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Sugar Rush

Page 25

by Belle Aurora

  A large pink and white box.

  My heart skips a beat. I ask in shock, “You didn’t?!” Snatching the box out of his hands, I set it on my desk and open it to find a dozen pretty cupcakes sitting there, waiting to be sampled. I spin around and sputter, “B-but why?”

  He lifts his hand and runs his thumb down my cheek. “Because you’re amazing. Because you’re funny and sweet. And because you deserve a sugar rush.”

  My heart implodes from all the feels. I don’t even care I’m at work. I take the three steps over to him, lift my hands to cup his cheeks, and pull his face down to mine, planting soft, wet kisses onto his full lips. “Thank you, honey.”

  He reaches up to my hands on his cheeks and gently takes them into his own, stepping away. He lifts my hands to his mouth and takes turns kissing at the knuckles of each hand. “I have to get back to work.” Walking backwards, he asks, “You’re coming to cook with Ceecee tomorrow, yeah?”

  I shrug, knowing I could never deny him. “Of course.”

  He winks at me before turning and jogging out the door. I sit back at my desk, smiling, and eye the open box of cupcakes, my sudden hunger for cake dissipating.

  My smile fades. Max was right.

  He’s all the sugar I need.

  And that scares the living shit out of me.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  With Felicity pulling at my hair to make a thin side-braid, my face bunches and one of my eyes closes from the pain. “Ow, turdette.” I hiss in a breath through my teeth. “That hurts.”

  The tall blonde simply smiles cruelly. “Beauty is pain, assface.”

  Today is Saturday, and we’re getting ready for The White Rabbit. The week passed pretty quickly, what with me working during the day then four out of the five nights I’d been at Max’s, hanging out, cooking with Ceecee, and eating like a piglet. I didn’t go last night, even though he asked. I felt Max and Ceecee needed time to themselves, so I set Max on a task. I told him to buy all the things to make ice-cream sundaes and have Ceecee make them both banana splits.

  Later that night, I received a photo text message of Max and Ceecee smiling into the camera, both faces covered with ice cream and chocolate sauce. It was adorable, and I suddenly wished I was there.

  My phone vibrates in my hand and I lift it, checking the display.

  Max: Three hours ‘til I see your beautiful smile.

  A giant smile breaks out on my face, so giant that my cheeks hurt. I’ve been getting these for five hours now. Every hour on the hour. The first said, “Seven hours ‘til I kiss your honey mouth.” The second said, “Six hours ‘til I see your pretty green eyes.” The third said, “Five hours ‘til I squeeze your sexy ass.” And the fourth said, “Four hours ‘til I wrap my arms around you. And when I do, I’m not letting go.”

  It’s safe to say the man knows how to make a woman feel special. It’s also safe to say my heart is not safe when it comes to Max. He’s becoming far more of a distraction than I imagined. He doesn’t want to see me every now and again. He wants to see me every day. And when I tell him I can’t see him, he pouts.

  It’s so freaking cute that my heart aches.

  I’m not sure what’s going on between us, but it feels real. Like a real relationship. It’s not even about the sex. The last three nights I’d been there, all we did was kiss, cuddle, and talk on the sofa after Ceecee had gone to sleep.

  I’m so confused about the role I’m supposed to be playing. It doesn’t really seem like a role anymore. Max was the one to tell me he couldn’t give me all of him, but it feels like he’s giving me every last piece of him. He’s burrowing a place into my heart, right next to the place reserved for Ceecee, and what’s more alarming is that I want them there.

  Felicity pulls at my hair again and my mouth rounds in time with my eyes. “Ow, bitch! You did that on purpose!”

  Her reflection eyes me hard in the mirror. “I’ve lived here my whole life and I can’t find a man who wants a serious relationship. You’ve been here a month—a freakin’ month!—and you get pick of the litter.” She pouts into the mirror. “It’s not fair.”

  I scoff. “Max and I are taking it slow. We might not even work out, Flick.”

  He’s counting on it, actually.

  She rolls her eyes at me. “He’s been sending you messages all day long about how much he can’t wait to see you. He brings you cupcakes at work and wants his daughter to know you. I think this is more serious than you both realize. He’s super sweet to you, and he doesn’t even flirt anymore!”

  He doesn’t? I ask, surprised, “He doesn’t?”

  Her brows rise and she shakes her head slowly. “Nope. Well, not with me anyways. I haven’t seen him flirt with Willa either. Hell, I haven’t seen him flirt with anyone.” Her brows narrow. “You know what? Maybe we’ll watch him for a while tonight on the floor. See what he does. Because I swear to God, the woman who makes Max Leokov lose his flirt…” she tilts her head to the side, “…she’s the one.”

  My heart perks up at the same moment my brain blows a big raspberry. I sigh. “You’re delusional. Clinically insane. You should see someone about that.”

  Felicity chuckles. “You’re lucky I like you.” A wry smile follows her laughter. “Also, I bought you a dress to wear tonight, and,” my loud groan of disapproval is ignored as she speaks louder, over me, “and you are wearing it tonight.”

  And here comes the whining. “I already told you I don’t like wearing dresses.” Straightening in my chair, I cross my arms over myself. “Nope, I’m not wearing it.”

  Felicity leaves the room, calling back, “I think you might just change your mind,” when she reenters my bedroom, I can’t contain my gasp as she adds, “when you see it.”

  In her hands is one of the most spectacular dresses I have ever seen in my life. It’s completely black, sleeveless with a jewel neckline, comes mid-thigh, and has a small frilled skirt around the waist, making it easy to hide a little pooch if you have one. The stitching on the entire dress is a yellowish mustard color.

  I love it immediately. But I still can’t wear it. “It’s gorgeous, Felicity. And I love it. Really, I do. But—” I look into her eyes, pleadingly, “but I can’t wear it.”

  Her face falls. “Okay. That’s okay.” She sighs, running her hand down the dress. “I mean, who cares if I went downtown to find you a hot dress to wear for your new man. You don’t do dresses. I should’ve been more thoughtful. But you could’ve at least tried it on, you know? For me?” She gives me puppy dog eyes and bats her ridiculously long lashes.

  I roll my eyes at her antics and snatch the dress from her hands. “Fine, but just for you. And once I try it on, it’s coming off.”

  Felicity claps and smiles. “Yay! Okay! Get your butt in there.”

  Once in the bathroom, I change out of my yoga pants and tee, and slip into the dress. I gape at my reflection.

  It’s perfect.

  It looks perfect on me.

  I have never wanted to wear a dress as much as I want to wear this one. Stepping out of the bathroom, I walk back into my room and Felicity squeals, “Oh my gawd! It’s gorgeous. I mean, you’re gorgeous in it. I love it. You’re totally wearing it.”

  She stands behind me, zipping me up. I mutter, “I-um…I don’t know. You don’t think I look a little too fancy?”

  “You look just the right amount of fancy. I swear it’s like it was made for you. As soon as I saw it, I knew. It cost me a bit, but I knew I had to get it for you. It was in the window of a store called Lena.” She shrugs lightly. “It was, like, a sign or something.”

  Suddenly feeling naked, I hold myself. “I’m still not sure.”

  Felicity lets out an exasperated sigh. “I’m getting a second opinion.” Then she walks away. I hear the front door open, and then she returns with Nat in tow.

  Nat gapes openly, walking around me, sputtering, “B-but how?” She turns to Felicity. “How on earth did you get her to wear t

  Felicity wears a smug smile. “Guilt.”

  Nat’s eyes widen as she snaps her fingers and hisses, “Guilt! Of course!” She mutters, “I used to threaten her with grievous bodily harm.” She shakes her head. “Never worked.”

  I ask Nat cautiously, “How do I look?”

  She suddenly looks bored and sniffs, “You look a’ight.”

  I know my sister well enough to know that if she’s teasing, I look smoking hot. Smiling, I turn to Flick and state, “Okay. I’m wearing it.”

  Nat smirks, then snickers, “Dear God, Max is going to have a fit.”

  My smile falls as my stomach knots. “You don’t think he’ll like it?”

  She makes a noise of annoyance. “No, dipshit, he’ll love it.” She walks out of my apartment, but adds on a shout, “Unfortunately for him, so will all the other guys there.” Before she enters her own apartment, she cackles maniacally.


  Felicity grins, nodding at me knowingly. “Oh yeah. Time Flirtzilla got his.”

  I roll my eyes at them, but I do it smiling. A jealous Max? I’d kill to see that.

  My phone buzzes on the dresser.

  Max: Two hours ‘til I hear your sweet laugh.

  My heart beats faster as serene warmth flows through me.

  Oh brother.

  I’m fucking doomed.



  As soon as we arrive at the club, my stomach dips in excitement for seeing Max. I’m pretty sure I’m not meant to feel like this. B-rock greets us and lets us in. We hold hands, swimming through the crowd of people. It’s pretty darn full already, and it’s only nine forty-five. Normally, the place would be dead until past ten. As soon as we arrive at the bottom of the stairs to the VIP area, the new, shy Alice stands there, eyes firmly fixed to the ground. Felicity speaks first. “Hi there. Helena Kovac and friend.”

  Shy Alice stutters, “Of c-c-course. P-p-please, go right up.” She reaches over and undoes the velvet rope, but as she does this, I get a good glimpse of her face. And I still as shock washes over me. “Willa?”

  Shy Alice cringes. “No. Sorry.”

  Felicity watches me with curiosity in her eyes. She steps closer to the new Alice and bends down to look in her eyes. Flick’s eyes widen in surprise as she all but yells at our co-worker, “Holy shit, girl! You got some ‘splainin’ to do!”

  Willa cringes once more, turning her face up to look at us. Her eyes dart from side-to-side. “Please, you can’t tell anyone I’m working here. Please.” She’s in a serious panic.

  Placing an arm on hers in comfort, I utter, “Hey, we’re not going to tell anyone. Right, Flick?”

  Felicity smiles softly. “It’s not my business to tell, Willa.”

  Willa visibly slumps. “Oh, thank goodness. I don’t want Whit to know. I don’t…” she lowers her voice, “…I don’t want him to see me dressed like this.”

  I look down at the sexed-up Alice in Wonderland costume she wears. The skirt is shorter than a mini, with white lace fishnets and garters underneath. Her feet are adorned by ridiculously high white Mary-Jane heels. She wears a white-blonde wig with a light blue bow, and bright red lipstick. And she looks sexy.

  I grin up at her. “Willa, have you seen yourself? Did you take a good look in the mirror before you came?”

  She looks uncomfortable. “Of course I did. I know what I look like.” I’m confused until she adds, “I look like a tramp. It’s unseemly for a lady to dress like this. But I’m desperate. I need the money.”

  Felicity chokes on a laugh before asking, “Do you think Helena looks like a tramp tonight?”

  Willa’s face turns pale. “Oh, heavens no!”

  Felicity turns on the spot. “What about me?”

  She suddenly looks wistful. “No. You look beautiful. Both of you.”

  I take a step up the stairs. As I do, I tell her, “You look sexy wearing that, and if James saw you in it, I don’t think he’d be able to keep his hands off you.” I continue up the stairs, but hear Felicity add, “I’ve never seen you look better, honey. Have fun tonight. And don’t worry, we’ll keep it quiet.”

  Reaching the top of the stairs, I look down to find Willa biting down a shy smile.

  Mission accomplished.

  We reach the booth to find poor, pregnant, massive Tina sitting with her shoes already off, resting them on a stool one of the guys must’ve brought over for her. She’s talking to Nat, Isa, and Leti while rubbing her belly. Mimi, Lola, and Maria talk over drinks at the VIP bar. The only guys in sight are Nik and Trick, standing by the booth.

  Saturday nights are normally much more relaxed for them. Ash will be busy in the security room, while Max works the floor, making sure the patrons are kept happy.

  “Hi, guys,” I greet as Felicity and I sit across from Tina.

  She doesn’t look happy. “Hi.”

  My brow furrows. Whoever made Tina upset will be getting bitch-slapped. It takes a lot to upset Tina. You just don’t do it. “What’s wrong?”

  Nik sighs. “Tina was using the downstairs bathroom and saw women doing drugs in there. She’s upset someone brought that stuff into the club.”

  That’s understandable. I look up at Nik. “Can’t you do something about it?”

  He shrugs. “I can’t go into the girls bathrooms. I’d need to hire a female staff member to man the area. And I’m not sure if it would pay to do that.”

  Felicity bunches her face in thought. “Can’t Max do it? Just stand by the door?”

  Nik shakes his head. “He does a lot on the actual floor. We’d miss him there. Besides, what could he do standing by the door? It’d be a waste of his talents.”

  Because I’m special, I raise my hand. “I’ll do it.”

  Tina blinks. “You’d do that?”

  My shoulder jerks up lightly. “Sure.”

  Nik eyes me for a moment, looking to be thinking hard. “I don’t know. Sorry, babe. You just don’t look aggressive enough.”

  Nat grins. “Oh, she’s aggressive all right.” She clears her throat. “For instance, I could tell you about a little poster she keeps in—”

  Before she’s even finishes the sentence, I throw myself across the table, tackling Nat to the ground. I grit my teeth as I wrap her in a headlock. “You say one more word and you’re dead!”

  A laughing Nat chokes out, “See!” I tighten my hold on her a wee bit harder and she cackles. “Get the fuck off me, bitch!”

  From somewhere behind me, Lola singsongs, “Helena, I can see your undies!”

  Trick mumbles in a daze, “You don’t see a lot of women wearing those types of undies.”

  Then I hear him. “Dude, I said the same thing.”

  I hear Ash grumble, “When’d you see her undies?”

  Max responds without thought, “I’ve seen ‘em a few times now.”

  As Nat pushes me off her, I look up in time to see Ash pounce on Max, catching him in a headlock. Ash hisses, “I’m gonna kick your ass!”

  But Max chokes out an amused, “It was worth it!”

  Ash releases Max and pushes him away. “You’re not worth ten-to-life.”

  Nat stands then helps me up. Nik asks, “You serious about working here?”

  Max cuts in with a surprised, “What?”

  I nod, panting from exertion. Choking your sister is hard work. “Yeah, I need the money.”

  Max asks a confused, “You need the money?”

  Nik nods, smiling. “You’re hired.” He takes his black badge from around his neck and places it around mine. “I don’t think you need an orientation. Your pay is thirty-six an hour and you’ll work four hours a night, Saturdays only, for now. How’d you like that?”

  I’m astounded. “I dig it.”

  Max stands in front of me, looking pissed. “You need money and you didn’t tell me?”

  I roll my eyes. “Of course I need money. I’m a human living in New York.” I narrow my brows at him. “What’s all th
is attitude about? I thought I was going to be kissed and hugged and squeezed and all that jazz.”

  His face softens. “Come here.” I walk into his open arms, sliding my arms around him, and he wraps me up tight, running a hand up and down my back. Burying his nose into my neck, he mutters, “This dress.”

  I grin, asking innocently, “What about it?”

  He nips my neck. “You’re killing me, cupcake. I have to work while you’re wearing this. Fucking torture.”

  Mimi snorts. “First, you don’t like him, and now you can’t keep your hands off him!”

  Max lifts his head from my neck, catching my mouth in a firm kiss before turning me in his arms so I can face the crowd. Lola smiles at us and coos. “You guys! Adorable, I swear.” Playing with her straw, she asks curiously, “C’mon, Helena. Tell us why you didn’t like Max. I’m dying to know.”

  Max grunts, “You’re not the only one,” and I elbow him in the gut. He flinches then lets out an outraged, “What?”

  I open my mouth to refuse them, but Felicity’s already there. She laughs out loud. “Oh man. It’s a doozy.”

  Nat gasps. “You know?” She turns to me. “Why does she know? You never told me.”

  I open my mouth to speak a second time, but it’s too late. Felicity utters, “Well, it all happened at your wedding. I’m surprised you don’t know.”

  I lean over to Flick and hiss, “Shut. Up!”

  Max covers my mouth with his hand, urging her on. “No, no! Don’t stop. I want to know!”

  So she begins, “Well, Helena had here eye on Max from the very first time she saw him.”

  My cheeks heat, and I dip my chin to fight my embarrassment. Max asks me quietly, “Is that true?”

  I shrug lightly, not willing to answer. Felicity continues, “And it’s a wedding. C’mon, you girls know what I’m talkin’ about, right?”

  All the women wear a knowing look on their faces, nodding and smiling slyly. We’re women. Weddings make us emotional. Emotional and horny. I don’t know why, but those are the rules. My mind flinches.


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