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A Whole New Ball Game

Page 9

by Lauren K. McKellar

  ‘I guess at times, it was kind of terrifying,’ I finished for him. ‘Once, a man asked me to mind his stuff while he went to fetch his meal. Mum found me a few hours later flicking through a bag of needles.’

  His jaw dropped. ‘Zoe, that’s …’

  ‘That’s character building,’ I laughed it off. ‘Mum wants to heal the world. She’s doing it the best way she knows how.’

  ‘She put you in danger.’ Sawyer’s chest seemed to puff up as he said it.

  ‘She gave me experiences that other kids never would have got.’ I shrugged one shoulder. ‘Sometimes, sure, they were dangerous. But other times, they were amazing. How many other teenagers do you know who got to ride an elephant in the wild, who got to go camping under the stars in the outback?’

  ‘Not many.’ Sawyer conceded. He stopped outside the bar. ‘Same as last time?’

  He remembers? ‘Thanks.’

  ‘No worries.’ He ducked in, leaving me alone for a moment.

  All that talk made me miss her. I pulled out my phone, tapping out an email to Mum.

  Dear Mum,

  Hope you’re doing well! I’m all on track for my Africa application—my reference is coming through at the end of this week. I’m trying out for a football team too, for when I get back. Having a lot of fun. Imagine if I played professionally? Love Zoe

  Seconds later, a reply pinged through.

  Dear Zoe,

  Sweetheart, that’s great news. Those children need you. I hear there’s another Zika outbreak, so make sure you pack a lot of water and as many antibiotics as they’ll let you.

  So proud of my baby girl, finally making a difference

  Love Mum xx


  Finally finishing the dream we began when I was a little girl.

  I stuffed my phone back into my pocket. This was when I normally felt proud. Felt whole.

  So why did I feel as if my heart had been hollowed?

  ‘Mango, kale, wheatgrass, coconut yoghurt and water, to go.’ Sawyer handed me the cup, then grabbed my hand. ‘Now let’s go!’

  ‘Huh?’ I stumbled along after him. ‘Where are you taking me?’

  ‘To have some fun.’ Sawyer called over his shoulder, half-jogging down the mall.

  I stumbled after him, my kitbag bouncing on his back as we dodged a group of men and women exiting the theatre. A seagull swooped low overhead, a ghostly white against the darkened sky. Where was he taking me? And what did ‘having fun’ mean?

  Sawyer slowed to a walk outside the mouth to Luna Park. He waved with his hand above his head, gesturing to the warped face. ‘We are going to have some fun.’

  ‘Just because I didn’t come here as a kid doesn’t mean I need to come here now.’ I shook my head but couldn’t stop my smile. Why was I smiling?

  ‘Zoe, we are having fun—make no bones about it.’ He walked over to the admissions desk, handing over his credit card to the young attendant behind it. ‘Two of your premium rides packages, please.’

  ‘Uh, we don’t have …’ The boy frowned. His jaw dropped. ‘You’re Sawyer Benson.’

  ‘Sure am.’ Sawyer smiled.

  ‘Your game this week was epic! Can’t wait to see you guys crush Sydney on Sunday.’ The kid grinned. ‘Can we get a selfie?’

  ‘Of course.’ Sawyer posed for a photo. Behind us, a group of tourists looked on, some craning their necks to try and see better.

  ‘We don’t have premium rides packages, but we have an unlimited rides pass. Will that do?’ the kid asked.

  ‘Of course.’

  After stashing my bag at a locker, we were granted admission to the park. To my complete and utter surprise, it was—fun.

  We rode the Great Scenic Railway, a rollercoaster that soared along and gave a great if fleeting view of the city skyline. Next, we went on the Twin Dragon, a pirate-ship-style ride that left my stomach lurching and my heart beating fast, but a massive grin on my face.

  Finally, Sawyer stopped at one of those iconic carnival games, a series of hoops set up for you to shoot balls through with a wall of different prizes on offer.

  ‘Just three balls for five dollars, or two if you’re Sawyer Benson,’ the man in the vest said into his microphone as we passed.

  ‘Two?’ Sawyer asked. ‘I don’t need a discount.’

  ‘I didn’t mean on the price, sir. I meant on the number of balls you need, now your best friend’s dating your ex-girlfriend.’ The man mimed dropping the mic. ‘Boom!’

  I looked up the Sawyer. His lips thinned into a line, but he didn’t say anything. Poor guy. That was brutal. ‘Let’s go.’

  ‘No.’ He took his free hand and rummaged in his pocket. ‘We’re going to play.’

  ‘Sawyer, you don’t have to—’

  ‘Yes.’ His face was stern as he turned to me. ‘Yes, I do.’ He pulled out a five-dollar note and slammed it on the counter.

  ‘Step right up and we’ll have you through,’ the announcer slipped the money into the bag at his waist. He waggled his eyebrows. ‘Or is that what she said?’

  ‘Just give me the damn balls.’ Sawyer held out his hand. ‘And if you so much as make a joke about that, I’m gonna take your balls and shove them so far up your arse that—’

  ‘Sawyer,’ I warned. I was no expert, but from what I knew, sporting contracts had been lost for less.

  ‘Here you go, sir.’ The attendant rolled three blue balls down a chute so they landed in the tray in front of us. ‘At your leisure.’

  Sawyer took the first ball, weighing it up in his hands. He shot it toward the hoop, and it fell short.

  ‘Oh! Looks like you don’t quite have a handle on things.’

  ‘Just ignore him,’ I whispered, placing my hand on Sawyer’s back. His muscles were rock-hard, even through his winter jacket.

  ‘And that was the easy shot. Imagine how far you’d fall if you went for the challenging one,’ the attendant goaded.

  Sawyer shook his head. ‘Which one is the challenging one?’

  ‘That one.’ The vested man pointed to a hoop in the farthest corner, a golden ring on the backboard behind it. ‘You get your pick of prizes if you can get through that.’

  Men and their egos. He was going to do it. I knew before he even picked up the ball.

  Sawyer took a deep breath. He aimed.



  ‘Yes!’ I cheered, wrapping my arms around his waist. ‘You did it!’

  He turned around and placed his big hands on my waist, spinning me up in the air. ‘Yes!’ He lowered me to the ground and planted a kiss on my lips, one that felt so natural, so right, despite all the pressure I’d placed upon it.

  ‘And what do you know, ladies and gents, Sawyer Benson has won the prize for his beautiful lady! Which would you like, Mr Fullback? The bear, I presume?’ The attendant gestured to a candy-pink stuffed toy that was half the size of my body.

  ‘No.’ Sawyer scanned the wall of prizes, his face breaking into a smile when he pointed to the one he wanted. ‘That one. I’ll take that one, please.’

  ‘Ah, a medal for the hopeful medal-winner.’ Vest man took the blue and white ribbon from around the hook and handed it over. ‘Here’s hoping it brings your team luck this weekend.’

  ‘Thanks, but we won’t need it,’ Sawyer said, and we walked from the stall, stopping in a dark corner to the right of the Ferris wheel. People strolled past a few feet away, leaving us in this quiet corner of calm in a world of light and colour.

  ‘Here.’ Sawyer placed the ribbon over my neck. The small gold medal weighed it down, stopping right above my cleavage. ‘This is for you.’

  I reached up and touched the plastic. So sweet. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘You’re one of the most selfless people I’ve ever met. If that doesn’t deserve a medal, nothing will.’ He pressed a kiss to my forehead.

  Sawyer. My heart surged. How could this man be so nice to me, so caring, when we barely even knew each other? Organisi
ng the meeting with the team manager, acting as if he wanted to save me from my past when it wasn’t all that bad—everything. The big and the small. The public and the private. ‘That is one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.’

  He cupped a hand around the back of my neck. ‘Then people haven’t been nice enough.’

  He crushed his lips to mine. I gripped his shirt, pulling him closer, wanting him as near to me as he possibly could be. Lust spiralled through my body, landing firmly between my legs. My body screamed for him, touch me, and my mouth gave way to the tension storming between us.

  ‘Get a room!’ someone called.

  Damn it. I slowed my kisses, my hands dropping to my sides. What was I thinking? You couldn’t just make out with a man in the middle of an amusement park.

  Sawyer pulled away, his hands on my arms, holding my body close. The light from a camera flashed, and he pressed his forehead to mine, angling me aware from the glare. Behind us, the Ferris wheel slowed to a stop, casting a warm glow into our little hidey-hole.

  ‘Sorry. That might end up online,’ Sawyer apologised.

  ‘It’s fine.’ It wasn’t like I was a celebrity—no one would know who I was anyway. ‘Let’s just go.’

  ‘I …’ Sawyer’s Adam’s apple bobbed. ‘I’m going to have some problem leaving right now.’

  ‘Wh—oh.’ He stood closer. Even through his jeans, I could feel his firm erection.

  ‘Just give me a sec.’ He pressed his eyes closed, his arms dropping to his sides. ‘I’ll just think of the pope. Of starving children in Africa. Of—’

  ‘I’ve got an idea.’ I grabbed his hands, spinning so I stood in front of him. ‘Come with me.’

  I led him over to the Ferris wheel, his body close to mine so as not to reveal his problem. I glanced at the empty carriages either side of the one we could head to, then addressed the ride operator. ‘Hi there. Good night?’

  He blinked, as if startled. ‘Okay, I guess. A little quiet.’

  ‘Listen, it’s my first time here, and we have to leave in a few minutes. I know there’s no one else on the ride yet, but is there any chance you could please …?’ I bit my lip and gave what I hoped was my most appreciative look. Come on, ride guy.

  A begrudging smile toyed with his lips before he gestured us through. ‘Ah, go on then. Anything for a polite young lady and a football player.’

  We showed the operator our wrist bands and headed to the nearest open carriage.

  Sawyer and I slipped in, and the metal gate clanged shut behind us. Seconds later, the machine clunked into life, slowly taking us up in the air.

  ‘You’re right.’ Sawyer sunk into the seat next to me. ‘A kid’s ride is exactly the sort of thing I need to take my mind off my problem here.’

  ‘Maybe.’ I shifted in the metal seat, my hand running across the inside of his leg. ‘Although that wasn’t exactly what I had in mind …’

  ‘What are you—’

  I pressed firmly against his cock, and he shuddered.

  ‘Zoe, I …’

  ‘I’m just helping you out.’ I moved so my back was to the park, blocking the view from any peeping toms. Swiftly, I unclipped his belt buckle, then his fly. My hand slid inside his briefs, wrapping around his cock, already so hard, so long.

  He groaned, and I felt it between my legs. His voice was weak as he asked, ‘What if someone sees?’

  ‘That did not sound like a sincere protest.’ I ran my hand along his hard length. So big. ‘And besides, we’re the only people on this ride, it’s night, and the carriage is pure metal from the waist down.’

  He looked at the carriage as if to acknowledge my point. I slowly stroked once, twice. ‘Damn that’s good but … you don’t have to do this.’

  ‘I know, but it’s fun.’ I looked up at him from under my eyelashes. The ride clunked to a stop when we reached the top of the wheel, our carriage for two turning high above the park below. ‘Don’t you want to have fun?’

  ‘Fuck,’ he breathed, and I pulled harder, faster, loving the way he felt beneath my hand, silky-soft and yet so thick and strong. ‘I thought you said … no sex.’

  Why had I ever said that? Spending time with him made me want it more and more, want him more and more. ‘This isn’t sex,’ I said. A drop of pre-cum spilled on the tip of his cock and I ran my thumb over it. ‘It’s just … fooling around.’

  He nodded, his hand reaching out to swipe over my breast. ‘So this is okay.’

  I tingled under his touch. ‘Mm-hmm.’ It was my turn to lose my voice for a moment.

  ‘This …’ He slipped his hand between my legs, palming me over my sex. All it took was one touch, and I shuddered. Oh, God. His hands danced over my clit, and the skin-tight material of my exercise pants sent the sensations straight where it counted. ‘This … is okay.’

  ‘Yes.’ I leaned closer and pressed my lips to his. He was warm and wet and everything I wanted. ‘Everything we can do … in public … we can do.’ I panted in between kisses.

  ‘Good.’ He rubbed over my core, faster and faster. Friction, heat, his delicious touch—I wanted it and more. ‘Because I’ve been wanting to do this since the moment we first met.’

  ‘Me too,’ I gasped against his mouth. My hand moved faster still, and he groaned again.

  ‘Zoe, I’m close. Stop! You have to—’

  I leaned forward and wrapped my lips around his cock. The salty taste of his pre-cum filled my mouth, a contradiction against the fairy floss sugar coating my lips.

  I ran my mouth up and down, up and down, and his fingers fisted in my hair. I wanted to make him come in my mouth. I wanted to bring him to orgasm, to bring this man who wielded so much power, who did me so much good, completely to his knees.

  My mouth moved faster, my hand cupping his balls.

  ‘I’m going to come. Zoe, I …’ His voice disappeared on a strangled gasp. The hand in my hair tightened. His body turned rigid.


  ‘Zoe,’ he groaned, slowly running his hands along my scalp. ‘That was …’

  I licked the tip of his cock, and his whole body jerked.

  ‘That was incredible.’

  The ride shuddered to life. I moved back up to the seat, zipping my jacket as I went. Sawyer lay there, his head back, his chest heaving.

  ‘Do up your pants.’ I laughed, teasing.

  ‘Can’t. Move.’ He opened one eye, glancing over at me. ‘Ruined by beautiful woman.’

  I poked him in the side. ‘Well, beautiful woman is going to leave you for an ice cream and a ride on the teacups if you’re not ready to go in a few seconds.’

  Sawyer’s belt buckle snapped. ‘Yes, ma’am.’

  Seconds later, we stepped out of the ride, headed past the hoops game on the way to the dessert vendor.

  ‘Sawyer Benson, care to show you’re the real man your ex didn’t think you were?’ vest guy shouted again.

  Sawyer didn’t even flinch.

  Chapter 18


  Zoe: I’m having a dilemma. What do I pack for this weekend? Training clothes, something comfortable to wear to the game and … anything else?

  Sawyer: Nothing else. As little as possible when it comes to clothes.

  Zoe: Very funny, wise guy. I mean, are we going out anywhere Friday night? Or is the weekend more about you and your mates? I don’t want to intrude.

  Sawyer: I think we have a fan function after the game Sunday, but there’s a good chance you and me can get some dinner Friday night. Just wear clothes you’ll be comfortable in. You look good no matter what you wear.

  Zoe: Such a male thing to say.

  Sawyer: Not true. A male thing to say would be ‘You’ll look great the less you wear.’

  Zoe: Point taken.

  ‘You’re in a good mood.’ Kristy flicked through my wardrobe, pausing every so often to feel some of the material. ‘Do you have any shirts that aren’t white?’

  ‘What’s wrong with white?’ I
shrugged, flipping open the case on my bed and stuffing some socks in one corner. ‘And my mood is fine. Thank you for noticing.’

  ‘It’s bland. Boring.’ She twirled her hand in a circle around my chest. ‘And your mood is more than fine. There’s something fishy going on here.’

  ‘Excitement to play my first grand final game?’ I stepped past her, pulling a cream shirt out of the cupboard. ‘And see? A colour other than white.’

  ‘Just no.’ Kristy shoved the shirt back in. ‘And it’s not only that. Grand final excitement wouldn’t have you asking your sister for wardrobe advice when it came to your travel attire. Grand final excitement wouldn’t have you glued to your phone like that.’

  ‘I like to stay connected.’ I pulled the shirt out again. ‘And what’s wrong with this shirt?’

  ‘It looks like something that cat Antonio Banderas played in—what’s it called?’

  ‘Puss in Boots?’

  ‘Yes!’ She clicked her fingers. ‘It looks like something the cat in Puss in Boots would wear.’

  ‘Hmm.’ I guessed it was a little puffy. Ava had bought it for me when we’d first met. Part of a wardrobe revamp, she’d called it.

  Maybe her taste was always a little questionable.

  ‘Anyway, stop changing the subject.’ She narrowed her eyes. ‘I am onto you, little brother. You are in a good mood because you’ve found someone. I can see it in your smile. And I want to know all the juicy details.’

  ‘You could tell that just from my smile?’

  ‘And from that photo on your Facebook.’ She winked, taking one of the white shirts from the cupboard and holding it out.

  What photo?

  I snatched my phone from the bed, clicking through to the app. Shit. Not from the Ferris wheel. Surely no one could see us up there when—

  Thank God.

  There was an image of Zoe and I walking hand in hand through the park. Her holding a giant stick of fairy floss. Me smiling as I looked at her as if she was the only person in the whole goddamn park.

  Was that really how I looked at her?

  Last night had been incredible. Not just the blow job on the Ferris wheel—although there was a lot to love about that. But everything. The way she gave one hundred per cent in a training session with just her out there on the field. The way she opened up to me, showing me more of her past, more of what made her so incredibly selfless today. The way she believed in me, her fierce determination when that dickhead vendor was sledging me.


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