Book Read Free

Liberty Beckons

Page 4

by BeiYin


  Cleared up Desperation

  One's thoughts – actions - goals

  nothingness filled with sense

  constructed standpoints.

  Clever words - wisdom of self

  static dissolving in space.

  Habits - hopes - beliefs

  relating to emptiness

  views trapped in vain.

  Observer lost in darkness

  no stepping-stone left ahead.

  Relationships end

  reflected feelings faded

  longings all cut down.

  Body's appearance shrinking

  properties give no support.

  What was driving me

  direction giving ideas

  with selfless motives

  reality took over

  illusions dried out in time.

  Left alone - ignored

  without sharing of my pain

  thrown back to oneself.

  Outside distraction calms down

  distorted view turns inward.

  What keeps me alive?

  Memory of existence?

  Experience patterns?

  Why do I still ask myself?

  Tired of endless answers.

  Looking at the moon

  stars blinking straight down to me

  message without words.

  There is nothing left to say:

  BEING fills the space - - and me.


  Questioned existence

  falling leaves - words disappearing

  subtle light within

  Tortured images

  eaten up my last desire

  candle light flickers

  Existence questioned desperate

  frog is croaking

  jumps in - splash - no loss

  Longing for the One -

  lucid star in distant space

  far limb of nearness




  Painful existence

  Painful existence

  bound to body sensations

  heart enclosed by head.

  Frogs are jumping pretty high

  do they believe soon to fly?

  Enclosed in one's skin

  reaching out to other worlds

  cocoon stays tied up.

  Letting go might help to grow

  blooming oneself to blossom.

  "No answer given!" -

  Can one force a bird to sing

  clouds to move faster?

  Walking with cautious steps

  bright sunshine awaits ahead.

  "Nobody sees me!"

  Confirmation demanding

  childish game blinds you.

  Sheep's fear caused by hungry wolves

  doesn't vanish being in secure space.

  "Nobody loves me!"

  Dreams of love and harmony

  wake up, look around!

  All waiting for exchanges

  depending on busyness.

  "I feel so much lost!"

  The best start to find yourself!

  Without fixed pictures.

  Now you freely walk the talk

  being aware what's all around.

  "Frightening all around!"

  Start awareness from inside

  rest in calm center.

  Finding hurricane's quiet eye

  casting anchor within source.

  Sight becomes brighter

  received reflected light beam

  unites head with heart.

  Questions answered instantly

  lightning doesn't wait for thunder.




  Wind caused by sunshine?

  Movement results from response

  Reactions - no blame

  Empty words get lost

  need directed heart power

  sound sent into space

  Work needs concepts

  response to life - no plans at all

  most flexible being

  Coconut falls down

  noise of cracking empty shell

  trace in sand doesn't last

  Life - to be lived

  Life is what we are

  life is what we do

  what we feel - what we think.

  Life is what makes us cry

  what makes us laugh.

  Life is our mistakes

  and the finding of truth.

  Striving for a goal

  might motivate us

  life is the path

  wherever it goes

  Life is the stones

  hurting my feet

  Life is my suffering

  What else can I do

  than keep going

  to wherever the way guides me

  can I do more

  than responding to what shows up?

  Goals might be just wishful fantasies

  losing their importance while walking

  The hurting stones remind me

  to pay attention to each step I take

  opening myself to details beside the road

  enjoying the shade under a tree

  and the beauty of a greeting flower

  I am becoming addicted to life.

  Sensations confirm

  one's experience of being

  repeating itself.

  Growth beyond - opens new fields

  explored - exceeding limits.


  Forgiven Pain of Distance

  Words full of meaning

  even full of love

  can't substitute

  for a blink of friendly eyes

  or a touch of your hand

  Words giving nearness of thoughts -

  even transmitting warm feelings

  worthily symbols of fullness

  present satisfaction and comfort

  but never can gain completion

  With words we are seeking

  to grasp sense of nearness

  to embrace one's wholeness

  arms reaching into empty space

  but my heart turns back to itself

  Can I find the magic word

  which ends all desperate longing

  giving peace to my mind

  and smoothens my feelings?

  It seems so near and might be far

  By expressing myself -

  empty spaces are filled

  glimpses of joy and nearness

  magic colored encounter

  with my muse and my self

  Observing myself

  Straightjacket of existence

  dog hunting one's tail.

  Who is hunting, who observes?

  Dreamer lost in lucid dreams.


  Let´s Wake up to Reality!

  Awake-asleep we have dreamed all life long

  absorbed with our self-created precious images.

  Isn't now the time to wake up into reality? - Beyond.

  Better now before the card house of wishful

  thinking will let collapse our hopes in despair and misery.

  Leaving us dismantled, falling into void of lost

  with nothing left except pain and suffering.

  Longing, urged for never experienced wholeness

  used by tricksters for clever manipulations

  keeping us busy to strive for promising toys.

  Being puppets in a monstrous world wide game

  used to feed blown up selfish power needs.

  Let's step out of endless unaware dependencies

  bound to pictures of lack from our lost childhood.

  Let's become aware that each of us is capable

  to make decisions, out of being aware of ego games:

; eating, doing, buying, thinking - what others sell.

  Feeding a monster which will never have enough

  Let's not waste our energy in trying to fight it

  see the root inside ourselves - that's all to be done

  become aware how we are trapped in substitutes.

  Desperation - the sensation of impotence appears

  since long suppressed and swept under the rug

  by self-protecting ignorance and survival techniques.



  Let's Wake up to Reality! (cont.)

  Giving space to look closely at what is in front of us

  withdrawing ourselves from all blinding distraction

  a quiet observer appears - centered in one's heart

  we might discover an unknown 'free sense of Being'.

  When realizing that today might be our last day

  then clinging on worn out securities loosens up

  future vanishes - what remains is here right now.

  Fearless strength to look through arises from within

  giving clearness to respond to what shows up

  related in bright light to an unveiled new reality

  nothing more left to lose - we might as well go on

  It turns out that we are existing in a second hand life

  trying to live concepts by adding color to drawings.

  Reality is colored by itself - although uncontrolled chaotic.

  We wanted to change ourselves - it never happened

  now as established values are crashing and collapsing

  we can't conserve our image of a happy lifestyle:

  'respecting and being respected' in precious self-pictures.

  Let's take over at the wheel of self-responsibility

  now having gained the power to change things around us

  because we have finally changed ourselves at core.

  Let us be surprised from an unveiled light of reality

  showing a new born world - we may learn to deal with

  without being told what to do, without thinking tracks

  - arising from old ashes before we get burned...

  Rainy day's sadness

  caused by dark clouds - hiding sun

  chain of reactions.

  Watching circle's sequences

  finding one's quiet center.


  Spring - awakening

  cloudy dream worlds left - bright light

  hearts been touched to grow.

  Almond trees blossoms calling:

  Free honey for all bee-ings!


  One's Final Position?

  Daily confronting

  human's cruel reactions

  ignorance to life.

  Self-defending systems

  not connected to one's source.

  What can be done more

  than living - realizing

  one's vivid vision?

  Walking one's own pathless path

  responding to what shows up.

  Although feeling lost

  in colorful strange dream worlds

  sensing more behind.

  Relating from one's inside

  to whatever is observed.

  Point of reference:

  Transcending light shining through

  beyond appearance.

  Guided through present calmness

  not needing directed sense.

  Chaos can't disturb

  ignorance not causing hurt

  walk through foggy mist.

  Light's presence doesn't depend

  on appearance or sight.

  One's feelings and thoughts

  expressing mirrored being

  shown one's form in light.

  Presenting joyful presence

  building bridges to freedom...

  Moved by far out goals

  walking completes sense of now

  taking conscious steps.

  Dog's joy catching his own tail

  better than nothing at all?



  Sunlight shows it clear

  even makes specks of dust bright -

  why not each of us?

  Underneath rainbow's beauty

  cool rain touches my surprised face.




  Distance merged beyond all Spaces

  It lifts me up to know that there are people

  human beings, who want togetherness

  to receive expressions from someone else

  yet distant - reaching out to communicate

  Distance has lost its limiting boundaries

  separation is melting, ready to be dropped

  we are coming nearer to each other

  or is it the image of a yearning dream?

  What is still keeping us in separation?

  Despite all our search, reaching out that far

  we are lonely among the multitude of men

  finding out that everyone is longing for the same

  May we step beside to jump over one's shadow

  leaving all trouble and suffering behind

  going beyond turning around oneself

  to find the quiet center space within?

  Wisdom pouring out for all from nearness

  to ponder loosening knots of long hidden tensions

  giving a broader perspective on our life

  allowing receiving messages from within and out

  Nearness is growing, friendships developing

  surprising togetherness to be enjoyed

  opening up to an amplified exchange

  we find ourselves connected to the whole

  Finally daring freely to express ourselves

  realizing new levels of understanding

  giving and receiving as ways to communicate

  enjoying ourselves and others within daily life

  Staying on earthen ground, achieving wideness

  we have gained to amplify the horizons of all

  breaking the boundaries of old rigid limitations

  connecting hands and hearts around the planet

  Gathered strength from few

  moves stuck carriage out of mud

  bright smiling faces!

  Happiness held in one's hands

  spreading it will make it grow!


  Word vehicles' secret

  dissolved in energy

  transmitting ourselves.

  Responding echoes connect

  heads and hearts beyond oneself.

  All under One Sun

  All under One Sun

  frenetic demand for more -

  endless extension.

  Individuals blown up

  needing outside mirrors.

  Scapegoats and black sheep

  can't escape from desperate wolves

  hunting their own tail.

  Turning around claiming selves

  feeling great embracing all.

  Wolf in shepherd's coat

  unites all black and white sheep

  herd's proud followers.

  Frightening outside danger

  justifies all violent fights.

  Human nature rules

  beautiful - chaotic Earth

  striving towards light.

  Vain intent to create peace

  avoiding questing oneself.

  Stubborn striving high

  ignoring one's base nature

  results falling back.

  Until clueless suffering

  turns sight inward to oneself.

  Lonely seeking truth

  revelers might find themselves

  deep water's dark mystery

  hidden call from far

  All under One Sun.

  God - what can I do?

  "Make yourself a cup of tea!"

  - Surprising sound of silence!


  If I could bundle

  all my words just into one

  what an expression!

  Watching nightly firmament

  calling into space: Ahhhhoohhhmmm . . . . !


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