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The Forbidden Wilds: Crossing the Styx

Page 19

by Saxon Andrew

  Alex looked at her, “And we can’t wait much longer. Wozniak estimates it will take more than a year to handle the Nebula. Every day we delay, pushes us closer to the deadline of the LMC aliens arriving.”

  “Then we can’t wait any longer, Alex. Ideally, we’d like to attack large numbers of those space hives but if we can’t, we can’t. We start taking them out immediately.”

  “But our fleets might be overwhelmed by the numbers of alien warships sent to defend the hives being attacked.”

  Jingle waved a hand, “Alex, we’ve already decided that removing the warships is the first priority. The more they send, the less we’ll have to destroy later.”

  “Are you still planning to leave to go back to Bucket when you can be relieved?”

  Jingle stopped walking and took Alex’s hands in hers, “That was then, this is now. Wherever you go, I will follow. Where you are is home for me now, Alex.”

  “We could both die in these wars.”

  Jingle shrugged, “That’s how quickly the night can change, which means we must enjoy every moment together given to us. Those aliens represent a threat to the man I love, and I will do all I can to remove them. If that means I’m a warrior, then so be it.”

  Alex stared into Jingle’s eyes and said softly, “We shouldn’t delay getting married. Where do you want to do it?”

  Jingle smiled, “If you had to guess…?”

  “I’ll arrange transportation for our families and friends from the Union. You set up the arrangements with Dolly and let’s plan to do it in five days.”

  Jingle frowned and then smiled, “Hell, more time would only allow me to have things we don’t need. I’ll tell Dolly and You can contact Admiral Glennon; he is certainly invited.”

  Alex hugged Jingle and smiled, “I think I’m up to being physically ready.”

  “Then check yourself out of the hospital and start making the contacts immediately.”

  “What are you going to be doing?”

  “This isn’t a Bucket mating ritual, Alex. I must find a dress.” Jingle ran away but stopped and said over her shoulder, “Don’t forget to invite Annie and the Executive.” She turned and ran away.

  Alex tilted his head, “Now that was someone he would have forgotten about.” He turned and jogged slowly back to the hospital. The first person he contacted was Admiral Glennon and he insisted that he would handle getting everyone invited from the Union to Bucket on time, all he needed was a list of invitees. Alex went to his room and sent it to him two hours later. Alex wondered how many would show up with such short notice, but he didn’t care if anyone came; he was marrying the woman of his dreams; everything else was superfluous.

  • • •

  The wedding day arrived too quickly, and Alex waited inside the Watering Hole for Jingle to arrive. He asked Glennon to officiate the ceremony, but he refused. He said someone else in an official capacity would handle that. So, Alex asked him to be his Best-Man and Glennon accepted.

  The wedding was scheduled for two in the afternoon and Joesen entered the back room where Alex was getting ready at noon, “I don’t think this is going to work.”

  “Why not?”

  “There is standing room only now and ships are still landing at the supply installation’s port as well as Bucket’s space port. We must move the ceremony to the front of the building.”

  “How many people are here, Joesen?”

  “Alex, when the news of the wedding got out, pretty much everyone in the community decided to show up along with every government official. I estimate more than ten thousand are outside and the number is continuing to grow.”

  Alex’s head went back, “I can’t afford to feed that many people and I know you didn’t plan for that many to show up.”

  “I’ve contacted every restaurant and hotel in the community at nine this morning and they are preparing the meal as we speak; let me worry about that. I have enough wine and drinks to get us through the reception.”

  “Just where are we going to have the reception, Joesen?”

  Joesen smiled, “Why out in the street, Alex. This is Bucket after all!”

  “Alex looked at Admiral Glennon with a concerned expression and he smiled, “Don’t worry about the expense.”

  “We can’t afford this!”

  “The Union is picking up the tab. The High Council demanded it and you are both Senior Admirals in the Navy. This is not something you should worry about. You should put all of your attention on the woman you’re marrying today.”

  Alex smiled and hugged Glennon, “You’ve made such a huge difference in our lives.”

  “And so have you; Jingle kept me out of prison.” Alex laughed and turned back to his dress uniform.

  • • •

  Precisely at two o’clock, Alex and Glennon walked out of the back room and through the crowd gathered in the Watering Hole. They applauded him and Alex’s face turned red. They went through the front entrance and miraculously, a raised platform covered in satin and flowers was just outside the entrance. Alex and Glennon stopped in wonderment at how it could have been constructed in such a short time. Glennon shook his head, “These people don’t mess around!”

  Alex nodded, “No they don’t, Sir.”

  “Can the ‘Sir’, Alex. Call me Mike.” Alex smiled and they went to the steps leading up to the platform. They arrived at the top of the steps and Alex stopped dead in his tracks; the President of the Union and Supreme Judge Marshall were standing there awaiting his arrival. Mike chuckled, “I told you there was someone with more official standing than me to conduct the wedding.”

  Alex glanced to the right and saw two rows of chairs where the special invited guests were sitting. Their parents, Gee’s husband, Annie and the executive were sitting on the front row, along with the Union’s Senior Admirals. Directly behind them were the elected leaders of Bucket. Alex looked out from the platform and saw the street in front of the Watering Hole was completely filled with people from one end to the other. Many were packed in between the buildings and there were many aerial vehicles holding position above the platform. Alex shook his head, this was just unbelievable.

  Suddenly, on each side of the entrance to the Watering Hole, two giant speakers erupted in music. The crowd instantly grew silent and a shadow appeared moving over the crowd. Alex looked up and saw Jangle moving slowly down toward the street. There was a small roped off area directly in front of the platform and Jangle moved ten feet directly above it and hovered in place using the gravity drive. A ramp appeared out of the ship’s hull and touched down in the roped off area.

  Dolly and Gee walked out of the ship and down the ramp. Jingle had made them both Maids of Honor and they were gorgeous. Even Dolly looked spectacular in her pale-green dress and he saw she was close to losing the fifty pounds Jingle had challenged her to lose. She had been wearing baggy clothes to hide it from Jingle, but there was no more hiding it with the dress she was wearing today.

  The music suddenly changed to that ancient, familiar music. Jingle walked out of the port and everyone that saw her gasped; she was so incredibly beautiful. At that moment, everything disappeared for Alex. All he saw was the most beautiful woman in the universe walking down the ramp in a white wedding dress. She arrived in the roped off area and her father offered his arm to her. Dolly and Gee picked up her long train and followed her up the steps to the platform.

  Jingle arrived at the top of the steps and her eyes were only on Alex. Her father led her in front of Alex and the President asked, “Who gives this woman to be married today.”

  Her father said loudly, “Katherine and I do, Mister President.”

  He stepped away and Gee stepped forward and lifted Jingle’s veil. The president turned to Judge Marshall and nodded. Marshall stepped forward with a pad and presented it to Jingle, “Please place your thumb in the space under your name.” Jingle pressed her thumb on the pad, and he turned to Alex; Alex pressed his thumb in the space under his name: Judge Marshall
announced to the gathered crowds, “You have now legally fulfilled the laws of the Union and you have the right to marry. Congratulations!”

  Judge Marshall stepped back, and the President stepped forward, “Please take each other’s hands.” Alex took Jingle’s hands and he felt like his heart was going to explode. They stared into each other’s eyes and the President said, “Julia Katherine Jingle, do you take this man…

  At the end, Jingle said, “I do!”

  The President turned to Alex, “Do you Alexander Wade Berringer…” At the end, Alex replied, “I do!” Alex confessed later that he didn’t remember putting the wedding ring on Jingle’s finger and truth be told, neither did Jingle, but she would never admit it.

  The President turned to the gathered crowds and said, “There is one more thing to do before this ceremony is completed. Most of you don’t know that this couple through their actions have prevented the deaths of billions of humans in our fleets and on the planets in the Union and the Wilds. Their actions have been kept secret and what few know as well is that they are responsible for the Union and a newly discovered advanced alien civilization becoming close allies. The High Council has voted unanimously to award them the Union Galaxy which is the highest award the Union gives for bravery above and beyond the call of duty. Admiral Glennon!”

  Mike walked out from behind Alex and took a small case out of his jacket pocket. He took the medal out and pinned it to Jingles wedding gown. He went to attention and saluted her before he took another case out and pinned an identical medal to the chest of Alex’s dress uniform. Glennon saluted him and moved back behind Alex. The President smiled and turned to them, “By the authority invested in me, I hereby announce that you are now husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  Alex didn’t need to be told twice. He swept Jingle up in his arms and kissed her. Dolly leaned over to Gee, “This could take a while.”

  The roar from the gathered crowd exploded and rattled the glass in the buildings. They finally broke the kiss and the President announced over the loud speakers, “I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Alex and Jingle Berringer!”

  Alex and Jingle held hands and walked to the front of the platform where they waved at the huge gathering. The roar grew louder and continued for more than twenty minutes before music erupted from the loud speakers. Dolly and Gee lifted Jingle’s long train and followed them down the steps, up the ramp, and into the ship. The crowd was roaring as the warship lifted and moved high above the community.

  Joesen moved to the front of the platform with a microphone, “May I have everyone’s attention!” He had to say it several times before the crowd grew quiet. “WE HAVE SET UP TABLES ON ALL THE STREETS IN THE COMMUNITY AND ALL OF YOU ARE INVITED TO SHARE THE WEDDING MEAL. FIND A TABLE AND YOU WILL BE SERVED YOUR MEAL AND DRINKS. THE BRIDE AND GROOM WELCOMES ALL OF YOU TO THIS CELEBRATION!”

  • • •

  Jingle was sitting in Alex’s lap and Dolly was sitting in Jingle’s chair next to them. Gee was standing between the chairs and Dolly said as she looked around, “I’ve never been on a ship like this. The buttons, slides, lights, and ‘what-cha-ma call its’ are beyond my ability to understand.”

  “They’re beyond anyone’s ability to comprehend, Dolly,” Jingle responded. “It takes bonding with a computer to grasp how everything works.”

  Gee looked around and responded, “This ship is a far cry from that used ship you bought to run away.”

  “Actually, the computer in that ship is the one in this ship as well, Gee.”


  “We’ve been together since the beginning,” Jangle announced over the loud speaker.

  Gee and Dolly were surprised by the remark and Jingle smiled, “That was Jangle. He’s also one of my best friends.”

  Gee put a hand on Jingle’s shoulder, “Your wedding has far exceeded anything we ever dreamed of as children, Jingle.”

  Jingle put her hand on Gee’s, “If there were only Alex and me and one other person reading our vows, it would have exceeded anything I ever dreamed of Gee. I’ve learned that it’s not the event but the person you marry that makes it special.” She leaned back and kissed Alex.

  They broke the kiss and Alex said, “Admiral Glennon informed me that the fleet is preparing to launch in six days.”

  “Then that gives us five days for a honey-moon.”

  Alex shook his head, “Actually, we only have four. We must be at Fleet Operations in five days to brief the Fleet Admirals on the plan of attack.”

  “Then if we only have four days, we’ll have to make the best of them, Alex.”

  “Where are you going for your honeymoon?” Dolly inquired.

  Jingle turned to Alex, “The Executive has given us an all-expenses paid trip to a certain hotel I’m familiar with on Barrow.”

  “Really!” Alex responded. Jingle nodded. “Then we need to leave after the festivities end tonight.”

  “We’re going to leave before they’re over, Alex. I have some plans for you and me.”

  Alex smiled and said, “We need to change into our reception clothes.”

  “I’m just taking off the train, Alex. I intend to really mess up this dress dancing tonight.” Gee and Dolly laughed, and she did make a mess of it.

  • • •

  The community was filled with music from loudspeakers outside every business. There was dancing in the streets and the regulars in the Watering Hole celebrated with abandon. Malph showed up with Anjette and Jingle saw he was happy, though Anjette wasn’t. Jingle went to her and smiled, “Anjette, you have nothing to worry about. I have the only man I’ll ever love, and I truly wish you and Malph a long, healthy, and happy life.” Jingle hugged her and saw Anjette’s first smile of the evening. Alex waltzed up and took Anjette into his arms and danced away with her. Malph walked over to Jingle and raised his shoulders. “Are you happy, Malph?”

  “I am, Jingle. I’m with a woman that truly loves me.”

  Jingle smiled and asked, “Still friends?”

  “That will never change, Jingle.”

  Anjette kept her eyes on Malph and saw him talking with Jingle. Her eyes narrowed but then she saw them shake hands. Instantly, her fear evaporated, and she got into the spirit and danced her way back to Malph. She left Alex and went into his arms. They danced away and Alex blew out a breath, “I’m still not in shape.”

  “Then you better save some of it!” Alex smiled and took Jingle in his arms.

  • • •

  Dolly looked at Joesen and shook her head, “How much did this cost us?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Joesen, this could break us.” Dolly saw Joesen’s expression and said, “What’s going on?”

  “The Admiral friend of theirs demanded to pay whatever it cost. I protested just enough for him to believe me but then reluctantly gave in to his request.”

  “And?” Dolly asked.

  “I think we netted more than a million credits today.”

  Dolly started laughing and Joesen raised his hands, “Hey, I’m a business man. Every business in the community came out of this with huge profits.”

  “Get over here and dance with me!”

  “Forget it, Dolly! You get behind the bar and help me serve drinks. We can dance tomorrow!” Dolly laughed and went behind the bar.

  • • •

  The four days on Barrow flew by all too fast. Then it was time to leave. They went to the front desk and were greeted by the Hotel Manager. Alex and Jingle saw the entire staff of the hotel moving into the lobby and gather around them. The Manager turned to them and said, “You are welcome to return in the future and you will not be charged for your stay.”

  Jingle smiled, “Thank you, but it could be a long time before we can get back.”

  “As long as you live, your money will not be accepted on Barrow at any resort on the planet. The citizens of Barrow know what you did to save us from the Nebula Aliens and prevent the other planets from learning of
our stupidity. We all know that we would all be dead except for what you did to save us. We would consider it an honor if you would come back to Barrow and stay with us here.”

  Jingle’s eyes moistened and she hugged the Manager, “Thank you.”

  “No, Mrs. Berringer, thank you!”

  Alex took her hand, “We need to go!” Jingle nodded and he pulled her out of the hotel. Jangle was hovering just outside the hotel’s entrance and they ran up the ramp. A moment later, the ramp was retracted, and the ship rose quickly into the sky.

  The hotel’s staff followed them out and watched the ship disappear; there wasn’t a dry eye among them. They actually saw Barrow’s saviors in person, and it was something they would share with their children and grandchildren.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Alex and Jingle sat at the front of the conference room and saw far fewer attendees this time. These Admirals were commanding fleets of the new warships and there were only thirty-four thousand that had completed construction and fleet trials. Glennon opened the conference by saying, “We have recently learned that the civilization in the Large Magellanic Cloud will probably be attacking the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy in a little less than two years.” Glennon waited for that bit of information to penetrate before he continued. “Fleet Intelligence estimates that it will take almost a year and a half to build enough new warships to attack the Styx Nebula and another year before the alien Civilization there can be defeated. We are not in a position to fight a war on two fronts.”

  “What have you decided to do, Sir?” an admiral asked.

  “We can’t wait to start our attacks. We’ll send in your fleets to destroy as many of them as possible and reinforce you as more ships come on line.”

  “Sir, we’ll be heavily outnumbered.”

  Glennon turned to the admiral and nodded, “Yes, we will. But we have no choice, their numbers must be reduced and that needs to start now.”

  “Exactly what are you ordering us to do, Sir.”

  Glennon turned to Alex, “Have you developed a plan of attack, Admiral Berringer?”


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