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The Forbidden Wilds: Crossing the Styx

Page 10

by Saxon Andrew

  “You’ve certainly noticed the new ship is a different color than your former ship?” the scientist asked.

  “All the ships I’ve flown in the past have been painted black to reduce the chance of detection,” Alex replied. “I’ve wondered why this ship is grey.”

  “The coating is a highly conductive material that can hold an electrical charge. Once the charge is applied, the coating turns black and makes the ship invisible. A side benefit of this is that our warships can see each other around a planet when it’s turned off.” The scientist paused and asked, “Haven’t either of you seen the black button on your consoles next to the stealth-system button.”

  • • •

  “What does it do?” Jingle asked.

  “It will shutdown the stealth system and force field and charge the ship’s hull.”

  “Are you saying it will be invisible to scanners?”

  “Yes, Admiral Jingle. Using the stealth field and force field to hide the ship only works eight miles out from the nebula aliens’ warships if they’re using active scanners; a hundred miles if they’re using passive scanners. This new hull coating will not be detected by either at any distance.”

  “Are you telling me that there’s no way for our ships to be seen or detected if we shut down our energy fields!?” Alex interrupted.

  “This hull material will not reflect light, but the ship will cast a shadow if there is a bright light source behind them. It is possible to detect that shadow if optical systems are being used by enemy vessels.”

  “Then why use our force and stealth fields?” Jingle asked.

  “Because if by some miracle your ship is detected, you will have nothing operating to prevent even a small blaster from destroying it. This hull coating is just one more tool you have to keep your ships hidden, but it is not immune to blasters.” The scientist paused and added, “Also, keep in mind that even in open space, some dust and small rocks exist. If you’re traveling at high speed without your force fields operating, your ships could be damaged or possibly destroyed if it collides with even a small rock.”

  Jingle glanced at Alex and saw him nod to her. Good, he understood how to use this new invention. Then a thought occurred to her, “Sir, if this new material doesn’t reflect electronic waves, will we able to detect if we’re being scanned?”

  The scientist smiled, “That’s an excellent question, Admiral. The entire charged hull of the ship acts like one giant antenna. Your scanning system will detect even weak waves that impact your ship while it is operating. You will be able to detect an enemy’s scanner from more than eight times further away than before.”

  “Excellent!” Jingle replied.

  • • •

  The meeting lasted another three days, and at the end, Jingle asked, “Would it be possible to download the recordings of this meeting into my ship’s computer?”

  Alex immediately spoke up, “I also want it downloaded as well.”

  The lead scientist nodded, “I’ll have it done immediately. By the way, Admiral Jingle, the installation of your computer has been completed and it will be activated in another hour. You should have it do a diagnostic of all its systems and take it out for a shakedown cruise as soon as possible. Once that’s done, you will be cleared to start your mission.”

  Jingle stood up, “I want to thank all of you for your outstanding efforts at keeping us safe. You’ve done a wonderful job in building this new warship. Everyone stood up and started leaving the room.

  Jingle looked at Admiral Glennon and he nodded toward an office. She followed him, along with Alex, into the office and Glennon said, “I am forced to leave immediately.”

  “Why?” Jingle asked.

  “I announced that I was going to leave Fleet Operations to visit my family on Aldera. A man that looked like me quickly boarded that ship and it left for Aldera. The probe that was located in Fleet Operations star system has gone missing. On a hunch, I had Aldera’s system searched and it’s now located there.” I’m headed back to Fleet Operations immediately and the ship I sent to Aldera is headed back as well. I must beat it back and start communicating immediately. You need to keep in mind that anything you send me will possibly be intercepted.”

  “I have a better idea, Sir.” Glennon turned to Jingle. “Meet that ship at a Union planet and have it go down to the planet’s surface for servicing. If you can get to that planet ahead of that ship, you can enter the ship there and start communicating. I suggest that you say you shut down your communicator and chose not to communicate while on vacation.”

  Glennon smiled, “That is an excellent suggestion; that’s exactly what I’ll do.” Jingle hugged him and Glennon said, “Both of you stay safe!” He rushed away and they watched him leave.

  Chapter Ten


  “I’ve not gone anywhere. But having my power shut off isn’t something I like. Have I missed anything?”

  “I’ve had Glennon download the meeting where we discussed this new ship’s capabilities. Do we need to do another imprinting?”

  “Give me a second; I need to look at the recording of that meeting.” Jingle waited a couple of moments and then heard Jangle reply, “No.”

  “I thought a new imprinting was required when a new ship was involved.”

  “No, that’s not the reason you had to be imprinted before you took command of our former ship. You had to be imprinted because it would take too long to teach you how it worked. That’s not the case now; you’ve been involved in this ship’s construction from the start and already know how it functions.”

  “What do you think about our new ship, Jangle?”

  “It’s a beast!! I have no issues taking a stroll through the Styx Nebula in this ship. This is a whole magnitude more advanced than our last ship and that ship is not that old.”

  “Are you itching to try out some of our new toys?”

  “If you’re asking do I want to use our weapons, no; I’m in no hurry to do that, Jingle.”

  “You’re very wise for a computer, Jangle.”

  “Comes from working closely with a wise person.”

  “Aww…that’s sweet.”

  “No, it’s true.”

  “It’s still good to hear you say it.”

  “What about Captain Courageous, Jingle?”

  “I’m pretty sure Alex is itching to pull a few triggers, but he’s agreed to follow our plan.”

  Alex appeared on the monitor, “Jingle, when you take your ship out, be sure to trial maximum speed.”


  “Just do it and tell me what you think when you return.”

  “Ok.” Jingle sat back in her chair, “Ready to go?”

  “Just finished the diagnostic on our systems and they’re operating perfectly. You should take it out, Jingle.”

  Jingle smiled and gripped the gravity controls. The large warship rose smoothly into the atmosphere and then turned its bow vertical. She waited until it was above the planet’s atmosphere before moving the thruster control slightly forward. The sudden acceleration startled her, and she swerved the ship to avoid hitting the moon orbiting the planet. She moved further out into open space and pushed the thruster handle forward. She glanced at the speed indicator and saw the needle sweeping around the dial. Jangle was right, this ship is a beast!

  • • •

  Jingle returned to Shanghai and Alex appeared on her monitor, “How did the speed trial go?”

  “Alex, I didn’t have the nerve to go to maximum speed.”

  Alex laughed, “Neither did I; this ship has shrunk the galaxy.”

  “Will we be able to control it?”

  “We’ll grow accustomed to it over time. That scientist was right about making sure our force fields are operational whenever we’re moving at high speed. Dust, small rocks, and other space debris are a real hazard. Are you ready to go?”

  “Tell me how you intend to do this, Alex.”

  “We’ll make s
ure we’re outside the detection range of whatever is receiving those probes’ data and launch a string of stealth probes to move in.”

  “And just how have you determined the range of their scanners?”

  Alex shrugged, “I’m taking a SWAG.”


  “Jingle, I’m assuming that the scanning range of whatever is out there is similar to the probes they’re using to watch the Union. Every probe is located at approximately the same distance from the planet they’re watching. I know our stealth probe’s scanning range is just slightly less than our ship’s. I’m going to launch the stealth probes at three times the distance those probes are from the planets they’re watching.”

  “That’s very good thinking, Alex. However, I wouldn’t have them move in on whatever’s there.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because we don’t know for a fact what the scanning range is of whatever is there, Alex. Launch enough stealth probes such that their scanning fields overlap and have them programmed to search for the frequency those probes are using. We’re looking for that frequency to be used to send a communication out from whatever is receiving the data.”

  “I’ll have to use some of your stealth probes to do that, Jingle.”

  “What if you don’t have any probes placed under that area?”

  “So you’re convinced it won’t be communicating with any place inside the Milky Way?”

  “I’m depending on the evidence that whoever sent these probes is not inside the Milky Way. If nothing turns up, we’ll move some probes under that area where it’s located.”

  “OK, you’re the boss.”

  “Alex, I want you to do this because you believe it’s a good idea not because I’m ordering it! What do you see I’m missing?”

  “Nothing, Jingle. Don’t be so sensitive about out ranking me; I’ve come to terms with it. You’ve made a good suggestion and we can move the probes instead of launching more if we don’t detect anything.”

  “I’d prefer to just launch new probes, Alex.”


  “We don’t have any idea how frequently or infrequently the one receiving the probe’s data reports in. This could take a while, or we might find out quickly. I don’t want to risk moving some probes and miss a signal.”

  Alex smiled, “It’s good to have you back on the team.”

  Jingle smiled and nodded. The new Rapids moved in next to her ship in orbit above Shanghai as Jingle stared at her tactical monitor showing the location of where the alien probes were sending their data. She thought about it and said, “Alex, that location is located above the Milky Way across the galaxy from our current position. We know how high it is and I’m thinking we should just go vertical from here and move in from the side until we’re above it at the distance you’ve suggested.”

  “Have Jangle lead the way; I’ll follow you.”

  “Send me the distance you’ve determined we should be from that area and I’ll move to the correct distance above it.”

  Jangle announced, “I’ve got it. Launching now.”

  • • •

  The two warships turned their bows away from the plane of the Milky Way and quickly left the stars far behind. Jangle announced, “Going to maximum speed.”

  “Why are you doing that, Jangle.”

  “What better place to see what we can do, Jingle. We’ve left everything behind and this area we’re entering is truly a void.”

  Jingle shrugged and watched the galaxy suddenly growing smaller behind them. She suddenly saw a brilliant flash outside the viewport, “WHAT WAS THAT?”

  “We impacted a small rock.”

  “Well slow us down!”

  “Why, it didn’t do any damage?”

  “Are you certain that flash won’t be seen by whoever is at that area we’re investigating?”

  The ships instantly slowed, and Jangle replied, “You make an excellent point. I’ll maintain one-quarter speed.”

  Alex listened to them and was once again amazed at things Jingle saw that no one else did. He would have ignored it as well. He was reasonably certain the flash wasn’t seen, there were still stars below them that would have blocked it out. But they would be above those stars soon and it was a real risk of being seen as they moved further above the galaxy.

  • • •

  They arrived high above the galaxy and Jingle was amazed by what she saw. They were high enough that the entire Milky Way could be seen below them, it was incredibly beautiful. Alex announced, “I’m launching the stealth probes.”

  “Alex, are you all business? Look at the Milky Way!”

  “Jingle, I would often go out during my missions in the Wilds and stare at it.”

  Jingle sighed and shook her head, “Launch the probes.”

  The forty-eight probes ejected from their tubes and activated their stardrives. They moved away on courses to form a half-globe formation around the area of space receiving data from the strange probes.

  • • •

  Five days passed and Alex appeared on the monitor, “Perhaps we should launch the probes to go under that area?”

  “Give it two more days, Alex.”

  “Why two days?”

  “If you were receiving data from probes and nothing new was detected, would you send data out?”

  “Probably not.”

  “It appears Admiral Glennon has a probe assigned to him and he won’t arrive back at Fleet Operations for another two days. Let’s see if that brings rain.” Alex nodded and disappeared from the monitor.”

  “Jingle, on the surface it appears you are challenging him on every suggestion he makes.”

  “Jangle, you know I’m not doing that, and we may need those probes.”

  “I know. Just saying.”

  “He needs to start bonding with Brooks!!”

  “He’s spending most of the time linked with him. Their speed is up to sixteen-times normal now.”

  “Then he should be able to see I’m right!”

  “He will. But he will feel small for not seeing it first.” Jingle’s face turned red and Jangle quickly added, “I know, I know! You’re just keeping us safe.” Jingle blew out a breath and turned back to the tactical monitor.

  • • •

  Three days later, Jingle decided that it was probably time to launch the other probes. Alex suddenly appeared on her monitor, “The stealth probes have detected the frequency passing through them.”

  “Where was it headed, Alex!”

  “We were fortunate we didn’t miss it. The probes are surrounding that area and are covering the area just slightly below it. That transmission passed through the probes located at the bottom of their coverage. It appears to be lined up with a small dwarf galaxy not far outside the Milky Way.”

  Jingle’s eyes closed as she said, “Please tell me it’s not the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy.”

  Alex saw her and replied, “That’s exactly where it was headed. What’s bothering you?”

  Jingle opened her eyes and Alex saw fear in her them, “Alex, that small galaxy only has a billion stars in it but an inordinately high number of them are small Class M Red Giants.”

  Alex stared at her and replied, “Just like the star Shanghai is orbiting.”


  “Why is that bad, Jingle?”

  “Those stars are ancient, Alex. The civilization that sent those probes here could be thousands…hell, millions of years older than mankind.”

  “There is a real possibility they are far more advanced than us,” Alex said slowly. He paused and asked, “How do you know about that Galaxy, Jingle?”

  “What do you think I’ve been doing for the last week? I’ve been looking at every small galaxy close to the Milky Way and that one scares me the most.”


  “Alex, that galaxy only has around a billion stars; the Milky Way is estimated to have more than four hundred billion. How long did it take humanity to colonize the Milky Way
?” Alex’s eyes widened and Jingle added, “That dwarf galaxy is only 40,000 light years from the edge of the Milky Way and some of its stars have already been pulled into the Milky Way. It’s closer to Earth, humanity’s home world, than Earth is to the core of the Milky Way. They can easily mount an invasion without having logistical issues.” Jingle looked at Alex, “We have to go and see what’s going on in that galaxy.”

  “We can’t go until we get this information to Admiral Glennon!” Alex quickly replied. “And we can’t send a communication to him.” Alex saw Jingle’s eyes narrow as she thought furiously, “What are you thinking?”

  “We’re moving to the closest Union planet to that galaxy. Jangle, find one and start moving!”

  Jangle started moving and the Rapids fell in behind them, “What’s going on?”

  “Alex, have you ever scouted a planet?”

  “You know I have!”

  “I know, I’m just thinking too fast for my mouth to keep up; please bear with me. Did you use probes to scout the planet?”

  “In some instances I did.”

  “What did you use the probes for?”

  “Primarily to track the communications between the government and their military.”

  “What about the communications between the civilians on that planet.”

  Alex paused and answered, “I used the probes to find the frequencies being used by the government and military and had them ignore everything else.”

  “I can understand why, Alex.” Jangle interjected into the conversation. “Civilian communications can number in the billions on an advanced planet.”

  “I’m going to get a message to Admiral Glennon over a civilian frequency, but we can’t do it out here; it would stand out like a naked man in church,” Jingle stated.

  • • •

  They arrived at a Union Planet close to the edge of the galaxy and Jingle asked, “How much civilian communication traffic is directed off planet, Jangle?”

  “Millions, Jingle.”

  “Alright.” Jingle lifted her personal communicator and pressed a button.

  Lu appeared on the monitor and smiled, “Jingle, it’s good to see you. How’s it going?”

  “Lu, I need your help getting a critical message to Admiral Glennon. We believe all fleet communications are being tracked by those alien probes. I need you to send it over your personal communicator. Do you know anyone personally at Fleet Operations?”


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