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Fertile: A Dark Sci-Fi Reverse Harem Romance

Page 2

by Piper Stone

  Chapter Two



  The term was disgusting, but exactly what I was supposed to be thinking about. Hungering for. Hell, no. Every inch of my skin tingled, my nipples still hard as rocks.

  Shock and awe trickled down my spine. I couldn’t believe he hadn’t discovered me. Maybe some form of sick luck was on my side. I held my breath for a full minute before daring to crawl out from behind the bushes, glancing back and forth for any sign of them. The huntsmen had disappeared, maybe crawling back to the hole they’d squirmed out of. Hoisting my items, I took slow and deliberate steps toward the river, my plan still in motion. There was no telling how many of them remained scouring the woods.


  If I could make it downstream at least a half mile, I could backtrack through the less dangerous section of the forest until I reached our little city.

  I crept forward, stepping over fallen twigs and limbs until I was able to see the water. A rush of emotions swelled within, an elation I hadn’t experienced in one hell of a long time. There were few joys living in terrible conditions, a dilapidated village mourning losses every day. Mesmerized by the water, I continued to take cautious steps.

  “Ompf!” The second I tripped, my possessions flew out of my hands and I landed with a hard thud on the rocky ground. Pain tore through me, blinding and breath-stealing. And suddenly I was no longer alone. A presence. No, not just one. Several. I was surrounded. They’d known where I was all along, lying in wait. I threw a look over my shoulder. The assholes were cunning, leaving their horses elsewhere in order to sneak up on me. Maybe they had some level of intelligence after all.

  A whimper left my mouth before I could cease the sound, agony drifting into every muscle. I stumbled forward, clawing toward the river’s edge, snagging my bags along the way. I only had a few feet to go. I could do this. I could make it. A surge of energy swept into every muscle and I bolted, making it a solid ten feet before huge hands wrapped around my arms, jerking me back. The force toppled us both to the ground.

  “No!” Using every ounce of strength, I flailed against my attacker, twisting my body in an effort to free myself.

  He was too strong.

  The scent of him was all male, testosterone mixed with the dampness of the forest.

  “Let me go, you fucker! I’ll kill you.” I struggled to reach my knife, managing to wrap my hand around the handle.

  The brute rolled me over, hunkering down and peering at me, those same damn blue eyes twinkling in the filtered sun. He was amused. The bastard. I swung the knife, nicking him right across his chin, taking a hunk of his beard in the process.

  The stunned look on his face was my reward.

  “Get away from me!” My cry seemed to bring an additional round of amusement.

  After rubbing the tip of his index finger across the single prick of blood, he blew hot air all over me as he shoved me down, shaking his head. The asshole actually thought he was going to control me? Not a chance.

  I gave him a sweet smile, breaking his concentration. Big mistake. He loosened his hold, allowing me to kick out, catching him smack in the face. The force and angle were just enough to create some momentum. He tumbled backward, roaring as he hit the ground.

  The others seemed surprised, unable to act quickly. Meanwhile, I scrambled to my feet, taking tumbled steps forward, falling face first into the water. The frigid temperature was shocking, oozing into every pore and muscle, constricting movement of any kind.

  Laughter. At least two of the bastards were laughing at me! How dare they! I let out my own roar, struggling to move in any direction. This time hands wrapped around my waist, yanking me into the air.

  The bastard shook me several times. I didn’t need words to know what he was doing. Insisting I stop all movement. Well, fuck the brutal jerk. I kicked against his shins several times, slapping at him even from my awkward position.


  I was dunked under the water, my air supply immediately cut off. The fear was as biting as the cold, claustrophobia wrapping around me like a strangling noose. There was no escape from the beast. He was far too strong. My only choice?

  Play dead.

  After a few additional seconds I went limp, allowing my limbs to float freely. I had no idea what to expect, whether the beast would even care. I was petrified, paralyzing terror shifting into every muscle. Controlling my raw emotions was the single thing that might keep me alive.

  A quick jerk and I was brought to the surface, the beast dragging me toward the slender shoreline. I was surprised at this almost gentle nature, carefully laying me on a patch of grass when he could have dumped me on either the craggy rocks or the puddle of mud. I kept my eyelids almost totally closed, open just enough to allow me to catch a glimpse of his concerned face.

  And those sexy blue eyes as he peered down.

  In an almost frantic move he brushed hair out of my face, issuing several guttural sounds in obvious exasperation. He tapped my cheek not once but twice then threw a look over his shoulder, his movements rapid, the savage sound continuing.

  What he hadn’t realized was that my hand was still firmly planted around the knife. He’d made another mistake, one he wouldn’t soon forget. I took aim, fighting to make my frigid muscles obey. While I attempted to target his heart, the piece of shit blade barely made a dent in his massive thigh, the thick muscle thwarting no more than a basic blow to his ego.

  As he dropped away, thudding hard against the mud, the others in his pack burst into laughter, their boisterous sounds obviously pissing him off.

  At least my sudden strike allowed me one more advantage. I knew this would be my last. My energy was sapped but I refused to give into a monster of any type. There wasn’t a muscle in my body that wasn’t screaming as I clawed my way into a standing position. No time to rest on my laurels. I shot off into the trees, no longer feeling the tree limbs as they bit into my skin or the numbness in my feet. I wasn’t worried about the supplies I’d lost because I would find more.

  I had my life and it was worth living. Damn them all to hell. I mattered.

  I envisioned them lumbering after me, which further fueled the fire burning from deep within. As I weaved in and out, going faster and faster, images of wild beasts bored into my mind, my vivid imagination almost getting the better of me. I continued on, losing traction as my endurance began to wane. A hint of despair attempted to take over, self-doubt causing a wave of nausea.

  Until I stumbled on the bank of horses grazing comfortably on a luscious patch of grass. Stopping short, I wiped my mouth, trying to catch my breath before making a split second decision. I fought a dark and nasty laugh as I approached the big black steed, brushing my fingers down the side of his face. “Hiya, boy. You’re gorgeous.” Thank God. Thank fucking God.

  He whinnied, glaring at me with his luscious chocolate brown eyes. There was no fear in them, no worry of what I was about to do. Memories of a happier time floated into my mind, being allowed to share in the joys of being around majestic animals of several breeds long before so many had been forced into extinction. I continued petting, remaining cognizant of every sound around me. He seemed to sense I meant him no harm.

  The crackling sound of twigs, the rumble of the earth behind me dragged me back into reality.

  “Just you and me, boy.” Grabbing his reins, I shimmied onto the horse, immediately lowering down and rubbing my hand across his mane. “Let’s go. Take me to safety.”

  There were no additional words needed, the massive horse taking off, darting in and out of the trees. I hunkered low, enjoying the power of his thunderous moves. For a few seconds, I was free.

  Free of the tyranny that had become my world.

  Free of the indignity of the wretched conditions.

  And free of the mental tethering that had kept me in chains, nightmares haunting my every sleep.

  They were precious moments, just a girl and her horse.

  Sadly, I’d
underestimated the huntsman and his prowess. Within seconds, he’d taken another horse, now matching my stride, his long hair flowing in the wind. He made no attempt to stop me, merely rode side by side, his pace exactly the same as mine. As the forest became denser, the terrain rougher, my instinct kicked in.

  The bastard was boxing me in.

  With a single snap of his hand, he grabbed my horse’s reins, forcing the majestic steed to slow. While I jumped off as we were still moving, I knew within two seconds I’d met my match.

  And there was no way the brute was going to allow me to get away again.

  He fisted my hair, dragging me against his chest, grumbling under his breath as he ripped the knife out of my hand.

  “What now, you jerk? What are you going to do? Punish me?” I laughed, still fighting. Still trying to get out of his grasp. I pummeled his rock-hard chest, hissing as he pinned me against a dense oak tree.

  A snarl curled on his lip as he lowered his head, his jaw clenched. He held the tip of my own blade just under my chin, twisting the sharp knife back and forth. I glared at him defiantly. He would never be allowed to see me sweat. The sensation of his throbbing cock pulsing against my skin gave me a series of shivers, electricity shooting through every cell and muscle. As the scent of him filled my nostrils; so rich in testosterone, so magnificent in exotic spices, my body betrayed me once again.

  I was wet, my pussy tingling and my fantasies turning carnal, longing for him to plant his mouth over mine. Swallowing, I took several deep breaths, daring him with my eyes. He slid the same heated gaze down in a provocative manner as he folded the blade, shoving the knife into his pocket.

  Then he hovered, his lips dangerously close to mine. His succulent lips. My breasts were crushed against his pecs, my hands involuntarily stroking as if we were lovers. In his eyes I could see burning desire, raw and biting as if he’d longed for the touch of a woman.

  This wasn’t natural, merely a product of altered genetics.

  No. No! I couldn’t want this. I refused to succumb. No man would ever have control of me.

  Rallying back, I clawed at his face, managing to scratch a solid four inches before he caught my hand, snapping it back against the bark. “Get away!”

  The expression on his face turned cold, savage, the growl he emitted chilling me to the bone. He closed his eyes briefly. With my hand still firmly planted in his, he yanked me away from the tree, plopping down on a fallen log. I could swear he was cursing under his breath, the furrow in his brow increasing.

  I heard the others, the thudding sounds of hooves creating another wave of reverberation against the earth. Soon I would be surrounded once again.

  He wasted no time tugging at my pants, finding the button and zipper.

  Horrified, I struggled to get away, flailing like some big, dumb kid. “What are you doing?” As if he was going to answer me.

  The huntsman merely gave me an admonishing look, chastising in every manner as he fought to jerk down my pants.

  “No. No! Don’t you dare! Please. I mean...” Pleading wasn’t going to do any good. I’d lost whatever advantage I believed I had, forfeiting any concept of surprise. My ridiculous slaps against his face barely registered, other than to bring about another round of barbaric growls.

  When he managed to jerk down my pants, his eyes fell to my panties, his chest heaving before he wrapped his finger around the thin material. One solid jerk around the elastic and my sex was on display, further fueling my utter humiliation.

  He brought the thin cloth to his mouth and nose, taking a deep whiff before shoving them into the waistband of his pants.

  “What are you going to do?” I whispered the question, my entire mind and body shaken from the experience.

  He gave me one last hard look before yanking me over his lap. I wasn’t prepared for the solid and very painful smacks across my naked ass. No man had ever dared to punish me in any fashion because they’d known what my retaliation would have been.

  Heat rose to my face immediately, the shame and guilt of the experience forcing a moan.

  “Stop. Stop or I’ll fucking kill you!” But it seemed no amount of my exclamations was going to prevent me from receiving harsh punishment. Then my anger kicked in, the kind of blinding rage that had kept me alive. He would pay for embarrassing me.

  He peppered my bottom, one solid smack after another.

  The pain blossomed, blooming like an overexposed flower, jetting into my legs. Suddenly, the anguish was blinding as he moved methodically back and forth, his huge hand covering a good portion of both ass cheeks. I was shocked at the tingling sensations, my pussy quivering.

  Shame rocketed into every sense of my being and I tried in vain to fight him once again, tossing back my arm and kicking out.

  He was having none of it.

  The brute wrapped his leg around mine, firmly keeping me in place as he grabbed my wrist and all without missing a beat.

  Mortified, I moaned, the force of his discipline sliding me back and forth across his lap.

  Across his throbbing cock.

  I was so humiliated knowing the others were watching, no doubt laughing at the poor little piece of trash they’d captured trying to steal from them. I had to pretend that I was actually sorry for what I’d done.

  “I’m sorry. Okay? Truly sorry for stealing from you.” And smacking you and cutting you and... My God. I was trying to talk to some creature. There was no way he could understand or care.

  No amount of whining stopped the horrific discipline, the spanking continuing as if I was nothing but a bad little girl, a thief and a threat.

  Fuck them. Fuck him.

  At some point exhaustion flowed through my muscles, forcing me to stop fighting. I was ashamed at my body’s reaction, the way my nipples continued to ache from the thought of kissing him alone. I was one stupid and sick girl. No one could or should desire a filthy beast like the one keeping me his prisoner. The heat shifting across my bottom was increasing, leaving me panting as tears formed in my eyes.

  Oh, hell, no.

  This fucker wasn’t ever going to see me cry.

  As if satisfied I’d realized my behavior was unacceptable, he stopped, but his hand caressed my bottom, moving gently back and forth. His breathing was still ragged, the gentleness of his actions lulling me to a quiet place.

  I heard a muffled sound, another garbled groan from one of the other huntsmen. In response, the brute tipped his head back, roaring like the savage beast he truly was. Something changed within him, his body tensing, his breathing strangled.

  One of the others made a second sound and I knew by the cracking of twigs that they were moving closer. I was ceremoniously dumped onto the ground, damp earth sliding between my fingers. The second I tried to scamper away, he yanked me back by my hair before hunkering down behind me.

  That’s when I knew.

  He was going to fuck me.

  Everything in my body was absolutely paralyzed, bubbles floating from my lips as I attempted to scream. As if anyone would hear me or care. I could hear him ripping at his own clothes, the still exasperated grumbles under his breath.

  The barbarian kept one hand firmly planted around my hair and when he leaned over, the weight of his body was all encompassing. Chest muscles crushed against my back. Heated breath cascading over my neck. His fingers crawling around my thigh, sliding between my legs.

  “Oh!” Tensing, I clawed the ground, squeezing mud between my fingers. I shuddered, closing my eyes and pretending this wasn’t happening.

  Rearing back, he stroked the insides of my thighs, the rough pads of his fingers driving a series of electric jolts crashing into every cell and muscle. All time seemed to stop as he swiveled his hips back and forth, his throbbing cock brushing against my heated bottom. The electricity passing between us was extreme and there was no way to hide my body’s reactions or the moan pushing past my lips.

  After chuckling in a dark and dangerous manner, he teased my pussy, light
ly fingering my clit before rolling his thumb around in endless circles.

  Oh, God. Oh, God. The pleasure was immediate, my nipples so aroused, hard peaks longing to be plucked and twisted. Juice slickened my inner thighs, the scent wafting between us. I slapped my hand against the earth, panting like a crazed animal. This wasn’t me. This was shameful, wretched. I was sick to my stomach even as my pussy muscles clamped then relaxed several times.

  I was no omega. I was no breeder. I was no...

  Nothing seemed to matter.

  I summoned my willpower, the strength of the fighter I’d been all my life and struggled to get out of his grasp. With every two inches gained, he jerked me back four until his frustration became overbearing and another volley of harsh smacks riddled against my backside. I slumped down, gasping for air, tingling in all the wrong places.

  He yanked my hair, forcing me onto all fours, ready for his hungry assault. Just the way he issued a low-slung growl was so dirty, possessive. The brute slid his fingers along the crack of my ass, smacking me again when I dared to tense. As he wiggled two fingers in between my ass cheeks, finding my dark hole, I bit back another scream. He couldn’t do this. No fucking way.

  Another chuckle was followed by his hand shifting, cupping my mound and wiggling. The friction was indescribable, leaving my legs quivering, blood pumping through my veins.

  “Please...” I wasn’t entirely certainly if I was begging him to leave me alone or to keep going. I was hot and wet all over, the clamminess of my skin a reaction to the intense pleasure. My mind floated, my body weak with desire. No matter how hard I tried to fight the effects of his utter seduction, my body refused to obey.

  His actions became more aggressive, one then two fingers dipping inside, pushing past my already swollen folds. He reacted to my extreme wetness, every heated breath husky, dripping with increasing lust. He pumped his fingers deep inside, three becoming four.

  My whimpers and moans fueled him, igniting the air between us. We were on fire, every nerve frazzled as I bucked my hips. “Mmm...” A haze formed in front of my eyes, my rational mind smashed to bits as pure adrenaline took over, a raging desire leaving me unable to focus. He was driving me to the point of madness. I was going to climax. Some horrible brute had achieved a sick goal. I was utterly humiliated, tears forming in my eyes.


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