Beautiful Corruption (The Corruption Series Book 2)

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Beautiful Corruption (The Corruption Series Book 2) Page 9

by Jessica Manson

  “Nice Tristan,” I said as I got up and walked away from him pissed. I know he said witches, but I am part witch. He may have been directing his words toward them, but it didn’t make me feel any better about the witch I carry inside of me. But what upset me the most is, I am an evil tricky bitch. I have ripped a heart out of someone, stolen someone’s powers and attacked two people almost draining the blood from them.

  I was digging through my duffle bag when a knock sounded at my door. “Come in,” I yelled reluctantly.

  “Are you okay?” Bristol asked.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Not really,” I said as I threw the duffle bag onto the floor and plopped onto the bed. “I shouldn’t be here.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I shouldn’t be willingly putting y’all in danger. Months ago, I was a loner perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I can do it again.”

  “We knew the risk when we agreed to help you. Whether you like it or not, we are your family Lilith and family sticks together.”

  “I know, but I can’t let y’all risk your lives for mine. And I love Tristan so much it would kill me to lose him. We can’t be together no matter how much we love each other.”

  “Why not? I’m sorry Lilith, but I don’t see the problem.”

  “Because. Bristol, Odin will kill Tristan for helping me. And if he ever finds out that I love him he would bring him back from the dead and kill him again. I can’t even begin to think about what Odin would do if he found out Tristan and I had sex.”

  “Do you love him? And I mean really love him.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Then don’t let anyone make you feel like love isn’t worth having because I see forever in your future.”

  “Thanks Bristol,” I said still not feeling any better.

  “Can I tell you a story?”


  “It was the 18th century. Life back then had just began to transform from the industrial revolution. Most people lived in the countryside, making their living from farming. The more land you owned, the richer you were. But most people lived as subsistence or bare survival.

  England suffered from gin drinking. It was cheap and easy to find. Back then no one needed a license to sell alcohol. It was many peoples only form of comfort. The estimated population in England was about 5 ½ million then so the towns grew larger bringing in new people every day. The population in my town of Liverpool was about 77,000.

  Bodies of men called Paving or Improvement Commissioners moved into town to clean up our streets and improve our town. They even added oil lamps to our street lighting then up at night. That’s when I met and fell in love with Solomon. I was only seventeen. When I first laid eyes on him I thought about how dashing he looked in his breeches and stockings. He was a gorgeous man.

  We spent all our free time courting. We would spend afternoons in a field reading or going to horse races. We would visit the assembly rooms to play cards or go to balls. He had asked for my hand in marriage after only four weeks of courting me. I was so happy. I rushed home to tell my parents about my good news. They forbid me to see Solomon ever again. They said I wasn’t allowed to marry him because someone would be coming for me on my eighteenth birthday.

  I didn’t understand why they wouldn’t want me to marry him. He wasn’t the richest man, but he had money. All of my friends were already married or were planning their weddings. I was so angry at them. I was planning on running away with Solomon, but my parents found out and moved me away. My heart was so broken. I had lost the only man I had ever loved.

  My parents were right though. The day before my eighteenth birthday a man came for me. My parents handed me over with no questions asked. He took me to his home and explained that I would become his wife the next day. I was terrified and furious. I didn’t know this man and my parents just gave me to him.

  When my transformation started, that’s when he explained everything to me. He told me what I was and why I had to marry him. Once the transformation was over, I wasn’t mad or scared anymore. I was grateful.”


  “Yes. I was grateful that my parents had saved Solomon’s life. And I forgave them for that.

  I completed my Sacrament even though I didn’t love Lafayette. He became my husband and over time I grew to love him. He became my best friend at first. He didn’t pressure me into doing anything with him until I was ready. Gradually day by day I loved him more and more. And now today, Fate is my soulmate, my one and only. He is the light in my darkness. I love him with every part of my being.

  I am telling you this because I see the same kind of love that I feel for Fate in you and Tristan. The two of you have something very special. I know you and Odin were connected, but the love you and Tristan have is unbreakable. It’s a bond that can withstand the test of time. Don’t give that up because you are scared. Tristan loves you and has decided to raise not one, but two babies that are not his. If that isn’t love, then I don’t know what love is.”

  “Bristol where is your husband now?” I asked realizing I have never met him before.

  “He is still on a mission. He has been gone almost a year.”

  “Don’t you miss him?”

  “Of course, I do. I get to talk to him from time to time and his mission is almost over. He should be home by next month.”

  “I bet you are so excited.”

  “Impatient is more like it. I can’t wait to see his beautiful face.”

  “I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “Okay, enough story time. I came here on official business. I have shopping to do. Did you write your sizes down for me?”

  “I did,” I said as I grabbed the piece of paper and my debit card that Mr. Tassel gave me from the dresser.

  “I don’t need your money. Consider it a welcome home gift.” She took only the paper before heading out the door.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I started digging through the duffle bag again but this time in a much better mood when another knock sounded at the door. “Come in,” I yelled once again. It was Tristan who walked in this time. He shut the door and leaned his back against it looking at me. I started to speak, but he held his hand up stopping me.

  “Lilith, when I said witches were evil tricky bitches, I was in no way referring to you. I am truly sorry for insinuating that.”

  “Tristan I…” He cut me off again and walked closer to me.

  “I would never think you are evil, tricky, or a bitch. I love you. I love my babies. And…”

  This time I cut him off by placing my lips to his. I kissed him until I was sure I would be able to speak. “Can I say something now?” he nodded. “I am sorry for getting mad at you. I knew you weren’t talking about me. I was just mad at myself and blamed you for it. I love you Tristan. I want us to be in a real relationship with each other. I know we can’t get married, but I already feel like I’m your wife.”

  “We can get married Lilith. Marry me. Today.”

  “I can’t marry you. I’m married to Odin.”

  “Not by the eyes of the human laws. You are only married to Odin by the secret laws of the coven. We can get married as humans.”

  “Are you serious? You really want to marry me?”

  “Lilith, you know I have loved you since I first met you. Odin may have claimed you as his from the time we got to Newport, but that day in the front yard I took one look at you and knew you were meant for me. You are my north star guiding my way, the mother to my children and the one and only true love of my entire existence.”

  “Then yes, I will marry you.” He pulled me into his arms and spun us around in circles.

  We laughed with joy until I had to make him put me down. I immediately ran to the bathroom to throw up. I hadn’t eaten breakfast yet so there was nothing but stomach acid to get out. Tristan ran in behind me and held m
y hair back for me. When I was done, he got me a cold wet rag. “Guess no more spinning for a while,” he said smiling at me.

  “Guess not. You know what would be nice?”


  “A hot shower. I have been trying to get my clothes together for the last hour, so I can take one.”

  “You get in and relax. I’ll go get you some clothes.”

  “Thank you.” Tristan set the water for me before leaving the bathroom.

  I stepped in the shower letting the water hit me in the face first. I stood there letting the water wash away the nausea when Tristan came back into the bathroom with some clothes for me. He got undressed and stepped into the shower with me. He washed my hair for me then lathered the loofah with soap and washed my body. He wasn’t being sexual with the shower time, instead he was caring. He was washing me because he knew I didn’t feel good.

  Once I was washed, he wrapped me in his arms from behind placing his hands on my small protruding stomach. “You don’t know how long I have waited to be a father Lilith. You have blessed me not once, but twice with the greatest gift in the world. I will always love you for that.” He said as he kissed my neck.

  “If I didn’t have so many people after me right now, my life would be perfect.”

  “When all of this is over, we will have the perfect life together. Just the four of us.”

  When we got out of the shower Bristol was back and emptying bags of clothes onto my bed. “That was fast.”

  “After years of being alive, you kind of master the art of shopping,” she said.

  “Alright, show me what you got.”

  “I got you ten packs of t-shirts in different sizes, so you can grow into them as you get bigger. I got tons of sweat pants. A woman must be comfortable while lounging. And I also got you some flowy dresses in case you feel like dressing up one day.”

  “Wow this is a lot of clothes.”

  “A woman can never have too many clothes Lilith.” She had bought at least twenty pairs of sweatpants in all different colors of the rainbow. The dresses were the same way. Some had flowers, some had hearts, I even thought I saw one with balloons on it. I shuddered at the thought of wearing that one. “I also got you socks, underwear and some bras.” She leaned in a little closer to me ear and whispered, “Some sexy, some not so sexy. You’ll thank me for the not so sexy when your huge,” she pulled back smiling at me.

  “May I come in?” Parker asked.

  “Sure. What’s up?” I said.

  “I just got off the phone with a doctor. She will be here this afternoon for your checkup.”

  “Great,” I said excited. “Tristan let’s go see what you got.” We all headed over to Tristan’s room. He had gotten a lot of clothes also but not as much as me. He had about ten pairs of jeans varying in colors from light denim to dark blue. He had multiple packs of shirts as well.

  While I was thumbing through his clothes he turned to Parker, “Lilith and I would like to get married today under the laws of humans. Could you get us a priest?” I stopped messing with the clothes and looked at Parker waiting for his answer.

  He stood there with a smile on his face, “Actually, I am an ordained minister. I can marry both of you right now. We just need two witnesses.”

  “I’ll be one,” Bristol said happily.

  “We just need to find one more,” Parker said.

  “What about Drezzie?” I asked. “Why do you call him that anyway? It’s an odd name.”

  “His real name is Driscoll. I got tired of saying that after a while, so I started calling him Drezzie,” Bristol said.

  “Yup, the nickname is definitely better,” I said laughing.

  “I’ll go find Drezzie and give the two of you time to prepare your vows,” Parker said.

  “Actually, I would like to go traditional this time if that’s alright,” I said looking at Tristan.

  “Traditional is perfect,” Tristan said.

  He then handed me a small black velvet box. “What is this?”

  “My wedding ring.” I opened the box that held a solid black titanium grooms ring. It was beautiful. “I have one for you as well.”

  “How did you get these if you can’t leave the house?”

  “I got Bristol to pick them up this morning while she was out shopping.”

  “How did you know I would agree to marry you?”

  “I didn’t. I had planned on asking you at a later time so while she was going out for us, I took my chance of getting the rings, so I would have them when the time came. But luckily for me, you suggested it this morning.”

  “Can I see mine?”

  “Yes, when Parker tells me to place it on your finger.”

  “Hey that’s not fair. You got to see yours,” I whined.

  “You will see it soon enough. Now go get something other than sweat pants on,” he said pushing me out of his room.

  I went into my room and looked slowly through the dresses again. I found a white one that was knee length. It was a baby doll style dress that had spaghetti straps and a lace embroidery along the breast of the dress and at the bottom. It was a very cute dress that was perfect for our simple union.

  Bristol knocked on my door sticking her head in before waiting for me to answer. “Drezzie will be your second witness.”

  “Perfect. Would you do me a favor?”

  “Sure. What is it?”

  “My hair.”

  She laughed, “Of course.” She curled my hair then pulled the very top of it back into a clip giving me a little bump on the top of my head. Simple, just like everything else. I put on light makeup to match.

  “Everything is ready when you are,” she said.

  “I’m ready,” I was excited to be marrying Tristan. This would be a marriage that actually would be recognized by human law. I know marrying him so soon is crazy, but the way my life is, it’s now or never. Tomorrow we may be on the run again. We just don’t know how much time we will have to be together and I want to spend as much of it as we can as husband and wife.

  The union would be held in the dining room. When we walked into the room the dining table had been removed. Parker stood at the far end of the room with Tristan and Drezzie at his side. Tristan wore a white button-down dress shirt with a pair of his new jeans. He was so sexy standing there. I couldn’t help but think about what happens later after we are married making a smile form across my lips.

  I walked up and stood beside Tristan. “Ready?” he asked.

  “Ready,” I replied. Parker started the union.

  When it was time for the rings Tristan pulled out a matching black velvet box. He took the rings out and placed them on my finger. The ring was breathtaking. It was a black oval diamond surrounded by small white diamonds. The band of the ring was white gold that had four white diamonds on either side of the black diamond. There was also another band the was white gold with fifteen white diamonds that completed the set. It was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.

  When we said ‘I do’ Tristan pulled me into him and kissed me like he was kissing me for the last time. When he let me go, he said, “Mrs. Rose, you have made me the happiest man in the world.”

  “Mrs. Rose, I like it,” I said testing out the name.

  “Well I would hope so.”

  “I love you Tristan.”

  “I love you.”

  Drezzie and the same guy from last night brought the table back into the room and started serving lunch. I was thankful because I was starving having missed breakfast. They served us baked Italian chicken, roasted seasoned potatoes, garlic pan fried green beans with homemade seasoned rolls. It was delicious, and I ended up eating two plates again. The way my babies made me eat I would be as big as a house if I wasn’t careful.

  When we were done with lunch Drezzie brought in a small wedding cake. It was two-tiered white frosting with a little fancy design on it. It had three blue daisies on top made from gum pa
ste as well as two that were sitting at the bottom. It was simple like the rest of the wedding.

  “We weren’t sure what flavor cake you like. The bottom tier is half strawberry and half chocolate. The top tier is half vanilla and half red velvet.”

  “It is perfect,” I said taking a slice of every kind except chocolate. The cake was so moist and delicious. It was the perfect dessert to our perfect lunch.

  When lunch was over Tristan and I decided to move his things into my room. Well it was more like he moved them, and I laid on my bed watching, trying not to fall asleep. By the time he was done moving his things in, our room was a wreck. Clothes were everywhere, including on top of me.

  Tristan pulled the clothes off me and leaned in for a kiss. When he pulled away, he said, “You know the babies are officially mine now right?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Because we got married under human law your last name will change. They will be able to carry my last name,” he said beaming.

  “Last name doesn’t matter to me. They were yours before that.”

  “I know, but now I have two little beings that will carry on my family name.”

  “Have you thought of any baby names yet?” I asked.

  “Not yet. I was waiting until we found out what we were having first.”

  “Me either. But I think we should go ahead and pick out names. We can each pick two boy names and two girl names. And out of the four pick which boy and girl name you like the best.”

  “Okay. But you don’t expect this right away, do you?”

  “Of course not. I will give you time to think about it. But sooner would be better.” I don’t know why, but I have a bad feeling that I won’t have much time with Tristan. I don’t know if it is just because of the stress we are under or if it is my witch’s intuition.

  “I think I have some names,” Tristan said.

  “That was fast.”

  “Well I really hadn’t thought about it till just now when you said something. My names are Ava, Elizabeth, Elijah and Jackson.”


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