Beautiful Corruption (The Corruption Series Book 2)

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Beautiful Corruption (The Corruption Series Book 2) Page 8

by Jessica Manson

  “That wasn’t funny,” she said.

  “I’m sorry Bristol. I had to do it,” I said still laughing. “Let me guess, witch power.”

  “Yes. Now try changing your appearance.”

  I thought about looking like Bristol. “Did it work?”

  “Yes Bristol. There are two of you now,” Parker said with a giggle.

  “This one could work in my favor when Odin comes to take me back.” I thought about pushing the power out onto Tristan.

  “Holy shit,” Bristol said. I looked at Tristan who now looked like Parker sitting beside me.

  “That is amazing. I don’t think any witch has ever been able to change the appearance of another without touch or some kind of spell before,” Parker said. “This power is called glamouring. It too is a witch power.”

  “This has been fun, but I am starting to get tired.”

  “It seems as if you have more witch powers than vampire. There are a couple more powers I want you to work on, but that needs to be done when we are not fifty thousand feet in the sky. With a little bit of meditation, you should learn to control your powers. You will be able to call on them instead of having them take over you.” With his words, I leaned my head onto Tristan’s shoulder and was finally able to nap.

  Chapter Eleven

  When we arrived in Italy the nerves, I felt over Odin finding out I was back, was almost unbearable. My heart was beating so fast it felt like it would beat out of my chest. My hands began to shake, and my forehead beaded with sweat. I made Tristan hold my hand the whole way into the house for fear of an attack. Once inside the house I made Bristol and Parker close all the curtains before I started to settle down.

  “Lilith, I want you and Tristan to be very comfortable here. This is your home just as much as it is ours,” Parker said.

  “Thank you. We appreciate everything you have done for us,” I said giving him a hug. I held onto him a little while longer before asking, “What happened to you after the Sacrament? I’ve missed you.”

  “I know. I’ve missed you too. I’m sorry we stayed away. We just wanted to give the newlyweds time to yourselves.”

  “Yeah because that matrimony turned out perfect,” I said sarcastically.

  His arms grew tighter around me, “I’m sorry about your parents and about what Odin did to you. How are you really holding up?”

  “My heart is hard Parker. I cried once when I first found out, but I have grown numb to it.”

  He pulled away from me. “You need to let yourself feel this Lilith. It isn’t good for you.”

  “I will eventually, I’m sure.”

  “Come on, I’ll show you to your rooms,” Bristol said excitedly.

  She led Tristan and I down a long hallway that had six doors in it. There were two doors on one side, three on the other and one in the middle at the end of the hallway. Bristol pushed open the first door to the left, “This will be your room Tristan,” she said as he stepped in. We continued down the hall until we reached the second door on the right, “This is your room. I’m sorry there isn’t a bathroom of your own in here. But the bathroom is the door at the end of the hall.”

  “This is fine. Thank you.”

  “My room is next door and Parker is right across the hall from you if you need anything. No matter the time of day or night. Okay?”

  “Okay,” I said as I smiled at her.

  “Get settled in while I go have Drezzie make us some dinner.”

  “Bristol,” I called out for her before she left the room. “Would you happen to have some comfortable clothes I could wear? All I have are my jeans.”

  “Of course. I’ll be right back.” She walked out of the room and was only gone for a second before returning. “Here these should do.” She handed me a stack of clothes. “Anytime you need something to wear feel free to go into my closet and get what you need.”

  “I will need to find a way to do some shopping. I will need clothes, so will Tristan.”

  “I can go for you tomorrow. Just write down yours and Tristan’s sizes.”

  “Thank you, that is very kind of you.”

  “Don’t mention it. What are sisters for anyway?” she said as she walked out of the room again. I walked over to the bed and looked through the stack of clothes. She had brought me a black t-shirt, a pair of hot pink sweat pants and some very bright multi colored fuzzy socks.

  I had just put on the last sock when a knock sounded at the door. “Come in,” I called out.

  Tristan walked into my room and closed the door behind him. He didn’t say anything. He walked up to me and pulled me into his arms. He held me against him for a long moment before pulling away from me. He lifted me into his arms and laid me on the bed on my back. He lifted my shirt to expose my stomach. “You are already starting to show.” He kissed my belly, “How are my babies?” he said speaking to my stomach. “Daddy can’t wait for you to get here. I love you both so much and I haven’t even met you yet.”

  Tears filled my eyes at his words. My heart warmed for him. He is truly an amazing guy. He loves us so much when he doesn’t have to. He laid his head on my stomach while caressing it. I ran my fingers through his hair. “We love you too Tristan,” I said wiping the tears away from my eyes.

  He leaned over me, our faces only inches away from each other. “I love you Lilith. And these are my babies. No matter what happens, they are mine.”

  “Forever,” I said. He leaned down and kissed me passionately. He climbed on top of me laying his body gently on top of mine. Our bodies started to heat up the longer we kissed. I pulled his shirt over his head exposing his chest to me. I bit my lip at the sight of his muscles. I ran my hand over them feeling each one slowly. He pulled my shirt off and kissed my chest.

  I tugged on his jeans letting him know I wanted him to remove them. He stood up and took them off and then he removed mine. He climbed back on top of me pressing our skin to each other. He unclasped my bra and pulled off my panties. He then slipped out of his boxers. He kissed my body tenderly causing tingles to flow straight to my center.

  My body yearned for his. I needed to feel him inside of me. When I opened myself up to him, he pressed himself inside me gently. He took his time pleasuring my body. He paid so much attention to my body. He kissed one of my breasts while caressing the other. From time to time he would gently bite my nipples causing a fire to surge through my body.

  After forty-five minutes of showing my body all the attention, I used my super strength and flipped us over, so I was on top of him without breaking the connection. I slid back and forth on top of him slowly. I dug my nails gently into his chest causing a growl to escape him. I sped up when the feeling of euphoria started to take over my body. Moans were escaping me uncontrollably. I could feel Tristan swell inside of me. He was just as close as I was to our release. He placed his hands on each side of my hips and helped me slid back and forth faster. The muscles of my middle began to contract sending me into ecstasy. Tristan and I came at the same time making us both moan with pleasure.

  I laid down on the bed beside him trying to catch my breath. He pulled me into his arms and I laid my head on his chest. We lay in each other’s arms silently. We didn’t need words to explain what we were feeling. We told each other how we felt with our bodies. No one would ever be able to make love to me like Tristan could. He poured every bit of his love for me into our sex. And it was perfect.

  I was lost in my thoughts when someone knocked on the door. “Just a minute,” I yelled out jumping off the bed trying to find my clothes.

  “I just wanted to tell you dinner is ready. Take your time and meet us in the dining room when you are ready. We will wait for you,” Bristol yelled through the door.”

  “Do you think she knows we just had sex?” I whispered to Tristan.

  “Yes, she does,” Bristol yelled through the door laughing.

  My face burned with embarrassment. I was horrified. Tristan laughed at th
e shocked look on my face. “Oh, my God Tristan. That’s so embarrassing. How am I supposed to face her at dinner?”

  “Baby, she doesn’t care that we made love. It’s not like she’s never done it before.”

  “I know. But still…”

  “Still nothing. Come on let’s go eat. I know my babies are starving,” he said cutting me off.

  “Fine,” I said reluctantly as I headed toward the door.

  When we got to the dining room Parker and Bristol were waiting for us. Bristol was wearing a huge grin on her face and the embarrassment washed over me again. “How are the two lovebirds?” she asked.

  “Dandy,” Tristan said smiling back at her. As we sat at the table waiting for the food, two guys walked into the room carrying trays of delicious goodness. The smell hit me making my mouth water and my stomach growl. My babies were hungry and couldn’t wait to be fed.

  The trays were filled with Italian foods. Spaghetti, Ravioli, Gnocchi, Risotto and Lasagna. They even made a pizza. “Wow, this is a lot of food for just four people,” I said salivating.

  “We weren’t sure what you two liked, so we had them make everything,” Bristol said.

  I took a little bit of everything. It was a lot of pasta for one person to ingest, but it was so delicious. Everything was very tasty. “Oh, my goodness, this is so good,” I said taking another scoop of Lasagna and Risotto. Just as I was about to dig into my second plate, the two men walked back in with trays of dessert. My eyes followed them as they sat the trays down. “Is that cheesecake?” I asked ready to dig in.

  “Yes. Also, there is Tiramisu, Cannoli, Semifreddo and Zeppole.”

  I finished my second plate of dinner before taking some of every dessert. The desserts were so decadent and delicious. It was like heaven in my mouth with every bite. My eyes rolled back in the back of my head and a moan left me as I savored the taste. When my plate was empty, I couldn’t help but take more. I silently hoped they weren’t judging my pigging out. If they said anything, I could always blame the babies.

  When my second plate of dessert was finished, I sat back and saw everyone was watching me with wide eyes. Embarrassment washed over me. I knew what they were thinking without even having to read their minds. “What?” I asked annoyed.

  Tristan reached over and rubbed my stomach while a smile grew on his face. “My babies were hungry.”

  “I am eating for three, you know?” I said.

  “I know. It’s cute,” he said.

  “Cute? Me pigging out is cute?”


  “What do the two of you want to do now that dinner is over?” Parker asked.

  “I don’t care what we do, but I am too stuffed for an active activity,” I said rubbing my belly.

  “How about a movie?” Parker suggested.

  “Sounds good to me,” I said. Parker led us to the basement where they had the TV room. When we stepped inside my jaw hit the floor. This was no ordinary TV room. This was an in-home theatre. They had a white screen with a projector. The white screen covered one whole wall of the room. They had large black leather theatre seats that reclined. There was a concession area that was filled with candies, sodas, and popcorn. Had I not eaten so much at dinner, I would definitely grab me some Goobers. “This is amazing,” I said as I planted my butt into one of the seats on the front row.

  “What movie would you like to watch?” Bristol asked.

  “What do you have?” Bristol walked over to some floor to ceiling cabinets on the left side of the room and opened the accordion style doors exposing thousands upon thousands of movies. There would be no way for me to choose out of all those movies. “Y’all will have to choose, that is way too many movies for me to look through.”

  Bristol and I decided to let the guys pick the movie. I almost fell asleep while waiting the thirty minutes it took for them to choose. I groaned when they finally chose a dude movie about a man that is half man-half cyborg needing to save the world. Needless to say, I ended up falling asleep halfway through the movie.

  Chapter Twelve

  Chanting filled my ears as darkness filled my vision. Annoying as they were, visits in my dreams no longer scared me. Slaaneth visited me enough to keep the fear of them at bay. I knew the witches were coming and I wished I could wake myself up, so I could avoid them. I would have to ask Parker about how to do that.

  It wasn’t long until I was standing in the middle of a forest in front of the witches. “What do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” I asked in a bitchy tone.

  “It seems you, Lilith, are in a foul mood so I will cut to the chase. Have you decided to join us?”

  “Yes, I have decided, and my answer is the same as last time. I am not going to join you.”

  “You must,” the leader snapped at me.

  “I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to and I also know you can’t force me. So, as I said before, I will not join you.”

  “You don’t understand, you need to join us. That is the only way you will ever be safe.” The girl to the left of the leader said.

  “What could the three of you possible keep me safe from? For all I know you just want me, so you can use my powers.”

  “We will tell you everything when you join us.”

  “I. Am. Not. Joining. You,” I said enunciating each word.

  “You will and sooner than you think,” the leader said.

  Anger was starting to flood through my body and I could feel the witch inside of me screaming to be released. I let her. After all, this is just a dream.

  I began to say a chant of my own:

  Powers of the witches rise,

  Course unseen across the skies,

  Come to thee, I call you here,

  Leave your witch, leave her bare.

  “What are you doing? Stop it,” the leader of the group shouted.

  Looking her in the eyes, I repeated the chant:

  Powers of the witches rise,

  Course unseen across the skies,

  Come to thee, I call you here,

  Leave your witch, leave her bare.

  “Don’t do this. Please,” she begged. I held out my hand and absorbed the powers from the leader of the three witches. Tears began to fall from her eyes. “How could you steal my powers?” she asked in a weak voice.

  “Maybe you should consider who you mess with next time. I told you I would not join you. Consider this a warning. I could do far worse things to you. Don’t visit me again,” I said as I snapped my fingers waking myself up. I guess I wouldn’t need to ask Parker how to do that after all.

  When I woke up, I was in my bed confused. One, how did I get to my room when I fell asleep in the theatre and second, had I really taken the witch’s powers? I know it was a dream, but I could feel her power surging through my body connecting with mine. I jumped out of bed needing to talk to Parker.

  When I opened the door, Tristan was standing on the other side. “Lilith, good morning. I was just coming to get you for breakfast,” he said.

  “Where is Parker? I need to see him right now,” I said rushing past him.

  “He is in the dining room. What’s wrong? What happened?”

  When I walked into the dining room and Parker saw me, he could tell something was wrong with me. He immediately asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “Can I hurt someone in my dreams?” I didn’t hesitate to ask.

  “What?” he asked confused.

  “Can I hurt someone in my dreams?” I asked again.

  “Hurt them how?”

  “Can I steal another witch’s powers in my dreams?”

  He looked at me in shock for a second, “Yes. You can steal their powers, you can hurt them, and you can even kill them.”

  “Oh God, what have I done?” I asked myself as I sat down so I wouldn’t pass out.

  “What did you do Lilith?”

  “You remember me telling you about the three witches that cam
e to me in my dreams?” he nodded while Bristol and Tristan leaned in closer to listen. “They came to me again just now. I told them I wasn’t joining them, but their leader is just so damn persistent. She said I would join them sooner than I think. The witch inside of me was raging to get out. I thought it was just a dream, so I didn’t see the harm in letting her have a little fun. I started chanting. The leader begged me to stop but I didn’t listen. I said the chant one more time and held out my hand. I absorbed her powers. I can feel them inside of me. She cried Parker. She was fucking crying while I stood there smiling in her face. But the worst part is, I liked it.”

  “Lilith, it is okay,” Parker said.

  “No, it’s not. I took her powers. I am truly a monster.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “Don’t you get it? I hate what I am. I have since the first time I hurt that innocent woman in Croatia. That’s all I do is hurt people.”

  “Everyone has monsters inside of them trying to get out, but it is up to you to control it.”

  “The monsters you run from, you can see. But the monster I run from is me.”

  “If you call what you are a monster, then you will always be a monster. There is no turning back from it. But what type of monster you become is up to you.”

  “Baby, you would have had to fight her eventually. Isn’t it better that you did it this way? I mean she is now one less witch we have to worry about attacking you.” Tristan said putting his arm around my shoulders.

  “I guess so. But I still don’t feel good about it.”

  “No one said it would be easy doing these types of things, but you have faced harder and you will continue to face harder times. You ripped the heart out of a bear shifters chest. That was harder than taking the powers of a witch.”

  “He was going to kill you.”

  “I know. And you did what you had to do to protect me just like you did what you had to do to protect yourself. They would have done something horrible to get you to join them. They would have hurt your friends or killed someone you love. They probably would have threatened you with our babies. Witches are evil tricky bitches. Best you took the leader out now rather than later.”


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