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Mommy's Boyfriend (Be My Boyfriend Book 1)

Page 15

by Victoria Snow

  Once little Jayden had retrieved his toy, the four of us all headed for the coast where boats were waiting to give us a tour around the island. It was organized by locals who told us all about the different types of native fish we saw swimming beneath us in the water. Jayden was transfixed and wouldn’t stop whispering ‘Wow!’ over and over again.

  Meanwhile, I sidled up next to Rylee on the bench and surreptitiously dipped my hand behind her to settle on her lower back. Rylee gave me a furtive sideways glance from under her eyelashes and I smiled back at her. Yes, the trip was the most fun I’d had in a very long time.

  Once we finished up the boat tour, the four of us headed toward the beach where Rylee and Robin enjoyed some time to spend sunbathing and reading. Jayden was still his excitable little self, so I tried to tire him out chasing him around on the sand and then by taking him swimming out in the ocean. I helped him inflate his armbands and his swim ring much to his excitement.

  All too soon, however, Jayden’s eyes were drooping and he kept yawning. I brought him back onto the beach and laid him down on a towel on the sand before draping a blanket over him. As I looked down at his sleeping face, I couldn’t imagine a more angelic sight than my own child slumbering. I was loath to leave him, but something else had been on my mind all day. Sure, my plan for Hawaii had been to spend time with Jayden, but I also wanted to take the opportunity to woo Rylee a little more.

  “Jayden’s sleeping,” I said as I approached Rylee and pointed down at our son. “I just need to head back into the resort for something, I’ll be back soon.”

  “Okay, Spencer,” Rylee replied with a nod as she looked up from her book. “Thanks again for taking care of him.”

  “It’s my pleasure,” I told her sincerely. The two of us shared a look and for a moment, I thought that was what it felt like to share the weight of being a parent. The two of us were not only looking after Jayden but each other as well. I’d never been more certain how much I wanted Rylee than in that moment.

  “I’ll see you in a bit,” I said with one last smile before I took off toward the resort.

  I knew exactly what I was looking for when I entered the shopping area. My eyes looked over the various expensive stores from Dolce & Gabbana to Tom Ford, but neither of those had what I was looking for. That was when my eyes settled on the large Tiffany & Co. sign at the end of the shopping strip. I smiled and walked past the plush, comfortable chairs in the lobby to make my way for it.

  As soon as I entered the Tiffany store, I was astounded by the array of sparkling diamonds they had on display. I just knew they would be perfect for what I wanted, so I headed straight for the counter. Just as I was about to raise a hand to flag down an attendant, I heard my name being called from somewhere behind me.

  “Oh, Spencer!” came Alexa’s nasal voice.

  I turned with a smile that I hoped covered up the irritation I felt at being interrupted. “Oh, hi Alexa,” I greeted, “What a surprise to see you here.”

  She walked straight toward me with a sensual swing of her hips and a look of delight on her face. “Where are those dear, old friends of yours?” she asked.

  “Oh, they’re down on the beach enjoying the sun,” I explained.

  Alexa slipped her arm through mine then and looked over into jewelry case. “Oh, aren’t these just magnificent, Spencer?” she crooned, her free hand touching the glass of the cabinet. “I bet a rich man like you could purchase the entire store and not feel a single dent in your wallet,” she commented, never taking her eyes off the exquisite diamonds as the light made them glint and sparkle.

  With a roll of my eyes, I tried to step away from Alexa and gain some distance, but instead of taking the hint, Alexa just held on tighter. I closed my eyes and sighed. I had been looking forward to taking my time and finding something perfect for Rylee, but now, I had to deal with this gold-digging nuisance!

  “They certainly have a great collection, but I’m not sure the collection displayed here is entirely my style,” I lied, pulling my arm away from hers. “Have you looked over at the sapphires around there?” I asked her, pointing to another glass cabinet in the far corner displaying a number of pink and blue diamonds.

  “Ooh, Spencer, you certainly have an eye for jewelry!” she cried with an excited smile as she darted toward the back.

  Once she had her back turned, I took a deep breath and considered my options. I could stay and try to make a purchase for Rylee, but no doubt, Alexa Gilroy would bring it up in front of Robin at some point and I wouldn’t be able to hide my affections for her daughter any longer. That was something Rylee didn’t want. So, if I couldn’t buy Rylee a gift, what was the point in staying?

  While Alexa was still occupied, I escaped the store and vowed to come back when Alexa wasn’t around. Out in the lobby, I headed toward the exit when I felt a hand tug on my arm. I turned and was more than irritated to see it was Alexa. Again!

  “Now, now, Spencer, don’t run off so soon!” she reprimanded me in a teasing voice. “I have an opportunity I want to discuss with you!”

  Before I could protest, Alexa was pulling me behind a column and into a little alcove next to the Tiffany store. My eyebrows were drawn together and I stared down at her puzzled. “What opportunity?” I questioned.

  “Oh, trust me, Spencer, this is definitely something you want to get a piece of.”

  Frowning, I asked, “A piece of what?”

  “Me,” she whispered breathily before pulling my head down and smashing her lips against mine.

  I went from annoyed to furious in an instant. My eyes were wide open and I lifted my hands to push Alexa away when my gaze landed on Rylee standing and staring at us across the lobby. After a second, Rylee turned and stalked away. I groaned. This was the absolute worst thing I could think of. My hands shoved at Alexa’s shoulders and I pulled away.

  “Look, Alexa,” I began in an angry bark of a voice. “I’m not interested in you or anything to do with you!” Before she could respond, I was already stomping away and heading out the door, furious with Alexa and even more furious at myself for such a stupid mistake.

  How could I ever forgive myself for hurting Rylee?



  My eyes were stinging with tears as I fled the resort’s shopping mall. I couldn’t believe it. After everything Spencer had told me the last few weeks, he was already moving onto someone else! I knew I had been right not to trust him in the first place. And to think, I had only caught him because I tore the material of my kaftan and I wanted to see if I could find a replacement. Instead, Spencer was busy replacing me! Well, that was just fine. I didn’t need Spencer; Jayden and I were just fine all on our own!

  I stomped angrily back to the villa where I had some peace and quiet since Jayden and Mom were still enjoying the beach together. I threw myself on the sofa and desperately flipped through the book I took with me on vacation, trying to take my mind off of it, but it was hopeless. All I could see was Spencer’s lips pressed against Alexa’s and her arms wrapped around him.

  My heart throbbed and my throat was thick with grief. I knew something might have been going on. After all, that awful woman had been eying him for days now! She was always winking at him and trying to get close to him whenever she thought me and Mom weren’t looking. I wasn’t worried at first. Spencer never showed any interest in her and always seemed to make an excuse to get away from her, but now… I guess I was wrong.

  It’s not like I spent every waking moment with Spencer. He had plenty of time to see Alexa behind my back if he wanted to and I guess that was what he had been doing. A sob escaped my lips and I dropped my head to my hands, devastated and heartbroken. I tried not to think about it, but my mind had a different idea. I began to wonder about how Spencer spent his evenings. After all, we didn’t exactly sleep in the same bed. He could have been sneaking out to see her all this time and I would never have known.

  The thought of Alexa and Spencer having secret rendezvous’ t
ogether out here in Hawaii, the most romantic place I’d ever been, was making me nauseous. The first night I spent with Spencer on the cove felt tainted now. Did he take Alexa there? Was that evening not as special as I had previously thought?

  My cheeks were flushed and my eyes were wet with tears. My mind was racing and I felt hot all over. I needed to get some fresh air and try to squash down the awful feelings that were bubbling up inside me. I pushed myself up off the couch and grabbed a few tissues to dry my eyes before heading back out the front of the villa and away from where Jayden and my mom were happily playing. I didn’t want either of them to see me like this. They’d only ask more questions.

  I stood on the veranda and began to take deep lungfuls of cool, refreshing air. The breeze swept over me and cooled my skin, but it did nothing for how I felt inside. I closed my eyes and tried to relax my body, dropping my shoulders down away from my neck as I sighed. What was I going to do?

  Before I had another moment to contemplate the situation, I heard pounding footsteps heading toward me and my eyes flew open. The last person I expected to see was heading straight for me and I froze. It was Spencer!

  He didn’t waste any time and before I could even open my mouth, he grabbed me by the arm and whisked me inside the villa. I was speechless and a little breathless as he manhandled me and pressed me back against the wall inside the villa’s hallway. We stared at each other for a moment, both of us panting, before Spencer began.

  “Look, Rylee, I know what you think you saw, but I promise, it was not like that at all,” he explained.

  I rolled my eyes. “So, you didn’t just kiss another woman after telling me for weeks that you wanted us to get back together?” I spat. “Wow, you must be so serious about me,” I added sarcastically.

  “Don’t give me that, Rylee,” he hissed. “You’ve been looking for an excuse not to get back together ever since we met back up again. At least hear me out before you start making judgments.”

  “Fine,” I said with a huff and crossed my arms over my chest. “Tell me all about your kiss with the fabulous Alexa.”

  Spencer sighed. “Look, Alexa has been all over me ever since we got here. Surely, you’ve noticed that. I’ve been doing my best to show her I’m not interested without being rude, but clearly, she didn’t get the message. She pulled me to one side in the mall and then she kissed me, Rylee. It meant absolutely nothing to me.”

  My resolve softened a little. His explanation made a lot more sense than the idea that Spencer had been sneaking around behind my back this whole time, but I was still pissed. I hated the idea of Spencer with anyone else but me.

  “That’s hard to believe, Spencer,” I replied eventually, still wanting reassurance. “She’s a beautiful, woman and she’s more your age—”

  “I don’t give a damn about age, Rylee. You should know that,” Spencer interrupted. “Age has never been important to me. Besides, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”

  “I’m hardly as beautiful as Alexa,” I argued with a sigh. “She looks like she has her own personal hair stylist every morning and her tits are so perky and big; she’s probably got implants and—”

  “Rylee, listen to me,” Spencer cut in as he reached forward and gripped my arms tight. “I promise, you’re the most beautiful woman in the world. I never wanted to kiss Alexa. She forced herself on me and I don’t want her at all. I told her off so bad, I doubt she’ll ever show her face around me again.”

  My mouth dropped open in shock and my eyes widened. “You yelled at her?” I questioned.

  Spencer nodded. “I didn’t want to, but I’d been polite enough and she just wouldn’t take the hint,” he clarified.

  Despite his adamance about the whole situation, it had still rattled me. Seeing Spencer in the arms of another woman made me question why he would be with plain, old, boring me when he could have some fancy, beautiful socialite instead. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding in and glanced up at him through my thick, black eyelashes.

  “I still don’t understand,” I whispered. “Why me?”

  Spencer smiled and took a step closer. “Oh, Rylee, I can’t believe you still don’t get it after all this time. You’re the most special woman in the world to me. You’re the woman of my dreams, Rylee. You’re funny and sexy and smart. You’re loyal and protective of those you care about and most importantly, family comes first with you. There are so many more things I could say – and believe me, Rylee, if you need me to, I will list every single reason I want to be with you – but the one I want you to remember is that I love you.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Spencer had never told me that he loved me before. My heart was pounding against my chest so loud I could hear it in my ears. I couldn’t believe it. Spencer loved me!

  “I’ve loved you from the very first time I saw you in that coffee shop, Rylee. I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there for you for the five years we were apart. You don’t know how awful I feel about that and I’ll never stop hating myself for abandoning you and missing the birth of our child.”

  Spencer pulled me close and hugged me tight. “So, do you believe me now?”

  For a moment, we both stayed silent as he held me and I tried to gather my courage. I knew what I wanted to do now, but I was still scared. I didn’t think anything anyone did or said would ever get rid of the fear I had. What I needed to do was take a leap of faith. Sure, it might end in disaster, but… what if it doesn’t?

  I leaned my head back and looked up into his eyes. “I love you too,” I confessed, feeling my whole body relax as I finally confessed my feelings after all these years. It was as though a huge weight had been lifted off of my body and I could finally breathe.

  The air around us began to thicken with tension and I knew exactly where we were headed. Spencer smiled before bowing his head and his lips gently grazed against mine while his hand caressed my cheek. I leaned into his touch and for the first time ever, I gave myself over to Spencer, mind, body, and soul.



  Hearing Rylee’s declaration of love gave me an immeasurable amount of happiness. It felt like my heart was going to explode with how much devotion I felt toward this sexy, sweet woman in front of me. My hands drifted down her body to touch her waist and pull her impossibly closer. My tongue delved into the sweet depths of her warm mouth and I moaned at the feeling.

  My pants were already feeling tight and I felt an urgency deep inside me that I just had to have her, right then and there. I moved my lips against hers a few more times before I drew back and smiled down at her. “Bedroom?” I asked against her lips.

  Rylee laughed. “You’ve never needed a bed before,” she replied.

  “No, I don’t need one,” I admitted, “but I want one. I want you, all of you Rylee.”

  Her eyes widened and she leaned in to kiss me again, reaching up on her tiptoes to get close enough. I couldn’t resist. I grabbed her around the waist and lifted her until I was carrying her in my arms.

  “Spencer!” she cried in surprise. “What are you doing?!”

  I laughed. “Something I’d always wanted to do,” I admitted.

  Both of us laughed as I walked toward my bedroom, kicking the door open and then slamming it behind me so we were guaranteed some privacy. “Robin and Jayden still on the beach?” I asked between kisses.

  Rylee nodded.

  “Okay, you’d better be really quiet then, in case they come back,” I told her with a waggle of my eyebrows.

  “Oh, Spencer, you naughty—”

  Rylee didn’t get a chance to finish that thought. I threw her down on the huge king-size bed and watched her bounce a little as she hit the firm mattress beneath her. She was still wearing her beautiful sundress and I just wanted to tear the thing off her. I didn’t want anything else left standing in the way of me and Rylee.

  I reached down and lifted the hem of her dress, pulling it over her head with a tug and reveal
ing the tiny white bikini she was wearing underneath. The pale color really brought out how tanned Rylee had gotten during their vacation and I couldn’t look away for a moment. Instead, I fumbled with my jeans and kicked them off in a hurry to get what I wanted from Rylee. I lifted my t-shirt over my head and threw it to one side. We were both just left in our underwear, staring at each other with lust in our eyes.

  “God, you’re so fucking sexy,” I told Rylee as I crawled on top of her on the bed. I kissed her lips with fervor, darting my tongue inside her mouth, and then pulling away to kiss her jaw. Her skin tasted sweet and was slightly damp from the sea breeze. I could taste the ocean salt there and I felt swept away on a wave of emotion which culminated everything I felt for Rylee. The journey that had brought us here was rocky and tumultuous as the ocean, but my feelings for her were steady and sure as a mountain. Nothing was going to tear us apart. I wouldn’t let it.

  She moaned as my kisses reached her neck and I lapped at the dip in her collarbone. The feel of her body underneath me was intoxicating and I couldn’t resist pulling at the strings of her bikini top and letting her breasts fall out. I kissed the tops of the mounds there and moaned as I dragged my tongue down to her nipple. I spent more time than usual indulging myself in lapping and sucking at her sensitive, pink nubs. She writhed and moaned beneath me, her hands clutching at my head and encouraging me.

  “Oh God, Spencer, please,” Rylee begged in a strained voice.

  I couldn’t help but give in. My eyes flickered up to meet hers and our gaze held for a moment. A spark of electricity traveled between us and in that moment, I knew she wanted this just as much as I did.

  I continued down her body, pressing kisses to the dip of her hip and her belly button before I finally reached her bikini bottoms. I gripped the elastic waistband and I pulled it down, causing Rylee to gasp in excitement. Unable to hold back, my mouth moved on instinct and dived straight into her soft, warm pussy. She tasted just as good as I remembered and I indulged myself in licking a long stripe up the entire length of her. Her whole body shuddered in response and the breathy gasps that fell from her lips were like music to my ears.


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