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The Merger: A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance (Playboys of New York Book 3)

Page 10

by JA Low

“I set up the spare bedroom for you. Thought you might want your space for a little bit until, you know…” I leave it hanging and shrug my shoulders as we walk down the hallway.

  “Until I slide into your bed and grab your dick.” Emma’s words stop me in my tracks. Turning, I give her a look over my shoulder. “Yes. Exactly that.” I smile.

  We continue to her bedroom, which is directly across from mine, so if she does want to grab my dick, she doesn’t have far to travel to get it. Placing the two large bags down on the floor beside her bed, I rub my neck nervously because this is it. We are now living as husband and wife.

  “What do you think?”

  “It’s a hell of a lot nicer than my place. I mean, this bedroom alone is the size of my living and kitchen back at my old apartment.” Emma widens her arms out straight, showcasing the size of the room as she spins around. “Is that—” She stops abruptly, swaying a little from spinning around, her attention is drawn to the walk-in wardrobe. “Are you shitting me, Andy?” Hearing the awe in her voice, she rushes toward the large room. “This is…” A surprised ‘O’ forms on her luscious lips.

  “Gathering from your reaction, you like it?” I step a little closer to her.

  “You’d be right.” Turning her head to the side, she glances over her shoulder at me. “This is my dream wardrobe.” Emma sighs, running her hand along the white wooden shelving. “I used to hang my clothes and shoes wherever I could find space in my old place and no…” She spins around and looks directly at me. “They have a home, finally.” She grins.

  “I’m glad you approve.” Feeling pretty damn happy with myself over making her happy, I may have gone out of my way with my contractor to enlarge the wardrobe in the spare room because I thought someone like Emma would have an extensive wardrobe.

  “It smells freshly painted?” Her eyes narrow on me. “You didn’t do this especially for me, did you?”


  “Just made it a little bigger, it’s no big deal,” I tell her.

  “No big deal?” Her voice raises an octave. “Anderson, this is a big deal.”

  Stepping toward her, I can see on her face something is bothering her. Reaching out, I touch her flushed cheek. “This is your home now. I just wanted to make you feel welcome.”

  Emma looks up at me with those shimmering jade-green eyes, melting my hard exterior a little. “No one has ever looked after my needs before.” Her voice is barely a whisper, and she’s showing her vulnerability.

  Stepping closer to her, my thumb slides across her warm skin. “You’re my wife now, it’s my job to look after your needs.” That statement hits me hard as my heart thumps nervously in my chest. I’ve never had to think about someone else before, nor have I ever wanted to. “We may not have a traditional marriage, but we’re family now, and I will always protect my family.” Her jade-green eyes shimmer with emotions as her teeth sink into her bottom lip.

  “I’ve never had that before.” This side of Emma is a surprise. Usually, she is a ball-busting superhero, but seeing her vulnerable calls to the protector in me.

  “What, darlin’?” Running my thumb against her cheek again.

  “Family.” The tiniest of tears fall down her cheek, my thumb swipes it away.

  “You don’t have a family?” I question her. She’s met my crazy family, but I haven’t heard her mention hers or even suggest we catch up.

  Wouldn’t she want to show them her new husband?

  Is she ashamed of me?

  Shit! I hadn’t even thought of that. I mean, my ego is massive, and my self-confidence is genuinely extraordinary, so I’d assume she would want to show off what a catch her new husband is.

  She shakes her head at my question, pulling away from me.

  “Ems.” I halt her with my hand as she tries to hide.

  “There’s nothing to tell, Andy.” Emma lets out a defeated sigh.

  “I know you don’t have to tell me anything about your past, but I would like to know more about you, Ems.”

  Her shoulders slump. “I grew up in a trailer park in Florida.” Her back stiffens as she begins. “My parents were junkies,” she says quickly. “My dad left when my sister was twelve, and I was ten. Things kind of went downhill after that.” Her words are shaky, and I have a feeling what she’s about to say next isn’t going to be nice.

  Pulling her into my chest and wrapping my arms around her as she buries her face into me, I stroke her hair, hoping I can give her the strength to continue on with her story.

  “Mom lost her job. She owed drug dealers money, and the only way she could pay them was by selling herself.”

  My arms tighten around her, hoping to give her some more strength.

  “It wasn’t long till…” Emma pauses, struggling to continue with her story, then she pulls herself out of my embrace. “I can’t tell you, Anderson.” The tears are streaming down her face, and I attempt to lean forward to wipe them away. “I don’t want you to think any less of me.”

  Emma looks broken, so broken, and I want to fix things for her. I want to let her know that nothing she can say will make me feel anything less than I do about her. Honestly, I think Emma is one of the most amazing women I’ve ever met outside of my mother and sister. I’m feeling blessed that she stumbled into my life and has turned out to be one of my closest friends.

  “You don’t need to continue, Emma. Okay? I don’t want to bring up something from your past that…” I pull my brows together, “… that is painful for you.”

  “I don’t let people in, Andy. It’s called self-preservation.”

  Nodding my head in understanding, I look at her tear-soaked cheeks. “You’re safe with me, Emma. Know that, okay?”

  She steps forward urgently, cupping my face as her hungry lips meet mine in a passionate kiss. Her long fingernails dig into my scalp as her fingers glide through my hair frantically. Letting her take from me what she needs, my hands grab her waist as I hoist her up against the wardrobe island counter, her long legs wrapping around my hips, pulling me closer to her.

  “I need you,” she whispers against my ear.

  “I’m all yours,” I tell her as she begins to push down my track pants and releasing me from my underwear. Thank God she’s wearing a dress, so I can easily access her. Pushing her thin panties to the side, I slide into her, both of us hissing at the connection.

  “Yes,” she moans as her fingernails scratch down my back while she claws at me with pleasure, giving her what she needs and desires at this moment as I continue thrusting into her. “More, more,” she screams. And I do just that, giving her an orgasm she seems so desperate to find. Twisting my hips, changing the angle, and I know the moment I hit the right spot. Her body stiffens, her head is thrown back, she feels warm and pliable, so I continue until I find my own release moments after her.

  “That was…” Emma starts breathlessly.

  “Amazing. Phenomenal. Pretty much best fuck you’ve ever had,” I answer for her, which makes her smile. And at that moment, seeing her gorgeous smile spread across her face, I realize that it’s my job to put a smile on her face like that every day we are married.

  “Wow there, Mr. Ego.” She giggles, her face is flushed from being thoroughly fucked. “Let’s not go crazy or anything.” She rolls her eyes while she laughs at me. The sound makes my heart thump a little crazier than it already is.

  “We all know I’m the best you’ve ever had.” Raising a conceited brow at her, I am glad that the dark cloud from early has now gone.

  “Jury is still out.” Emma gives me a wicked smirk.

  “Guess I’m just going to have to try harder to impress my wife, then.”

  Emma stills at my use of the word wife.

  “Wife…” Biting her bottom lip as she mulls over her new title. “It’s still so weird. Guess I have more than myself to worry about now.”

  “You don’t need to worry about me, I’m a big boy,” I state while wiggling my brows at her with my double meaning.

  “You certainly are,” she adds, totally getting my double meaning as she tightens around me, my dick feeling like he’s ready for round two already.

  “Come on, let’s get cleaned up so I can dirty you all over again.” Lifting her up off the wardrobe’s island counter, her legs wrap tighter around me as I carry her a couple of steps into her bathroom.



  This is most definitely a different side to Anderson than I ever expected. I can deal with his jokey, womanizer side, but this soft and caring, almost dare I say husband material, is a little unsettling. The way he’s gently running his soapy hands all over my body, the way he whispers compliments against my skin, even the way he’s cared so much about not pushing me to finish the story about my family, is really nice. He knew when to stop and distract me from my past demons.

  “I’m going to decree that every night we shower together,” he muses against my ear as his massive body is pressed against mine. “I never thought the simple art of bathing could be such fun.” I hear the mirth in his timbered voice. “Let’s grab some dinner so we can go for round two.” His large hand squeezes my ass before he steps out of the glass shower and grabs his towels. I watch in fascination as the water droplets travel over his hard body, following the deep ridges of his muscles before the fluffy white towel wipes it away. There are worst people to be pranked married to than someone as hot as Anderson West.

  “Stop checking me out and get out of the shower.” Anderson laughs after catching me ogling him. Doing as I’m told, I turn the faucet off and open the glass door. Anderson is there with a fluffy white towel open for me to step into. He wraps the warm fabric around me and precedes to dry me off.

  “You know I’m going to expect this kind of treatment every night?” I tell him as he works diligently, drying all over my body.

  “If my hands get to rub all over your body every night, then you can count on it.” Giving me a wry smirk, he wraps the towel around me. If he continues to treat me so well, I am not sure if I’m going to be able to leave after a year. Let’s be honest, Anderson is not the kind of man who will want to be married any longer than he needs to be. He did this to make his mom happy and to help me out. If things were different, he would have annulled our marriage as quickly as he could.

  “Hold on, I just remembered Elise sent a present for us.” As he rushes out of the bathroom to wherever this present is located, I head back into my bedroom and work out what on earth I am going to wear tonight.

  Do I go sexy?

  You know, keep the magic alive, or do I just hit him straight away with me in my sloppy track pants and top.

  “You’re going to die when you see this.” Anderson chuckles, walking back into my bedroom and hands me a black box with a pink ribbon wrapped around it. “Open it,” he tells me as he places the box on my bed.

  Carefully, I pull on the ribbon, and the silky material falls onto the covers. Removing the lid from the cardboard box, there’s pink tissue paper underneath. Turning back the thin paper, I see something black and silky. Pulling the delicate material out, I notice in bright pink cursive writing on the front reads, WIFEY, and then turning it over, the same is written in huge font on the back.

  “She thought it would be funny. I got the same, but mine’s in cotton, and it reads, HUBBY, across it.” Anderson points to his chest, where I now see the word in white across his chest pocket. Internally, I moan at my friend’s bad joke. Letting my towel fall to the floor, Anderson lets out a small groan as I expose my naked self to him. Slowly, I slip my arms into the silky robe, giving him a show as I do, which it looks like he appreciates judging by the heated look he’s currently giving me. Pulling the thin material across me and tying it at my waist, my hardening nipples press against the fabric as Anderson licks his lips.

  “Come… let’s grab something to eat before I ravish you again.” Turning on his heel, he walks out of my bedroom. I follow him down the long hallway watching the word HUBBY crinkle with each measured step and chuckling to myself at the situation’s absurdity.

  “I’m thinking Italian or Thai? What do you think?” Anderson questions while waving his phone in the air.

  “Thai, please,” I answer him.

  He types away on his phone, then hands it to me. “Pick what you want.”

  Looking at the menu app, I choose what I want and hit order. His phone vibrates, and I think it’s the order confirmation, but soon realize I did not order someone’s breasts. “Um… didn’t see these on the menu.” I hand his phone back to him.

  Anderson gives me a frown before his phone vibrates again, and he opens the message then shoves it back in his pocket.

  “Common occurrence, then?” I question.

  “Yeah, pretty much.” He shrugs his shoulders as he heads toward the bar area.

  “You know it’s okay, don’t you?” I’m trying to reassure him because we both agreed we would see other people, which means titty and dick pics are allowed. I walk over to the marble bar in the corner of the room where he’s uncorking a bottle of red and pouring us a couple of glasses. Taking a seat on the wooden stool at the bar, I say, “I mean… I received two dick pics today.” I shrug my shoulders as if it’s no big deal.

  “Did you?” His voice raises a little as he slides the glass of red wine toward me.

  “Yep.” Picking up the glass and taking a sip, I let the smooth liquid fall down my throat.

  “And do you think you will take up any of the offers of dick that you received today?” His turquoise eyes narrowing at me, a question is hesitant on his lips.

  “Maybe not today. I mean, someone kind of beat them to it.” Giving him a playful smirk, I remind him of what happened earlier.

  “Would you bring them here if you did?”

  That question catches me off guard.

  “No way,” my voice raises. “That seems totally disrespectful.”

  Now Anderson is the one who seems surprised by my comment.

  “Would you?” Twisting the glass of red wine between my fingers, I wait for his answer.

  “There would be no need.” He shakes his head.

  “Why?” I’m slightly confused by his answer.

  He grins. “Because I’d be fucking them at The Paradise Club.”

  Oh, that’s right, the mysterious sex club where he’s a member.

  “And when will I be able to check out this club.” Leaning forward against the bar, I give him a great view of my tits as I do. His eyes fall exactly where I thought they would.

  “Tomorrow night… if you like?”

  Oh, I would like.

  “Sounds great. What should I wear?”

  “Something sexy.” His eyes dip again to my cleavage. “But, I’m sure you will look phenomenal in whatever you wear.”

  “Well, I’m excited.” I grin up at him. “And you’re sure you are fine with me riding someone else’s cock tomorrow night?”

  Anderson tilts his head. I see his mind working over my question as a slight frown falls across his face. “As long as you’re okay with someone else riding my cock. Then yeah, I’m all good.”

  She raises an are-you-sure brow in my direction.

  “As long as I don’t have to watch.”

  A crease forms between his brows as he looks at me seriously. “What do you mean?”

  “Look, I’m all okay with random people watching me have fun, but you—”

  “You didn’t mind the week we first met?”

  “That’s because you were a vacation hookup.” I take a sip of my wine.

  “And what am I now?” Anderson leans forward, placing his arms against the marble bar top, curious to find out more.

  “Well, for one, you’re my husband,” I remind him.

  “This is true.” He nods his head in agreement. “But I’m not a traditional one.”

  “I know, and I’m not the traditional wife, either.” I add, “But… I…” Trying to work out what I am trying to say—maybe this delicious re
d wine has gone to my head, perhaps it’s the fact that I’m married or that I’ve just moved in with someone—it’s thrown me off my game a little. “I feel like things are different now between us. We’re not just convenient fucks anymore. Well, not for the next year anyway.” Shaking my head, I frown. “I don’t know if I’m saying it right.”

  “I get what you’re saying.” Anderson nods. “I still want to sleep with you when we’re in the mood at home.” He gives me a hungry look. “As hot as it was watching that guy fuck you while we were on vacation, I’m not sure if I want to see it now.” My brows raise in surprise at his honesty. “Things, I guess, are a little complicated.” He frowns again as if he’s trying to figure out this crazy situation we have found ourselves in.

  “How about this…” I place my wine glass down on the table, “… what happens at The Paradise Club stays at The Paradise Club.”

  Anderson grins. “Like Fight Club?” He chuckles.

  “Exactly! We have fun away from each other when we want, but when we are at home together and want to have some fun, we can.”

  “I think I can handle that.”

  “Want to shake on it?” Questioning him, I hold out my hand, which he takes, giving it a gentle shake.

  “I like that we can be open with each other,” he adds, dropping his hand.

  “Me, too. No game playing. No pussyfooting around things. Yep, we are killing it at the communication game.” Giving him a high-five, it makes us both chuckle.

  “And people say marriage is hard,” Anderson scoffs.

  “I know, right?” I totally agree with him.



  There’s a knock on my bedroom door before Anderson’s handsome face pops around, and he gives me a grin. “What are you doing?” His eyes fall to where I am camped out on my bed, paperwork scattered all around me, and my laptop on my knees.

  “Working.” I give him my full attention.

  “On a Saturday?” he questions me with a little frown.


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