Beautiful Corruption (The Corruption Series Book 2)

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Beautiful Corruption (The Corruption Series Book 2) Page 12

by Jessica Manson

  I felt my own heart stop as I yelled for the doctor. Brant ran with Lilith into the library and laid her on the table. Brant pushed me out of the way to examine her. I was frozen with the fear of losing her. I just got her back; I couldn’t lose her again. I fell into a chair as all of my strength dissipated.

  This is the second-time death has come to claim my lamia mea. And this time he seems to have been successful. Dr. Johnson rushed into the room and took over where Brant had started performing CPR. My vision became groggy and everyone in the room disappeared. I became lost in the memories I shared with my beautiful Lilith.

  I thought about the first time I ever laid eyes on her. Her beauty was beyond any I had ever seen. Her big gray eyes sparkled with the sadness behind them. I remembered saying to myself that I could make this girl happy. Make her sadness be a thing of the past.

  But I never did that. If anything, I made her sadness worse. She hated me and had every right too. I was a monster. I was the one that killed her parents. And I would never get to say I’m sorry or make it right. I would never get the chance to prove to her how wrong I was.

  My love, my life, was now gone. Forever taken away.

  Fear gripped me as I realized that one day I wouldn’t be able to remember her smile, her laugh. I would forget the way she always smelled like strawberries. A room would never light up the same way she could make it when she entered it. She is my light; the thing that keeps me going. With Lilith gone my world would be in total darkness.

  I felt the tears as they slid down my face. There was no stopping them, and I didn’t care who saw them. A hand landed on my shoulder to comfort me, but I pushed it off. I got up without thinking about where I was going; my feet having a mind of their own led me to the cells.


  As I slept, I heard someone calling my name. I put the pillow over my head trying to drown out their voice, but they just got louder. “Tristan. Something has happened.”

  I jumped up at the sound of his voice. “Odin? What are you doing here?”

  “Something has happened?” he said in a slight whisper.

  “What? Is Lilith okay? The babies?” I could tell he had been crying and panic sunk in. If he was here and had been crying something bad must have happened. Odin hung his head not saying anything more causing anger to fill me. “What happened Odin? Tell me now,” I yelled.

  “Lilith, she…” He shook his head as if he was trying to will himself to say the words. “She’s gone.”

  “What do you mean gone? Where did she go? Did Draven ta…”

  “No. She is dead,” he said cutting me off.

  “No. No. She can’t be. It’s not possible,” I said not believing him.

  “She is.”

  “No. No. No. No. No,” I yelled as I fell to my knees. “She can’t be”

  “I’m sorry Tristan. I wish it wasn’t so,” Odin turned and left without saying another word.

  The pain I felt was indescribable. She was only mine for a short time, but I loved her more than anything in this world. The pain that I felt for losing Lilith only got worse as I realized what else I had lost. My babies.

  I would never hold them in my arms. I would never be called daddy. There would be no one to carry on my last name. No cries in the middle of the night. No diapers to change. No little hands to hold. No one looking at me for advice. No talks about the good and bad in life. There would be nothing. My life as I knew it was over.

  Chapter Eighteen


  When I came to, I was laying in the library. I had an IV in my arm and some type of machine strapped to my stomach. My stomach was huge. It looked like it had grown three times its size overnight. I tried to sit up, but a pain shot through my head causing me to lay back down. “You shouldn’t try to sit up. Your body is still recovering,” Brant said walking out from behind the bed I was laying on.

  “What happened?”

  “You died.”

  “What? How? Was it because I needed to feed?”

  “No. You were poisoned. You needing to feed was your body telling you that blood would heal you,” Dr. Johnson said walking into the room. “How are you feeling?”

  “My head hurts.”

  “That is normal after coming out of a coma.”

  “What do you mean coma?”

  “Once we brought you back, I put you in a coma to give your body time to recover. You were dead when Brant got you to me. Had he waited any longer I wouldn’t have been able to save you. Once we realized you had been poisoned, I suggested putting you in a coma so you could heal without the stress of everything else going on with you.”

  “How long have I been in a coma?”

  “Seven months. Your body needed more time to recover than we thought.”

  “Seven months? I have been out for seven months?”

  “Yes dear.”

  “Who poisoned me?”

  “We aren’t sure yet.”

  I looked at Brant. “Where is Tristan? Please tell me Draven hasn’t killed him.”

  “Tristan is fine. He is still locked up in the cells,” he said.

  “Can I see him?”

  “You know I can’t do that.”

  “Brant please.”

  “No Lilith. If I do that, I will be in a cell right next to him.”

  “Where is Odin?” I asked hoping that maybe he would let me see him.

  “I’ll get him for you,” Brant said walking out of the room.

  “You know those two never left your side the whole time you were in a coma. The only time they left you was to shower, which is where Odin is now. They ate their meals in here beside you. They both slept in here on the floor. They even took turns reading to you,” Dr. Johnson said. “They love you, you know?”

  “I know. But that doesn’t make up for what they have done.”

  “I know sweetie, but maybe it will make it a little easier. It takes a strong person to say sorry, and an even stronger person to forgive. I know forgiveness is not always easy. Sometimes it feels more painful than the wound we suffered. But you will never know how strong your heart is until you know how to forgive who broke it. There is no peace without forgiveness Lilith.”

  “How do I forgive Odin when he killed my parents?”

  “Martin Luther King Jr. once said, ‘Let no man pull you low enough to hate him.’ Lilith forgiveness is a virtue of the brave. Forgiveness is not something we do for other people. It is something we do for ourselves. Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does change the future. You will begin to heal when you let go of your past pain and forgive those who have wronged you. You deserve peace Lilith. It is time to let it go and move on.”

  As I was pondering over her words Odin rushed into the room. “You’re awake,” he said stating the obvious. “How are you feeling?”

  “A little headache. Odin, I would like to see Tristan.” I didn’t waste time letting him know I needed to see him. “But can I have a word with you privately first?”


  “I’ll be right down the hall if you need me,” Dr. Johnson said as she left the room.

  “What is it Lilith?”

  “I’m sorry I walked out on you. I’m sorry I didn’t give you the chance to explain yourself.”

  “No Lilith, I’m sorry. You were right that day you told me I needed to grow some balls. I let my father run my life and by letting him do that I lost the only person I ever loved. I’m sorry about your parents. If I could take it back I would.”

  “Odin, I need you to understand something. I did love you. I loved you with every fiber in my body. But the day I found out the truth my heart hardened toward you. But some things Dr. Johnson said to me made me realize that in order for me to be truly happy, I need to forgive you. And I do, I forgive you Odin. I can’t love you the way I did and I’m not saying we will be bff’s instantly, but I want us to try and grow as friends. I want to try and get pas
t this.”

  “Friends huh?” he asked with a smile on his face.

  “Odin, y’all are the only family that I have, and I lost all of that when I left you. I miss all of y’all. And yes, I want to be your friend. That is the best I can give you.”

  “Then friendship is what I will take,” he said standing to give me a hug.

  “Can I please see Tristan?” I begged.

  “Can you walk?”

  “I’m willing to try.”

  “Let me get the doctor to unhook all of those wires from you and I will take you to see him.”

  I grabbed his arm before he walked off. I pulled him in for another hug, “Thank you so much Odin.”

  He pulled away smiling at me, “I’ll be right back.” I couldn’t help but smile as he left the room. I was finally going to see Tristan. I missed him so much it hurt.

  Odin and the doctor returned, and she quickly unhooked me from everything. “Lilith, you need to be extremely careful. You could go into labor at any moment.” When I tried to stand, I almost fell. Odin reached out and caught me. Being in a bed for seven months had my legs like noodles.

  “I will carry you,” Odin said. He lifted me in his arms and headed for the door.

  Dr. Johnson stopped us just before we exited, “Lilith, would you like to know the sex of the babies?” she asked.

  “Yes, I would,” she told me and my eyes watered. I knew instantly what their names would be. “Take me to Tristan,” I said excited.

  “Can I ask you something?” Odin asked.

  “Of course.”

  “I know these are my babies.”

  “Odin, we have already talked about this,” I said cutting him off.

  “I know. Let me finish. Like I was saying, I know these are my babies and you want Tristan to be the father. I am willing to let that happen if I can be a part of their life too. Why can’t they have two fathers?”

  “How about being their uncle?” I suggested.

  “I am their father Lilith. I deserve to be a part of their life too.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “I guess I will take what I can get for now.”

  We reached the bottom of the stairs and my heart fell to the pit of my stomach. I was nervous to see Tristan after so long away from him. What if he didn’t feel the same about me? What if seeing me this huge makes him turn away from me?

  Odin walked me up to his cell. He had his back to us. “Tristan.” He turned around quickly when he heard my voice.

  “Lilith? Baby.”

  “Can you stand and hold on to the bars?” Odin asked. I nodded, and he set me down. He walked to the other side of the room to give us privacy.

  “Baby I have missed you so much,” Tristan said walking over to me.

  “I’ve missed you too.” He rubbed his hand against my belly and the babies started kicking. “It seems they are happy to see you too.”

  “They are growing good,” he said with a smile.

  “I know, I am huge. The doctor said I could deliver at any moment.”

  “I can’t wait to meet them.”

  “Me either. We have to get you out of here. They can’t keep you locked up like this.”

  “As long as they are doing right by you, I don’t care what happens to me.”

  “I care what happens to you. I love you Tristan.”

  “I love you too baby. More than you will ever know.”

  “The doctor told me what we are having. Do you want to know?”

  “Hell, yes I do.”

  I met his eyes and smiled. “We are having an Ava Faye and an Elijah Eugene. Your parent’s first names and my parent’s middle names. Do you like them?”

  “They are perfect,” he said with tears in his eyes. “I wish I could kiss you right now.” I kissed my finger and pressed it to his lips. “That’s not the same.”

  “I know, but it will have to do until I can get you out of here.”

  Odin walked back over to us, “We better get you back upstairs.”

  “Thank you for letting me see her,” Tristan said to Odin.

  Odin nodded then looked at me, “Ready?”

  “No, but I guess I have no choice,” I turned to Tristan one last time, “I love you baby.”

  “I love you too.”

  Odin lifted me into his arms and carried me away as tears streamed down my face. I missed Tristan already and who knew when I would get to see him again. “It’s okay Lilith. You will see him again,” Odin said as if he was the one that could read minds now.

  “I don’t just want to see him Odin. I want him to be free.”

  “I know. In time, maybe.”

  “How is Bristol and Parker?”

  “Hanging in there just like Tristan. My father has stopped the punishments for now. He actually hasn’t been here for a couple of months. He calls daily to check in though.”

  “I hate your father Odin.”

  “I know.”

  We didn’t speak again until we got back to the library. Odin laid me on the bed. “Thank you for taking me to see him. I know how hard us being married must be on you.”

  “I’ve had seven months to think about it and it was hard to accept at first, but I have accepted it. I have moved on. Speaking of moving on I have to tell you something.”


  “Don’t be mad okay?”

  “Odin just tell me what it is.”

  “You said we were friends and friends can tell each other things, right?”

  “Odin damn it. Just say it.”

  “I’ve gotten back together with Ambi. After all she is my intended mate.”

  “Seriously?” I asked surprised.

  “Are you mad?”

  “Are you happy?”


  “Then no, I’m not mad. I’m happy for you. You deserve to have your happy ending just like Tristan is mine,” I lied. I was mad. It could have been anyone but her and it wouldn’t have phased me. But her? The woman that has threatened to kill me more than once? How could he be with her of all people?

  “Thank you. That means a lot coming from you. I’ll go get the doctor, so she can hook you back up.”

  While he left the room, I tried to get comfortable on the bed, but it was no use. Sharp pains were shooting up my back making it impossible for me to sit still. The pain intensified causing me to cry out. Brant ran into the room. “What’s wrong Lilith?”

  “It hurts.” Just as the words left my mouth fluid spilled from between my legs. “I think the babies are coming.” Brant stood there in shock not moving. “Brant, get the doctor,” I yelled causing him to run from the room. Within seconds he was back with Odin and the doctor following him.

  “I told you it would be any moment,” the doctor said with a smile on her face.

  “It hurts,” I said squirming. Odin walked over and held one of my hands while Brant held the other. The pain felt like my insides were being twisted, pulled, and squeezed all at the same time. It felt like menstrual cramps times a million. It felt as if my hips were being pulled apart. “Oh, my god it hurts so bad,” I cried out as tears fell from my eyes.

  I squeezed Odin’s hand as tight as I could. The pain was unbearable. “Breathe Lilith.” I released my breath not realizing I was holding it.

  “I need Tristan. Odin please get Tristan.” Odin nodded at Brant and he left the room.

  “I need to check your cervix Lilith. I need to see if you have dilated any,” Dr. Johnson said. “Odin, we need to get her undressed.” Odin did as the doctor said and undressed me. I was naked except for a sports bra that covered my breast. “Lilith when I tell you to, take a deep breath for me okay.” I nodded in understanding. She lifted my knees into a bending position and laid them to the side. “On three take a deep breath. One. Two. Three.” I breathed in as she inserted her hand inside of me. “It looks like these babies are eager to come out. You are dilated eight cen
timeters already.”

  Just then Brant and Tristan came into the room. Tristan took Brant’s place holding my hand. “Hi baby. How are you feeling?”

  “Peachy fucking keen.” The guys laughed even though I wasn’t trying to be funny.

  Tristan pressed his lips to my forehead. “I love you baby.” I looked up at him and pressed my lips to his. I missed his sweet taste. My body filled with heat the longer I kissed him.

  A shooting pain caused me to break away from him. I screamed out as the pain intensified. “I can’t do this. It hurts so bad.”

  “You can do this baby. We are right here to help you.”

  “It’s hot in here. I’m hot,” I said getting frustrated. Brant got me a cold rag and held it to my forehead for me. “Thank you,” I said trying to look up at him. “I feel an extreme pressure down there,” I said turning away from Brant to look at the doctor.

  “Let me check you again. On three remember,” Dr. Johnson said. She lifted my knees again. “One. Two. Three.” She inserted her hand once more. “Wow that was fast. I feel a head. Are you ready to start pushing?”

  “No, but let’s get this over with.”

  “Brant run and get Ambi. I will need her assistance like we practiced.” He left the room and was back within a couple of minutes, Ambi right on his heels. “Ambi suit up. It’s time to deliver some babies,” the doctor said excited. “On three you give me a big push Lilith. Odin, Tristan, you two hold her knees back as far as they will go. Brant keep that rag to her forehead and one hand behind her back.” They all nodded at her instructions. “Ready Lilith? One. Two. Three. Push.”

  I pushed as hard as I could. I pushed until I was out of breath. I sucked in another breath and pushed again. “Aghhhhhhhhhh,” I screamed as the first baby popped out of me.

  “Relax. Breath Lilith. It’s a boy.” She handed the baby to Ambi so she could clean him up. “Ready to push out baby number two?” I nodded. “On three again okay? Guys ready to do this again?” They nodded.


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