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Mommy's Boyfriend (Be My Boyfriend Book 1)

Page 18

by Victoria Snow

  I was happy to once again be back on the island that I considered to be paradise. Hawaii had changed everything for me and it was all for the better. My life had changed so much in the last few months and today, it was going to change even more. Being back in the place where everything had happened was only fitting for my wedding day.

  My hand reached up and adjusted my veil, making sure it was still securely attached to my hair. Around my legs, the soft material of my white wedding dress flowing and flittering in the breeze. In my hands, I was clutching a bouquet made of my favorite flowers—the same ones Spencer had got me on the night of our engagement. I smiled a little secret smile to myself as I acknowledged how lucky I was to find myself in such an amazing place in life.

  Just a few months ago, I had been a grocery store clerk with barely two pennies to rub together. I was still living in my mother’s house with a son I could hardly afford to raise and feeling still hung up on a guy I knew I could never have. Oh, how wrong I had been!

  Before I could lose myself in thought anymore, I heard the familiar music of the Wedding March begin and I took a deep, calming breath before turning on my heels and clutching my flowers even tighter in my hands. Dahlia stood beside me looking radiant as ever in her salmon pink bridesmaid dress and her calming presence caused me to relax.

  “Are you ready to become Mrs. Reid?” she asked me in a whisper with an excited smile.

  “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life,” I told her and clasped her hand tight in mine. “Thank you, Dahlia, for everything.”

  My best friend looked as though she might cry then. She held on even tighter to my hand and nodded her head. “Today is going to be the happiest day of your life, Rylee,” she told me. “Spencer going to make an amazing father and an even better husband. You chose well, okay? There’s nothing to worry about.”

  I nodded. “You’re right. I think I’m more nervous about standing in front of so many people.”

  Dahlia laughed. “Well, that might be a bit of a problem. Spencer has a lot of friends.”

  I chuckled too. “Okay, I think it’s time for you to go.”

  Dahlia turned and her auburn hair sparkled in the low light. One of Spencer’s friends had come up to walk her down the aisle and she happily took his arm before walking toward away from the canopy where we had been stood and down toward the altar.

  Jayden had already headed down the aisle in front of her. He had insisted on walking by himself despite having to carry the rings. When I peaked out from behind the canopy, I could see him clutching the little white pillow tight and walking slowly to avoid falling over. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him in a little tux. He was the most handsome little man I’d ever seen and I vowed to come up with more ways to get him dressed up like that.

  As I looked out over the friends and family who were already seated, I could see my mom sitting right at the front next to Spencer’s friend Sam who had actually started dating my mom not long after we returned home. They both looked tremendously happy and I couldn’t have been more pleased for either of them.

  One of the attendants indicated that it was my time and I took a deep, calming breath before I pulled my veil down over my face and then stepped out into the view of the crowd. The sunlight was still shining a little over the horizon and the gentle rays of light it exuded were awfully romantic. I couldn’t imagine a better time to get married.

  I took my first step and looked in the direction I had avoided looking before: to the groom. Spencer stood there looking absolutely gorgeous in an expensive Giorgio Armani tuxedo and grinning over in my direction. His eyes were filled with so much love as he gazed at me that I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed. I could feel tears of joy pricking at my own eyes and I began to worry I might ruin my make up, but I did my best to hold it all in.

  The slow walk toward the aisle felt like it lasted forever and I couldn’t take my eyes off of Spencer the entire time. When I finally reached the altar, I turned to face him and my cheeks hurt because I couldn’t stop smiling.

  “Dearly beloved,” the officiant began to call loudly to the crowd as the music came to a stop. “We are gathered here on this beautiful evening to join this man and this woman in matrimony.”

  Just hearing those words made my heart race. I couldn’t believe that it was really happening. I was finally getting married to the man of my dreams and I was the luckiest girl on earth.

  “I do believe the couple have written their own vows. Spencer, if you would like to start?” the officiant stated.

  Spencer nodded and took both my hands in his. “Rylee, words cannot describe how lucky I am to have you in my life. You are the brightest star I have ever known and I thank fate everyday for bringing you back to me. I can’t wait to start our lives together and I promise, I am going to make you the happiest woman on the planet, no matter what it takes. I love you, Rylee.”

  The words made my eyes water and I finally felt a stray tear cascade down my cheek.

  “And now, for the bride,” the officiant said.

  I cleared my throat and took another deep breath before I started. “Spencer, I cannot describe how much you have changed me. Without you, I would not have my wonderful son, I would not have the life I live now, and most of all, I wouldn’t have the incredible love we share between us. I have always given you every single part of me, whether I wanted to admit it or not. I gave you my heart, my body, and my soul. Now, with our marriage, I give you this promise that I will never leave you and that I will always try my hardest to make you happy. I love you, Spencer, with all my heart.”

  The two of us gripped each other’s hands tighter and we smiled at each other. The officiant called for the rings from Jayden and we both slipped them onto each other’s fingers. By the time we were down, Spencer didn’t wait to be told to kiss the bride, instead, he had my veil up over my head and was kissing me with more passion than I’d ever thought he would in public. His hands gripped my waist and pulled me close, holding my body tightly.

  In his arms, I always felt so safe and warm. Now, I’d never know what it was like to go without his embrace and I couldn’t have been happier.

  The crowd cheered and clapped around us and I couldn’t believe it was all over and done with already! We were officially Mr. and Mrs. Reid!

  Now that the ceremony was finished, we invited only our closest friends and family back to a small, intimate reception at our new house nearby. We only put up a few decorations, but Spencer ensured we hired our own DJ for the music. When the very first song came on, Spencer grabbed my waist tight.

  “Come on, Mrs. Reid. It’s time for our first dance,” he whispered in my ear before dragging me out onto the dancefloor.

  I’d never been much of a dancer, but Spencer moved with enough elegance and grace for the two of us. I felt like I was being twirled around on cloud nine with how happy I felt in that moment and I wished it could have lasted forever, but I had one last surprise up my sleeve for Spencer. Something I knew he was not expecting.

  As soon as our dance finished, I pulled Spencer into a corner where the two of us huddled close and kissed like horny teenagers, both high on the knowledge that we belonged to each other forever now. My hands ran through his hair and I pulled away to smile.

  “I think it’s only fitting that we’ve come back to Hawaii where you surprised me with your proposal, Spencer,” I began, biting my lip and practically vibrating with excitement about what I was going to say. “Because I have my own surprise for you.”

  Instantly, Spencer’s whole body froze and he looked down at me shocked. One of his eyebrows cocked and he looked me up and down. “What do you mean, Rylee? What surprise?”

  I waited another few seconds, attempting to leave him in suspense, but I was practically bursting with my desire to tell him the news. “I’m pregnant!” I squealed.

  The look on Spencer’s face was priceless. His mouth dropped open like a fish before it quickly changed into a huge, beam
ing smile. “That’s amazing news!” he cried in happiness before he pulled me close and kissed me hard. When he pulled away, he let out a whoop of excitement.

  “I can’t wait to share this pregnancy with you,” he continued with a grin. His hand wandered down to touch my belly. “I still regret not being there for you when you were carrying Jayden. This time I’m going to do absolutely everything! I’m going to support you in any and every way you need me to.”

  I laughed and then shot him a wicked smile. “Well, I definitely expect foot rubs on demand,” I began and tapped my finger like I was reeling off a list. “Then of course, I expect you to go to the grocery store at any time of day to cater for any strange food cravings I might have.” I could hardly keep up the charade and I ended up giggling too much to continue.

  Spencer laughed too. “I promise to combine any foods you need to satisfy your weird cravings all in the name of love!” he declared.

  I couldn’t stop myself from dissolving in a fit of laughter. “Spencer, I absolutely love you,” I admitted.

  “Well, I should hope so or this wedding was just a very expensive party,” he joked and pulled me in closer. He kissed me hard and I was left feeling breathless when he finally pulled away. “But I love you too, Rylee Reid. You’re my whole world now.”

  “And you’re mine.”

  ***THE END***

  Enjoyed Spencer and Rylee’s Story?

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  Download the Beautiful Mistakes Box Set here.

  4 full length novels for readers who love accidental marriages, surprise pregnancies, secret babies and swoon worthy hot alphas.

  The best thing – It’s FREE in Kindle Unlimited and only 99cents to buy!

  Best Friend’s Daddy (Excerpt)


  I know it’s so wrong, but my best friend needs to know.

  So, how do we say it?

  Hey, I’m pregnant with your father’s child! You’re gonna be a big sister! Yay!!!

  No, this can’t happen.

  She can’t know. No one can know.

  I always understood he was off limits,

  But I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

  In fact, I saved myself for him!

  And working at his restaurant was…fun.

  My ‘let’s seduce Michael plan’ was working,

  And soon he was feeding me chocolate covered strawberries,

  And I was tasting whipped cream off of his lips and…you know what…

  But we screwed up…big time!

  So, time for Plan B now.

  Yep, when shit hits the fan, I do the easy thing and run away.

  Will my Prince Charming come after me?

  Or did I just ruin my only chance at a happily ever after?



  It was The Day.

  I remember that I had written it in all caps on my calendar hanging on the wall of my childhood bedroom. Mom and Dad assumed that I wrote it that way because it was the day of my high school graduation, and I let them keep thinking that. They would have lost their minds if they’d known what it really meant.

  The thing was, I knew I was graduating high school. I had always had great grades, I was an active member in the drama club and the field hockey team, my teachers loved me – but in my head, graduation day was more for my parents. They got to see their baby girl walk across the stage and get her diploma. For me, all the hard work had already been done.

  So for me - for me, the big day wasn’t about graduating.

  It was about the afterparty.

  I was finally eighteen, and I was out of high school. Two very important distinctions when you’ve got a huge crush on a man who is old enough to be your father.

  Nobody knew about my crush, of course. I wasn’t an idiot and I knew what everyone would think. But all through high school I was just so… done with all the boys my age. Even the college age boys that I met at parties or through my older brother Andy. They were immature, and inexperienced. They didn’t know what they wanted out of life, they were thoughtless and honestly wouldn’t know how to get a girl off if their lives depended on it.

  I wanted someone with class, someone who had his life together, someone with maturity and brains and compassion. And someone who knew what he was doing in bed. Someone who could take charge and make me beg for him.

  And that man was Michael Madison.

  I met Michael through his daughter - my best friend Brooke. Brooke was… not the sharpest knife in the drawer, bless her. But she was kind, so very kind and thoughtful. She had a smile for everyone. She was always one of the most popular girls in our school and not because of any machinations on her part, shockingly, but because she was genuinely such a lovely person that everyone wanted to know her and be her friend.

  Everyone always said I was lucky to be her best friend, and I was. Brooke was there for me no matter what, and I was happy to be there for her too.

  I was just also lucky in another way.

  Michael - he insisted I call him that rather than Mr. Madison—was tall, fit, and so very handsome. He had this light brown hair that curled a little when it got humid or when he’d been working in the hot kitchen all day, and these soulful green eyes that sucked me in, like an ocean. I often found myself accidentally staring into them for too long, just… lost in them.

  But more than just being handsome as sin - he was such a good person. He never spoke to me like I was a child but talked to me like I was the same age, like an adult. It was so refreshing, after dealing with everyone still treating me like I had no idea what I was doing with my life. He would teach me how to make fancy dishes when I slept over at Brooke’s house while Brooke watched us, making jokes. He never chastised me when I used swear words - which I used a lot. I’d always had a problem with cursing.

  He gave me my love of cooking, my love of food. He was the reason I had decided to go to culinary school instead of a proper four-year college. My parents didn’t mind, thank God. I thought they might protest, but instead they thought a vocational college was an excellent idea and they were grateful to Michael for his mentorship.

  If they knew all the things I thought about Michael fantasizing alone in my bed at night, touching myself, whimpering into my pillow as I imagined him inside me, pulling my hair, biting my neck and telling me stay quiet, that’s a good girl.

  He was the reason why I hadn’t had sex yet. Oh, sure, I’d fooled around a little, but just a make out session with a guy was enough to tell me that just as I’d suspected, they didn’t have what I wanted. And I listened to Brooke talking about her experiences and… no thanks. I was going to wait for someone who knew what he was doing, who knew how to get me actually turned on and desperate and needy.

  Now I was eighteen, legally an adult, and out of high school. Also about to leave for culinary school and be away for three years.

  There would never be a better time for me to make a move on the man starring in my fantasies for years.

  Of course, all this would be a moot point if he was married, but Michael’s wife left him last month for another man.

  That was… that was hard. Brooke cried on my bed for hours. She and her mom had been extremely close. Brooke had always looked up to her, as well as her father, even as she’d admitted from time to time that her mother was focused on the wrong things in life—the material things, money and clothes and objects instead of people. But Brooke loved her and they would go shopping all the time, hanging out, friends as well as mother and daughter. She told her mom everything, and she said her mother was always very patient and understanding about things like high school parties and fooling around with boys.

  Then the other shoe dropped, and Brooke was left to wonder if the mother she’d known and loved all this time had been a lie.

  Virginia - that was her name, broke her daughter’s heart. I don’t think I would ever forgive her for that.

  But hey. It meant that Michael was sing
le and in need of some sweet, sweaty, sexual comfort after the shock of his wife leaving him. Right?


  We even had the perfect setting: my joint graduation party with Brooke at Michael’s restaurant.

  Michael insisted on hosting the party and making sure it was perfect for Brooke and me. He went all out, putting up streamers and balloons and getting a big sign. Brooke and I talked for days about exactly what kind of cake we wanted (alternating layers of chocolate and vanilla) and Michael insisted he’d make it for us, don’t even worry about it. I know my parents were grateful not to have to plan anything. I thought it was incredibly sweet of Michael… and I hoped I’d get to reward him the way I wanted to.

  For my plan to work—to finally get to have him touching me, kissing me, the way I’d been dreaming of for years—I had to make sure that he saw me as an adult, and not a child. It would be difficult, sure, I was his daughter’s best friend and this was my high school graduation party. But I’d always been told I was mature for my age, and then I had those curves…and moves…I’d like to think so at least.

  I wouldn’t lie, I was quite proud of my body. I didn’t go around preening or anything but when I looked at myself in the mirror I thought yeah, nice. Especially if it would help me get Michael’s attention. I hated going to school with my ass and my breasts because the boys were constantly catcalling me and making remarks, as if I was some kind of… piece of meat, ugh. I would wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts at school whenever I could to try and minimize comments.


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