Book Read Free

Unspoken Rules

Page 23

by Eliah Greenwood

  God, if he only knew.

  I assume he has no idea about the fights. I can’t possibly imagine Tanner coming clean to his parents. Mom, Dad, I kidnapped Haze and his girlfriend and tried to kill them. Might be why baby bro moved out and doesn’t show up to family dinners anymore. But, hey, it’s just a guess.

  My mind sticks to what Richard said about a new collection. I assume that means Haze’s mother works in fashion.

  “Will he be there?” Haze frowns

  “Of course he will. He’s part of the family and the only one who still visits us.”

  “Then I’m not coming.”

  “You will if you want me to examine your lady friend here.” Richard raises his eyebrows, and I have to admit his arrogance is familiar. His son had to learn it somewhere. Haze clenches his jaw, irritation covering his face, and looks my way. I’m fine. I won’t let him manipulate Haze for a checkup I probably don’t even need.

  “I feel fine, really.” I force a smile.

  “I don’t care, Winter. You fainted,” Haze says.

  “I promise I’m okay.”

  Richard cackles. “Or so you think.”

  It’s been two minutes and I already hate the man.

  No wonder why Haze gets irritated at the mere mention of him.

  “You’re not seriously going to listen to her, are you? She hit her head so hard she fainted. She might have a concussion. Is a little evening with family so terrible that you won’t even make sure your girlfriend is okay?”

  I know we’re not technically together, but I don’t see the point in correcting his father. He’s clearly an asshole, and if I tell him we’re not dating, he’ll find great pleasure in saying that Haze’s an irresponsible player who can’t commit to anything. Haze stares at me from the corner of his eye, like he’s waiting for me to deny the title, but I never do. A small smile spreads across his face.

  “Oh, and one more condition.”

  “What now?” Haze rolls his eyes.

  “Your girlfriend will also be joining us.”

  Is he serious? Did he really just invite me to a party where I’ll see the guy who got me kidnapped and locked in a basement? Thank you, but I’ll pass.

  “Not a chance,” Haze says.

  “Why’s that? Isn’t she your official girlfriend?”

  Again, Haze looks at me and waits for me to deny the claims, but I refuse to give his father the satisfaction.

  “Let’s just say, Tanner and Winter don’t get along. She’s not coming, period.”

  “I’m assuming you’re referring to the big fight you had with him about her. He told us about that. I believe he’s ready to move past your issues, and he misses his brother more than he hates his enemies,” he says with a straight face.

  A fight? Is that what he called it?

  He probably told his father that he hates my cousin and disapproves of me and Haze all the while being very careful not to mention the illegal slash psycho aspect of it.

  I wish I knew how the two incredibly wealthy Adams boys ended up street fighting. You’d think kids from families like this couldn’t be further away from the wrong side of the track. So many untied knots, so many stories that don’t add up, so many mysteries in need of unraveling.

  Haze grows irritated. “Why do you care if she comes or not?”

  “I mean, if you really are serious about her and she’s here to stay, we might as well get to know her. Plus, your brother’s ready to make amends if you just let him. He’s been working on himself. He’s even bringing a new girl home this year.”

  Simply hearing him talk about Tanner like he’s somewhat of a good person sends chills down my body. I almost died because of him. Blake almost shot me in the head under his order.

  “I’ll come, but leave her out of it.”

  “Very well. Then I guess I’ll be on my way.” He turns away and walks to the door. Haze curses under his breath, and the sorry look in his eyes tells me everything I need to know. He’s going to break. He’s going to give in.


  His father stops dead in his tracks, then turns around. “So… do we have a deal?”

  Haze stares at me for a few seconds, and I can tell his conscience is responsible for this. It’s playing tricks on him. His father made him feel stuck. I know he couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t get me checked up and something happened to me.


  I glare at Haze. He did not just force me into having dinner with my kidnapper.

  “But the second she’s uncomfortable, we’re leaving,” he adds, trying to make me feel better and failing miserably.

  “Fantastic, I’ll let your mother know,” Richard says and lays his medical tools on the bed.

  He had no right to say yes on my behalf. I know I said yes for him when Vic asked us to go to his party in Colton Gate, but this is different. Vic didn’t kidnap and lock Haze in a cave. I guess his father will be very disappointed because there’s no way I’m going to their party from hell.

  Richard walks me through the usual checkup he promised, and Haze doesn’t look at me once. He knows I’ll be giving him a piece of my mind as soon as his father leaves. I can’t help but want to know more about his family. Seeing Tanner and Richard makes me wonder how Haze managed not to go crazy.

  “So?” he says the very second his father finishes.

  “I believe she’s okay, but further tests in an actual clinic are required if you want to be sure. I can get you an appointment tomorrow.”

  “You would do that for her?” Haze frowns in suspicion.

  Richard looks at me from head to toe in disgust. What’s new?

  “Not for her. For you. You truly seem to care for that girl,” Richard states, still acting like I don’t have a name.

  Haze’s blue eyes travel to me.

  “I do. Very much.”

  My heart lurches against my rib cage.

  “I figured. Why else would you bring her to the lake house?”

  We both stop breathing.

  He knows.

  “Don’t give me that look. You must’ve known deep down that we’d find out. We have eyes everywhere, son. Especially in Colton Gate.”

  We can’t bring ourselves to speak.

  “Did you really think we wouldn’t try and figure out where you ran off to when you’re so close to graduating? This earned us a very big and annoying…” He pauses like he’s searching for the right term to use. “…conversation with your school, by the way.”

  Conversation’s obviously code for something else.

  “So what? A ‘conversation’s’ nothing you can’t afford.” Haze does the air quotes with his fingers.

  That’s how I know that I was right.

  His parents are basically buying Haze’s way out of everything. Is it for the reputation of their brand? Or out of love for their son? Whatever it is, one thing’s for sure, money really does speak. And it speaks louder than anyone will ever know…

  “Let me make a quick call for her appointment.” Richard walks out onto the balcony linked to the bedroom and closes the door.

  “Not exactly a ray of sunshine, your father.” Will’s voice reminds us of his presence. He’s been so quiet I almost forget he was here this whole time.

  “Tell me about it,” Haze says.

  “Will, could you give us a second, please?”

  “Oh, I see. You need a second to fight.”

  I almost laugh at his blunt remark. He’s absolutely right. Haze needs to know that I don’t care what he says. I’m not going to the stupid reception even if he pays me.

  “I’ll be in the living room. Then, I’m taking you home. Kendrick may have freaked out earlier, but he’ll lose his shit if he doesn’t know where you are.”

  “Okay. I won’t be long. Promise.”

  He shuts the door, and I turn to Haze.

  World War Three is beginning.

  “I know what you’re going to say, but please just hear me ou—”

>   “No, you hear me out.” I raise my finger at him, ready to drop my guilt speech on him, but when I get back on my feet, the dizziness takes a hold of me and my knees give out.

  “Easy.” Haze instantly wraps his strong arm around me to keep me from falling.

  “Let go.” I brush off the humiliation clinging to me, avoiding his blue eyes. I can’t be having a brain-dead moment. Not right now.

  “I’ll let go of you when I’m sure you can actually stand, Kingston,” he says, mockery lacing his voice.

  “I told you, I’m fine.” I ignore the close proximity that would usually temper with my ability to speak. I’m too mad to let his charms push my dumb Winter switch on.

  “No, you’re not. Which is why I’m taking you to the clinic tomorrow.” He pulls me back to the bed. I sit down.

  I’m still upset with him for saying yes.

  “What else was I supposed to do, Winter? I got stuck in his games. I’m sure he won’t even remember it in two weeks.”

  “You can’t honestly believe that,” I say, and he sighs. I’m right, whether he likes it or not. His father’s not going to let us out of the deal.

  “I’m sorry,” he breathes.

  My anger was obviously never mine to begin with because it vacates my body as soon as he apologizes. I can’t be mad at him. He was trying to look out for me. In his own messed-up, clumsy, and Haze way.

  I nod. “It’s fine.”

  He sits down next to me, apparently relieved that I’m not angry, and reaches for my hand. I’m reminded that we were making out—hard—before his nightmare of a father walked in.

  “Haze, I don’t… I don’t want you getting the wrong idea.” I move my hand away. “I know you want us to get back together, and I do, too, but… I told you, I need time and most importantly, answers.”

  “I know that. And I can give you time. But…”

  “Let me guess, you can’t give me answers.”

  He clenches his jaw and fidgets with his bloodstained shirt.

  “I get it, Haze. You have a dysfunctional family. So what? Do you really think that would’ve been enough to scare me away? I fell for you even through the horrible things people told me about you. At this point, it’s pretty clear that I’m stuck on stupid for you.”

  “You say that now, but you don’t know what you’re talking about.” He looks away. There he goes again, slamming the door in my face right when I think I finally have one foot inside.

  “Okay. That’s it. Look at me.” I grab his face. “You’re going to listen to me very carefully because I’m not going to say it again. There is nothing, nothing that you could ever tell me that would make me love you less. Do you understand me?”

  In that moment, when I look into his eyes, I swear I can see one of the walls he put up around his heart come down. I can see his shield partially disintegrating and hitting the ground.

  “Nothing, huh?” He looks at me like he’s thinking, “Oh, Winter, you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.”

  He looks at me like he was meant to ruin my life.

  “Nothing.” I intertwine our fingers. “So please… please just come clean so we can put this nonsense behind us.”

  He knows what I truly mean is so we can get back together. He’s about to say something when Richard walks back into the bedroom, creating a wonderful tension that reeks of unfinished business.

  “Be at this clinic at four.” He hands Haze what appears to be a business card. “You’ll need to be with her as proof that you’re my son. We’re booked months in advance. She’s lucky we’re accepting her.”

  “Got it,” Haze says coldly.

  This is his way of letting his father know that they’re not anywhere near okay or on good terms.

  “Oh, and please don’t fool yourself into thinking you can bail on the reception once you go to the appointment. We can easily have another and very different conversation with your school, son. Remember that,” he says before he walks away and leaves the apartment.

  Great, now he’s blackmailing Haze, too. Threatening your own kid to keep him from graduating just so you can get what you want? That sounds like a well-adjusted human being.

  Will comes to tell me that he’s heading home shortly after Richard walks out.

  “I guess I’ll see you at school, then,” I say awkwardly while Will helps me up.

  “Yeah, see you.” Haze sways from one foot to the other, hiding his hands in his pockets.

  I know we’re both fighting the need to kiss goodbye, or to at least hug, like we used to. Not touching him feels so strange. Will and I walk out of the large building, heading for his car parked in the visitor spot.

  “You know… for what it’s worth, I think you’re being hard on him,” Will says when we pull up into Maria’s driveway thirty minutes later. He kills the engine and turns to me.

  “You’re defending him now?”

  “I know, I know. I’m as shocked as you are, believe me. The guy was never anything more than an asshole to me, but I guess… when I started seeing him all the freaking time because someone had to fall for the enemy, I realized he’s not so bad.” He hits my shoulder playfully. “I had my doubts at first, but I think he really does love you.”

  “Who are you, and what did you do to Will?” I laugh.

  “Go ahead, mock me. But seeing him so openly say what he wants, it’s just made me think.”

  “And what are you thinking, may I ask?”

  “That maybe I want that, too.”

  He doesn’t know that I’m aware of his story with Kass. I don’t think I should tell him that I witnessed them this morning. Kass made me promise not to tell anyone about this.

  Not even him.

  “What? A complicated bad boy with a secret past?” I tease.

  “No, a girl that I’d chase forever if I had to. A girl I’d chase like he’s chasing you.”

  I almost tell him that I know he’s already found that girl. It’s none of my business, but I hope these two figure things out. They’ve both changed each other for the better. What he said resonates with me, although I can hardly believe that Will said something wise. Haze is far from perfect, but he tries… and maybe, in the end, it’s all that matters.

  We sneak back into the house that’s dark and completely silent. It’s past midnight. I find myself in bed, tossing and turning, while my brain comes up with a hundred scenarios that will most likely never happen. I wonder what Haze was going to say before his dad walked in earlier. I wish he’d have had the chance to finish speaking. I really thought, for a second there, that I got through to him.

  I hook my phone to the charging cable next to my bed. It’s been dead since I left Haze’s. My heart jumps when the screen lights up and I see the one message I’ve been dying to read.

  Haze: I’m taking you out to dinner after your appointment tomorrow. I’ll be waiting out front after school. You want to know everything? Fine. Be ready.

  I throw myself back onto my bed, the giddying speed of my pulse making me feel like a kid on Christmas morning. I bring a pillow to my chest and take a deep breath, thinking that maybe, just maybe…

  We still stand a chance.

  “Good morning, sleeping ugly,” Will says, ripping me away from a dream I wish had never ended. I yawn, pull the cover over my head, and groan. When he sees that I’m awake, he walks out of my room and makes sure to slam the door.

  Since Will’s been staying with us, he’s taken it upon himself to wake Kendrick, Kass, and me for school in the morning. Needless to say, his waking techniques aren’t the most delicate, and he annoys the heck out of everyone, but he doesn’t care.

  He wouldn’t be Will if he did.

  I spent the entire night dreaming of my date with Haze. Will interrupted the best dream yet. The date ended up in the bedroom. Need I say more?

  He’s going to come clean, for good this time. The possibilities are endless and, quite frankly, terrifying to think about. I push the warm blanket off
my skin and run a hand through my knotted and messy morning hair. I glance outside my window. The sun’s shining, birds are singing. What could possibly go wrong?

  Oh, right. I’m going back to school today.

  That’s what could go wrong.

  Twenty minutes later, I’m walking into the kitchen and ignoring Will’s yapping about how excited I should be to go back to school. He knows how nervous it makes me, and so he just has to annoy me.

  “Where’s Kendrick?” I change the topic as I head for the fridge.

  “Don’t know. He left early this morning. I’m giving you a ride.” He takes a mouthful of cereal.

  “What about Kass? Does she ride?”

  He chokes on his food.

  “W-what?” he says after he finally manages to stop coughing.

  It physically hurts not to laugh. His face is priceless.

  “Does she ride with us to school?” I arch an eyebrow.

  “Oh, hm… yes, she will,” he stutters.

  I promised Kass I wouldn’t tell him that I know about them; I’ll just have to let him figure it out on his own. Until then, I’ll keep dropping hints that will make him beyond uncomfortable and completely paranoid. Payback’s a bitch, Willi.

  “Kendrick does know that never facing me again doesn’t erase what happened yesterday, right?” I attempt to ease the stinging sensation in my chest. I still can’t believe he left.

  “You know he only pushed you so that you wouldn’t get punched. He never meant for you to hit your head.”

  I nod faintly. What Will said about Kendrick wanting to “fix it” has been bugging me ever since last night. I’m worried he did something stupid. This is so Kendrick. He doesn’t think before he acts. Especially in a moment of panic.

  I slide two slices of bread into the toaster and sit around the kitchen table. I know Maria’s already at work from the empty spot in the driveway. She left us some money for food on the counter, per usual. When I get up to fetch my toast, my phone buzzes. I have a message from Kendrick.

  Kendrick: I’m so so so so sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Did I say I was sorry?

  I can’t smother a smile.


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