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Here We Go Again

Page 12

by Romeo Alexander

  “Troy,” Oscar hissed as Troy’s lips slid further down the length of his cock.

  Troy chuckled in his throat, pulling back with a grin. “I couldn’t resist. But you’re not getting off that easily.”

  Oscar looked down, thick brow rising. “That so?”

  Troy wiggled backward, shucking off his shorts and tossing them aside. Once his shirt was off, he rolled onto his stomach and pushed his hips up. Face down, ass up, he turned to look over his shoulder at Oscar.

  Oscar leaned back, catching his bottom lip between his teeth. “Jesus, Troy.”

  Troy had never been particularly inhibited, but he’d lost all sense of shame or reservation when it came to Oscar. No one could make him act so wantonly and desperate, like the sight of Oscar half-naked and looking better than anyone had a right to. Even better was the sight of him pulling the rest of his clothes off to expose the expanse of his bronzed, beautiful body.

  And he knew all too well that acting slutty had a way of driving Oscar crazy.

  “Please,” Troy pleaded, pointing to the bedside table.

  True to expectation, Oscar wasted no time in going to the drawer and pulling out the condoms and lube. The mattress sank down as Oscar mounted the bed, stroking Troy’s exposed skin, first his shoulders, down over his back and sides, and then over the curve of his ass. Troy’s back arched at the touch, desperate to feel more as he finally heard the bottle of lube open.

  “Fuck,” Oscar muttered as Troy felt the trickle of lube start at the top of his ass and run down.

  It was Troy’s turn to curse as he felt Oscar’s thick finger run the same path and push forward into him. Even as Oscar’s finger pushed into him, spreading him open a little, Oscar’s mouth came down to lay little kisses along his lower back. Troy’s eyes fluttered shut as a second finger was added, his body coiling in pleasure. He allowed himself to get lost in the moment, knowing it was Oscar spreading him open gently but insistently. Feeling his way, Oscar spread his fingers apart, knowing it would draw a moan from Troy as it always did, a tease for when Oscar’s cock was inside of him.

  And then he felt it, the covered blunt tip of Oscar’s cock pressing against him.

  Troy let out a reedy gasp as Oscar’s cock pushed into him with a strong push of the man’s hips. His fingers curled into the bedspread, and his body sang with indescribable pleasure. Heat filled him as Oscar worked his way into him with rhythmic, ever-deepening thrusts. Troy couldn’t remember the last time it had taken someone so long to bottom out inside him, or when someone had filled him so completely. The sensation, a mixture of pain and pleasure, was absolutely maddening, but he held tight, desperate for more.

  It was Oscar.

  Then Troy felt hips pressed against his ass, and Oscar leaned forward to plant a shaky kiss between his shoulder blades. Troy craned his neck, catching Oscar’s lips with his own in the best, most desperate kiss he could manage. Every inch of Oscar’s cock was buried inside him, throbbing steadily as Oscar’s heart beat furiously. The burn of entry had already begun to fade, leaving Troy with only a sense of desperate anticipation.

  “Oh, Oscar, baby, please,” Troy whimpered.

  Oscar straightened himself, taking hold of Troy’s hip and pulling back. Troy’s breath caught as he felt the full length nearly pulled from inside him, coming out in a guttural moan as his cock slid back into place. Oscar’s hips continued the motion, moving so achingly slow that Troy thought he was going to lose his mind before the night was through.

  Oscar’s fingers dug into Troy’s hip as he gave another thrust, burying himself faster than before, but just as deeply. Troy cried out, shoving his hips back into the thrust to make sure Oscar got as deep as possible. His body thrummed with steadily building ecstasy as the larger man began to thrust in earnest.

  Troy was pushed down into the mattress, his mind running over every sensation. From the feel of Oscar’s fingers gripping him tightly to the sound of the man’s sharp breathing and throaty moans. Where once he thought he would never again know Oscar’s touch, or the feel of his body against his, here he was, Oscar burying himself with all the strength and passion that he’d had so many years ago.

  When he came, it was with a cry and the crash of pleasure coursing through him. The squeeze of his muscles dragged Oscar right over the brink with him. The man thrust one last time, burying himself completely, and Troy let out a low whimper when he felt the throb deep inside him as Oscar came hard. When the strength ran out of Troy’s legs, he fell forward, and Oscar went with him, keeping himself buried deep as he sprawled over Troy’s smaller frame.

  Troy drew in a breath, and then another, as he felt the heavy weight of Oscar bearing down around him.

  He laughed softly, closing his eyes against the familiar but almost welcome sensation of Oscar.



  Oscar woke a few hours later, groggy and a little unsure where he was at first. Moonlight filtered in through a nearby open window, letting in both the light and the smell of the ocean nearby. The sound of soft breathing next to him brought his gaze down, and his memory clicked into place.

  Troy slept peacefully beside him, his shoulder rising and falling as he lay curled on his side. The moonlight peeked over his face, illuminating his peaceful expression, his hand curled around Oscar’s hand, as though trying to keep hold of him.

  Along with that realization came the memory of the evening, and all the sweet, passionate, unbelievable sex that had come with it. Oscar had come over with the intention of carrying his brother’s words in his heart and acknowledging his feelings for Troy openly and honestly. It still scared the living shit out of him, staring down at Troy’s beautiful face and knowing that he had once again committed to a relationship with him.

  And the sex, oh, the sex had been perfect. Maybe not classically romantic, it hadn’t been hearts and flowers. Sex with Troy was rarely lovemaking, but then again, it rarely had been with Oscar. Troy approached sex with the same approach he took just about everything in life, with full-blown enthusiasm and wild abandon. Nothing could get Oscar harder, or make him want to bury himself in the man faster than the wicked gleam in Troy’s eyes as he put himself on display for Oscar or teased him mercilessly.

  No one knew when Oscar was holding himself back from saying something, or when something was truly bothering him rather than just irritating him. Their relationship had lasted only a year, but in that time, Troy had learned Oscar inside and out. He had always been so frustrated with Oscar’s lack of willingness to out himself, but he’d stayed with Oscar through it all, with all the warmth and zest for life that he carried with him.

  And damn, Oscar had thrown that away.

  Oscar reached out, brushing a finger lightly over Troy’s forehead. “I’m sorry.”

  Troy’s brow creased, and his voice came out thick and quiet. “For what?”

  Oscar blinked, then let out a light, startled laugh. “Fuck, I always forget how lightly you sleep.”

  Troy’s eyes opened, the bright blue glowing in the moonlight and stealing Oscar’s breath. “I’ve been awake the whole time you’ve been watching me sleep.”

  “You know, that sounds creepy when you say it aloud,” Oscar complained.

  Troy smiled, taking hold of Oscar’s hand to kiss his fingers. “It’s not, not at all. Now, what are you sorry for?”

  Oscar’s heart beat faster as he took in Troy’s sleepy expression, the gentle smile on his face, and the faint look of worry in his eyes. Troy was so much like the storm from years ago, unpredictable and wild, but there was a warmth in him that Oscar cleaved to, had once found himself beginning to rely on. It was so much like his life before the military, when the only safe place he had against the world was in his brother’s home.

  Oscar shook his head. “Was just thinking aloud.”

  “Thinking can be pretty dangerous,” Troy chided.

  “Tell me about it.”

  Troy wriggled closer, peering up at Oscar. “But you
don’t have to be sorry.”

  Oscar raised a brow, while still wrapping an arm around Troy’s waist and drawing him closer. “Oh? And what was I sorry about then?”

  Troy smiled. “We don’t have to keep obsessing over the past anymore, Oscar. I mean, yeah, that stuff hurt, and it’s going to sit at the back of our heads every now and again, but that doesn’t mean we have to keep picking at it like a scab. We decided to give this another chance, and I mean to do just that. So maybe, instead of obsessing over what went wrong once upon a time, we can focus on what’s good right in front of us.”

  Oscar chuckled. “Just that easy, huh?”

  “Why shouldn’t it be? Pretty sure worrying was what got us into this mess in the first place.”

  Oscar bent down, kissing Troy gently. It was only then that he realized there was tension in Troy’s body following their conversation. As if by magic, the tightness in his jaw lessened as their lips met, and he melted against Oscar. Troy let out a low whimper, pressing himself against Oscar and trying to wrap his leg around him.

  Oscar grunted when the pressure pushed against his hip, drawing him back. “Ah, careful.”

  Troy pulled back, looking down and wincing. “Shit, sorry.”

  Oscar shook his head. “It’s okay, but I think the meds have worn off, and I might have done a little bit of hip work earlier.”

  Troy smiled. “More than a little.”

  “Okay, a lot of hip work.”

  Troy carefully nudged Oscar onto his back, and once that was done, slid himself over the other man so he could straddle his thighs. Oscar looked up, finding himself a little in awe of Troy as he perched above him. Troy had always been beautiful in Oscar’s eyes, even from the first moment he’d seen him after knocking him and someone else over in some stupid fight. Troy’s eyes always trapped Oscar’s gaze, and his body had always been a wonderland of pleasure, with even a flash of his bare skin from beneath a shirt being enough to send Oscar’s heart racing and his mind wandering.

  “Well,” Troy began, running a hand over Oscar’s chest. “Maybe that means I should be doing the hip work next time.”

  Oscar raised a brow, his groin stirring. “That so?”

  “I mean, you already fucked me pretty good. I think it’s only fair that the next time you get to lay back while I do all the work,” Troy said, rolling his hips teasingly.

  Oscar felt himself grow hard, pressing against the back of Troy’s ass as he imagined just what that would look like. From the pleased smirk on Troy’s face, the other man was more than aware of what his actions were doing, and was going to milk it for all it was worth.

  Oh, he was going to sleep well tonight.

  Oscar wasn’t exactly sure how dating someone for a day meant he got wrangled into doing tasks for them, but that was apparently how it worked. Troy had spent the morning whipping up breakfast and cleaning out the kitchen. Oscar couldn’t recall Troy being quite that tidy before, and then he spent the afternoon dragging boxes out of closets and storage.

  Oscar stared down at one box. “So why exactly am I being dragged into your attempt at getting onto the cover of Home and Garden again?”

  Troy sat on the couch, legs curled under him as he rummaged through a box of knick-knacks. “I kind of realized how bare the entire place was when you came over yesterday. Got me to thinking that I have all this stuff that I’ve grabbed over the years that I just haven’t dragged out.”

  “So, you dragged them out, and now I’m the one who gets to help you drag it onto the walls and furniture,” Oscar said.

  Troy looked up with a grin. “And when we’re done with my place, we can hop over to yours and get you set up.”

  “What makes you think I need to be set up?”

  Troy arched a brow. “You telling me that you have everything unpacked and decorated?”

  Oscar frowned, turning his attention back to the box in front of him. “That would assume I have things to use as decoration.”

  “How do you have nothing to decorate your apartment with?”

  “I don’t own things to decorate with. I mean, most of the time, I knew it was only a matter of months before I was going to be slung back out into the desert, so what was the point of trying to make my house look all pretty? It was just going to get thrown back in boxes in no time anyway.”

  Troy cocked his head, pushing the box away from him and hopping up. “Then I guess that just means you’ll have to get some stuff. I mean...unless you’re supposed to be leaving again.”

  The sudden change in Troy’s voice brought Oscar’s head up with a frown. He could see the worry plain as day on Troy’s face before the man turned away to hide it.

  Troy looked at the frame above the front door. “I think I have a sign somewhere around that would go great there. Says something in Latin, but I can’t remember what it means. But it would look great.”

  Oscar pushed himself to his feet, sidling up behind Troy and pulling him back against his chest. Troy looked up at him, though it was hard to do without staring directly at Oscar’s chin. Oscar bent his head down, kissing the startled man on the end of the nose.

  “I’m going to have a position here for quite a while. So I’m not going anywhere,” Oscar assured him.

  “Oh, well, that’s good,” Troy said.

  “We’re just going to pretend like you weren’t worried about it?”

  “Are we going to pretend that you haven’t been sitting, grumping about putting stuff up instead of doing it because you’re quietly waiting for your pain meds to kick in?”

  Oscar scowled at him but said nothing. He was endlessly thankful that Troy had gone out of his way to go across the base to fetch his medicine for him. By the time Oscar had woken up that morning, his hip felt like it was having a complete fit, and he wasn’t sure how many times he would have to stop on the way over to his apartment.

  Troy wrapped a hand around Oscar’s wrist, leaning back into him. “That’s what I thought.”

  Oscar smirked at the man’s absolute smugness but was won over by the open display of pure affection. Years ago, he’d suspected that Troy was fond of throwing something out there deliberately meant to rile him up, only to follow it with a far more distracting show of affection. If it wasn’t for the fact that Troy meant each and every gesture, Oscar might have hated it. As it was, Oscar knew he was being played, but found he kind of loved it all the same.

  “You don’t have to help me,” Troy finally said, looking up with a smile.

  Oscar snorted. “Right, like I’m going to sit around and watch you do it. No, I’m here, so I’m going to be put to work.”

  Troy rolled his neck, looking up at Oscar innocently. “Well, now that you say that.”

  “Oh, hell.”

  “Do you remember that collection of action figures I had?”

  “Oh, Jesus, Troy, you still have your toys?”

  “They’re action figures! The real toys are in the bottom drawer beside the bed.”

  Well, that had Oscar’s attention.

  Troy jabbed a finger at him. “Don’t be getting any ideas about trying to distract me with hot sexy, naked time, either. We’re here to do a job, and I’m going to get it done, damn it.”

  “Do we...get to play with the real toys later then?” Oscar asked, raising a thick brow.

  Troy grinned. “If you’re a good boy, I’ll show you my collection.”

  He wasn’t going to argue with a chance to get Troy naked and panting later. It had only been a day, but Oscar could feel them falling back into old routines, and that included the ease with which they’d groped and jumped one another in the past. It also usually ended in a heavy bout of cuddling and spooning afterward as well, which left them both happy and content in just about every way.

  Oscar sighed. “Very well, put me to work then, oh slave master.”



  In the days since Oscar had shown up on his doorstep to talk about reigniting their old relationship, Troy co
uldn’t help feeling that no time at all had passed between their previous relationship and the current one. However, that had included keeping their renewed relationship a secret from the rest of the world.

  Well, mostly.

  Dean turned to face Troy as he made to leave. “So, does Oscar have tomorrow off too?”

  Troy eyed him with a smirk. “Maybe.”

  “Well, then I’ll keep my offer to myself then.”

  Troy raised a brow. “Offer?”

  “Was going to see if you wanted to join Sloane and me tonight, but if you’re going to be with your man, I’m not going to get in the way.”

  Troy picked his keys up from the desk and laughed. “And where are you and Sloane going?”


  Troy blinked. “Really? I can’t believe you’re getting him to go.”

  Dean cocked his head. “Why not?”

  Troy shrugged. “I mean, you and him are together, but I imagine it must be weird for him with the whole, you know, gay thing.”

  Dean laughed, shrugging. “Well, he’s not, he’ll be fine.”

  “You just want to show him off,” Troy teased.

  “You’re goddamn right I do. But that’s what the Gala is for.”

  Troy blinked and then cringed, his memory taking a moment before lurching into gear.

  “Oh shit, I forgot all about that,” Troy groaned.

  Dean raised a brow. “Really? I guess that means you’re not going?”

  The annual Fort Dale Gala was one of the biggest nights of the year for the men and women stationed on the base. It definitely required formal dress for anyone to show up, as it was ostensibly meant to show the more dignified side of the base. At the same time, it was generally just an excuse for most people, and their few guests, to enjoy the free food and drink provided by the military, while guests from all over the world were treated to the same expensive fare.


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