Legion: GameLit RPG Fantasy

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Legion: GameLit RPG Fantasy Page 16

by Riker Kane


  He got the answer he was looking for. Dozens of balls of white light appeared. Birds streaked out of the energy and circled above us, their caws deafening.

  “Crows,” I said. “Must be a hundred of ‘em.”

  “They’re small though,” Quentin said. “Nothing we shouldn’t be able to handle.”

  “I don’t think the crows are what we should be worried about…” Nina had her eyes focused on the grass as it continued to rumble beneath us. I narrowed my gaze where she looked and could see cracks appearing in the soil. The grass began to bulge as if it was about to explode.

  Quentin stepped forward. “What is that—”


  The ground exploded, sending dirt and grass in every direction. Quentin raised his shield up and stopped it from pelting all of us. I shut my eyes and gritted my teeth as I smelled all of the soil around me. The ground continued to shake but I was able to stay on my feet.


  An indistinguishable squeal filled the air and pierced my eardrums.

  “What the…” I slowly opened my eyes and looked over Quentin’s shield to see what had come out of the ground. “Is that a…”

  “A land worm,” Nina said.

  The worm towered in the distance more than two stories in the air, its body as wide as a dozen oak trees bundled together. It writhed and shook off the dirt covering its slimy red flesh. It turned toward us and opened its mouth. Rows and rows of jagged teeth were on display. The inside of its throat was an endless abyss of nothing but black.

  It reared back and squealed to make the crows above us all caw in unison.

  “A giant worm,” Quentin said. “I thought those things only cared about spice…”

  “Apparently not, Q—”

  “What’s the plan?” Nina interrupted me.

  “It’s big but it doesn’t look very fast. Rose, wait for an opening. Q, watch my back.”

  Nina raced off to the side with her katanas up as I rushed forward to draw the worm’s attention. Quentin ran alongside me with his shield. The rectangular hunk of metal was nearly the size of my entire body but I wondered if it was enough to deal with the worm.

  The closer I got to the creature, the more its noxious smell filled my nostrils. “Crap… That thing stinks…”

  It writhed then turned toward me as I got right next to it. It came down with its mouth faster than I expected it to.


  Quentin moved in front of me and raised his shield up. “Mana Shield!” The blue energy swirled around him just as the worm brought its mouth down. It slammed its head against the metal with a thunk. Quentin dug his heels into the grass and shifted slightly but managed to maintain his position.

  “Rose! Go!”

  I raced up from behind Quentin and thrust as hard as I could with my saber. The tip of my blade pierced its soft, slimy flesh and sent black blood squirting out of it. The worm squealed as it pulled its head away from Quentin.

  Nina followed up and slashed with both of her katanas. Deep cuts in the worm’s rubbery flesh made it scream again. I pulled my saber back and moved to thrust again but it burrowed back into the grass before I could get to it.

  “Crap,” Quentin panicked as he looked at the ground around us. “I can’t see it.”

  The grass shook beneath our soles. Sometimes the ground itself would rise like something was pushing me up. I was so distracted by the ground I almost didn’t catch the crows descending upon us.

  “Rose! Fire Slash!”

  Nina raised her katanas up and ignited them with flames. She leaped into the air and spun like a top as she sliced the crows. The birds squawked as the metal ripped through their black feathers and flesh. Those able to avoid her steel were instead engulfed by the fire forming a circle all around her.

  She landed back on the grass. Charred feathers and ash drifted in the air around us as the other crows ascended back into the sky.

  “Fire Slash,” Quentin said. “That’s pretty useful—”


  The ground exploded underneath us, sending us flying in every direction. I tumbled through the air as dirt and grass blurred my vision. I couldn’t see where I was going. So I figured I’d put my ability to use and straighten myself up.

  An Upper Thrust sent me straight up higher into the air. I sliced through a couple of crows before landing back on the grass. Quentin managed to get back to his feet but Nina was on the ground trying to push herself back up.

  “Q! Watch her back!”

  The worm reared its head back as it aimed toward the vulnerable Strider.

  “I got you!” Quentin rushed like a bullet to shield Nina.

  A blast of black slime poured from the beast’s mouth, flowing in a seemingly endless stream. The worm vomited so damn much some of it splashed against my face. I wouldn’t have minded the smell so much but I knew something was wrong because of the stinging against my cheeks.

  “Shit…” I muttered and glanced at my communicator.

  Hit Points 78

  Endurance 34

  Status: Poisoned

  My HP slowly ticking away was the least of my worries. “Dammit…” A queasy feeling made my knees buckle. “Come on. Stay focused.” I gasped a deep breath and ignored the smell, maintaining my composure the best I could. It took every ounce of strength I had to not curl into a ball from the sudden spell of weakness.

  “I can do this… I can do this…” The sight of Quentin and Nina was enough to keep me on my feet. It had to be. There was no other way to finish this.

  Gathering all of my strength, I rushed forward to the worm and held my saber next to my head.

  “Come on!” I yelled just as I got to the worm, sticking my blade into its side and rending its soft flesh.

  The creature roared as it brought its mouth down for a bite but Quentin stood his ground, activating his Mana Shield to prevent it from moving forward.

  “Rose!” I shouted. “Let’s go!”

  Nina gritted her teeth and pushed herself up to her feet. Her face was covered in dirt and her hair was out of place but through it all, I could see the determination in her eyes.

  “I don’t know if I can hold on for much longer… I think I’m sick…” Quentin clenched his jaw as the worm tried to gnaw through his shield. He was holding his ground so much his feet began to sink into the grass.

  I pushed my blade deeper into the worm’s body. More blood spilled but it didn’t relent. It wasn’t enough. I had to do something else. And fast. So I went for the only thing I could think of.

  “Rose! Follow my lead!”

  I gripped my saber with both hands and squatted down. With all of my strength, I focused my energy and performed an Upper Thrust. My ability pushed me to the sky and my saber followed. My blade split its bright red flesh all the way up the side of its body. I shut my eyes as the black blood sprayed against my cheeks. The warmth of the blood combined with the noxious scent made me wanna puke but I managed to hold my breakfast down.

  The worm squealed louder. It writhed violently as it tried to shake me off. I held on for as long as I could until my ascent ended near the top of its head.

  “Holy crap…”

  I was high enough for the crows in the sky to come zooming toward me. They cawed loudly as they headed for me. I braced myself for the impact but something happened.

  The worm fell silent. I looked down to see myself crashing back down toward the grass. I pressed my heels against the worm’s body and leaped off it just as it slammed into the grass in a heap.

  The crows ascended back into the sky and circled above. But my attention was focused on the worm before me. The massive slice I created leaked into a puddle of blood next to it. On the other side of it, Nina stood there, her armor and blades drenched in the same blood, so it was easy to assume she sliced it just the same as me.

  Blood spilled from every inch of the worm’s slick flesh before it exploded into a shower of colorful Mana. The crows a
bove all burst and rained down more Mana.

  The peace of the valley returned though the grass remained in tatters all around us. The worm’s carcass was gone along with every drop of blood it spilled. Its nauseating stench faded from my nostrils and the weakness from its toxic black slime faded from my body.

  Nina sighed a deep breath and brushed her bangs away from her sweaty forehead. Her face covered in dirt, she smiled and began to laugh. The amount of relief on her face was unmistakable. I tried to think of something to say but all I could do was laugh along with her.

  “That’s what I’m talkin’ about! The Great Defenders, baby!” Quentin pumped his fist in the air.

  “Looks like a decent haul,” Nina said. “We should probably level up after this.”

  “Not a bad idea.” I was about to move my communicator to collect some of the Mana when something caught my eye. A blue light flashed in the distance. I turned toward the side and saw the entrance to a cavern carved into the side of the valley basin. I walked forward to make sure I was seeing it correctly and it flashed again. “Hey, guys… Do you see this?”

  “See what?” Quentin walked up next to me. “I… do… What is that?”

  Nina joined us. “I know what it is.” Without saying another word, she walked toward the cavern. Quentin and I followed close behind her.

  As we approached, the blue light began to shine even brighter. The cavern wasn’t deep. It was only a few meters when we reached the end of it. And standing at the end of it, there was an Obelisk the same as the one in the valley. The only difference was the bright blue energy radiating around it.

  “What is this?” Quentin scratched his head. “Another Obelisk?”

  “It is,” Nina said. “But it doesn’t power this junction. This is just pure Blue Mana.” Without warning, she slashed at it. The Obelisk shattered into pieces, sending Mana orbs in every direction. Along with the Mana, jagged pieces of deep blue rocks landed on the ground.

  Quentin picked one up then juggled it in his palm. “Mana Core.”

  I was too tired to do anything else but give him a smirk. “Time for some upgrades.”

  20: Like Balancing a Checkbook

  Red Mana 2100

  Blue Mana 1150

  Green Mana 300

  The numbers on my communicator were as big as they’d ever been. But it didn’t mean much with the rising cost it took to level. Apparently, even Mana was affected by inflation.

  That didn’t stop me from making a visit to the Crafting Bay. The Obelisk in the cavern gave us enough Cores that we could only carry the largest and shiniest ones back.

  “Maybe I should bring a carrying pouch with me next time…”

  I placed the Cores in the analyzer one by one. All of them scanned with different stat bonuses for my saber. Damage. Parry bonuses. Some decreased the weight of it. None of them were anything better than common.

  “Nina and Quentin must’ve gotten all the good ones,” I muttered.

  I placed the last Core into the analyzer. The blue text appeared on the display next to it.

  Uncommon Mana Core

  Type: Weapon

  Bonus: Increase damage by 5%

  “Hmm… That’ll work.”

  I picked up the Core and headed to the counter. Engineer Gage was focused on his work. With how many sparks were flying up from the metal on his workbench, I was surprised he was able to see me at all. I waited patiently until the man with the scruffy beard walked up. He didn’t bother raising his goggles as he looked me up and down.

  “What do you need, recruit?”

  “I found an uncommon Core.”

  He took the golf ball-sized blue rock into his palm and squeezed it. “Not bad for a rookie.”

  “Thanks.” I looked at the side of the room and noticed some of the blades hanging on the wall. I took my saber from my hip and noticed how plain it looked in comparison. The edge was sharp and polished. The hilt was comfortable. But there were no intricate designs or fancy lettering chiseled into it.

  “Are those Cavalier sabers?” I asked.

  He turned his head toward the weapon display and nodded. “Different sabers for different Cavaliers. Speed. Power. Abilities. Whatever suits you.”

  “Sick… Maybe I can get one of those—”

  “Need more Mana.”

  “What? You don’t even know how much I have.”

  He crossed his arms. Even from behind his thick engineering goggles, I knew he was giving me a blank stare. I couldn’t see it but I could feel it.

  “Listen,” he said. “You come in here and you see all these fancy weapons. You close a Junction and gain some levels. You wanna get stronger so you can do your part to help the Legion. But you’re still a recruit who hasn’t even taken the oath yet.”

  “I’ll make it to Omega. I know I will.”

  “I believe in you. But do you plan on being a Cavalier the whole time? You gonna spend 10,000 Blue Mana on a weapon you might not even use?”

  “What?” I exclaimed. “Ten grand? You know, you should really work on your prices, Gage. There’s this thing called consumer price sensitivity.” I wagged my finger to no avail.

  “And there’s this thing called supply and demand. It takes time to craft the weapons you’re looking at. You come here with some real Mana and then we’ll talk.”

  I sighed as I placed my standard Saber onto the counter in front of him. “Install the Core.”

  “It’ll be ready in a few hours.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Liam Aldridge

  Level 7 Private Cavalier

  (350 Red Mana until next level)

  Hit Points 100

  Endurance 50

  Strength 10

  Speed 10

  Durability 10

  Control 8

  Upgrading my weapon wasn’t the only thing being affected by Mana inflation. I only had enough Red Mana to gain four levels. Four ability points didn’t seem like much but I still gave it some thought.

  Strength was always useful. Speed would help but I’d never be able to keep up with Nina. Durability made my body a little firmer though giant worms threatening to eat me probably didn’t care too much about it. And control still didn’t seem useful.

  I looked over my stats and chuckled to myself as an idea came to me. “Maybe…”

  I accepted the increase of four levels and pumped all the ability points into strength. A surge of energy pulsed in my arms. The warmth of the Red Mana filling my veins spread through my body and made me grimace.

  “Temporary discomfort for a permanent gain.” Dr. Marchal walked up next to me. The doctor always looked so prim and proper in her lab coat. Even the few strands of golden hair in front of her face looked like they were placed with precision. “How are you feeling, recruit?”

  “I can’t complain. Junctions are getting tough but nothing my squad and I can’t handle.”

  “That’s good. Judging from your appearance, you’ve made some considerable progress.”

  “My appearance?” I raised an eyebrow at her and she laughed softly.

  “Red Mana alters your body chemistry slightly. Strength makes your muscles grow. Durability makes them dense. Speed makes your tendons twitch. Your appearance would be more affected by training at the gym. Treadmill work. Weight lifting. But Red Mana affects your performance directly.”

  “Make sense. I can feel a difference out there. It’s getting easier to carry my saber and cut through things. I got a question for you, Doc. What would control do to my body?”

  The doctor smiled softly though I wasn’t sure why. Even though I knew I could trust her, a part of me thought she was up to something.

  “Our scientists are still trying to understand Mana,” she said. “What we do know is we can apply it to ourselves and use it to fight those that threaten us. What they’ve learned is that we can also use it to control the elements around us. There’s an energy in the air. A chi, if you will. Control allows you to control that energy.” She shook
her head and laughed. “Captain Pearson or even another Harbinger would do a better job of explaining it to you.”

  “I guess there’s still a lot for me to learn,” I sighed.

  She put a hand on my arm. “You’re making progress, recruit. That’s all that matters for now.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Inside of the pizza parlor, dozens of cadets were lined up and waiting for their orders from the robots creating the pizzas. Other cadets sprawled out on the grass outside as they enjoyed the view of the stars above. With the climate control of the dome covering the entire facility, the nighttime breeze was always relaxing against my cheeks.

  Quentin folded a slice of pizza together then stuffed it into his mouth. “I’ve seen a few Harbingers walking around,” he said with a mouthful. “I mean, I only know the privates because they’re all wearing the same armor. Can you believe I got two-percent on compatibility results for Harbinger? That’s two more than Strider!”

  “Maybe you should think about being a Harbinger?” I said.

  “I won’t switch classes until I’ve seen ‘em in action.”

  “You’ll get to see them in action soon enough,” Nina said. “The Junctions are closing and the World Boss is on the horizon.”

  Quentin chewed slowly as he shifted his eyes toward the redhead. “You don’t have to say it so ominously like that…”

  “I was only trying to make a point.” She smiled as she picked up a slice of pizza.

  The smell of all the cheese, meat, and spices were too much for me to resist. I took a bite and sank into my seat. “Nothing like a nice slice of pizza after a hard day’s work. Missions are finished. Nice job, Defenders.”

  “I think I could get used to this,” Quentin said. “Close Junctions, eat pizza, go to sleep. Wake up and do it all over again.”

  “It’s getting a little harder though. We were dealing with wolves and now we’re fighting giant worms.”

  “Don’t remind me. I’m about to gag on this pizza just thinking about the smell.”

  “How about we stop discussing the Junctions and focus on simply enjoying tonight?” Nina said. “You say you can get used to this but your mind and bodies need to be sound. Don’t let a durability stat trick you into thinking you’re indestructible.”


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