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A Reservation for One (Untamed Love Series Book 1)

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by Vasser, LaShawn

  “It was my pleasure. I only wished we could have done more.”

  “It means a lot to me that you did this. Not to mention, you’re off the clock but still hanging around this old lady when you should be at home with Dylan. Oh, wait . . . tonight’s a school night.”

  Ms. McKenna may not have had many personal friends or family to celebrate with, but Haven was happy that she and the staff were able to put a smile on her face. They were kindred spirits in that way. Haven’s family consisted of her mom, who was thousands of miles away in Chicago, Dylan, and his friends. At the mention of his name, the light in her eyes dimmed. She sighed. “He’s working late tonight, and I have class, so it kind of works out.”

  Haven didn’t miss the slight frown on Ms. McKenna’s pale face. “He seems to be working late a lot recently. Is everything all right between the two of you? I mean, since that ugly episode several months ago.”

  Thinking back on that time, Haven closed her eyes in an attempt to quell the pain that threatened to rise up and out of her chest. She took an extra moment to gather herself before responding. Ms. McKenna had been the only person she had confided in. It was strange. She could lay her soul bare to her and always walked away feeling better for it. This was a special occasion. Haven didn’t want to ruin it with her drama. “Today is about you, not me. It’s been so beautiful that there’s no need to mess it up with my problems.”

  “You know, you’ve become like a daughter to me. Meeting you at that dreadful hospital was such a blessing. Listening to you and being able to give advice when asked makes me feel useful.” She picked up a shaky hand to caress her cheek.

  Haven placed her hand over hers. “I feel the same way. Had we not gone to the chapel at the exact same moment, we may have never crossed paths.”

  “There are no accidents. We were supposed to meet, and we would have.”

  “True.” Haven nodded.

  “Now . . . back to your fella. You can’t throw me off the scent that easily. Are you two getting things back on track or what?”

  Haven blew out an exaggerated breath. “Sometimes, I think so, and then there are other times, it feels as if we’ve never been further apart.”

  “Mmm . . . I’m sure he still needs time to heal.” A mischievous glint appeared in her eye. “And, if he doesn’t get his act together, I’ve got a grandson who you’d be perfect for.”

  Haven rolled her eyes. “Oh gaaaawd. I can’t even imagine starting a new relationship, at least not now. Between trying to finish my degree, at my age, and everything else, I can’t fathom that. Not to mention, your grandson is some kind of big shot isn’t he?”

  “In his mind.” Bertha laughed. “He’s the spitting image of his father, Bruce—God rest his soul—a workaholic. Bruce was married to his work, and so was my husband, Charles, but mama knew how to get his attention.” She winked.

  Haven laughed.

  “What?” She looked wide-eyed and innocent, but she was far from it. “Prim and proper is good for the boardroom but never the bedroom. Remember that. Do the unexpected. You might have to get a little freaky.”

  What kind of freaky did a seventy-six-year-old woman know about? Haven couldn’t believe she was having this discussion with this frail, white-haired lady who was the epitome of proper. But, she was right. Haven needed to do something drastic to spice up her love life.

  She placed her hand on her heart. “Things have been so tense between us that sex has been the last thing on my mind. I do it, but I can’t say I enjoy it.” How ironic was it that Ms. McKenna had to remind her of the need to kick things up a notch or two. “Maybe I could up the freak factor.” Haven had been so preoccupied with school and worrying about what Dylan was up to when they weren’t together that sometimes she didn’t know what day of the week it was. “Lately, if I’m honest, it’s been hard getting his attention, and I haven’t really wanted to.”

  Ms. McKenna’s face sobered. The writing was on the wall for that relationship, but Bertha wasn’t going to be the one to tell her. Haven would have to figure it out on her own. But, maybe Bertha could ask some questions that would make her think long and hard about her relationship.

  “Haven, are you happy?”

  She mulled the question over for a bit before answering. “Happy? Isn’t that just a frame of mind?” Her half-smile wasn’t even convincing to herself. “Anyway, doesn’t every relationship go through ups and downs? I’ve just got to tough it out until we’re on the right side of up again.”

  “How long ago was that? I mean, when was the last time you and Dylan were on right side of up? Certainly, not since I’ve known you.”

  Haven’s voice dropped. “True. It’s been awhile, but things were good . . . well better than they were before everything happened. I don’t want to give up on him. We’re struggling. But we’ve managed to get through some really tough times, and we’re both still standing.”

  “Hmph . . . If Charles had cheated on me, I would have cut his balls off and fed them to his mistress! Don’t you want to do more than stand? You should want to dance! You’ve certainly got the legs for it. If I had your legs and were your age, the world wouldn’t be ready for me.”

  “Dance?” A sarcastic laugh escaped Haven. “Who dances? That’s for the movies, not real life.”

  “Oh, honey. Who told you that nonsense? When my Charles was alive, there was never a day that he didn’t show me that I was his moon and stars.”

  “Seriously? I’ve never seen that in real life—never.”

  “Yes. Believe it because it’s true. Love shouldn’t have to hurt, my dear. Of course, we went through tough times, but I knew that man loved me and he knew I loved him.”

  “It sounds like he was wonderful.”

  A deep voice came from out of nowhere. “My grandfather was absolutely the best.”

  Surprised, Haven and Bertha turned at the same time to see who had joined their private conversation.

  Shocked to her soul, and praying she wasn’t dreaming, Ms. McKenna almost stood from her chair. “Ellis McKenna? Is that really you?”

  All six-feet-four-inches of him strode into the dining room, bearing flowers and a beautifully wrapped box. Lovingly, he embraced his grandmother. “Happy Birthday.”

  Haven hadn’t known if he would make it to the celebration because he’d never responded to her e-mail. Her big surprise wasn’t a bust after all.

  Pictures of Ellis did not do him justice. Her breath was caught in her throat as she watched the warm reunion between him and his grandmother. He had dark hair, broad shoulders, and wore a custom suit that fit to perfection. Haven glanced down at her own simple denim jeans and sweater suddenly feeling completely underdressed.

  The musky scent of his cologne was more than a little alluring. His presence was so powerful it sucked up every bit of space around them. He was a big shot and carried himself as if he knew it. Haven wasn’t sure she could stand for an introduction because her knees actually felt a little weak.

  To her surprise, she was able to push herself up using the table for support. Haven waited for the two of them to finish saying their hellos. After a few moments, Ms. McKenna seemed to remember she was in the room. Through breathless giggles, Ms. McKenna turned in her direction. “Ellis, this is the young woman I’ve told you so much about. This is Haven Shaw.”

  He turned his penetrating gaze toward her. Those dark eyes, so intense, made Haven’s mouth go completely dry.

  Her palms started to perspire, so she ran them down the front of her pants before extending her arm out for a handshake. She smiled and hoped it didn’t come across as nervous. “H-hi. I’ve heard a lot about you too. I’m happy we finally have a chance to meet.”

  Ellis’ eyes never wavered from hers as he took her hand in his and shook it. Quick as a flash, Haven thought she’d seen something in his eyes that was cold and angry. It was gone so fast that she wasn’t sure she’d actually seen it. They’d just met. It had to be her imagination. What could Ellis McKenna p
ossibly be angry with her about?

  The next time he spoke, his voice had an edge to it. “It’s important to get to know all of my grandmother’s employees. I wish we could have met sooner. Unfortunately, business kept me away. Nowadays, background checks just aren’t enough. That’s why I’m here—to separate the vultures from the snakes.”

  Damn. He didn’t pull any punches. Haven tried to remove her hand from his, but he’d captured it in a tight grip. Her nervousness completely vanished, and she raised her chin. “I can assure you that I’m neither.”

  A one-sided grin appeared on his face. “I hope for your sake that’s true because it’ll be the hottest day in hell for anyone who tries to take advantage of my grandmother.”

  Once Ellis was sure Haven got the message, he released his hold of her hand. She wasted no time snatching it away.

  Despite his incredible good looks, the verdict was in—Ellis McKenna was an ass.

  He flashed a mega-watt smile before putting the help in her place. “If you’ll excuse us, I’ve been out of the country for almost a year, and it’s been at least that long since I’ve seen my grandmother. I’d love to spend some quality time with her . . . alone. Your shift is over right?”

  That arrogant prick had just dismissed her. Haven didn’t know why she expected Ellis to be someone warm like Ms. McKenna. He seemed to be the exact opposite.

  “Ellis!” His grandmother gasped. “You’re not only being rude; you’re being an ass!” Bertha couldn’t believe her grandson was acting like a fool. She had to believe that if he knew Haven a little better, he wouldn’t be behaving in this manner. “Haven is so much more than an employee. She’s a trusted friend and has spent a lot of time planning my celebration. Maybe she could stay with us for a bit, and you can get to know her?”

  Haven knew all she needed to about Ellis. She didn’t want to spend another second in the same room with him. She plastered on a fake smile for Ms. McKenna’s sake. “It’s perfectly fine. I understand why Ellis would want you all to himself. I have some errands I need to run. We can pick up where we left off tomorrow.” Haven bent over and kissed her on the cheek. “Happy Birthday.”

  Haven threw her own shade at Ellis. Even though her glare could probably cut diamonds, his dismissive expression never changed. Fortunately, Ms. McKenna couldn’t see her eyes cutting him up.

  Not that there was ever a chance, but whatever ridiculous dream of a love match Ms. McKenna might have cooked up, it would absolutely never come true. Not only would it not be happening; Haven couldn't ever imagine even being friends with Ellis McKenna.

  Chapter 3

  Bertha was furious. Her nurse had helped her get into bed for the evening, and she would not be able to get any sleep until she cleared the air with her grandson. She summoned him to her bedroom. “Ellis! I can’t believe you talked to Haven like that. She has been nothing short of incredible to me. You will go and apologize to her, immediately.”

  Ellis would do anything for his grandmother but apologizing for protecting her was not one of them. “Your heart is too trusting. You barely knew that woman before you brought her into this house and your life. It’s my job to protect you.”

  “I think I’ve done a darn good job of taking care of myself over this last year.”

  His face tinted an interesting shade of pink. Frustrated, Ellis rubbed the back of his neck. “Grandmother, I was making sure our business interests in the new Shanghai location were being looked after. There were more problems than anyone could have anticipated. The project would have cost millions of dollars if it wasn’t successful. Otherwise, I would have been here. You know that.”

  She shook her finger at him. “What I know is that you’ve become more like your father and grandfather every day, God rest their souls. Work is not everything, Ellis. You’ve got to take the time to smell the roses. I won’t be here forever, and I want to see you settled, married, maybe even dote on a great-grandchild before I leave this earth.”

  “Don’t talk like that. You’re going to be around forever.”

  Her eyes held him captive. “I won’t. I will not be around forever, and you need to start preparing for that. I don’t want to leave this earth knowing you’re alone.”

  Ellis chuckled a little. “I might not be married, but I can assure you, I’m rarely alone.”

  “You’re too handsome for your own good. Jezebels and harlots are not the same things as having a good woman.” She shook her head. “Now . . . that Haven. She would be perfect for you. She’s sweet with a nice bit of spice. You need a woman who can help keep you in your place.”

  “How did you two meet?”

  Bertha couldn’t look Ellis in the eyes. “I-I thought you would have had her investigated.”

  “I did, but I wasn’t able to get that information. I only know the basics. She’s twenty-eight. Has one living parent, Katrina Shaw, who seems to be more of the child than the parent in their relationship. Let’s see . . . Oh, Haven has been living with a man named Dylan Carpenter for around four years, and she is finishing her business degree at the university.” Ellis wasn’t going to mention the fact that her boyfriend had been cheating on her, with various women, almost from the time she moved to Colorado. “She doesn’t have a criminal record, her credit is fairly good, but she is dead broke. She doesn’t have a dime to her name.”

  His grandmother frowned. “It’s not like you to be such a snob, Ellis. Does it matter if she doesn’t have money and I do for us to be friends?”

  “Only if she’s convincing you to give her money because of your kindness. And what do the two of you have in common? The age difference alone makes this relationship suspicious. You know that I know her salary isn’t very much since I approve all of her checks. But what really gets me is—somehow—you’ve figured out a way to take money out of your trust so that it’s not on the books. Was that her idea or yours? It took me a minute to figure it out, but I’m a McKenna. One thing I know well is money. And you better believe I have a nose for if it’s missing or doesn’t add up.”

  Bertha pursed her lips. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Well, that’s not a good answer because, if you don’t, I’m going to have to call the authorities.”

  “What?! Why? What for?”

  “Because someone has been squirreling money away in a joint account with both your name and hers on it.”

  “Ellis McKenna! You’ve been in all of my business! I am not a child. I can handle my own affairs.”

  “Yes, I have. I know you have a bleeding heart, and I refuse to let anyone take advantage of you.” Ellis was struggling to keep his voice under control. He had nothing but respect for his grandmother, but he saw red at the thought that Haven Shaw was manipulating and stealing money from her. She had better pray that was not the case. “Did . . . you . . . know about the account?”

  “Yes!” She yelled, then lowered her voice. “Haven has no idea about the account. I want to make sure when I’m gone; she’s taken care of. That disgusting two-timing boyfriend of hers can’t be counted on to do right by her. Truth be told, that relationship is doomed and probably won’t make it to the end of winter. She doesn’t know that I’m aware, but she’s entirely dependent on the loser!”

  Ellis tilted his head from side to side as if cracking the sides of his neck. “So, you’re telling me, you have close to half-a-million dollars in an account for that woman, and she doesn’t know?”

  “That’s exactly what I'm telling you. Haven’s so proud that if she knew, she might not even take the money. So, keep quiet about it and promise me one thing.”

  “I’m trying to absorb what you’ve told me, and you want me to make promises?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  He couldn’t deny his grandmother anything. “I will if I can. What is it?” Ellis was somewhat relieved. Although, he still had some lingering doubts that Haven wasn’t trying to use his grandmother, and Bertha was trying to cover for her.

Promise me that after I’m gone, you’ll look after her.”

  He frowned. “Is there something going on that I should know about?”

  “No. I’ve already told you. I’m an old lady. I won’t be around forever, Ellis. Please promise me.”

  “She means that much to you?”

  His grandmother whispered, “Yes.”

  After careful consideration, Ellis leaned over, picked up her hand, and kissed it. “Anything for you. I promise to make sure that I’ll keep an eye on her.” That wasn’t exactly the same thing that she was asking, but it was the best he could at the moment. It was a promise he could keep.

  Chapter 4

  Haven didn’t get much sleep. After an unsatisfying night of making love with Dylan, it took a while for her body to calm down. He was quick to find his release only to roll over mumbling something about having to get up early.

  If she were honest, sleep wouldn’t find her. Not only because she was sexually frustrated, but because Dylan had disappeared again. Her woman’s intuition told her that he was up to his same old tricks.

  She exhaled and tried to put her problems to the back of her mind. Haven needed to be fully engaged and present to do her job with Ms. McKenna. She didn’t deserve their time together to be tainted by her situation. Haven put her key in the front door of the McKenna mansion and dragged herself inside.

  Her shift didn’t start until eight, and it was a little before. The nurse would be bringing Ms. McKenna down for breakfast soon.

  She felt him before she saw him. “Damn.” Ellis was the last person she wanted to run into. He rounded the corner with a bottled water in one hand while talking on his cell phone with the other.

  He’d noticed Haven immediately and saw her duck into the library.

  His voice was loud. “Yeah. E-mail me the language to the contract. I’ve got to deal with something else right now. I’ll call you back in about ten-fifteen minutes.”


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