Book Read Free

Liberty Beckons

Page 2

by BeiYin

  Twinkling smiling eyes give space

  floating hearts beyond horizons.

  I´AM here

  I'm always there, I'm always here

  under your feet, in front of you

  you can meet me looking at me

  opening your eyes from within.

  I never hide myself, I'm always there

  it depends where you are

  from where you are looking

  blind spots are hiding truth.

  Don't search for me so far away

  I'm just below the surface of yourself

  your need can be fulfilled right now

  "hello" may resound from everywhere.

  I come out when comparing has faded away

  when personal rat race is finished

  not asking where you will have to go

  just being present in this very moment.

  Wherever you walk, wherever you are

  darkness and light stays with you

  you are your own companion: I AM YOU

  the only one which can't be replaced.

  Looking over hills

  distance seems to melt - nearness

  I am where I am

  What we are holding

  is lost - jailed up - so let go!

  Look, it's always there.

  Life's quest answered -

  birds flying through open space

  vanished horizons

  Urges fade away

  horizon disappearing

  silent song present



  Spider Web

  There is a spider living on our fork truck.

  Every morning when I'm unloading the van,

  using the fork truck,

  I see a beautiful woven web

  in the hydraulic system.

  I'm trying to drive carefully

  not to destroy the web,

  but at the end of the day it is gone,

  maybe one fine string is remaining,

  showing up in the sundown.

  But the next morning a new web

  is attached to the fork truck.

  This happened now for about a week,

  I haven't noticed it before,

  being concentrated on the work.

  There seems no way to communicate

  with the spider - to ask him gently

  better to look for another place,

  more static and out of the traffic

  that his beautiful work may last.

  The spider is continuing to waste energy

  building his web in the wrong space...

  But thinking about it in a different way

  it might be that this is a 'message'

  sent especially to this place and to me.

  The spider is telling me something?

  Showing me beauty within the frame

  of an old ugly fork truck,

  sun reflected in drops of night dew,

  hanging in a fragile web.


  Spider Web (cont.)

  Webs are meant to be traps,

  but I never have seen anything

  not even one insect caught in the net.

  It is similar with my poetry work

  in the Web of Internet?

  Since years now trying to get attention

  of somebody who might be attracted

  to expressions coming from 'beyond'.

  Indeed with very little response.

  Am I wasting my energy like the spider?

  It seems I do not trap anybody,

  but maybe it is enough that somebody notice

  'the reflection of the sun in a few drops of dew'?

  Maybe this is really all what is possible

  and what is meant to be?

  Yes, I see it clearer now,

  a Web is not necessarily meant to trap.

  It is meant to hold a few tiny drops,

  within a limited time in the morning

  then the web can be destroyed, it doesn't matter.

  During the night I can write another poem,

  in which during the coming morning

  'light' might be reflected from within.

  Guiding beyond space and time... to oneself

  Thanks, I got the message!

  Thoughts - bound to feelings

  inspired - sent to open minds

  triggering echoes.

  Gathered hearts beyond shadows

  expressed words - reflecting light.

  Feeling Lost – The first step of finding

  Isn't 'feeling lost' the first step to find oneself?

  One who is stuck in identifications doesn't feel lost

  Being busy with one's feelings and thoughts

  with all those properties collected during life

  being occupied by owning body and soul

  and having one's spirit on the right pedestal

  this fellow human being indeed is being lost

  There is no need to ask or doubt one's being

  limited existence provides protective security

  density of an established system causes laziness

  why should one question or doubt one's state of being?

  Only unbalanced people will query themselves

  what's asked for is stability combined with worthy goals

  giving sense and firmness to one's life. Right?

  Or might there be a 'longing' behind all stagnation

  a sensible impulse triggering lack of satisfaction

  although one's life is nearly perfectly organized?

  We use sneaky tricks to suppress inner evolution

  nothing may touch fixed measurement of values

  but manipulations or pills will not avoid one's move

  towards an inbuilt vivid center of silence - yet unknown

  So why not confront the fact that we are changing?

  What is firmly tried to be held onto forever will not last

  not even our lavishly protected personality

  around we are turning as our most precious property

  adding to it and enriching it with whatever is available

  Why not let go of these old established habits?

  Trusting that we will be carried to new fields of being

  Where existence is lived because we are alive

  capable to respond to what shows up confronting us

  relating to other beings and things and to ourselves

  responsible as alert humans - present and aware

  not pretending or lying to be able to survive, not hiding

  gradually dropping games and role playing – growing

  recognizing sovereignty - by gaining self knowledge

  Quarter moon - so bright

  during night walk with my dog

  full head clearing up.

  Gaining space for better view

  changes come by letting go.

  Nine Questions

  Questions, why so many questions?

  I feel lost.

  Existence questioned

  desperate frog is croaking

  jumps in - splash - no loss

  Why is everything so confusing?

  Fire flies soaring dance

  hungry frog staring wildly

  picks out one - snap! - ah...

  Why is everything so loud and noisy?

  Density moves loudly

  defense causes noisy fights

  sustained space within

  untouched - remaining silence

  split in/out disappears - calm

  When will I learn that turning in

  is all that matters?

  Frog wants to fly high

  turning its dense nature -

  catch flies - be happy

  When will I appreciate

  the calm and light Self?

  Pond stays in silence

  impatient frog jumps in - plush!

  desire triggers motion

  frog still frog - croaking brightly

  water moves - sun keeps shining

  When will I believe?

  Frog's believe in freedom

  eagle's flight turns into flop

  shore remains firm - sigh!

  When will I love?

  Worn out image 'love'

  essential longing from within

  searched trees in woods

  When will I halt and hear?

  Your questions subside

  music from within appears

  hear sound of silence

  The answers are waiting, patiently?

  Answers are there - now listen:

  frogs are still croaking

  calm pond - bright sun shine


  Longing for darkness

  to rest from light and shadows

  tied knotted structures.

  Moon hiding behind dark clouds

  lost in everlasting night.

  Silent space of void

  mind's fiction of emptiness

  big bang going on.

  Why dog's howling all night long

  as answers never show up.



  being alive

  the basic step

  accept life by living it

  responding to what shows up

  given to you in every moment

  trust that all is arranged in the best way

  that you get to know yourself more and more

  by relating to yourself and all that comes to you

  be aware of your motion triggering background structure

  from your reactions you can acknowledge the old programs

  stepping beside and watching them makes it possible to realize

  now you can free yourself by making up your first done decision

  dropping that what obviously comes out of your own old history

  no hassle, no fight, no struggling necessary, just drop it freely


  Death seems coming near

  cocoon's mantle fades away

  worn out self-patterns.

  History's dark weight lightens

  grace of presence - butterfly.


  Walking beyond Intention

  The strength giving vision

  is fading away after decades

  of so much struggling to do it right

  passing the desert of despair

  finding myself still being alone

  The intention of self-expression

  going beyond limitations

  of personal belongings and needs

  seems not yet to be fulfilled

  'walking the talk' is all left to be done

  The ultimate expression on the path

  might be the one of just being

  without talking, writing or doing

  just being aware of being alive

  observing the observer observing

  Steps of jumping one's shadow

  will not be needed or be intended

  intention requires an imaginary goal

  the center point is not determined

  'walking' doesn't depend on directions

  Are my words reaching a final end?

  Was I writing in solitude just for myself?

  Giving answers to my own questions

  pronouncing the unpronounceable

  transcending void and abundance

  As the last question dilutes in plenitude

  what else could there be said? - - -

  The sun will arise tomorrow morning

  as it happened today and yesterday

  is there anything more important than this?

  Heart's pain calming down

  breath fading away

  observing mind stays clear.

  Fulfilled transition cycle

  call from far within - done - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

  The Image of Spirituality

  Saved pictures, complete identification:

  Being in harmony, being One, being Whole

  no separation, no judgment, no doubts

  nearly everything is allowed to be expressed

  we are all a big family of pure being.


  Protected by Angels, helped by spirits

  reaching out to be safe forever

  not being holy but almost enlightened

  purified, we are uplifted personalities

  channeling up to highest truth and light!

  We can be respected as we respect others

  there is nothing more important to be done

  with well fitting blinders, the truth is ours!

  Multiple adapted images filling our void

  doubtless self sufficiency - horizon stays far.

  * * *

  Cool untouched moon - darkness stays dark

  stars continue to blink - friendly signs

  of spaces beyond - to be reached

  the sun shines bright - the poet goes on writing

  finding an echo in space less sound of silence.

  Sucked into concepts

  card houses of illusion

  lie of existence.

  Personality bound mind

  tricky base for survival.

  Illusion of Ego

  Thoughts, feelings and body sensations

  triggered reactions within human systems

  stimuli from 'outside' reflected within

  Multiple sparks are openly received - selected:

  equal energies are responding simultaneously

  chain reactions embracing, trapping one's being

  Energy traps - accumulated individually

  forming crystallized structures of 'personality'

  gaining identification through reflected happenings

  Being identified with reactions produces illusion of 'ego'

  getting stuck in controlling, manipulating, clinging on -

  separated, encapsulated, lost in one's tricky turns

  Blowing up thoughts, feelings and sensations

  giving too much importance to all those properties

  looking for more security searching for confirmation

  The urgent need to step out of all games of 'ego'

  might cause serious questioning and observing

  of whatever shows up in daily life, outside or inside

  What could be the possible next question?

  Who is asking? Who is the observer? Who am I?

  Dropping all questions, going on with life

  Only if there is a question - there can be an answer

  Going on asking - expressing oneself - asking oneself

  relating to whatever shows up - living - meditating

  Until turning around oneself, all busy movement stops

  noise ebbs away, dark shadows fade into light

  the answer without question arises -

  Asking the question counts - not the answer

  walking the talk - doing because it needs to be done

  being reflected through the eyes of the ONE

  What's life? Who are you?

  trapped butterfly - cocoon asleep

  growing beyond - fly!

  Worn out words

  fun filled limbo

  yawning oneself into sleep

  Cluttered clouds -
cleared up

  put in boxes cleanly - cute

  illusion saved - wow!

  Coming out of its shell

  the snail wonders:

  no enemy in sight!





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