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In To Her

Page 16

by JA Huss

  “Oh, my God.” She laughs.

  “I know,” I say. “You gotta warm me up.” I lean in to kiss her and she kisses me back. I don’t know what’s going on here. And I don’t just mean between her and Logan, because clearly something is going on.

  I mean between her and me. Because I like her. I know I like her because that whole time I was running the snowblower on the tractor I was thinking about her. Little bit about her man who died, but that was mostly out of respect for the dude’s toys. I had my pick of tractor attachments out in that garage. I could’ve plowed. I could’ve used the bucket to scoop it up. But in the end I used the blower.

  Never used one of those before. Might never get another chance, either. Seeing as how we’re gonna be taking off for that island.

  I made a decision too.

  We’re going.

  I already decided not to kill her, regardless of what Logan thought about that. I knew he’d come around. We’ve been friends too long for him not to. And he wants out of this Damon bullshit just as much as I do.

  I look at him now and find him… not exactly smiling, but not frowning either. “What?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “Nothing. Just… you’re such an asshole.”


  “‘Keep me warm, cookie,’” he sneers.

  I flip Yvette over onto the other side of me, making her squeal again, then pull her legs open and lean over top of her so we can kiss. And in that kiss I say, “He’s just jealous because I get all the girls, Yvette. But…” I pull back from the kiss and look over my shoulder so I can see Logan. “I’ll share you with him, if that’s what you want.”

  Logan grunts. “Somehow I don’t see that happening.”

  “Cookie,” I say, leaning into her neck so I can kiss her ear. “Do you want us both?”

  She hesitates and I don’t like that. I want Logan to come with us and if he feels unwanted, he won’t. He’ll go back to Damon and that presents all kinds of problems.

  Some of them technical. Such as he’ll know where we are and he could tell Damon.

  But some of them are just personal.

  I don’t want to leave him behind. We got into this life together, we should leave together too.

  “He says he’ll be your monster. Don’t you want your very own monster?”

  “Maybe,” she says. But she’s smiling so I take that as a good sign.

  “How can I convince you that you need us both? Hmm?”

  “I don’t know,” she says.

  But we all know the answer to that is sex. Which makes me unexpectedly laugh. Because it’s dumb, but still true.

  “I have an idea,” I say, pushing her shirt up so I can kiss her stomach as I continue to play with her breasts. Then I get on my knees in front of the couch and start taking off her boots.

  “I just got dressed,” she complains.

  “And it was easy, wasn’t it? Which means I can get you naked and you can get dressed again later.”

  She huffs, but doesn’t stop me. I toss her cute little snow boots over my shoulder and start unbuckling her pants, glancing over at Logan, who has situated himself in the corner of the couch so he can watch.

  I shake my head at him.

  “What?” he asks.

  “You’re not just gonna watch.”

  “For now I am,” he replies.

  “I’ve got plans for you,” I say.

  He smiles. “Is that so?”

  I nod. “Yup.”

  “What plans?” Yvette asks.

  “You’ll see. Something I know he likes to do and you’re a prime candidate.” Then I wink at Logan, who’s squinting his eyes at me, trying to parse that out.

  I ignore that look and start working Yvette’s pants down over her hips. She giggles and helps me by lifting up a little so I can slide them down her legs.

  “You must be a sex addict. Don’t you ever get enough?”

  “Enough?” I ask. “Of your gooey inside? Shit. Hell, no.”

  “AJ,” Logan protests. “I think we’ve all had enough.”

  All right. That’s it. Whatever these two mood-killers were talking about before I came in, it needs be forgotten.

  I stand up, reach down for Logan’s shirt, and pull him to his feet.

  “What the fuck—”

  But I kiss him before he can say anything else. I kiss him hard. My fingers reaching for the button of his jeans. Pop it open and then slip down inside to grab his cock. He’s not hard, but he begins to grow as I grip him tight.

  At first he doesn’t kiss me back, but it’s a small hesitation. A slight pause. And then his mouth opens and his tongue reaches for mine.

  He grabs my hair, tugging on it hard as I pump his cock with my fist.

  His fingers are on the button of my jeans now, trying to get it open, but I push him back and he falls into the couch cushions with a laugh. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  When I drop to my knees and take his cock in my hand, he knows what I’m doing.

  “AJ,” he says.

  I just shake my head. Because I don’t want to hear it anymore. I’m tired of the excuses. I’m tired of the we-can’t-do-its.

  We can do it. We can leave. We can take this girl with us, go to that island, and be together.

  But I’ve said all that and he’s still not listening.

  So I do something else to make him pay attention.

  I lean forward with my mouth open, and suck his dick.

  Chapter Twenty-Six - YVETTE

  I’m… actually speechless.

  I’m not one to watch porn, per se. And when I do, I’m not one to watch men without at least one woman in the middle. But… OK. I might’ve been selling this whole bromance thing short.

  Because I’m turned on.

  Ten seconds ago it was a little flirting. I was entertaining the thought of one more round of sex. But just barely. We’ve had a lot of sex in the past twenty-four hours and to be honest, my pussy is sore. It could use a break.

  But like I said, that was ten seconds ago.

  Now… I can’t take my eyes off them. And I realize, as my hand is sliding down between my legs, my jeans are still on. Stuck at my ankles because AJ never finished taking them off. So I kick them off and open my legs as I watch AJ take Logan’s cock deep into his throat.

  Is this how they feel when they watch me do that?

  I can only imagine it is.

  Their eyes are locked. Serious too. Logan reaches down and cups AJ’s head with both hands, guiding him to take him deep, then pull back. AJ does this, keeping his lips tightly sealed around Logan’s cock until he only has the tip in his mouth. Then his tongue darts out and flicks across it.

  That motion reminds me of the way he ate me out last night and I begin to throb.

  Then Logan pushes down on AJ’s head and makes him take him even deeper than before. AJ halts, breathing hard, but doesn’t gag.

  Logan’s cock is thick and long. His girth, when I hold it in my hand, so wide, my fingers barely touch. I think back on the way AJ made me suck him off yesterday. How he wanted me deep, how he counted how long I had to stay there.

  He’s giving Logan the blow job I gave him.

  I get up, crawl over to them, and place my hand on AJ’s head. Logan has him pull back, and then, together, we push AJ’s head down onto Logan’s thick shaft and I start to count.

  “One, two, three, four—”

  AJ’s lips form a smile around Logan’s dick.

  I keep going and he takes him all the way in his throat. Until his face is pressed up against Logan’s stomach and Logan repositions himself lower on the couch to give AJ better access.

  “—ten, eleven, twelve…”

  When I get to twenty, Logan pulls him off and AJ sucks in air, breathing hard.

  AJ climbs up Logan’s chest, lifting up his shirt as he goes, and kisses him on the mouth again.

  I lean in, wanting to kiss them too.

  Our tongues mingle togethe
r. Eager, and desperate, and willing.

  AJ puts an arm around me, bringing me into an embrace. Then he stands up, pulls me with him, and whips my shirt over my head.

  My bra is still under my tits from when he was trying to warm his hands.

  They’re warm now. His whole body is warm.

  He grabs the cups with both hands and rips it open and off my body in a moment so quick and decisive, I barely have time to regret the ruined bra.

  “Come with me,” he says, leading me towards the bedroom. “Follow us,” he calls back to Logan. “I have a surprise for you.”

  I don’t look back to see if Logan follows. I don’t have to.

  There is no way he won’t follow. I don’t care that just ten minutes ago we were arguing.

  We enter the bedroom, but he doesn’t take me to the bed. He takes me into the bathroom instead, turning on the water with casual familiarity as we pass by.

  “I think we’ve taken enough showers.” I laugh.

  AJ just looks at me. Then Logan, who is naked and leaning against the door.

  He took his clothes off before he followed. So… I guess he’s over our little fight too?

  I look at him. Just… let myself look at him. No apologies. No shame. No shyness.

  His cock is rock hard now. So hard it curves up towards his stomach instead of hanging down low between his legs. It’s still glistening with AJ’s saliva. I relive that scene in my head as I study it. Study his huge balls, tight and firm and so big they squish up against his upper thighs.

  I look at AJ for a second, but he’s busy fishing through my medicine cabinet, so I look back at Logan.

  Steam filters out from the shower, making a mist around his body.

  He mouths the words… Let me be your monster.

  And I feel my pussy clench with desire.

  Please, he continues. Not saying the word out loud.

  I nod my agreement. Then say, “OK.”

  “OK is right,” AJ says.

  I turn around and find him holding a can of shaving cream.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Just… say yes,” AJ says, setting the can down on the countertop so he can fit a new blade on the end of my pink lady razor.

  I used to wax my pussy regularly. It was something I did for me, not Chris. But the last few weeks… I just lost all interest in life and I stopped. So I have a dusting of fine hair covering my entrance.

  Logan comes up behind me, pressing his hard cock into my back, and begins to wiggle my panties down my legs. They drop to the floor and I step out of them.

  AJ takes his shirt off and I study his chest. His tattoos. His muscles.

  He is a wall of man.

  And when he takes off his jeans, his cock springs out like it has a life of its own. And like Logan’s, it’s so hard it stands up. And it’s so long, there’s a little curve at the end.

  I know him now. He’s been inside me enough times for me to imagine that curve pressing up against my g-spot.

  Wetness pools between my legs as my clit begins to thrum with anticipation.

  He empties out a small bowl reserved for hand towels and fills it with hot water. Then he hands the razor to Logan, the bowl of water to me, and takes the can of shaving cream into the shower.

  “Sit,” he says, pointing to the stone bench. “And open your legs wide for us.”

  I suck in a breath of air. I’m nervous, I realize. I’ve never had a man shave me before. And it’s not like I’m afraid they’ll cut me. Hell, I don’t even care if they cut me at this point.

  I’m just… turned on so hard, I might come before they’re done.

  But I sit. And slowly, as I watch them watch me, I open my legs.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven - LOGAN

  Yvette bites her lip as she opens her legs. Looking up at me, then quickly averting her eyes. It’s an unconscious act of shyness that stirs up a feeling inside me I can’t quite identify.

  She’s beautiful. No doubt. So yes, I’m attracted to her that way. I tug on my cock, an unconscious gesture on my part just like her lip-biting. But there’s more to these feelings than lust. I’ve had her several times, several ways, since we walked into her bar yesterday afternoon. This isn’t just animal instincts. It’s something else. Maybe a feeling of friendship? Or a desire for more time?

  Because time is running out.

  I need to take action and I can’t do that until she gives up the rest of her secrets about the kid. I have to know the truth about that before I can put any plans into action.

  AJ sits down on the bench next to Yvette, drawing me out of my conflicting feelings, and bends one leg so he can place his foot on the bench in front of him, while leaning back into the corner.

  Front-row seats, I guess.

  He pulls on his cock, slowly jerking himself off as his eyes meet mine. “Well,” he says. “What the fuck are you waiting for?”

  I’ve always thought of AJ as a simple guy. He’s not hard to read like me. He wears his feelings all over his face, in his posture, and mostly speaks his mind in a blunt way that often comes off as dickish.

  But I know him better. It’s not that he’s uncaring or ambivalent. He’s just practical about certain things. If someone fucks up and needs to be killed, he kills them. Problem solved. If he feels horny, he fucks someone. If he’s bored, he drinks, or plays poker, or goes for a long ride on his motorcycle.

  What I’m not sure of—yet—is what he does when he’s into a girl.

  Like Yvette, for instance.

  Does he get possessive? I’ve never seen that. I’m fairly certain I’m not the only guy he shares girls with. I’ve never seen him with an actual girlfriend. Just a string of one-nighters.

  Does it change his loyalties, I wonder? When he’s into someone?

  I guess I’ll find out.

  “Logan,” he says.

  “What?” I ask, stepping forward to waiting Yvette. Her breathing has picked up a little and that only distracts me further.

  “Come on, we’re waiting. Save your existential crisis for later.”

  He’s joking, I know that. But he’s also not joking.

  How much does he suspect? Does he know I’m here to kill him? Or have all his thug instincts been dulled by the distraction of this woman spreading her legs for me?

  I inhale deep, then let it out as I bend down and place my hands on her knees, opening her legs up wider as I lean my head forward and lick her pussy.

  Yvette moans and places a hand on my head. Not with any kind of force, just another unconscious gesture.

  It’s something more than it was yesterday, I know that for sure.

  But what?

  Does she like me?

  How could she like me? I’m here to kill her and I just offered to be her monster.

  But her soft groans and the way she moves her hips forward to give me access tells me… maybe she could? One day? If I make the right decision over the next few hours.

  AJ’s hand on my shoulder pulls me back to the moment. God, I’m so fucking distracted. He planned this extra trip into the shower to make me happy.

  No, I decide. He planned this to make me connected to her.

  I do have a thing for shaving girls’ pussies. He knows this. And while I’d never call it a life-altering experience, it could be. If I let it. Because it’s very intimate.

  My tongue swirls around Yvette’s clit until she hisses and closes her legs on my head. Squirming as a soft giggle erupts. It comes from deep inside her, that giggle.

  I pull back and look up. Find her looking down. We smile.

  Hers is crooked and mischievous. Mine… I don’t know. But it must be appropriate because she doesn’t frown.

  “Ready?” I ask her.

  She nods. “Just be careful with me.”

  Be careful with her.

  “I will,” I say. And I mean it.

  I turn to AJ and say, “Put her in your lap.”

  He grins at me. Imagining how this is gonna g
o down. Not how he planned it, but how I want it done.

  If he takes that as a threat, or a expression of dominance, he either doesn’t care or gives in. Because he scoots over as Yvette slides into his lap, and opens her legs up.

  I stare at his dick, hard and thick, as the lips of her pussy mold around his shaft and his balls rest against the edge of the bench.

  I grip his cock with one hand and spread the lips of her pussy with the other.

  Mine, I decide.

  They are both mine.

  Monster, my inner voice echoes back at me. You’re a monster.

  I just agree and keep going.

  “Here,” I say, handing AJ the shaving cream. “This is your job.”

  He just laughs as he aims the can between her legs and squirts a healthy mountain of foam. He sets the can down beside him, then massages the puffy cream over the fuzzy area to be shaved.

  I dip the razor into the bowl and smile at Yvette. “Don’t move,” I whisper, unsure if she can hear my words over the sound of falling water behind me.

  AJ spreads her legs, smearing shaving cream all over the inside of her knee, and I begin.

  It’s a slow process as I carefully slide the razor over the curve of her mound. One small strip of cream disappears, leaving behind smooth skin. I do the outside first. Then, with two fingers, I part her lips and start on the folds. Every few seconds I make sure to bump her clit with my fingertips, and each time she sucks in a breath.

  I look up at her. Find her staring down at me. Again, biting her lip.

  “Your pussy is very pretty,” I say, smiling.

  But is it pretty enough to save your life?

  Obviously I don’t ask her that. But I think it.

  When I get to a delicate, hard-to-reach spot, AJ’s fingers help me out. He slides them right between her slit, entering her momentarily. She pants a little and arches her back. Like it’s all too much. And then he slides them out and parts her folds to give me access.

  My dick hangs between my legs, hard and ready. My balls tight and eager.

  But I decide not to touch them. Not to be anything but patient. Because I have plans for these two.

  I go very slow for the rest. Clipping off small, thin hairs. Taking great care to both get them all so it will be perfectly smooth the next time I enter her, and to make sure not to cut her.


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