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Daddy's Little Angel

Page 4

by Lila Fox

  He thought Eve was doing well so far. She hadn’t any breakdowns and seemed to be comfortable with him. The only thing he wished was for her to call him daddy, but he’d just gotten her the day before and knew it would take time. Eventually, he had to explain what it would mean to be his little. That their relationship would eventually become sexual, and he just hoped that she wanted him as much as he wanted her, and she’d be able to handle having sex. Her father had done so much damage she might find it reprehensible at the thought of having sex with him.

  Also, there was the possibility she didn’t or wouldn’t feel that way about him, but he’d cross that road if they came to it. At the moment, he would just enjoy having her with him.

  Only time would tell.

  Chapter Nine

  He was about ready to find Eve when his phone rang.


  “It’s Darian. I got a call from your detective. He said Reverend Sherman was trying to pull Trisha, Eve’s mom, out of her apartment and was ranting and raving, yelling at her to give him his daughter back. Good thing the detective you had following him was there. He was able to intervene. He called me right away when he couldn’t get you on the phone, and I had him take Eve’s mom to a hotel.”

  Patrick cursed. “Shit, that must have been when I was outside with Eve. I’m glad I gave him your number.” He sat back and rubbed his thumb over his bottom lip as he thought. “Should we get them together today?”

  “I think I should go to Trisha and tell her what’s going on. I want to get her into a condo in one of our buildings and maybe give her a job at the Stanton building. I’ll ask what she can do. If we think she needs more training, we’ll get it for her. What do you think?”

  “I like the idea. The condos have great security, and she’ll make more working for us then the restaurants she’s at now.”

  “I agree,” Darian said. “Why don’t you talk with Eve today? Let her get used to the idea, and then we’ll get them together tomorrow. Does that sound okay?”

  “I agree. It will give them both time to settle a bit before we unite them again. I’d also like to spend some alone time with Eve so we can bond more and get to know each other better.”

  “Good idea. I’ll keep the girls at home today. Eve has had a lot of upheaval in her life, and it’s only going to get worse. She’s going to need stability and learn to trust you. It will make everything a lot easier for her. I’ll talk to Trish. Call me later after you talk to Eve, and we’ll discuss how they both take the news.”

  “Okay. I’ll talk to you later. Thank you, Darian.”

  “No problem.”

  Patrick sat back in his chair. He steepled his fingers together with his elbows on the arms of his chair.

  “Patrick, is everything okay?”

  He looked up to see Eve standing, seeming unsure at the door. He waved her over and was pleased when she came right to him, so he pulled her into his lap and cuddled her against his chest.

  “Everything is great, honey. I think you’ll be really pleased with the information I’m going to give you. But you’ll also be shocked. Just remember, I’m here, and nothing bad will happen to you.”

  “Okay,” Eve said nervously and nodded.

  “Baby, your father lied about your mother being dead.”

  She tilted her head back and stared up at him in confusion. “What?”

  Patrick rubbed Eve’s back. “She wasn’t in an accident. She tried to take you away one night, and he caught her. He kicked her out and warned her if she tried to get close to you, he’d kill you both.”


  Eve looked away as image after image raced through her mind. She looked back at Patrick. She’d had snippets of trying to run with her mother but had always thought she’d been dreaming and not remembering a real event.

  Her chest tightened at the thought of all the time lost with her mother and all because of her father. She felt a kernel of hate take root inside of her, replacing the fear he’d always cultivated in her to control her. No more. She was an adult, and he couldn’t make her do anything she didn’t want to. She had friends who stood up for her, and now she had Patrick. A man who was quickly becoming the center of her world.

  “Where is she now?”

  “She lives in the next county over. She’s been trying to get you away from him, but he’s got too much influence. She’s been working two jobs trying to save up for a lawyer. The reason he took you out of school your senior year was that he caught her watching you. He also found out your mom was trying to get the school involved.”

  “Can… Can I see her?”

  “Yes, of course. Darian is going to get the two of you together tomorrow.”

  A thought popped into her head, and a wave of panic swept through her.

  “Will I have to go with her when she leaves?”

  “I really hope you choose to stay with me, but you can see her any time you want.”

  “I think I just want to see her right now.”

  He nodded. “How about we eat lunch and then spend the afternoon in the media room watching movies?”

  “I’d like that. I’ve never seen a movie.”

  He hugged her to his chest. “You can see all the movies you want, any time you want.”

  He helped Eve off his lap and reached for her hand.

  She knew she probably looked dazed by the information and was glad that he gave her time to process it.

  Agnes had lunch on the table when they entered the kitchen. Patrick held out Eve’s chair and then sat down beside her.

  They both dug into chicken salad sandwiches and homemade chips. They talked about the weather, when she wanted to see her friends, and what she wanted to say to her mom.

  After they were finished, he helped Eve to stand.

  “Thank you for lunch,” Eve said to Agnes as they walked to the door. “It was delicious.”

  “Thank you, child.”

  Chapter Ten

  He led her into the media room and sat her on the deep sofa beside him and picked up the remote.

  “Would you like to see the Cinderella movie since we read the book last night?”

  She glanced up at him and smiled. “That would be wonderful.”

  He ran through Netflix until he found a version he thought she’d like. Then he reclined back into the cushion, set his feet on the low table in front of them, and pulled her against his side with an arm around her shoulders. He released the breath he’d been holding when she relaxed against him.

  He watched her expressions throughout the movie and professed to himself he’d never get sick of looking at her. Her profile was so feminine, and her features were perfectly proportioned. Her complexion was pale and smooth, telling him she didn’t spend a lot of time outdoors.

  Her sad blue eyes got to him every time he looked into them. The beauty of her soul shone through and made him feel like she was touching a part of his heart he hadn’t known existed until she’d come into his life.

  He found himself smiling when she did and got worried when she frowned. It was probably ridiculous, but he knew he was already in love with the woman. A part of him would wither and die if she left him, and he knew he’d do whatever was necessary to make her happy, even if it wasn’t with him.

  He watched her doze off beside him and cuddled her closer to his side as the credits to the movie ran down the screen. He turned the volume low as another show came on and then lay down, pushed a pillow under his head, and pulled her on top of him. He smiled when she grumbled but relaxed against him until she was draped across his chest.

  Patrick pulled the blanket from the back of the sofa and covered them. Although he hadn’t thought he was tired, the peace she brought him had him feeling drowsy enough to fall into a light slumber.

  They woke about an hour later.

  She gasped and tried to scramble off Patrick. “I’m so sorry.”

  He tightened his hold on her. “Easy. I pulled you on top of me, baby.”

  “But that can’t be comfortable,” she declared.

  “I love having you close more than anything. I wish I could carry you around in my pocket.”

  She giggled, relaxed, and laid her head back on his chest.

  “Let’s get changed, and then I want to start teaching you to swim. We’ll go really slow.”

  She glanced up at him. “I trust you. I’ll do whatever you think is best.”

  He cupped one of her cheeks. “You have no idea what that means to me, baby.”

  They stared at each other for a long moment before Patrick pulled her closer. He observed her expressions as he pressed his lips against hers.

  They both groaned as an ember that had smoldered between them since they met sparked and grew.

  Patrick tilted her head to the side and deepened the kiss. His heart beat heavily in his chest as she clutched at his arms and tried to get closer. He knew he had to slow down when the little mewling sounds she made pushed him steadily toward the point of no return.

  He lifted his head.

  Both breathed heavily as they stared at one another.

  Eve’s tongue slipped over her lips.

  He closed his eyes and prayed for strength.

  “I like it when you kiss me,” Eve whispered.

  He grinned. “I like it, too.”

  “Can we do it more?”

  “Baby, you can kiss me whenever you want.”

  She smiled and leaned down to press her mouth against his. It was a quick kiss, but all they had to do was touch to get an over-the-top reaction from them both.

  “Let’s go get dressed. I’d like to spend time in the pool before dinner.”

  She took the hand he held out and let him lead her into his bedroom.

  He walked into his closet and came out with a black t-shirt. “Since you don’t have a bathing suit yet, you’ll wear one of my shirts. It will keep you covered until you feel comfortable with me.”

  “But I already am,” she exclaimed.

  He cupped his hand over her shoulder joint. “Enough to go naked with me?”

  Eve’s eyes widened. “But … what if Agnes or someone sees me?”

  “Eventually, you’ll get used to being naked around me and whoever I want.”

  “You’d really let other people see me…”

  “Only ones I trust. I’ve had my hands all over you, so I already know you’ve got a beautiful body and one I’d be honored to show off to my friends. But first, you have to get comfortable with me.”

  He hoped he wasn’t scaring her away, but he wasn’t going to be dishonest with her about his expectations. He watched her expressions as he slowly lifted her long dress up and over her head. He dropped the cloth on the floor beside them and then gripped her hips.

  He waited until she relaxed before letting his gaze travel over her as she stood in just a plain pair of white cotton panties.

  She was skinny. Not emaciated, but he could tell she’d been on a strict diet. Her breasts were a nice size and looked firm. Her waist curved a bit before flowing into slim hips and even thinner thighs. Although her body was already perfect for him, he wanted her to fill out a bit, showing him without words he was taking good care of her.

  “You truly are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  She released a shuddering breath as she gripped his arms, her nails digging into his skin.

  He lifted the t-shirt over her head. “Arms up,” he directed.

  Eve did as he asked.

  He smoothed the shirt down over her hips. “Hold on a second,” he said and disappeared into his closet. He came out a minute later wearing a pair of swim shorts and nothing else.


  Eve’s breath caught in her lungs as her stare ate him up. He was a large man, clearly a foot taller than her, and his body was muscular without looking like a bodybuilder. He had a small patch of hair in the middle of his chest and then a bit more around his bellybutton that ran under his shorts. She’d enjoyed it when she touched it that morning. She liked how soft it was and how it tickled the palm of her hand.

  He had huge hands. The thought of them on her skin made a ball of heat build in her midsection. Even his feet were sexy.

  “Baby, if you keep looking at me like that, we’re going to end up naked in bed.”

  Her startled gaze rose to his. “Like what? How am I looking at you?”

  “Like you want to eat me,” he told her.

  She could feel the heat of a blush overtake her face at the same time the breath shuddered in her lungs because one of her inclinations was to taste his skin. His scent was intoxicating, but she wanted to see the texture and taste of him.

  He grunted and snatched her hand and led her out of the bedroom. “You’re going to be the death of me, aren’t you, little one?”

  She couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face. She liked the thought of keeping him on his toes.

  Patrick pulled her out to the pool, released her hand, and descended the few steps into the shallow part of the pool. He raised his arms. “Come here, baby. I won’t let you go.”

  She fidgeted a bit before she took one step into the pool. After she got accustomed to the feel of the warm water, she took another, and then the last one until she stood in front of him.

  “Good girl.” He placed his hands around her waist to steady her. “The first step is always the hardest.”

  She nodded. The water felt good against her skin, but his chest, so close to her, kept her distracted.

  “First, we’re just going to walk around the shallow part until you get used to it. Then we’ll work on putting your face in the water.”

  He turned and placed her hands on his arm. They moved back and forth a few times.

  “Now, I want you to put your face in the water like this,” he said and bent forward and dunked his face, left it under for a moment, and then stood, wiping the water from his eyes with his hand.

  She did what he showed her, but she only stayed down for a second before she lifted her head and sputtered.

  “That was good. Next time, I want you to take a deep breath and hold it and try to stay down a second longer.”

  She nodded and did what he told her to. They did that several times, each time a bit longer than the last.

  “I think that’s enough, baby. You did so well. I’m proud of you.”

  Her heart swelled in her chest. She couldn’t remember if she’d ever heard anyone praise her before.

  “Before we get out, I want you to float on your back. I’ll hold you the whole time.”

  She let him maneuver her until she was on top of the water and looking up at the sky. At first, a sense of panic filled her. She settled instantly when Patrick pulled her closer to his body.

  “You’re doing so good, baby.” He let her float for a while before lifting her until they were chest to chest.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, and the breath caught in her throat at the feel of his heated skin against her wet shirt. She tucked her nose against his neck and inhaled.

  Eve heard him groan at the feel of her against him. She hung on to him as he maneuvered them until her back pressed against the side of the pool, grasped the back of her head, and tilted her head back enough so he could reach her lips.

  The kiss quickly got heated until they tried to hold on to each other as if to absorb the other into their skin.

  He showed her how to use her tongue, and she quickly got the hang of it. He jerked his head away and stared down at her.

  “Jesus, baby girl. Do you feel what you’re doing to me?” he asked and gently pressed his hard cock against her stomach.

  Her eyes closed as she rotated her hips against him, trying to get closer to him.

  Patrick tried to laugh, but it came out a groan. “We have to stop now, or I’ll be stripping your panties off you and taking you here. I want our first time to be in my bed.”

  “I want that, too.”

  He cradled her in his arms and c
arried her out of the pool. He set her on her feet, grabbed one of the towels, and dried her off quickly before doing himself.

  So far, the day had been about perfect, and she prayed they’d have hundreds more just like them.

  “Let’s shower and get dressed.” He grabbed her hand and led her back into the house.

  Chapter Eleven

  Patrick steered Eve into the office after dinner was finished. “Why don’t you find a book or watch TV while I get a bit of work done?”

  “I can get out of your hair. I don’t want to be a bother.”

  He used the side of one finger to tilt her head back. “That will never happen, little girl. I like being able to look up and see you wherever we are.”

  She trailed her fingers down his cheek and smiled. “Then, I’ll just look through the books.”

  “Good,” Patrick said and pressed a hard kiss to her mouth.

  He sat behind his desk and went through his correspondence. He glanced around for her and saw her studying his bookshelf as her hand tried to smooth down her hair.

  “Why did your father cut your hair, baby?”

  She swung around and then blushed. “He said I was playing with it and thought it was a sign of vanity, so after his sermon one day, he pulled me into his office and chopped it off. It hurt. The scissors he used were dull and not meant to cut hair. I think he was probably right. I loved my hair. It was the only thing about myself I did like, and now it’s gone.”

  “Come here.”

  She walked around his desk and let him pull her onto his lap.

  “You could be bald and still be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  She shook her head.

  “I know you don’t believe me, but I hope someday soon you will. I hate the fact he did that to you, but you will never have to put up with him again as long as you live.”

  She tucked her head under his chin. “I hope not. He’s a hard, angry man.”


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