They took care of the other two hybrids in New Arcadia. One surrendered, the other one chose not to.”

  “Any word on the other ones?” Wyatt asked as he sat down on the couch and tugged her against him.

  “We got three of them, but one got away. No sign of the other two. They didn’t head for any of the GenCon locations. We’ll keep searching.”

  “Have you heard anything about Tom and Esme?”

  “They made it safely to New Arcadia. She sent a message saying she wanted to see you before they went back.”

  She turned impulsively to Wyatt. “We need to go back to town.”

  “Yes, darlin’. But morning is soon enough. That is, if you don’t mind us spending the night, Addie?”

  “Of course you can stay.” Addie grinned at them. “You seem to enjoy the accommodations so far.”

  Good lord, was she blushing? From the twinkle in Sam’s eyes, she suspected she was. Determined to ignore it, she turned to Wyatt.

  “It’s your turn for an examination. I want Addie to look at your head.”

  “I don’t think that’s necessary. I can remember everything now.”

  “It might prove useful,” Addie interjected. “Sam told me that the hybrids were supposed to be controlled via chips in their heads.”

  “Do you think they were trying to control me? Not just make me forget?” Wyatt frowned.

  “I’d be in a better position to answer that question if you let me take a look.”

  “Oh, all right. What do I have to do?”

  “Nothing scary.” Wyatt looked offended, but Addie grinned at him. “Just sit there while I get a scanner.”

  Sam reluctantly let her go and she disappeared into her laboratory, returning a moment later with a small handheld device. She ran it back and forth over Wyatt’s head a few times, then stood frowning at the results.

  “Is something wrong?” Cherry’s heart rate started to increase, even as her nanites tried to calm her.

  “No, not now. There was a chip, but it’s obviously inert. It’s actually dissolving.”

  “Dissolving? Not like…” She couldn’t even voice her horror as she remembered the hybrid’s fate.

  “Oh, no, nothing like that. It’s being absorbed by his body. My guess is that there won’t be anything left within a few more days.” Addie tapped her chin thoughtfully. “And I think you were right. Given the placement, it wasn’t designed to control specific behavior but rather to remove all memory of your rebellion. Which would make sense, considering they weren’t planning on accompanying you to Mars. I suspect that the shock of Cherry’s… accident and the rush of memories simply overloaded it.”

  She was still frowning as Sam came over and put his arm around her. “What’s bothering you, angel?”

  “I wish I knew what was done to the hybrids. I can see how the same technology might have been used with an external controller.”

  “Tony said that one of them hacked into the controls and disabled them,” Cherry said.

  “But what if someone els
e could find a way to take over again? I don’t like it.” Addie sighed. “I wish I hadn’t had to eliminate the one who came here.”

  “You didn’t have a choice. You did the right thing,” Sam said firmly.

  “But Wyatt’s all right? You’re sure?” Cherry asked, more concerned about her husband than GenCon’s monstrosities.

  “I’m sure. He’s just fine.”

  Cherry let out a deep breath, relaxing back against Wyatt. As she thought back over the traumatic events of the day, she remembered there was one more participant who had suffered with them. She twisted around to look up at him.

  “Can we go check on Maverick?”

  “It’s after dark. It will be too cold—” he broke off abruptly, then looked at Addie. “Is Cherry protected from the cold?”

  “If you mean is it going to damage her, I don’t think so. But I suspect it won’t be very pleasant.”

  “I want to try it,” she said. “We don’t have to be outside for long. Just long enough to see Maverick.”

  Wyatt frowned and she could see he wanted to object but she wasn’t going to back down. He must have read the determination in her face because he sighed.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I want to know what I can handle.”

  “Very well. But you’re going to dress for it.”

  A few minutes later, she stood at the outer door of the airlock with him, her heart beating rapidly against her ribs despite her nanites. The door opened and she stepped out into the night.

  Addie was right; it wasn’t pleasant. Despite her thermal coat and multiple layers, the icy Martian wind seemed to penetrate her bones. She took a quick breath and the thin air burned all the way down into her lungs. But… she was all right. She could feel her nanites bubbling through her system, compensating for the frigid cold and the lack of oxygen. Overhead, a million stars sparkled in a clear dark sky.

  “It’s so beautiful,” she said.

  “Yes,” Wyatt agreed, but he was looking at her, not the sky.

  A moment later, Maverick pranced over to join them. His power supply had been replaced and he looked like his old self as he lowered his head to snuffle at her hair. She reached up and stroked his mane and then the three of them walked to the edge of the plateau, looking out over the valley below. Her vision was crystal clear, and she could see the distant lights of scattered homesteads, unexpectedly comforting in the barren desert.

  “There are people out there,” she murmured.

  “Yes. And there will be more.” He sighed and put his arm around her. “Do you remember we talked about Mars that very first night? It took a long time to get here.”

  “But we made it. And it’s a new world. Our new world.”

  A new world they would face together.


  Five years later…

  “Cherry!” Wyatt called as he burst into their house. Anxious to find his wife, he didn’t even spare his usual appreciative glance around the cozy home she had created for them. New Arcadia had begun to spill out of the canyon, into the surrounding territory, and they had built a house on the edge of town where they could still see the stars.

  “Ssh!” She appeared in the hallway leading to the bedrooms, a finger over her lips. “I only just got Robert down for his nap.”

  “I don’t care. Wake him up!”

  “That’s easy for you to say. I’m the one who’s been chasing him all morning. I told you I was too old for this,” she grumbled playfully. The nanites had not only made her faster and stronger, but they had also reversed her sterilization and allowed them to have a child together after all.

  Her supposed age was a running joke between them, and he laughed as he swept her into his arms for a kiss—a kiss that, as usual, escalated rapidly into passion. She was breathless when he reluctantly let her drop back to her feet.

  “I know better than to point out that your nanites provide more than enough stamina to cope with one small boy—”

  “—who has his own nanites providing him with energy.”

  “—so I’ll simply remind you that you’ll always be young and beautiful to me, darlin’.”

  It was quite true. He could see the faint traces of age on her face, but she had never looked more radiant.

  “Flatterer.” She kissed him this time but broke away much too quickly. “What’s got you all excited? Other than your usual enthusiasm.”

  She ran a teasing hand over his cock, and he had to force his mind back to his news.

  “It’s official! Mars has been legally declared an independent planet with its own government.”

  “Finally. That’s wonderful. I guess that means that Sam is now officially our president.”

  Their friend had been elected in their first election, although Earth Government hadn’t recognized him as their official representative until now.

  “I’m sure he’ll be thrilled,” he said dryly. They had to talk him into running in the first place, but his reputation for unswerving honesty and impartial judgement had been recognized by both human and cyborg. He had worked tirelessly in the effort to free them from the yoke of Earth, and it hadn’t hurt that he still had influential friends in the military.

  “We should celebrate.”

  “Definitely,” he said, as he drew her closer. “That’s why I’m here, darlin’.”

  “Not that kind of celebration. Or at least, not yet. A celebration with our friends.”

  “I thought you might say that. We’re having a little get together here tonight.”

  “Tonight?” She started to pull away from him. “Let me go, Wyatt. There’s so much to do.”

  “No, there isn’t. Mary is bringing all the food and her husband is taking care of the alcohol. I know you’ll want to cover everything with flowers from your greenhouse, but you have plenty of time. No one’s going to be here for at least three hours.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” He pulled her closer and let her feel the rigid bar of his erection. “Which is why I came home now—so we could celebrate together first.”

  Her eyes darkened and he caught the sweet scent of her arousal. “I don’t know. Only three hours?”

  “You’re right. I’d better get started.” He swept her up in his arms and carried her off to their bedroom.

  Cherry curled, limp with satisfaction, in Wyatt’s arms and decided this was the perfect time to bring up the subject that had been weighing on her mind lately.

  “Did I tell you that Esme is pregnant?” she asked, trying to sound casual.

  “Again? What’s that? The fifth?”

  She gave him a playful shove. “No, you idiot. It’s their third.”

  “I’m surprised Tom has the time to run the farm and act as mayor of Border Town when he’s so busy having children.”

  The formerly secret GenCon cities had all been opened for habitation as part of their legal settlement with GenCon. The corporation still did business on Mars, but in a very restricted capacity. Each of the cities had elected a mayor as they grew. Wyatt had refused to assume the job in New Arcadia, preferring to remain as a judge—a job that had grown increasingly more demanding over the years.

  “He seems to manage,” she said lightly. “Does our son interfere with your work?”

  “Of course he does.” His face sobered. “You and he are the most important things in my life, Cherry. You know that.”

  “I do know that, Wyatt.” She bit her lip, her nerve beginning to fail her. “But I was thinking…”

  “Should I be worried?” he teased.

  “I thought it might be nice to expand our family.”

  “You want to have another child?”

  He looked stunned, and she worried that maybe another child would be too much, given his numerous responsibilities.

  “Only if you want to, of course, but even with the nanites I’m not getting any younger, and I thought maybe—”

  He cut off the stream of words with a kiss, his m
outh closing over hers, hard and demanding as he reached beneath her dress, ripping aside her panties and growling when he found her wet and ready for him. Before she could catch her breath, he thrust inside in one long hard stroke. Despite her wetness, his massive girth stretched her unprepared body and she clung to his arms as he withdrew only to plunge deeper, faster. Usually, he waited for her to adjust, but he seemed lost in desire.

  The unexpected stretch bordered on the edge of pain, but it only added to her excitement and she arched her hips into each stroke, her nails digging into his shoulders as a sudden climax roared over her. He never hesitated, pounding into her as she shuddered beneath him until she felt his rhythm break, felt him bury himself impossibly deeper, felt his seed erupt in a wave of molten heat. He sank down over her, his skin damp beneath her fingers, and his breath coming in rapid gasps. She stroked his back as she waited for her nanites to control her own pulse.

  When he finally raised his head, he was grinning triumphantly, but it was the love in his eyes that made her heart melt.

  “I guess you like that idea?” she murmured.

  “You could say that. I love you, Cherry.”

  “I love you too.”

  He bent his head to kiss her, gently this time, as his hips began a slow, insistent motion.

  When she left Earth, all she had hoped to find was a measure of peace. Instead, she had found a new life. She had found friends and family and most importantly, she had found love again—deeper and richer than ever after their separation. The pain of all those years apart had disappeared forever in a blaze of happiness.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you so much for reading The Magnificent Cyborg! I know many of you have been waiting for Cherry’s story since she first appeared, and I hope you enjoyed seeing her find happiness with Wyatt!

  Whether you enjoyed the story or not, it would mean the world to me if you left an honest review on Amazon – reviews are one of the best ways to help other readers find my books!


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