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Smile Like You Mean It (Charlotte Reynolds Book 1)

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by Willow Hadley

  Elliot rolls his eyes, but he listens to his friend and sits on the couch beside Sebastian instead. Liam gives the others an irritated look before sitting on Remy’s other side. I feel bad that there’s no space for Arthur, but then I see that he’s still sitting at the kitchen island typing something on his cell phone. I try to relax, but it’s pretty difficult when the guys are watching me so closely.

  I understand that they’re curious and nervous, but I just don’t want so much attention on me, especially when I’m about to eat. I glance sideways at Remy, but his eyes are still so intense that it’s easier to turn to Sebastian and address him instead.

  “You guys can keep playing your game. I don’t mind.”

  Sebastian blinks like he’s stunned, and he laughs nervously. “No, it’s fine. We’ll just watch a movie.”

  He picks up a controller and pulls up Netflix on the TV. Elliot settles another grin on me and narrows his eyes in amusement. “I was winning anyways, so you’re saving the rest of them the embarrassment of acting like sore losers in front of you.”

  Liam snorts from the other side of the couch. “Shut the fuck up. You were not winning.”

  Elliot nods his head without looking away from me. “I totally was. Don’t listen to him, Charlotte.”

  It’s sweet and funny that he’s trying to include me, and I try to smile at him. It’s obvious none of them are going to stop paying attention to me anytime soon, and none of them have touched their pizza yet. So, I give in and take a bite of mine.

  Sebastian glances back and forth between me and the TV while he scrolls through different movies and shows. “Is there anything you want to watch?”

  I shake my head. I don’t think I’ve ever been around such warm and welcoming people. Especially kids my age. I keep eating my pizza—which is even more delicious than I imagined—and try to focus my gaze on the screen. It’s been so long since I’ve watched anything on TV like this, and I’m probably so far behind on a ton of shows I used to watch before I went to juvie the first time.

  Elliot snatches the controller out of Sebastian’s hands. “Let’s watch Hot Fuzz. I’ve been thinking about it all day ever since you started quoting it earlier.”

  Sebastian looks at me like he’s embarrassed. “Charlotte might not—”

  “She’ll love it!” Elliot cuts him off with his mouth full of pizza, still clicking on the controller.

  I’m not going to argue. Honestly, I’m just happy to be here instead of juvie or another skeevy group home. Arthur and the boys are so nice, and this couch is nearly as comfortable as the bed upstairs. As I shove another bite of pizza into my mouth, I think to myself that I have nothing in the world to complain about right now.

  When the movie starts, Remy tilts his head towards me and murmurs quietly, “Have you seen this movie before?” I shake my head, and he gives me the tiniest smile in return. “It’s sort of stupid, but we’ve seen it about a million times.”

  I smile back at him and turn my attention back to the movie they want to watch. It doesn’t take long for me to finish the rest of my pizza. I barely have time to sit up straight and glance toward the kitchen before Sebastian takes the plate from my hands.

  “Do you want another piece?” he asks with that same nervous smile.

  I’m so surprised by how quick he was that it takes me an idiotic second to respond. “Oh, um, no thank you.”

  He hops up and takes my plate into the kitchen to rinse it off in the sink. Arthur mumbles something to him, too quietly for me to hear, and Sebastian nods at him before returning to the couch. He gives me another sweet smile before paying attention to the TV.

  It takes me a while, but I eventually start to relax. The movie is funny, and it’s cute hearing the boys laugh and snicker quietly together. About fifteen minutes into it, I pull my feet up and rest my head in my hand with my elbow on the arm of the couch. I’m so warm and peaceful, and I feel safe for the first time in a long time. I shouldn’t feel so tired after sleeping in the car on the way here, and it’s not that late. But once I get comfortable, it doesn’t take me long to doze off.

  Sometime later, somebody softly calls my name. When I crack one of my eyes open, the movie credits are playing and the guys are looking at me again. Arthur is standing in the living room with a worried expression on his face.

  I sit up straight, trying to think of something to say and wondering if I should apologize. Arthur glances at Remy for some reason, still looking concerned. Before I can start feeling too nervous or anxious, Elliot sits forward and grins at me.

  “Did you like the movie, Charlotte?”

  I know he’s teasing me because I pretty much slept through the entire thing. So, I close my eyes and sigh in content. “I loved it.”

  Everyone chuckles in surprise, and I can’t help smiling. I crack open one eye again and find Arthur smiling at me, and he looks extremely relieved.

  “Charlotte, you’re welcome to go upstairs to bed if you’re still tired.”

  Sebastian nods in agreement with Arthur and smiles adorably at me. “Yeah, don’t feel like you have to stay down here and hang out with us.”

  It’s stupid, but I feel an immense amount of pleasure at the idea that they might have considered this hanging out. I’ve never had any close friends, and it’s not like…I know he’s only being kind. Plus, I don’t know any of them. But I like the idea of hanging out with them, and of maybe becoming friends.

  I’m not going to try and intrude on them anymore than I already have though. Not tonight, anyways. Besides, I’m still extremely sleepy. I have no idea what time it is, but I decide to go upstairs to sleep for the rest of the night.

  I stretch my legs out before standing. It feels awkward to speak to them all at once, but I force myself to meet everyone’s eyes. “Thank you.”

  Everyone smiles and says goodnight. As I’m walking to the staircase, Arthur tells me to let him know if I need anything.

  Chapter Four

  The next morning, I wake up to the charming sound of birds chirping outside the window. It’s such a drastic contrast to how I’m used to waking up that I think I might still be dreaming. But when I open my eyes and see faint light peeking through the blinds into the mostly-empty spare room Arthur gave me, I can’t help smiling.

  The rest of the house is quiet, and once again I have no way of knowing what time it is. I lie still for a few minutes, silently praying that today will be a good day. I hope Arthur will keep giving me a chance, and I hope I can find the courage to speak and try to open up a little more.

  When I leave my room, I tiptoe across the hallway and knock lightly on the bathroom door. I don’t think Sebastian is in there, but better safe than sorry. When I finish using the restroom, I quietly make my way downstairs. I’m surprised when I see Arthur sitting with a woman at the kitchen island, drinking coffee and speaking quietly.

  The woman sees me first, giving me a brilliant and welcoming smile. She looks close to Arthur’s age, and she’s absolutely gorgeous. Her hair is long and lavender-colored, lying in soft curls halfway down her back. She has dark brown eyes and a light brown complexion, and both of her arms are completely covered in beautiful and colorful tattoos. I’ve never met someone with her style before. She’s obviously girly with her hair, outfit, and makeup, but she also has a bit of an alternative vibe.

  Arthur spins around when he realizes the woman is smiling at me. “Good morning, Charlotte! Did you sleep okay?”

  I nod and smile. I’m embarrassed that I probably look frumpy in my pajamas in front of a stranger.

  She holds out a perfectly manicured hand for me to shake. “I’m Evelyn! I live next door. My son Grayson is friends with Sebastian.”

  As I’m shaking her hand, I speak without thinking. “Sebastian has a lot of friends.”

  I’m mortified. Why couldn’t I just say something normal like ‘nice to meet you?’ Evelyn laughs like it’s the funniest thing she’s ever heard.

  Arthur smiles too, making me
feel a little more at ease. “Evelyn has offered to take you shopping—for clothes and other, um, girl stuff.”

  Before I can protest that it’s really not necessary, that he’s already doing so much for me, Evelyn grins and nods her head enthusiastically. “Your uncle says you’re completely starting from scratch, and he knows I’m bossy enough to make sure you get everything you might possibly need. And let me just say, I am so excited! Grayson and my wife absolutely hate shopping. We’re going to have so much fun today!”

  I’m a little terrified, but she really does sound thrilled. And she’s being so cute and animated that I can’t help smiling at her. Arthur offers me a bowl of cereal, and while I’m eating, Evelyn talks a mile a minute. She lists off all the stores she wants to go to, several of which I’ve never even heard of.

  Part of me is excited by her chatter. When I lived with my mom, I was the one who made sure the bills were paid on time. There was never much left over for clothes, so I’d always been extremely frugal and basic with my style. And then I lost pretty much everything after going to juvie the first time, so Evelyn is definitely right when she says I’m starting fresh.

  But still, my stomach is squirming with guilt. Everything she’s listing off sounds like it’s going to be expensive once added up, and I frown at Arthur. “You want me to get that much stuff?”

  He nods, his expression open and sincere. “Yeah, I do. I already told Evelyn to spare no expense. There should be more than enough money in your new account.” He glances at his friend and neighbor before smiling at me. “Are you alright with this? I don’t want you to feel like I’m dumping you on someone else.”

  I don’t feel like that. It’s obvious he asked Evelyn for help because she seems like she knows what she’s doing, and Arthur might be pretty clueless when it comes to shopping for a teenage girl.

  “Yeah, I’m excited. I just also feel kinda bad.”

  Evelyn beams and brushes some of her hair over her shoulder. “Aw, you’re such a sweetheart. I’m glad your uncle thought to call me.”

  I finish up the last of my cereal and take my bowl to the sink. As I’m rinsing it out, I check the clock on the stove and see that it’s a little after nine in the morning.

  I feel awkward bringing him up, but I’m curious. “Is Sebastian still sleeping?”

  Arthur shakes his head. “He’s at the gym with the guys.”

  “Except for Grayson,” Evelyn adds. “He wanted to sleep in today since we got back pretty late last night from my in-laws’ house.”

  I wonder if Grayson is just as nice as Sebastian and the other boys I met last night. I’m sure I’ll meet him soon if he lives next door. I’m also impressed that they’re at the gym so early. No wonder they looked so fit.

  It doesn’t take me long to shower and dress in another pair of ill-fitting clothes. I don’t want to leave my hair down wet, so I quickly pull it into a side braid. Arthur has a worried expression on his face, but he still tries to smile encouragingly when I leave the house with Evelyn.

  It’s awkward at first as I follow her across the lawn to the house next door. She’s talking super fast again, and I have a hard time concentrating as I take a look around the neighborhood. It’s really nice. All of the houses are fairly large and well-maintained, and most yards are neat and tidy. Evelyn’s house appears a little bigger than Arthur’s at first glance, and there are two brand-new looking vehicles in the driveway.

  I realize I’m gaping around like an idiot, but Evelyn just gives me a patient smile and gestures towards the car we’re going to take.

  As she’s backing out of her driveway, she excitedly asks, “So, is there a particular style you like?”

  My first instinct is to shrug and say I don’t really care. But I remind myself of how Arthur had seemed awfully frustrated at all of my non-answers yesterday, and I promised myself I would try harder. Plus, Evelyn is being so nice by offering to help me at all.

  “Well, I like your outfit,” I murmur quietly. She’s wearing a white, cotton summer dress that, while simple, accentuates her curves and looks gorgeous against her skin tone. Plus, she’s wearing pointed pink pumps that I’m secretly jealous of. I think back to my Pinterest account on my old laptop, and all of the clothes I used to daydream about. “And I guess I like vintage kind of stuff? Like, I don’t know. I like skirts and dresses and cardigans.”

  I feel my face heating up. I honestly think that’s the most words I’ve said at once to somebody in years, and I probably sound really stupid.

  Evelyn gasps in delight. “Oh my god, you’re a girly-girl!” She beams brightly at me. “I was worried for a second, with the grunge thing you’ve got going on right now.”

  I pinch the fabric of the ugly threadbare flannel shirt I’m wearing and shake my head.

  “No, this is stuff that some kid left behind at my old group home. I hate it.”

  She doesn’t seem fazed in the slightest at my comment. “Well, today is going to be even more fun than I originally thought!”

  My nerves are slowly melting away. I want to keep talking, but it takes me a few seconds to think of something to say. “Have you, um, have you been friends with Arthur for a long time?”

  Even though I’m biting my tongue over my awkwardness, Evelyn doesn’t hesitate to answer. “Oh yes, Arthur is like family to us. My wife Ava, Grayson, and me. Sebastian’s mom, Adelaide, was my dearest friend. I actually set her and Arthur up together when he first bought the house next door to us!”

  “Really?” I smile, imagining how cute their introduction must have been.

  She nods, smiling sadly. “Adelaide was an amazing photographer. We met at a wedding we were both working. I was doing hair and makeup for the bridal party. Sebastian and Grayson were only a few years old, and her bastard of an ex-husband had already left them high and dry. But she was always so strong and independent, and you could never ask for a better friend.” Her smile brightens. “Arthur was so sweet, but a little bit lost when we first met him. When I invited him over for a barbeque one day to introduce him to Adelaide, I swear he fell in love with her on the spot. He’s always tried so hard to be a positive influence on Sebastian. Your uncle is really pretty amazing.”

  I take a minute to process everything she said. My heart aches even more for Arthur and Sebastian, and now for Evelyn. “I’m sorry I never met her.”

  Evelyn squeezes my hand and smiles again. “Sebastian is a photographer too, like she was.”

  My curiosity is definitely piqued again. “He was so nice to me last night. I know he was probably freaking out when I showed up, but he didn’t act like it in front of me. His other friends were really sweet too.”

  Evelyn laughs and gives me a conspiring smile. “I’m glad to hear it. The boys aren’t exactly used to being around such a pretty girl.”

  My cheeks warm at the thought that the boys might have possibly thought I was pretty. But…no, I’m sure they didn’t. I looked like a train wreck last night!

  When I don’t respond, Evelyn tells me more about the boys. Because of her friendship with Adelaide, Sebastian and Grayson have been best friends practically their entire lives. They made friends with Liam and Elliot in sixth grade when they started middle school. Remy only moved here a few years ago, when the boys were about halfway through eighth grade. She talks about them all so fondly, and it’s clear the boys spend pretty much all of their time together.

  We drive up to a large outlet mall. When Evelyn parks the car, I feel excitement flood through me. My guilt hasn’t entirely faded though, and I quietly ask Evelyn if my uncle is really sure about me buying so much stuff. Evelyn reassures me and says she’ll hang onto my debit card if it will make me feel more at ease.

  We get out of the car and start making our way towards the main entrance. Evelyn’s heels clack against the pavement beside me, and she beams enthusiastically. “I think we should start at Victoria’s Secret and then hit Ulta before we start clothes shopping since you’re going to be trying on so much
stuff. Sound good to you?”

  Hours later, Evelyn and I walk out of Target with bags full of coat hangers and huge smiles on our faces. I don’t remember the last time I felt so happy, and I’m pretty sure Evelyn is my favorite person in the entire universe.

  While Evelyn struggles to shove the bags of hangers into the already-full back seat, she laughs. “Well, I’d definitely call today a success.”

  I giggle and nod in agreement, holding her Starbucks coffee for her. The trunk is completely full too. I’m still a little worried in the back of my mind that Arthur might be mad we bought so much, but honestly, I feel like a freaking princess.

  I feel so much more like myself too. I’m wearing a brand-new sleeveless summer dress and sandals, and I’m wearing makeup. The bruise on my cheek is barely noticeable now.

  “Thank you so much for everything.” I sigh happily, sipping on my iced latte once we get situated in the car.

  “Don’t be silly!” Evelyn flips her pastel locks over her shoulder so she can glance behind her while she pulls out of the parking space. “I had a blast today!”

  I’m really glad, but I still don’t think there’s any way I could possibly thank her enough. Or Arthur, for that matter. On the way home, Evelyn has the radio playing quietly. I wonder if she’s as worn out from shopping as I am.

  When we get closer to the house, my stomach flutters in nervous anticipation of seeing the guys again. It’s so stupid, but I’m excited for them to see me looking like an actual girl instead of the freak I appeared to be last night.

  “I’m so excited for you to meet Grayson! I’m sure he’s hanging out with the rest of the boys by now.”

  I smile at her. I’m excited to meet him too. Evelyn had talked so much about her son and the other boys that I feel like I know them. Quietly, I ask her, “Do you think they might want to be friends with me?”

  Evelyn smiles softly and answers without hesitation. “Yes, I do. I believe you have a lot more in common with them than you realize, sweetie.”


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