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Blood Rose (Vampire Romance)

Page 6

by Natalie Aejaz

  “My staff.”


  “I have nobody.”

  No wonder he had become so irritable. Living alone in this massive mansion all these years, shunning all company as he wallowed in self-pity. Rose had been rejected and used, but what was his excuse? Her hand tightened on his, providing comfort. She cares about me. Countless beings had bowed before him, respected and feared him; lusted after him. But apart from his parents, no one really cared about him. Even Rian only stayed out of a sense of duty and lack of choice. Her voice was soft. “It’s not true, that you have nobody.”

  Suddenly awkward, he let go of her hand and stepped back. Disappointment flitted across her face, quickly replaced by a smile when she noticed his self-portrait. She stared at it for a good few minutes before running her gaze over the other paintings. “These are beautiful,” she sighed. “Who is the artist?”


  “Really?” There was admiration in her expression as her eyes darted between him and the artwork. “They should be in an art gallery.” He waved away the suggestion despite the undeniable satisfaction at her words. “Seriously. I would buy one of your paintings.”

  “Choose one,” he offered.

  Anticipation lit up her face but was gone as suddenly. “It would be wasted on me.” Because she did not deserve it or because she planned to die? Either notion was now unthinkable. Her gaze returned to the self-portrait, lingering. The longing on her face made it obvious which painting she would have chosen. “What are you working on at the moment?”

  “I hardly paint anymore.”

  “What?” She shook her head in disbelief. “Why on earth not?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “The inclination has left me.”

  She moved closer and placed a hand on his chest, close to his heart. “You cannot waste such a talent.” Those soft green eyes stared into his, urging him to agree to whatever she asked. “Promise me, Lohan.” He nodded, and she was smiling again as she glanced around the hall. “Mind if I look around?”

  “Of course not.”

  She spent a few minutes admiring the giant chandelier hanging above before moving in and out of the surrounding rooms, decorated according to his opulent taste of centuries ago. Every few seconds she released a squeal of delight upon discovering a new treasure. “This beautiful chest of drawers! It’s hand-painted, isn’t it? Which century is it from?” And as she expressed her amazement, he realized how much beauty there was in this mansion of his. This old building, which he had grown to hate, now felt like a home.

  The sound of birds chirping filtered through the arched windows. It was still dark, but there would be light soon, bringing the forest to life. Rose’s smile faltered. “Lohan. Thank you so much for this night.” He remained silent, not wanting to hear what she was about to say. “I guess it’s time now?”

  She did not mean it? But she waited, her gaze on him. He shook his head. “There is no need.”

  “You’ve gifted me the night of my life. I won’t back out of our deal.” She felt gratitude and obligation, and she would stick to her word even if she did not wish to die anymore. He experienced something he never had for another human. Respect. To think he regarded her as pathetic when he first saw her. “Lohan, I got what I wished for. Now it’s your turn to have what you want.”

  What did he want? It was downright perverse, the way he could dig into her mind and learn what she wanted, but right now did not understand his own desires. “There is still time before morning, Rose. There must be something else you dream of?” He would give her all she might wish for. And not just because of the deal.

  She shook her head. “You’ve given me everything.”

  So few desires was impossible, even for Rose. What did her thoughts say she wanted? More nights like this. The arrangement was for one night, and even that had him behaving like a sorry fool. For him to love her? That desire shook him. Could he? For a moment he allowed the thought to take root, contentment spreading through him as he imagined Rose with him in his mansion, lighting it with her presence…No. He had lived in this manner for centuries and could not change his ways. She was a silly child, hoping for love from one like him: a monster. Anything else…As he filtered her thoughts, he suddenly froze, seeing something he never expected from Rose.

  A desire for revenge.


  * * *

  SHE EXPERIENCED HEAVINESS INSIDE HER head as Lohan stared into her eyes.

  It was the same sensation that had taken over her mind on the bridge, before he invited her for the night out, only this time it was more intense. Just as the heavy feeling turned into an ache, he looked away, and she took a deep breath, relieved. He stood with his back to her, saying nothing. “Lohan? What are you thinking?”

  “Making a decision.” He held out his hand. “Come. I have a final gift for you.”

  What else could he give when she had experienced everything she dreamed of? But the prospect of being near to him pulled her, and she moved closer, resting her face against his chest. His arms went around her, and he embraced her tight, gently kissing the top of her head. And then the walls shifted.

  As her mind stilled again, the smell of rotten food, cigarette smoke and stale sweat invaded her senses. Surely the vampire had made a mistake? They were inside a dingy living room littered with old takeaways and empty cans of beer. She could not quell her disappointment. This was to be her last memory? There was movement outside the room, and she held onto Lohan’s arm as the door opened. “Let’s get out of here,” she whispered.

  As Lohan shook his head, a man entered. He cut a sorry figure, unshaven and stinking of alcohol and piss; dressed in jogging pants and a white vest too small to cover that beer belly. He looked familiar…had he lived in the same apartment block—or perhaps he was a delivery guy from work? No, he was…as realization hit her, the air was knocked out of her. She struggled to breathe. Steve? No…She stepped back but Lohan held her arm, tight.

  Steve stared at them through eyes that were red due to lack of sleep. “What the fuck are you doing in my place?” There was despise in his gaze as it traveled over Rose. “And what the fuck is it with the mutton dressed as lamb?”

  He was in his fifties now but appeared older, with white hairs splattered across his chin and skin drooping from his face. When he looked at her again, nausea gathered in her stomach, those images returning as if it was yesterday—Steve inviting her to his office, groping her breasts as he slid his hand under the hem of that black dress. And she had not known how to protect herself…After doing that to her, and making her live for years in fear, he did not remember who she was? Tears came to her eyes, but she wiped them away, angry. There was no way she would break down in front of the bastard.

  Lohan’s grip was now soft on her arm. “What do you want me to do to him?”

  Rip him apart. She wanted this pig ripped apart, slowly.

  “What do you mean, cunt?” Steve instantly dipped his hand into the pile of takeaways, bringing a knife out. The vampire was at him like a shot. He took him by the neck, pinning him to the wall. Terror spread across Steve’s face, the knife dropping from his hands when Lohan bared his fangs. “No,” he whimpered. “Please…”

  “I would never feed on the likes of you, but I will take great pleasure in ripping you apart. Slowly.” The vampire had read her thoughts?

  “Wh-who are you? What are you?”

  “Even an idiot such as you must have read books,” Lohan said. “I am exactly what you think I am.”

  Steve shook his head. “No, no. I don’t believe it. It’s a trick.” The vampire’s eyes flashed red, and the other man froze.

  “Now do you believe me?” Lohan snarled.

  The pig squealed. “P-please don’t kill me.” That confident officer from the orphanage was reduced to a helpless baby. “Please let me go. I-I need the toilet.”

  “You craven bastard, you are not going anywhere.” Lohan stepped away from him and then
stared at Rose. “Tell me and I will do it. I will tear him apart.”

  She turned to Steve, who had paled at the vampire’s words. Fear. It looked good on him. “Do you know who I am?”

  “You must have the wrong place.”

  Her voice was bitter. “Oh no, we don’t. Steve.”

  “You know me?” His expression changed to downright terror. He had obviously hoped this was a mistake. “Who are you?”

  “Rose. You don’t remember?” He frowned, shaking his head. “From the orphanage?” The bastard really did not recognize her. Rage surged through her as she clenched her fists. “Remember my sixteenth birthday? You gave me a gift, a black dress…”

  “R-Rose?” His face turned even paler. After that day in his office, Steve had behaved as if he did nothing wrong, treating her as if the incident never happened. But now, faced with the prospect of retribution, he visibly trembled. The stench of fresh piss rose from him, mixing with the smells of sweat and decaying food, making her nauseous. The disgusting bastard had only gone and wet his pants. “After all these years?”

  “You’re about to get what you deserve,” she spat out.

  Steve fell to his knees, in a puddle of his own piss. “I’ve suffered enough. One of the girls complained, and I lost my job—I’ve even been in jail. For fuck’s sake, I got put on the sex offenders register even though none of you were children, not really.” He looked up at Lohan. “Mate. You’re a guy too and know how it is. If you’d seen her that day…she was such a tease, dressing up in that tiny dress—” She kicked out at Steve, her shoe making contact with his face. When the blood spurted from his nose, the vampire gave her a look of appreciation. “Please,” wailed Steve. “I’ve already been punished big time.”

  How many other girls had there been? How many women even today could not move past what he had done? “You’ve been punished nowhere near enough. I’ve suffered for years.” And she still did.

  “Please, I’ll do anything.” Now he cried, loud, his tears and snot mixing and falling to the floor.

  Lohan turned away in disgust. “I cannot bear the sight of him any longer, Rose. Shall I finish him?”

  She nearly said yes. But Steve’s life was even more miserable than hers. Death would deliver him of this, and she did not want to allow him any relief. “Look at me, Steve.”

  He kept his eyes on the stained carpet. “I won’t.”

  “Look at me. Or else my friend will cause you so much pain, you’ll beg to die.”

  She did not miss the flash of admiration that crossed Lohan’s face at her words. Steve looked up at her. “Please,” he whimpered. Just as she did all those years ago.

  “I’m letting you live, for now.”

  He wiped his nose on his hand. “What does that mean?”

  “We’ll be back when you least expect it. And that is the day you will die. Painfully.”

  “Please forgive me. I’m really sorry—”

  “We’ll be watching you,” she told him. “If you go anywhere near a girl, you die. You complain to the police, you die. Not that anyone would believe a washed up drunkard like you. If you behave, you might live a few extra days.”

  “Please…” More tears fell down his face, and he lifted his vest to wipe them, exposing his blubber. He could barely catch his breath when he spoke. “H-how long do I have?”

  She marveled that someone with his existence wanted to hold onto life, was in fact desperate to. “I have not decided,” she told him. “I only know that it’s going to be messy.”

  She said nothing more as she went into Lohan’s arms and inhaled his musky scent, wanting to get rid of those horrible smells that lingered around this monster’s apartment. As the dizziness took over, Steve’s voice rang out in the background. “Please don’t return! I’m sorry—Rose!”

  Back in the mansion, Lohan did not let go. He held onto her for a long time, silent. Steve could never hurt her again. And no other man would ever get away with treating her the way he had.

  Her fear was finally gone.


  * * *

  AS LOHAN HELD ONTO ROSE, the thought that a despicable creature like Steve once touched her—used and discarded her—filled him with rage.

  Eventually she stepped away, attempting a smile. “Thank you.”

  He did not know what to say to comfort her. But he knew what he wanted to do. “When do you want me to go back? For Steve?”

  Her surprise was obvious. “You would do that?”

  He frowned. “Who else would?”

  She now genuinely smiled. “You’re such a sweetheart?” Sweetheart? During all those centuries of blood-sucking, nobody had referred to him as that. “But there is no need.” So what did she want? And why the hell were human females so confusing sometimes? Before he might delve into her thoughts to see what she was up to, she said, “I don’t want him dead.” Don’t want him dead? “Killing him would be too easy. I want Steve to wake up every day wondering if it will be his last. Every time someone slams a door or speaks loudly, I want the bastard to piss his pants again. I want him to experience fear…for the rest of his miserable life.”

  His Rose really was full of surprises. His Rose? He pushed the thought from his mind. “And what about you? Are you happy now?”

  “Happy?” She seemed uncertain. “It’s as if a huge burden’s disappeared.” She glanced at the floor. “That feeling of being dirty, disgusting even, has gone.” She lifted her head, smiling again. “Yes, I am happy.”

  He smiled down at her. “I am glad to hear you say it.”

  She frowned. “But how did you know? About Steve?”

  “If I can visualize someone, I am able to locate them.” It was an ability he had not needed to use for a while.

  “But how did you know about him in the first place?”

  He was honest. “I drank your blood, and that means I can look into your thoughts and memories. You may have noticed your head gets heavy sometimes?”

  Her eyes widened. “That was you?”

  He nodded. “But there is no need to worry. The effect is temporary.”

  “So you’ve seen what he did?” Yes. Along with the fear she had lived with since then. Her lips trembled. “You must think I’m stupid.”

  “You have nothing to be embarrassed about.” His voice hardened. “That bastard took advantage of you.” As she nodded, he pulled her into his arms. She really did deserve much better than what she had been dealt with. He sensed there was something more she wanted—no, needed—but he tried not to give in to the temptation of reading her mind. She already affected him more than she should. Much more than she should.

  “Lohan?” Yes, sweetheart? “W-would you make love to me?” Her voice was a whisper. “It’s just that I need to get rid of this feeling—”

  There was no need for her to explain. “I understand, dear Rose.”

  He teleported her to his en-suite shower room, and her surprise was evident as she took in its modern interiors. “We’re still in your mansion?”

  “Yes.” A lot of the trappings and technologies of contemporary life might be detestable, but he appreciated some of the luxuries it brought. A few years ago he redesigned the bathroom, going for ultimate luxury. The spacious cubicle was fitted with a rainfall shower, and on the other side of the room was a large Jacuzzi, a delight he rarely enjoyed despite the healing powers of water—and all the time he had.

  He grinned, turning on the shower without warning her. As it drenched them, she squealed, “The gown! It’ll get ruined.”

  “I will buy you another one.” He immediately checked himself. There would be no more nights like this. She had not noticed his slip, her face up to the water and eyes closed.

  “This feels amazing. I wish we could stay here forever.” He kept his gaze on her as he removed his tee shirt and jeans, tossing them to the side. When he moved closer, her smile faltered and breath quickened. She opened her eyes, taking in his nakedness before removing her gown and t
hen throwing it to join his clothes. He had threatened Rian when he dumped that lavender kit in his bathroom but now reached into the wood box for a bottle of shampoo. He dispensed some in his hand—it smelled heavenly—and rubbed it in her hair until she closed her eyes again, a soft moan leaving her lips as he worked it into her scalp. Turning her so her back was against him, he massaged her head, the shampoo running down her skin in a wet lather. He truly desired to take Rose again but would give her this pleasure first.

  He took the shower gel from the box, ignoring the sponge that came with the kit because he needed to feel her body, every inch of it. Keeping her held against him, he worked the gel over her shoulders until it created a decadent lather. When he shifted his hands to her breasts, she gasped and arched against him as his fingers moved over her nipples, now slippery under the soap. He had never wanted a human female for anything other than blood after sex—but just the thought of being inside Rose again was driving him over the edge. She pressed her backside against him, tormenting his erection; but he held on for her and took his time as he rubbed the soap over her smooth back, the lather running down her skin and creating a tempting trail to between her legs.

  He kept hold of her breast, teasing her nipple as he moved his other hand over her soft belly and to between her thighs. He pressed two fingers into her, making her cry out; nearly losing it when she whimpered and writhed against him as he stroked her swollen clit. She shivered and panted as she rubbed against his pulsing erection, her head falling back over his shoulder and wet hair climbing down his arm. Her hips pulsed against his fingers as she moaned louder with each thrust. He pushed his fingers faster and deeper until she came hard with a loud cry, and he released a grunt of satisfaction as she fell against him.

  He wanted to give her even more pleasure, so much that she would forget anything that might trouble her, but she turned to face him. “My turn.”

  She trailed her fingers over the collection of soaps, picking up the musky shower gel he usually favored. Rose already knew him too well. She smoothed the soap over his shoulders, absorbed in the experience and a small smile on her face. Her arms went around his waist, her erect nipples pressing against his chest as she rubbed his back. The ecstasy! His erection pressed against her belly, and just when he nearly lost his resolve and embraced her, she stepped back, her hand moving down over his stomach. Her gaze was full of desire as her fingers closed around his shaft, stroking it. Spasms shot through his body but he kept control, wanting to make this last.


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