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Little Devil

Page 9

by Bethany Winters

  “Holy shit,” she chokes out, quickly slapping a hand over her mouth to stop herself.

  I laugh lightly and reach up to take that same hand, moving it down to my head so she can run her fingers through my hair. She scrapes her nails over my scalp and I run my piercing over the ball of her clit, enjoying the quiet noises leaving her throat while she pushes my face down to her pussy.

  She’s holding out on me and I know it, but I don’t rush her or tell her to come.

  I’d eat her out all night long if she’d let me.

  I slide my free hand over her stomach and pinch her nipple, rolling it between my thumb and forefinger. Her moans get louder and she tilts her head back on her shoulders, tightening her grip on my hair while she locks her thighs around my head. My scalp stings and I groan, fucking loving the way she tastes while she comes all over my fingers. I lick the wetness from her pussy and she pushes my head away, falling down on her back with her hair spread out like a messy halo around her head.

  Funny considering I’m about to fuck the angel right out of her.

  She grins like she knows it and I grin back, squeezing her hip while I run my tongue over the curve of her waist. I plan on licking every inch of her body until she’s begging me for my cock, but then she sucks her stomach in and I look up at her, not missing the way I can see her fucking ribs poking out beneath her flesh.

  “Stop doing that.”

  “Doing what?” she asks, frowning when I move up to crowd her space.

  “That.” I flick her navel, brushing her hair behind her ear when I catch the sadness in her eyes. “Fuck, baby, don’t you know how perfect your body is?”

  She hesitates, then slowly shakes her head no. I grind my teeth together and snatch her jaw to stop her, gently moving my hand to the back of her neck to hold her forehead against mine.

  “Breathe out.”

  She doesn’t, and I swear to god I could kill Noah fucking Campbell.

  “Please, Jordyn.”

  She swallows but eventually does as she’s told, looking so unsure that my heart physically aches for her.

  Right then, I decide I’m keeping her for myself, mostly because I want to but also because fuck this.

  She doesn’t need those nasty motherfuckers filling her head with this bullshit.

  Not now she has me.


  “What, baby?”

  “I hate it when you call me Jordyn.”

  I raise a brow at that, dipping my head to tease her mouth with mine. “Same way you hated it when I licked your pussy just now?”

  She nods and I smirk, slowly running my fingers over her stomach to slide one inside her. Her hips buck and I pin them with mine, twisting the hand between her thighs to add a second one.

  “I wanna put my dick in here, princess,” I tell her, rubbing my jeans against her inner thigh to show her how hard she makes me. “You gonna let me?”

  She nods again and I move to grab the single condom I keep in my wallet, looking up at her when she takes my hand to wrap her fist around the packet.


  “I..” she trails off, rolling over onto her side to grab something from the drawer of her nightstand.

  I frown and lean over to watch what she’s doing, smiling to myself when I spot the single key attached to the purple devil keyring I left on her car a few weeks ago. She pushes my head away when she catches me looking and shuts the drawer, lying down on her back to pass me a piece of paper.

  “What is this?”

  “I got tested after I found out Noah cheated on me,” she explains, chewing her lip like it’s something she needs to be embarrassed about. “I, uh.. I’m on the shot.”

  “Jordyn,” I warn, damn near going off in my jeans at the thought of what she’s offering me.

  “Have you ever done it without a condom before?”

  “No, but I haven’t been tested in a few weeks.”

  She nods and sits up a bit, reaching down between her legs to push my jeans down over my cock. “It’ll be fine.”

  “Are you s–”

  “Fuck, please, Xan,” she cuts in, dropping her eyes to run her thumb over the tip. “I wanna feel it.”

  God fucking damn her.

  I toss the paper away without looking at it and push her down on her back, quickly shedding the rest of my clothes before I retake my spot between her legs. I lean up on one elbow beside her head and fist the base of my cock, rubbing it over her pussy a few times to get it wet. I purposely slide my piercing over her clit and she moans, eagerly lifting her ass off the bed in an attempt to get the tip in. I pull it back a bit to deny her and take her mouth with mine, enjoying the impatient little growl leaving her throat.


  I shove it inside her with one hard hit and she screams, roughly digging her nails into the back of my neck to attack my tongue with hers. I groan at the feel of her and slide my hand beneath her ass, squeezing the soft flesh there to fuck her a little deeper.

  “Oh my god,” she cries out. “Shit.”

  I nod my agreement and suck on her bottom lip, fucking loving the way her bare pussy feels wrapped around my cock. Her tight walls clench around me and I tighten my grip on her ass, squeezing my eyes shut when I realize she’s about to come already.

  “Fuck, Jordyn,” I grit out, riding her through it the best I can without going off like a thirteen year old virgin.

  She finally stops shaking and I crack my eyes open to look at her, laughing lightly when I catch the surprise on her face.

  “How did you do that?”

  “Baby, I didn’t do it on purpose.”

  “Damn,” she whispers, not even bothering to hide the big ass grin on her face. “I like your friend Justin.”

  I shake my head at her and she runs her hands over my chest, shoving me back a bit to get me to move. I take the hint and drop down on my back beside her, taking her waist with one hand to guide her on top of me. At first I think she wants to ride me, but then she shuffles down to kneel between my legs and wraps her tiny hand around the base of my cock.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I wanna suck your dick,” she says simply, dipping her head to swirl her tongue around my piercing.

  Jesus Christ.

  I knock my head back against the headboard and she laughs at me, opening her mouth to take me in as far as she can without choking on it. I’m a fucking pussy for this girl and I’m about to come down her throat, which is why I gather her hair into a makeshift ponytail at the top of her head and pull, grabbing my cock with my free hand to tap her bottom lip with it.

  “Stick your tongue out for me.”

  She does and I slide it over the top, choosing a spot in the middle about two centimetres from the end.

  Right there.

  That’s where I’ll put it.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Piercing your tongue,” I admit, smirking when her brows jump in horror.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  She scrunches her nose and I pull her into me, brushing my lips against hers while I lift her up to straddle my hips. I line my cock up with her pussy and she sinks down on it, leaning over me to wrap her hand around my necklace. She grinds on me and I fuck up into her, sliding my hands over her sides to squeeze her waist.

  “What’s the key for, princess?”

  “None of your business,” she teases, squealing when I flip her over to lie on her back. “Xan!”

  I shove my dick back inside her and spit on my thumb, moving it down between us to rub her clit. That sets her off and she moans, damn near ripping my hair out while she pulls my face down to hers.

  “Baby,” I rasp. “Your pussy feels so fucking good.”

  She whimpers and I dip my head to kiss her, but it’s not a sweet kiss. It’s wild and crazed and needy as fuck, and it doesn’t take long for her legs to start shaking again.

  “Fuck,” she curses, throwing her hea
d back when I increase the pressure on her clit.

  I fuck her harder and slide my tongue over the edge of her jaw, moving down to dig my teeth into her neck. I suck on the sensitive flesh there but stop myself before I mark her, knowing she’ll go off on me if she wakes up with a hickey in the morning, but then she cries out and tightens her grip on my hair, holding me down on her like she’s begging me not to stop. I groan against her and she comes again, clenching her thighs around me in a way that drives me crazy. Her pussy squeezes my cock and I couldn’t hold out if I wanted to. I pin her hips with mine and come inside her, falling down on her with one elbow propped up beside her head. Our heavy breathing mixes together and she stares at me, gently running her nails over the back of my neck.

  “Is this the part where you run out on me and never talk to me again?” she jokes, but I don’t miss the vulnerability right there beneath the surface.

  “Tell me you lost on purpose.”

  She frowns at that, pulling her head back to bounce her eyes between mine. “What?”

  “The game, princess,” I remind her, lifting my hand to run my thumb over the vein in her neck. “Tell me you wanted this. Tell me you wanted me.”

  She cocks her head and opens her mouth to say something, but then her phone goes off somewhere beside us and she looks that way, leaning over the edge of the bed to grab it off the floor. She taps the button to stop the timer and sets it down on her nightstand, hesitating a second before she turns to look at me.

  “Sorry, new boy,” she teases, pulling a pink throw blanket over her chest while she moves in to speak over my lips. “Looks like you’re shit outta luck.”




  I groan my annoyance and crack my eyes open, squinting into the soft light of my bedroom to check my surroundings. Memories of last night come rushing back to me and I lift my head from the solid chest I’ve been sleeping on, slapping a hand over my mouth when I realize what’s happening. I’m naked, he’s naked, our bodies tangled in the sheets with his arms wrapped around my waist and my thigh wedged between his.

  “JJ!” my mother calls again, knocking louder this time. “I know you’re in there. Why is your door locked?”

  Oh, shit.

  “Just a second, Mom,” I call back, giving myself exactly three seconds to wake up and think of a plan.

  I smack Xander’s chest to get him to move and jump out of bed, quietly running to my bathroom to grab my silk robe from the hook on the back of the door. I throw it on over my shoulders and scramble to collect our discarded clothes from the floor, throwing them into my closet before shutting the door to hide them. I turn around to check the room and tie my robe around my waist, gritting my teeth at Xander when I catch him grinning at me with his arms folded beneath his head and his hard dick resting on his stomach.

  Fuck me, he’s.. dead.

  So fucking dead if my mom catches him in here.

  He opens his mouth to say something and I grab a fist full of his hair, pushing him off the bed to drop him down behind it. “Stay there.”

  “Fuck, ow, baby–”

  I smack him again to shut him up and cover his body with the blanket, quickly tossing the unused condom from the mattress before I move to open the door.

  She’s never home on weekends, barely even here on weekdays, and yet the one time she decides to show up at my bedroom at nine am on a Sunday morning just so happens to be the one time I’m hiding a boy in here.

  The same boy I let fuck me senseless last night after knowing him for exactly three weeks.

  Fucking hell, this is mortifying.

  “I’ve been calling you for ten minutes,” my mother says, dressed in a knee length navy blue dress with her hands propped on her hips. “Why aren’t you up yet?”

  “Sorry,” I say lamely, leaning my shoulder against the doorframe to block her view of my bed.

  “What happened to your hair?”

  “I, uh.. went to the beach last night,” I admit, inwardly bracing myself for the fallout. “It got wet.”

  “In the sea?!” she screeches. “What on earth is wrong with you? Do you know how disgusting that is?”

  “It’s just salt water, Mom,” I mutter, self consciously lifting my hand to finger the tangled ends. “It’ll be fine as soon as I wash i–”

  “Don’t bother,” she cuts in, pulling her phone out from her purse to tap away on it. “I’ll call Gabriella and have her come by to give you a deep condition. She can color your roots for you while she’s here. You should have had those done two weeks ago, at least.”

  My jaw ticks and I cross my arms over my chest, silently watching her while she makes her call.

  I’m naturally blonde so you can barely see my roots unless you look really closely, but I don’t bother defending myself against the never wrong Elizabeth James.

  I already know how that game works, and I never win.

  She hangs up on our stylist and I glance over my shoulder, discreetly checking Xander’s still out of sight before turning back to her. “Are you here to stay?”

  “No, I just wanted to talk to you about this Washington nonsense before I leave for New York this afternoon. Are you free for an early lunch at eleven thirty?”

  I swallow and blink the stupid tears from my eyes, mindlessly nodding my agreement. “Sure.”

  “Don’t look at me like that, JJ,” she huffs, rolling her eyes in annoyance. “A career in phot–”

  “Mom,” I hiss, reluctantly telling her what she wants to hear to shut her up. “I’m working on my application essay to Princeton, okay? I’m doing everything you’ve asked of me. Can we please just talk about this later?”

  “Why are you acting so strange?”

  “I’m not,” I lie, but my cheeks are on fire and I wouldn’t be surprised if she could see my pulse hammering against the side of my neck.

  “I talked to Noah last night,” she informs me, scanning my face to check my reaction. “He told me there’s a new boy at school who’s been bothering you, harassing you, even. Is that true?”

  Jesus Christ.


  “Are you sure?” she asks, clearly not buying it. “Because we can always get a restraining order if it’s an issu–”

  “Mom, stop,” I plead, wishing the ground would open up and swallow me whole. “There’s no issue, I promise.”

  She stands up a little taller and runs her tongue over her perfectly straight veneers, slowly moving her eyes over my form to check for the lie. “Fine.” She nods, thankfully letting it go. “Gabriella will be here in an hour. Let her curl your hair and do your make up for you, then meet me downstairs at eleven fifteen. I’ll have a car waiting outside to take us to lunch.”

  “Okay,” I say quietly, forcing a small smile to please her because that’s what good daughters do.

  She finally leaves and I release the breath I was holding, locking the door again just in case she decides to come back for something else. I tighten my robe around my waist and walk around to the other side of my bed, laughing lightly when I find Xander lying down on his back with his head propped up on my nightstand and his hand on his dick.

  “Come sit on my lap, princess.”

  “Not a chance, new boy.” I shake my head, grabbing the blanket off the floor to toss it down on my mattress. “You need to leave.”

  He feigns a pout and moves to stand right in front of me, so close his dick pokes my navel through the silk. “You okay?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  He shrugs and lifts my chin up with his forefinger, clearly unsure what to say. “Your mom seems..”

  “Nice?” I offer, making him laugh.

  “Yeah, that.”


  “What, baby?”

  “Why are you still naked?”

  “Because you tossed my clothes in your closet,” he reminds me, staring at my lips while he swipes his finger over the bottom one.

  “Oh. Right.�
� I clear my throat, walking away to grab them for him.

  He uses the bathroom quickly and then sits down on my bed to pull his jeans on, eyeing me from beneath his lashes when he catches me staring at him. “What?”

  “You slept over.”

  “I know.”

  “You do that with all the girls you go home with?”

  “No,” he says simply, standing up to pull his shirt on over his head. “I mean, there was this one girl a few weeks ago but it was a complete accident. I asked her to leave as soon as I realized she was still there and she punched me in the mouth. Then her older brother punched me in the nose and gave me the black eye I came with when I moved here. Fuckin’ asshole.”

  My brows jump and I scrub a hand over my mouth, attempting to hide my laugh but failing.

  “You think that’s funny?”


  He raises a brow and steps closer to me, sliding his hands around my waist to pull me into him. “I wanted to take you for breakfast.”


  “I don’t know.” He frowns, seeming just as confused by the fact as I am. “Wanna bail on your nice mom and sneak out with me instead? I’ll buy you pancakes.”

  I grin and shake my head at him, taking his hand in mine to lead him over to the door. I look both ways to check the coast is clear and then pull him out into the hall, secretly wishing I could make whatever this is between us last a little longer. I can’t do that, though, and I’m not naïve enough to believe he won’t move on to someone else now that I’ve given him what he wanted. My stupid heart aches a little bit at the thought but I shut that down just as quick as it came.

  Xander Reid is a player.

  A bad boy who’s low key dangerous and not for me.

  I have to remember that.

  We get to my front door and he pulls me out with him, hiding me behind his body while he brushes the hair back from my collarbone. “Don’t be mad,” he says. “But there’s a tiny little hickey on your neck right there.”

  “What?!” I whisper yell, lifting my hand to cover the spot. “Why the hell would you do that to me?”

  “I tried to stop it,” he chuckles, pulling my hand away to run his thumb over the mark. “You wouldn’t let me, remember?”


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