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Greed (The Damning Book 1)

Page 8

by Katie May

  despondent eyes.

  I shoved him yet again, and the movement propelled me forward, off my

  feet. His large hands curved around my waist, and he too fell to the ground.

  His breathing was just as heavy as mine. I laid over him, our noses

  practically touching. I could feel his heartbeat beneath my breasts, pumping

  in tandem with mine.

  “I hate you,” I whispered, sitting up so I was now straddling him. My

  bare pussy clenched with need, even with the layer of clothing separating us.

  I yearned to be skin to skin with him...and I hated myself for it.

  I felt him begin to harden beneath me. The twisted asshole was getting

  turned on. Granted, so was I, but I was a shameless hussy and he was the

  supposed prince of the Genies. I would’ve thought he would have more class.

  “Susan...I mean Zara…”

  “You don’t get to talk,” I cut him off. He reached a hand out, as if to

  touch me, and I grabbed his wrist and placed it behind his head. “You don’t

  get to move either.”

  Now, the little shit was rock-hard beneath me. Quite distracting, if I did

  say so myself.

  “You hurt me. You left me. Do you get that? Does that comprehend in

  that thick head of yours? You left me. You never even told me why.”

  “I told you-”

  I pressed a hand over his mouth.

  “I said you can’t speak.” Instinctively, my hips began to rock against his

  length. He let out a muffled groan, but quickly smothered it when I glared at

  him. “Now here is what’s going to happen. I’m going to get off of you, and

  you’re going to disappear from my life. You’re quite good at that, aren’t you?

  You’re not going to speak to me again. You’re not going to talk to me again.

  Hell, you’re not even going to think about me.” With each statement, I rolled

  my hips to emphasize my point. Pleasure bloomed low in my stomach, and

  my eyes closed in bliss.

  Just as quickly, they snapped back open to focus on the quivering Genie

  beneath me.

  “Do you understand?” When he remained silent, I grabbed a fistful of his

  hair and pulled his head back. “You answer when I speak to you.”

  “Yes I understand,” he grunted.

  “Great.” Without another word, I climbed to my feet. I knew from his

  sprawled position on the ground he got a front-row seat to my lady parts. Too

  bad for him. Hopefully, he would forever be pained by what he could never


  I placed one hand on my hip and used the other to gesture towards the


  “Now get the fuck out of my room.”

  “YOU’RE SUCH A TURD,” I teased, swatting at Lin’s arm. His curly hair

  was cut short, a contrast to his usual stylish locks. He told me that one of his

  brothers, Bash, claimed he had looked too feminine with his long hair. I had

  profusely argued. Personally, I loved running my hands through his

  shoulder-length curls, pushing them to the side to kiss the nape of his neck.

  This Bash person sounded like an asshole.

  “You’re a nerd,” he retorted.

  “Why are you even dressed like that?” I said, throwing back my head to

  laugh. “You look like a stuffy businessman.”

  We were sitting on the bed of the hotel where Lin was staying. This was

  his first solo mission as a Genie, granting the wishes of a middle-aged human

  man. From what Lin had told me, the man had uncovered their family’s lamp.

  Thus, he was given three wishes.

  Fortunately for us, the man was indecisive on what he wanted. I found it

  hilarious when Lin would act out their interactions, lowering his voice

  dramatically in a poor impersonation of his client. The man, Jerry, couldn’t

  decide if he wanted his final wish to be a wife or a million dollars. He had

  stupidly wasted his first two wishes on a new car and a new gaming device.

  Proof that evolution could go in reverse. I also loved the way Lin talked

  about his Genie duties - as if it was a job and he was an experienced


  Lin smiled, leaning forward to kiss me. I allowed myself to melt in his

  embrace, momentarily forgetting that I was on a mission to rid the world of a

  murderous Mermaid. B would’ve been expecting me to check in by then, but

  he, along with the rest of the word, was a distant memory. How could I

  possibly focus on death when Lin was breathing life into me? Each stroke of

  his tongue sent me further and further over the edge.

  His hand pushed my shirt up, gently cupping my breasts through my bra.

  I groaned at the sensation.

  “I want you,” he whispered between kisses.

  “You have me.”

  Forever and always.

  I AWOKE WITH A GASP. Waning sunlight came through the opened

  blinds, casting the room in shadows. I must’ve fallen asleep after my

  confrontation with Devlin. My body ached at the uncomfortable position I

  had found myself in. The towel, at some point, had fallen off, leaving me butt


  In a matter of hours, I had discovered that I was participating in a fight to

  the death, fought against three assassins, came face to face with my ex-

  boyfriend, and fallen asleep in my birthday suit. All in all, it wasn’t my worst

  Friday night.

  There was a slip of paper folded at the end of my bed. I recognized Mali’s

  delicate script immediately and reached for the card.

  Hunter German. Age 33. Vampire. Murdered seventeen children but

  never convicted. Seventh floor. Fourth door.

  I smiled at the card. My rage was consuming me with an almost

  elemental fury, and I needed an outlet. My world had quickly fallen into

  shambles around me. I didn’t know how to deal with this newfound

  knowledge about my old lover. I kept replaying every conversation in my

  head, wondering when and how our love turned into something so toxic and

  dangerous. A prince and an assassin.

  How could I possibly kill Lin? I had loved him so fiercely at one point. It

  was inconceivable to be in a world where he no longer existed.

  But ridding the world of scum like this Hunter person? That I could do.

  I grabbed my necklace off of my bedside drawer and pressed down.

  Immediately, I was clothed in Z’s badass attire.

  Just another day in the life of an assassin.

  I GRAPPLED with the rock protruding from the side of the Capital.

  The layout of the building - alternating between rocks and painted wood -

  provided surprisingly easy handholds for me as I climbed. My arms wobbled

  as I attempted to pull myself up onto a windowsill.

  Shit. I was getting out of shape.

  Pressing myself against the wall, I surveyed the room. The window was

  opened slightly, providing circulation into the small bedroom.

  A man and a woman were in the room. The man was handsome, a sort of

  traditional, sculpted beauty I was beginning to associate with all Vampires.

  The woman was naked, moaning loudly as the Vampire pounded into her.


  I wasn’t in the mood to watch a porno.

  The Vampire - Hunter - pressed his lips against her neck, and at first I

  thought that he was kissing her. It took me a moment to realize that he was

ing her. Sucking her blood.

  The woman’s eyes rolled back into her head, and her body tilted to the

  side. Tiny gasps of pleasure escaped her parted lips. I had heard that a

  Vampire’s bite was the equivalent to ten orgasms. Of course, I had never

  experienced it myself.

  I pulled a dagger from its sheath, flicking my gaze between the blissed-

  out woman to the Vampire. Without giving myself too much time to think

  about it, I threw the dagger through the opened window. It sailed through the

  air, hitting the Vampire’s chest directly over his heart. He stopped in mid-

  thrust, and the woman turned her head marginally to see her lover. An

  anguished cry escaped her lips, and I almost felt bad. Almost. And then I

  remembered the horrendous crimes that Hunter has committed and my guilt

  diminished. If this girl was capable of loving such a monster, if she was

  willing to defend him, then she was a monster too.

  Her pupils dilated when they rested on me, face contorting until it was

  entirely unrecognizable. Tiny sprouts of hair grew on her body. Her once

  delicate features had sharpened, mouth elongonating into what resembled a


  A Shifter.

  I attempted to maneuver myself down to the level below me. I kicked my

  feet, gaining momentum to pull myself into a lower floor window. The

  Shifter rushed at me, and I used one hand to aim at a dagger at her face.

  But that movement caused me to lose my balance. The hold I had on the

  rock slipped, and my feet struggled to find purchase on the sill.

  The Shifter snapped her teeth at me, but I was already falling.

  Down and down and down and down…



  Icould barely focus on the words in front of me. I tried to concentrate,

  tried to read the story that had once entranced me, but all I could think

  about was her.

  The girl without a name.

  The girl that was the star of every one of my dreams.

  The girl that I couldn’t get out of my head.

  When I had sniffed her, my Bear began to pace inside the confines of my

  brain. I could feel him, an almost physical entity, demanding to be let out. To

  claim what he thought was his. The urge to hold that strange woman, to

  protect her, was overwhelming.

  To see her walk away from me was hell.

  I could see her clearly: blond hair, like sunlit spun silk cascading around

  her shoulders in perfect waves. Her cheekbones, sharp and chiseled. The

  rose-tint to her cheeks. The white curve of her neck.

  She was an angel in human-form.

  I had resisted the urge to write a soliloquy commenting on her ethereal

  beauty. I wasn’t sure how much that would be appreciated. Shifters were

  known for their muscles and strength, not their eloquent words. I would scare

  her away if I began sending her poems and flowers.

  Besides, I didn’t even know her name, nor what type of Nightmare she

  was. Usually, a Shifter was able to scent what type of species someone was -

  but I had been a little distracted by her ethereal beauty and the floral aroma of

  her perfume. She was an enigma, a box with lock after lock on it, and I ached

  to uncover every secret she had.

  What I wouldn’t give to paint her…

  The swoop of her shoulders. The hourglass figure. The-

  “You’re brooding more than usual. What’s up?” My sister, Atta, moved

  to sit on the couch beside me. We were in an abandoned corner of the library,

  light slanting through the stained-glass windows. The smell of dust and worn

  leather assaulted my enhanced senses. Still, I couldn’t think of a better, more

  enticing, smell.

  Unless you counted her sweet scent, a combination of roses and

  something almost spicy.

  Mate, my Bear had growled.

  I couldn’t help but agree.

  I didn’t know what I had expected when I eventually found my soulmate,

  but it wasn’t this. I most certainly hadn’t expected this all-consuming need to

  be by her side. Loving her, the way a woman like her deserved to be loved.

  But I was terrified. I had seen firsthand how toxic love could be. It wasn’t

  a blissful emotion. It was the waters that drowned you, the knife that stabbed

  your heart, the iron clamps around your neck, choking the life from you.

  Falling in love was dangerous because there was no guarantee that both

  parties would fall. Besides, who would be willing to accept a mate like me?

  A Shifter that preferred words over actions. A Shifter that was over two-

  hundred pounds of pure muscle, yet had never been in a fight.

  “Where did your mind go?” Atta elbowed me yet again, voice inquisitive.

  While I looked more like my father, Atta had my mother’s characteristics.

  Soft, dewy features and bright red hair.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” I mumbled, turning a page in my book.

  The words were barely comprehensible in the mess that was my brain. I

  wouldn’t even be able to tell you what the name of the book was.

  “Well…” Atta gave me a knowing look but dropped the subject. My

  sister sometimes knew me better than I knew myself. “I’ve been enjoying The

  Matching immensely.” Her eyes twinkled mischievously, and I snorted.

  “You competing with Bash?”

  She scoffed.

  “It’s not a competition when I always win. You’ll be surprised how many

  of those women prefer the boobs over the dick. Bash has nothing on me. I

  saw this one girl that was super hot. Blond, curvy-”

  Before I realized what was happening, I began to growl. All I could think

  about was someone else, someone besides me, looking at my mate.

  And her looking back.

  The thought made my nails sharpen until they were keen claws. The

  fabric of the chair ripped with my death grip.

  Atta blinked, her eyes widening at my uncharacteristic behavior.

  Understanding dawned on her face suddenly, and her lips parted.


  “Don’t even say it,” I hissed.

  “Holy shit! You found your mate!” She bounced up from the chair,

  jumping and clapping her hands in glee.

  “Shhh…” I whispered, putting a finger to my lips. I could feel my cheeks


  “You found your mate! You found your mate!” she sang, punctuating

  each word with a shake to her hips. “What’s her name? Where is she? What

  did she do? Tell me everything!”

  I didn’t know how to answer those questions. I was told that no matter

  what the species was, a Nightmare would know immediately when they came

  into contact with their mate. Yet, the beautiful girl had barely even

  acknowledged my presence. My heart ached at the memory of her running

  away from me.

  My dad was right. I would never find love. They would always run from

  me, always leave me. I was a mistake - a malfunction - and my mate surely

  realized that. Why else would she leave as if she had the hounds from hell on

  her heels?

  “I heard that Jax put on quite the show,” Atta said, changing the subject.

  Her eyes continued to study my face, but she smiled softly as she reminisced

  on her “fiancé’s” antics.

  Grateful for her ability to gaug
e my emotions, I said, “What did he do this


  “Besides meeting the girls ass naked? He told them that his blood tingled

  from fairy spells.”

  I paused, mouth opening as I prepared to speak before shutting it once

  more. Sometimes, I really didn’t know what to do about my brother. Though

  none of us were brothers by blood, we all grew up with each other. Our entire

  childhoods revolved around our friendships with one another. Without them,

  I wouldn’t be the man I was today. They were more of my family than my

  own parents.

  “He needs to feed,” I groaned at last, running a large hand through my

  hair. Jax’s decision not to drink blood was slowly breaking him. Already, I

  had trouble recognizing the person he had turned into from the man he once

  was. I understood the reasoning behind his decision, I honestly did, but that

  didn’t mean I agreed with it. What happened to Sasha was an accident and,

  though tragic, shouldn’t have defined the rest of his life. He had to learn to

  forgive himself for what had happened.

  Atta’s nose scrunched up, the only indication that she agreed with me.

  Though the relationship between Atta and Jax was strictly platonic, I knew

  that she cared about him. She cared about all of them the way she cared about

  me - as brothers. The fact that our parents were pushing for a marriage

  between Jax and her was disgusting.

  A boisterous laugh interrupted whatever she was going to say. Frowning,

  I closed my book and set it on the library table. Life at the Capital, I realized,

  was chaotic. I was never able to have more than a few minutes to myself

  before the devils ascended.

  The devil this time took the form of my Mage brother, Bash. He had his

  arms slung around two, petite brunettes - competitors for The Matching - and

  his shirt was unbuttoned. Alcohol wafted off of him, unsurprisingly pungent.

  Both Atta and I wrinkled our noses. Behind the three of them, Killian

  followed timidly.

  “Are you kidding me Bash?” Atta snapped.

  “What?” he drawled lazily, flopping into the seat opposite us. One of the

  girls perched on the armchair while the other sat beside Atta. I could see the

  two females exchange meaningful glances.

  No doubt, this was one of the girls that Atta had...relations with.

  I shuddered. That was the last thing I wanted to think about.


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