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Debauched: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 4)

Page 19

by Sarah Bailey

  Rory rubbed the head of his cock across my face, smearing my saliva across my lips.

  “Dirty little girl.”

  I glared at him all the while wanting to tell him how much I loved his cock. How I wanted him to slam it up inside me. My pussy clenched around nothing, making me aware of how empty I felt.

  “Fuck you.”

  He let go of my hands only to rip my t-shirt in half, leaving it in shreds. I was too shocked to even protest. He tore my bra in his effort to undress me. Leaning down, he sucked a nipple into his mouth, his teeth grazing across the sensitive nub.

  My hands found their way into his hair and I tried to pull him off me.


  He bit down.

  Don’t stop. Please, don’t ever stop.

  “It hurts.”

  His teeth dug in harder.

  God, please make it hurt, Ror. I want to feel it for days. Feel you.

  He released my nipple only to latch onto the other one. My attempts at stopping him went unheeded and unacknowledged.

  “Fuck! That hurts so bad.”

  It hurts in the best way possible.

  His hands were at my jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping. He dragged them down my legs as he sat up, hazel eyes gleaming in the moonlight. He was bathed in it and the sight of him was glorious. Tearing off my shoes, he ripped my jeans from me, practically destroying my clothes but I couldn’t bring myself to care. All I could think of was Rory fucking me. Rory’s beautiful cock in my tight holes.

  He dragged his finger through my damp knickers, groaning.

  “Oh, little star. You like this. You want it so bad. Your pussy is so wet for me. I’m going to fuck you so hard. Open those legs wide for me.”

  I resisted my instincts to obey, keeping them closed. My hands fisted by my sides. Here I was lying in the dirt waiting for my beautiful dark beast to take me. Waiting for him to slam his cock up inside me whilst I struggled to stop him because he asked for this.

  He pried my legs open with both hands, shoving them up to my chest.

  “You can’t stop me.”

  He slapped his hand across my pussy, making me jolt. Then he tore my lacy knickers off my body.

  “Mmm, look at that pretty little pussy. Your lips are glistening for me. Dirty little bitch just waiting to get fucked by my big, hard cock.”

  I shook my head. He slapped my pussy again.

  “No, don’t fuck me, please, I’m begging you.”

  Please take me, Ror. I need your cock so bad.

  He was on his knees, pulling me closer. He aimed his cock at my hole, making me squirm. The head of his cock ran up and down my pussy, knocking against my clit.

  “No, don’t. I don’t want it. Please don’t.”

  “I punish bad girls who lie. I punish them hard and I punish them good.”

  And with that, he slammed his cock inside me in one brutal thrust. I choked on my own breath, the force of it knocking the air out of my lungs.

  “Shit,” I wheezed.

  He didn’t even pause to take a breath, pulling out and thrusting back inside me up to the hilt.

  “Fuck, your pussy is so tight, little star. Even after you’ve had two cocks inside you at the same time. I want to see you take it. See you stretched wide by them. I want to see your face when they make you come.”

  I almost gave up all pretence that I didn’t want him fucking me right now at his words. Rory had never once told me he wanted to be there when the others fucked me. I wanted him to watch me. To see his hazel eyes grow dark with arousal with his hand wrapped around his huge cock. And when I was done being ravaged by the others, I wanted him to slip between my thighs and fuck me whilst their cum dripped out of my holes. If that made me dirty or sick, I didn’t care. They all brought out the darkest parts of me. I loved the way they used me. How they made me feel so sexy whilst we engaged in such wanton debauchery. It was everything I never knew I needed. Never knew I desired.

  They were my kings and I was their queen. The queen they wanted to devour, fuck and use any which way they could.

  “Ror, please,” I whimpered.

  His eyes gleamed and a smirk appeared on his lips. God, he was beautiful like this. My beautiful broken man.

  He leant down and kissed me savagely, taking his fill of my mouth. I couldn’t help but thread my fingers through his hair, feeling the soft strands against my skin.

  I love you, Ror. I love you so fucking much.

  I wasn’t sure how it was possible to love my four men as much as I did. They all had pieces of my heart. They’d etched their names on it in permanent ink.

  Quinn Knox.

  Xavier Scott.

  Eric Nelson.

  Rory Carter.

  The loves of my life.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered against my mouth. “I can’t be without you, little star.”

  I tore his face away from me and stared up at him. We were supposed to be playing a game but all I could see was my amazing, but damaged man who’d fought through so much in his life. I held him there for the longest moment, my words sticking in my throat. He’d gone completely still, watching me with an almost frown on his face as if he was expecting me to say the safe word.

  “I know I shouldn’t say this,” I choked out. “I know we’re playing a game, but I can’t help it. I can’t.”

  I stroked his cheek.

  “I love you, Ror, I love you so much and I can’t be without you either.”

  He was quiet for a long time. I could never get a read on him in the way I could with the others. Rory had himself locked up tight ninety percent of the time.

  He took my hands and pinned them by my head. Leaning down, he rested his forehead against mine.

  “You never cease to amaze me,” he whispered, his breath dusting against my lips. “Never, Ash. The way you care for all of us without reservation or conditions… you have the most beautiful soul and I can’t help but need it bound to mine. I need you to belong to me as much as you belong to them.”

  “I do. I’m yours. All of me. Just as all of me is theirs too. Ror, I need you as much as I need them. There are no favourites. I love you all equally. Don’t you see that?”

  Chapter 32

  Eric and I were watching a film together in the living room. He was laid out half across my chest and my fingers were in his hair. It seemed appropriate to spend as much time as we could together before our plans were enacted. It was ride or fucking die at this point. We were going balls to the wind against Russo. It was us or him and we were determined to make sure it was us who came out on top. In a few more days, everything would go to hell and I was ready for it.

  It felt good to do this with Eric. We’d grown so much closer to each other and it was fucking amazing. I don’t know if we were written in the fucking stars or shit like that, but I did wonder why it hadn’t occurred to me before. Perhaps I’d just repressed this side of me. The one that yearned for him. For this. For us. Either way, I was fucking happy we’d come this far.

  Leaning down, I kissed the top of his head which made him nuzzle against me as if preening for my attention. He was fucking cute like that. When we were alone, at least. I didn’t mind him being overly affectionate with Ash in front of Quinn and Rory but not with me. After all these years of us being friends, it took some getting used to now we were in a relationship. Little by little, we were getting there.

  “What should I make for dinner tomorrow night?” he murmured.

  He liked to plan meals in advance most of the time.

  “Hmm, you know, I have a fucking craving for cheese…”

  “Mac and cheese it is.”

  He really knew how to make a guy happy in the simplest of ways.

  “Best boyfriend ever award goes to…”

  “Well, it certainly doesn’t fucking go to you,” came Quinn’s voice from behind us. “Have either of you seen Rory or Ash?”

; I looked up, finding him striding into the room with a frown on his face.

  “I thought they were in his room getting all… cosy.”

  “If they were, do you think I’d be down here asking you?”

  Eric sat up, rubbing his face and looking up at Quinn too.

  “I haven’t seen them since this morning. They didn’t come down for dinner. Did you check the conservatory?”

  “Of course I fucking checked it, why do you think I’m in here talking to you two?”

  Quinn looked like he was ready to blow a fucking fuse. They had to be in the house. Rory would never take Ash out. He hated the outside world.

  “They have to be somewhere. We’ll help you look, won’t we, Xavi?”

  I sighed and rolled my eyes before getting up. Eric paused the film. We all bundled out into the hallway. I went into the kitchen and the other two stalked down the hallway. Looking around, I was about to walk down towards the other rooms when I noticed a little piece of paper on the counter. Walking over, I looked at it.

  Gone out. Will be back tomorrow. Ash and Rory.

  I stared at it for a long time before I picked it up. Why the fuck hadn’t any of us noticed this before? I mean shit, Eric had made dinner and he hadn’t even seen it. Also what the fuck was Rory playing at taking her out? Why the fuck didn’t he tell anyone?

  Then it occurred to me. Quinn would have said no immediately. He’d never allow it. So it made sense to me why Rory would do it behind our backs. Still, it wasn’t on. They both knew how dangerous it was for Ash to be out of the house. What the hell were they doing?

  I stalked through the house and ran into both Quinn and Eric in the hallway.

  “Well, it looks like our errant twosome have run off together.”

  “What the fuck do you mean?” Quinn growled.

  I handed him the note. Eric peered at it over his shoulder. Their faces fell immediately. Then Quinn’s hardened and he looked like he was going to rip the paper into pieces. I took it from him and folded it up, placing it in my pocket.

  “I. Cannot. Fucking. Believe. Him.”

  “Quinn…” Eric started.

  “I’m going to fucking murder him. I swear to fucking god.”

  Well, this is going swimmingly.

  “There’s no need to jump to conclusions.”

  Quinn paced away, fisting his hands at his sides and looked like he was about to punch the wall.

  “He cannot take Ash out of the fucking house without telling us. What the hell is wrong with him? He knows it’s dangerous. He knows it’s not fucking safe.”

  I looked at Eric who in turn was looking at Quinn with concern. We needed to calm him down. Yeah, I wasn’t too happy about the situation, but I was also sure Rory had his reasons. Besides, Ash hated being cooped up at home all day even though Eric had been giving her work to do.

  “Before you go off on a murder spree, we need to find out where they’ve gone and why.”

  Quinn turned and glared at Eric.

  “I don’t care why. He knows better.”

  Eric sighed and rubbed the back of his neck before pushing his hair off his face.

  “Let me try calling him, okay? You’ll only bite his head off.”

  I swear Quinn wanted to strangle him, but he nodded and paced away again. Eric pulled out his phone and dialled Rory’s number. He frowned after a few minutes.

  “It went straight to voicemail.”

  “Try Ash,” I said, hoping beyond hope she would answer.

  He fiddled with his phone before putting it against his ear. The look on his face told me everything. Hers had gone to voicemail too.

  “Don’t fucking tell me, neither of them are answering,” Quinn almost shouted.

  “I’ll try again.”

  I didn’t think Eric would get through to them but I waited whilst he did. He shook his head after lowering the phone.

  “I’m sure they’re fine,” I said even though I was worried they weren’t.

  “Why wouldn’t he answer? Why the fuck wouldn’t he tell us? Fuck. Fuck!”

  “I’ll leave him a voicemail, hold on,” Eric said before he turned away and tried again. “Rory, it’s Eric, can you please call me when you get this? We know you took Ash out and we just want to know if you’re both okay.”

  “Fucking tell him he’s a dead man,” came Quinn’s voice.

  “You can ignore that if you heard it, just call us, okay?”

  Eric hung up and sighed.

  “Guess the only thing we can do is wait,” I said, taking his hand and pulling him back towards the living room. “Might as well finish our film, eh?”

  “And leave him alone?” He nodded his head at Quinn so I grabbed his hand too and dragged him along with us.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he ground out.

  “You’re going to sit with us and calm the fuck down. I don’t trust you alone.”

  For once in his life, Quinn didn’t say anything. He let me pull him into the living room and press him down into one of the armchairs. Eric and I curled back up on the sofa together. I was a little surprised he snuggled up with me in front of Quinn, but I wasn’t going to question it. Quinn dropped his head into his hands and let out a long, drawn-out sigh.

  “What if he doesn’t take care of her? What if something happens?”

  “Do you really think Rory would put her in danger?” Eric asked.

  “No… I know he cares about her. I mean I’m pretty fucking sure he loves her.”

  “Then we just need to let them do whatever it is they’re doing and wait for him to call.”

  Eric was right. We could trust Rory to look after Ash. He’d never let anything happen to her. I swear that boy had himself in knots over her. He’d held back for so long, no wonder he wanted some time alone with her away from everything and everyone.

  “I know… I’m still fucking mad, but I know.”

  He raised his head and sat back, indicating with his hand we should put the film back on. Eric reached for the remote and hit play. Quinn didn’t usually sit with us to watch films, but he was better off here than stewing by himself.

  “They’re going to be okay, aren’t they?” I whispered to Eric.

  “I hope so, Xavi,” he whispered back. “I really fucking hope so.”

  And so did I.

  Chapter 33

  I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her if I tried. Ash was the most beautiful girl in the world and she was mine. Mine and theirs. I saw it so clearly. The way we all fit together. And this, right here, was the moment I knew I wanted this forever. Her forever. Me, her and the boys. That was how it had to be.

  “We belong together,” I whispered. “All of us.”

  Her smile set my heart on fire. There we were, the two of us, her with torn clothes and me buried deep inside her in the middle of a forest, laying amongst the leaves and dirt knowing we couldn’t be closer than we were now.


  “Little star…”

  That’s when I moved again, not rough this time, but slow and deep. She whimpered with each stroke as her hands flexed against mine. Her eyes were intent on mine, the crystal blue so bright even in the low light. My goddess with her halo of blonde hair spread out around her.

  “Are we still playing?” she whispered.

  My lips curved up.

  “Fuck yes, we are.” I intended to carry out this fantasy to its conclusion. “Fight me, little star.”

  Her eyes darkened and then she was trying to escape me. Her hands pressed up against mine and her hips bucked.

  “Stop… I don’t want this.”

  I held her down and fucked her harder, slamming my cock up inside her again and again.

  “Liar. You love it when I fuck you like this. You fucking love my big cock inside your tight, wet little pussy. And it’s so fucking wet for me right now.”


  I pressed her hands
harder into the dirt.

  “Yes, you want to get fucked rough and raw just like the dirty girl you are. Dirty girls want to be covered in fucking mud and their little holes used and abused.”

  She struggled, but I held her too tight. She couldn’t get away and I knew she didn’t really want to. I pulled away abruptly and grabbed her by the waist before she had a chance to protest. Flipping her up onto her hands and knees, I shoved her shoulders against the ground and pulled one of her arms behind her back, holding there.

  “You’re such a bad girl, desperate for cock. Desperate for this. You think you don’t want it, but you do.”

  “No, stop! Let me go!”

  I gripped her hip and slid back inside her, grunting at the way she pulsed around me. My pace was almost frantic, needing to chase the fucking high.

  “I’m going to make you come all over me, little star. You’ll come so fucking hard, you might pass out.”

  Her free hand scraped at the dirt as she tried to move.

  “No, I won’t. I won’t.”

  “You fucking will.”

  Leaning forward, I grabbed her hand and brought it back, pushing it between her legs. I forced her to touch herself as my mouth brushed up against her ear.

  “That’s it, little star. Show me you want it. Show me how fucking desperate you are to come all over my cock.”

  “No, please!”

  “Shut the fuck up and come, now. Right fucking now.”

  I held her there, my hips slamming against her behind over and over as I made her stroke her needy little bud.

  “Oh, fuck, fuck, Ror… Fuck!”

  She almost screamed as she came, her body trembling and shaking against me and her pussy milking me for all it was worth. I closed my eyes, revelling in the way she cried out and the tremors racing through her.

  “My. Little. Star.”


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