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Sugar Rush

Page 10

by Belle Aurora

  But I didn’t listen. I reached forward and tried to take her books. I grabbed them from one side, and she held firm on the other. I tugged; she tugged. She wasn’t letting go, but neither was I. I pulled too hard, and her pile of books came crashing down.

  I laughed. She did not. I felt the need to speak. “Shit, sorry. I’m Max. Max Leokov.”

  Eyes filling with tears, she knelt down on the ground and let me have it. “I know who you are. Why are you even here? I’m sure you could pay the teachers to pass you.”

  I tried to say sorry. “Let me carry your books as an apology. C’mon.”

  She stepped back, out of reach. “The pickings must be slim if you’re coming on to me.” She lifted her nose. “I’ve heard all about you, Max.” She said my name like it tasted awful. “I’ll tell you this once. I am not a bedpost notch. I am not a giggling idiot. I’m not one of the hundreds of girls at this school who want you.”

  She looked me up and down and shook her head in disappointment. Then she turned on her heel and walked out, leaving me standing in the library on my own looking like an asshole. Which was fitting, considering I felt like an asshole. Truth was, I hadn’t even known who she was, and she was right. I had expected her to be a giggling idiot. I’d expected flirting, conversation, and maybe a blowjob too, if I was lucky.

  I grin. I was always lucky.

  When I got home that night, I scanned a yearbook. I searched for over an hour until I found her smiling face looking back at me. I smiled right back at her. She was even more beautiful when she smiled. So I made it my mission. I would do what it took to make her smile, because I needed to see it in person.

  It took weeks for this to happen. I stopped hooking up and made her my priority. There was just something about her, something that told me she would be worth it. The first thing I did was find out where her locker was. I had to follow her around all morning. She took her books out as the bell rang, and she headed off to class. I could afford to skip. No one really knew it, but I was up-to-date with all my work and held an average grade of A-minus.

  When the hall was clear, I got to work. Smiling like an idiot, I waited for the bell then hid behind a pillar, quietly watching. When she approached her locker, she paused mid-step. Placing a hand to her chest, she approached with caution. Students began to whisper and point, and I was glad for it. She would get the attention she deserved.

  As she read the message, her eyes narrowed. She searched the crowd for a hint of who had done this. I stepped out of my hiding spot, leaning against the pillar with my hands in my pockets. Our eyes met. I smiled and lifted a brow. A look of surprise crossed her face, and her lips parted slightly. All I wanted to do was kiss those pink lips with a gentleness I had never shown a girl. I ached for her.

  She looked back at her locker, uncertainty in her eyes. She read the message again.

  Smart is sexy.

  Painted in yellow and lined with black, I hoped the message would stay up there forever as a reminder to her that she was exactly right. I was the asshole, and she deserved better. So I would try to be better for her. I would be the person she deserved.

  My sixteen-year-old self was in love. I felt it like a punch to the gut. It was love at first sight. I was sure of that. I had to have her.

  The next day, I had a flower arrangement delivered to the school’s office. I had Nik choose it for me. I was clueless that way. He said tulips were always good, but if I didn’t want to scare her off, to get every color but pink and red. When I heard her name being called over the PA system, my hands started to sweat. I was nervous.

  My nerves were eased when I saw her walking down the hall, smiling into her bouquet of tulips. Nik was right about the color thing. He chose yellow, white, orange, and purple tulips, and from the way she was smiling at them, I wish I’d done some research and picked them myself. I wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.

  I wanted to talk to her, but she was suddenly swarmed with a dozen whispering girls.

  “Who are they from?”

  “They’re so beautiful!”

  “Oh, man, you’re so lucky!”

  “Maddy, they’re gorgeous!”

  She lifted her head and looked right at me. A gorgeous smile crossed her face and she mouthed, ‘thank you’.

  My gut clenched from the beauty of that smile. I knew I was in deep shit.

  Later that night, she called. To say I was surprised was an understatement, because our number wasn’t listed and I had no idea how she managed to get it. I was surprised, but overjoyed. We started talking every night, but avoided each other at school. She was still unsure of me. I would give her as much time as she needed. I lived to make her laugh, and I did. A lot.

  We got to know each other and talked up until the early hours of the morning, or until one of us fell asleep. One night, about four weeks into our secret friendship, I went out on a limb. Lying in my bed, I whispered into the phone, “I would give anything to be your guy. I want you to be my girl, Maddy.”

  She hesitated. “What if it doesn’t work out?”

  I countered, “What if it does?” She remained silent. I all but begged, “Gimme a chance. One chance.” Without answering me, she plead a headache and I let her go.

  The next morning, I walked down the hall towards my locker. I was in a mood. I couldn’t understand what more I could do to prove to Maddy I was serious about her. But I wouldn’t give up. I packed my books inside and closed the door. As I turned, I stilled. There she was, right in front of me.

  She looked scared. “Hi.”

  A small smile tilted my lips. “Hey. You okay?”

  Breathing deep, she exhaled slowly, stepped forward, and placed her hand in mine. Our fingers entwined. I looked down at our intertwined hands and beamed. She answered with a shy smile, “Perfect. Everything’s perfect.”

  Three weeks later, we shared our first kiss.

  A year later, we made love.

  Three years after that, Maddy told me I was going to be a daddy. It was love in its purest form.

  Nine months later, I met the second love of my life. She came wrapped in a pink blanket. She had my eyes, but she was all Maddy. I named her for my mother.

  In five years, my life was turned on its head. I would’ve done anything for Maddy, but she didn’t feel the same. And that’s why I don’t ever want to fall in love again.

  Love hurts.



  I stroll across the street, making my way towards Safira. Doesn’t matter how old I get, I’ll still be Nik’s little brother…and his lackey. Tina hates when Nik does this, but I come bearing gifts, so she’ll get over it. It’s Monday. Tina shouldn’t be working at all. She’s on maternity leave. I use that term loosely, because Tina’s been on maternity leave for a month, but still goes to work every day.

  Nik tells her to take it easy. She smiles sweetly up at him and tells him she will. He leaves for work, and she throws on a sassy outfit and heads over to her store. She’s lucky she’s hot.

  I open the door and hold it open to let out a couple of young women. I smile hard. “Ladies, how you doing today? Looking good.”

  There you go again.

  That wasn’t flirting. It was being a gentleman.


  Shut up, brain.

  I back through the door, balancing the loot, and call out, “Good morning.”

  In unison, they all call back, “Morning!”

  I place the stuff on the front counter and turn to find Tina waddling out of her office. Her eyes are narrowed and she has her cell to her ear. I grin. Ha-ha! Nik’s gonna get it.

  He must’ve answered, because she immediately starts, “Nik, baby, you want to tell me why I have a delivery here this morning, with Max being the deliveryman?” And even though she’s pissed at him, she takes a second to smile at me and mouth, ‘hi’. That’s just how she rolls. Tina is the shit.

  I don’t hear what he says, but she responds an annoyed, “I don’t nee
d food. It’s ten am, for Pete’s sake! What are you trying to do, honey? Turn me into a whale?” I know the exact moment he gets sweet on her. Her shoulders slump and she sighs. “I know you want to take care of me. I love you too.” She pauses, then lifts a hand to cup my cheek. “Yeah. I love Max too.”

  I lean down and kiss the top of her head. She wraps an arm around me and squeezes, then she’s waddling back into the office.

  Mimi appears behind me. She jerks a chin to the box on the counter. “More food?”

  I grin. “Yep.”

  She shrugs then lifts the lid of the box, picking up a sandwich. “Don’t mind if I do.”

  Lola walks down from the back of the shop, eyes wide in delight. “Are those free sandwiches?” Mimi chews while nodding. Lola makes a score motion in the air. “I love free sandwiches!”

  Nat comes through the office door, her cell on her ear. “Lena, I love you. Really, I do, but this isn’t up for discussion. You’re going to have to learn to deal with it.” My brows bunch. This sounds serious. She walks towards me, spots the sandwiches, and does a little dance. She utters into the phone, “I’m turning you on speaker now. Because…sandwiches.”

  I whisper, “What’s up with Helena?”

  Nat, not caring Helena will hear, takes a bite of a sandwich and explains a garbled, “My sister has a problem with hearing me have sex.”

  Helena gasps. “Oh God, you have no shame, you ho! And by the way, you moan so loud it sounds like I’m in the room with you. Yuck!”

  Nat swallows and rolls her eyes. “Dramatic much? It’s sex! It’s normal! I’m married, for chrissake! It won’t be long before I have two babies to look after. I have to get the sex in now!”

  Helena responds, “La-la-la-la-la!”

  Nat turns to me. “Shouldn’t you be at work?”

  Helena answers with what sounds like a pout. “I am at work. No one’s here yet. Well, people are here, but James isn’t here.”

  James, is it? He always introduces himself as Whit. Why is Helena allowed to call him James?

  Nat chuckles. “I was talking to Max, doofus.”

  Silence, then Helena asks, “What is he doing there? Doesn’t he work?”

  I sulk at her tone. “I work, thank you very much. I’m doing a delivery right now.”

  At least she has the grace to sound apologetic. “Oh, right. Sorry.”

  While I have her on the phone, I need to ask her to check Whit’s schedule for me, so I can come have a chat to him. “Hey, cupcake, you’re at the center, right?”

  Her response is suspicious and drawn out. “Yeah. Why?”

  “I need you to check Whit’s schedule for me.”

  Confusion lines her voice. “I don’t have it.”

  Having been at the center about a thousand times, I’m familiar with the surroundings. Very familiar. “That’s cool. You need to…wait. Where are you right now?”

  “I’m in the admin lunchroom.”

  I nod. I know where that is. “Okay, you need to head out of there, then turn right. Once you reach a wall of photographs, you keep going forward ‘til you reach the children’s playroom. You’ll see a giant whiteboard with everyone’s schedules on it. I need you to tell me if Whit has any time-blocks free.”

  She utters an amused, “There are photos of Ceecee on here.”

  I smile. “I know. Look for the one where she’s a pilot.”

  Helena laughs softly. “Turning her chair into a plane…” She utters an awe-filled, “Genius.” A pause, then, “God, she’s grown.”

  “I know. Like a mushroom.”

  I hear the sounds of footsteps echo through the phone. “Okay, I’m almost there. Ah, yes! I see it.”

  “Is he free today?”

  “He’s got one pm free and two pm free.”

  Cool. “Take a marker and put me in at two pm, will ya?”

  Rustling, then, “Done. You’re booked in.”

  “Thanks, cupcake.”

  She responds quietly, “You’re welcome, Max.”

  And that’s my cue to leave. “Okay. I’m out of here. Take it easy, ladies.”

  As I walk away, they call out in unison, “Bye!”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I hate myself for watching the clock. Two pm is getting closer and closer, and I’m having real problems with my reaction to seeing Max. More specifically, to my wanting to see Max. It’s one fifty-three and the tummy flutters have started. I bounce my knee and tap my pen on the desk. Actually, I don’t have my own office right now, so really, I bounce the pen off James’ desk. He looks up from his paperwork and down at the pen, raises a brow, and looks up at me.

  I drop the pen with a noisy clatter and whisper, “Sorry.”

  I’ll be shadowing my boss for the next few days. I’ve already met the three other PTs on regular rotation. The only other man on the team is a guy named Kerr. He’s not very tall, but super muscular. He almost looks as if he’s a popped kernel of corn with all his bulging muscles. He’s got dark hair and eyes to match, and he’s so very gay.

  How do I know this? I know this, because when Felicity—the token blonde bombshell of our team, with Restylane lips and the body of a salsa dancer—bent over to stretch, he did not look at her perfectly toned ass.

  I know what you’re going to say: that means nothing. Right?


  Exhibit B: When James took on the same pose, Kerr did not just look at James’s ass; he devoured it! Mentally, of course.

  It was uncomfortable to watch. Really, it was. What was frightening was the thought of James and Kerr together rolling around in the sack turned me on. A lot. Embarrassingly so. So when James caught me looking like I was about to swallow my tongue from my impure thoughts and narrowed his brows at me, asking cautiously, “You okay?” I all but yelled a panicked, “Nothing!”

  So there you have it. Kerr likes sausage, and I like man-on-man fantasies.

  Who knew?

  Felicity is tall, blonde, and has fantastic perky boobs that match her ass. And, of course, me being me, I assumed she’d be a complete ditz. Felicity…is not. She is smart, and funny, and super sweet. I like her. The first thing she said to me was, “You look like a garden nymph.” That was it. So random. I was sold.

  The third member of our team is shy, quiet Willa. She is tall and willowy, graceful, and extremely pretty. But shy. Painfully shy. She has gorgeous hazel eyes, light brown hair, and a smatter of freckles across her nose. She is, for lack of a better term, geek chic. Oh, and she loves James.

  So there you have it. Two team members want James ‘Whit’ Whittaker. No wonder he told me he doesn’t date employees. They all want to tear off a piece of him. I don’t blame them. He’s a special type of fine, but I wasn’t lying when I told James I don’t date.

  I’ve worked too damn long, too damn hard, to date then fall in love with a guy who’ll likely resent me for working my dream job. Call me selfish, but I’m doing me right now. When I’m at a good point in my career, I’ll consider dating again.

  The last date I went on was my first year of college. I cancelled…five minutes after the date had commenced. Brad, or Bob, or Brett, or whatever the heck his name was told me I couldn’t cancel after the date had already begun. I simply said, “Watch me,” then handed him back his cheap bouquet of carnations and walked back to my dorm room.

  You would not be wrong if you guessed dating scares me. I’m just so worried about meeting a guy who becomes my everything, only to have to sacrifice my career for him. I mean, why must I sacrifice anything? Why can’t I have the whole enchilada? Alas, it doesn’t work that way most of the time. My job is demanding, but the fruits of the labor are rewarding. So rewarding, I don’t think given an ultimatum I would make love my choice.

  I haven’t noticed James has finished his paperwork until he coughs. My face snaps to his. A small smile spreads across his face. “Where’d you go?”

  Shaking my head, I sigh. “I don’t even know. I che
cked out. Sorry.”

  He shrugs. “It’s cool. Today’s a slow day anyways. I wish I could show you more, but I need clients to do that. Sorry it’s been a boring day. I wish it were more entertaining.” He grins. “Maybe I could twerk on a table for you or something.”

  I snort. “That I would pay to see, sir.”

  He winces. “Aw man. You seriously just sir’d me? I feel so old.”

  I chuckle. He’s adorable. “You’re not old. If you’re old, then I’m old, and if you call me old, you might just catch a shoe to the head, because I am not old.”

  His small grin intensifies. “I like a woman who’s willing to throw a shoe every now and again.”

  I nod regally. “It’s so uncommon these days. Such a shame.” He smiles at me. And smiles. And smiles some more. I’m suddenly nervous. My eyes widen. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  After a moment, his smile loses some of its strength and he utters, “I like you.”

  A look of surprise crosses my face. It’s quickly replaced by a blush. I mutter quietly, “I like you too.”

  A knock at the door snags my attention. Max pops his head in and spots me sitting behind James’s desk. He throws a thumb behind him and states, “I can come back.”

  I quickly stand. “No. We were just talking. You sit.”

  I move to leave, but James stops me by lifting a palm. “Actually, Max, I completely understand if you say no, given your families are intertwined, but I need to ask. Would you mind if Helena sat in today? She’s going to be shadowing me for a little while, just until she gets the hang of how we run things around here.”

  Max doesn’t hesitate. “I don’t mind.”

  Ahhh, Max. Understanding, thoughtful Max. Annoyingly perfect Max.

  Shooting me a small smile, he moves to sit beside me and winks. “How you doing, cupcake?”

  My brows about hit my hairline. I lean forward and whisper, “You can’t call me that here. I mean, I told you to stop calling me that. You can’t call me that.”


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