Legion: GameLit RPG Fantasy

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Legion: GameLit RPG Fantasy Page 17

by Riker Kane

  “Hey, if you want me to focus on this pizza, that’s fine by me.” Quentin hungrily wolfed down his pizza. The way his already puffy cheeks bulged even more made me laugh like always.

  “I don’t know how someone as skinny as you puts it all away,” I said.

  “The human body is amazing.” Quentin helped himself to another slice. “It wants what it wants. Ain’t that right, Nina?”

  “This is good pizza,” she sighed.

  I looked toward a table of cadets across from me. I saw Paige sitting with a couple of guys and another girl. She looked toward me and smiled before looking back at her companions.

  “That chick was looking at you,” Quentin said. “You know her?”

  “Paige. She’s a Cavalier, too.”

  “Not bad. Maybe you should go over there and talk about your ‘training.’ Heh heh heh…” Quentin made quotes with his fingers to emphasize his point, not caring how goofy it made him look.

  “Ungh. Pigs.” Nina rolled her eyes.

  “What?” Quentin exclaimed. “I’m just being honest. She was giving ol’ Liam here the eye.”

  “The eye?”

  “Yeah, the eye. That look a girl gives when… you know…”

  “No, I don’t know. Explain.” Nina put her pizza down and stared hard at him. I was waiting for laser beams to come out and burn a hole through Quentin’s head.

  Quentin shifted in his seat and took another bite of pizza. “Well… You see…” The words were jumbled because of how full his mouth was. “When a girl is feeling a certain way toward a guy and wants to do something with him, she’ll give him a look. It’s combined with a smile and a stare. It’s…”

  “Or maybe she was simply being friendly.”

  Quentin swallowed and nodded slowly. “Yeah, there’s that, too. You never know for sure. All I’m saying is there’s no harm in our friend Liam here saying hello. Speaking of which…”

  I was so distracted by Quentin trying to weasel his way out of Nina’s interrogation I didn’t notice Paige had walked up.

  “Hey, Liam. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  “You’re not interrupting,” I said. “We’re all relaxing after a long day.”

  “Do you mind if I talk to you for a second?”

  “No problem.” I held back my surprise as I got up from my seat.

  We walked over to the grassy area just a few meters away. The other cadets made their way back and forth around us, enjoying the peace of the Central Square.

  “It’s strange,” she said. “The Nerve Center is right there. We’re all running through gates and fighting monsters. Now we’re all relaxing over some pizza.”

  “I guess it is kinda weird when you put it like that. That’s just the way the world is now. Humanity’s next battle is in Pandora, or however the brochures put it. How are you doing?”

  “I’m doing just fine… Actually, it’s not me I wanted to talk about. It’s about Douglas and Brian.”

  “What about ‘em?”

  She looked down at the grass like she didn’t wanna say whatever was on her mind. “I was sparring with them in the Drill Room. We’re doing everything Captain Hamilton told us to. We’re all sustaining injuries but nothing the Med Bay can’t handle.”

  “With a Recall Box, you can get your head split open and they can bring you back.”

  “That’s true. But it still hurts. I can see the pain in their eyes when they get hit. I… I’m worried about them.”

  Paige looked up at me with a couple of wide brown eyes. Either she was a damn good actress or she really was worried about them. She was a few inches shorter than me and petite in size, which made her look even more innocent than she already was.

  “Sorry, Paige…” I shook my head. “I don’t know what I can do.”

  “Oh…” She closed her eyes and laughed. “It’s nothing like that. I’m not asking you to do anything. All we can do is support each other. I guess all I really wanted was just to talk to you. To see how you were doing.”

  “Right…” The small brunette in front of me being concerned made me smile. It was nice knowing her heart was in the right place. “I’m fine. You don’t have to worry about me, Paige.”

  “I’m glad. You don’t have to worry about me either. I think… I think I can really do this. I think I’ll make it to the oath.”

  “All of us will.” I put a hand on her shoulder to console her.

  The sound of footsteps approaching made me turn around. Nina walked up to us with her hands behind her back.

  “Oh, hey, Nina. This is Paige. Paige, this is—”

  “Nina Higashi,” Paige cut me off and grinned. “Everybody knows who you are.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Nina said.

  “I should probably get back to my squadmates before they eat my share of the pizza.”

  Nina and I watched as Paige walked back to her table.

  “What’s up?” I said.

  “There’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “Oh? This sounds serious.”

  “It’s not serious.”

  “Good. Tonight was supposed to be about relaxing after a long day in Pandora.”

  “Tomorrow is Saturday. That means the Junction Room is closed.”

  I scrunched my face in confusion, not sure I’d heard her right. “What? How come Janice didn’t mention it?”

  She shook her head. “You can’t expect Janice to tell us everything. You can look it up on any directory if you want.”

  “I believe you. What are we supposed to do?”

  “The Nerve Center is still open. The Drill Rooms are open and the Captains are available in the training labs. But I was thinking we could hang out.”

  I raised an eyebrow at her. I looked at her face, trying to read what she was thinking. But there was nothing. Just a pair of empty green eyes and a blank look like she was getting impatient for my response.

  “Hang out, huh? This doesn’t have anything to do with Paige just talking to me now, does it?”

  “And I suppose if I said it doesn’t, you’d assume I’m lying. Is that correct?”

  “I was always a sucker for a tsundere…”

  Nina sighed as I chuckled to myself. “They give us Saturdays off for a reason. Recruits have gone crazy spending all their focus on Junctions.”

  “I won’t argue with that. What about Quentin?”

  “See for yourself.”

  I looked at the table and saw him scarfing down some pizza with Elliot sitting next to him. Elliot had a fancy pistol in his hand, showing it off to Quentin. Quentin’s eyes were wide as he examined it.

  “Elliot’s convinced Quentin he might have what it takes to be a Gunrunner,” she said. “They’re going to spend tomorrow messing around in one of the training labs.”

  “I suppose it’s for the best Quentin gets it out of his system early and realizes he was meant to be a Vanguard.”

  Nina and I shared a laugh. I looked at her and relief washed over me. I was so used to seeing her as a Strider I almost forgot she was just another young recruit getting started like the rest of us.

  “All right,” I said with a shrug. “We’ll hang out. I guess it’s time we explored the Central Square.”

  “There’ll be time for that. But first there’s something I wanna show you.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “You’ll find out tomorrow.” She didn’t give me a chance to respond and just started walking back to the table.

  I rolled my eyes as I followed after her. I started to walk over to her when my communicator vibrated against my wrist. The display lit up.


  Nina Higashi - Level 1

  Quentin Young - Level 1

  Paige Costa - Level 1

  “Hmm… That’s interesting…”

  I wondered what it meant to have a new Synergy available. The thought only lasted a second, as the smell of pizza and my grumbling stomach were a combinat
ion too strong to ignore.

  21: The One and Only Nina Higashi

  I headed to the Nerve Center early the next morning at Nina’s request. The Drill Rooms were empty. Most of the smaller training labs were empty, too. With the Junction Room closed off, most cadets spent their time in their dorm rooms or relaxing in the Central Square.

  I wasn’t about to whine or complain about standing in a training lab though.

  I’d gotten used to the silver steel walls. The same for the hard granite floor. The white lights pulsing softly from the high ceiling above made the place look like the cold and sterile room that it was. It was what a state-of-the-art training facility looked like. If anything, I was kinda excited to be here.

  What made it even easier to spend my day of potentially training was the weapon in my hand.

  The weight of the black leather hilt hadn’t changed. The edge of the carbon steel was just as sharp and its edge was just as pointed. But on top of the hilt, there was a small blue jewel. It resonated with a deep blue glow and gave the rest of the blade a faint aura like mist flowing from it.

  I reached my fingertips out and tried to touch it but I didn’t feel anything at all. A glance at my communicator revealed the new status of my weapon.

  Steel Training Saber

  Damage Rating: F

  Core: 5% Damage Increase

  “When Gage gave me back my weapon, I thought it looked cool even though the blade hasn’t changed. It still feels the same in my palm but at the same time… There’s something different. I can feel the energy resonating from it. Even with the low damage rating.”

  “That’s the power of Mana.” Nina stood next to me. She donned her violet armor with her katanas at her hips. Her weapons resonated with the same faint blue aura I had to look hard to spot. “The low damage rating only relates to Shadows in Pandora. There’s Mana infused in it.”

  “The same Mana Shadows thrive off of are used to defeat them. That’s ironic or something.”

  “Power is only concerned with who wields it, not who creates it.”

  “Spoken like a true philosopher… I got one for you, Confucius. What are we doing in a training lab when everybody else is taking a day off?”

  The intensity in Nina’s eyes didn’t leave even though she smiled. “The current world is reaching its maximum threat level. Soon, everybody will have to work together to face the World Boss. After the World Boss, the chance to complete the Omega Trial and take the oath will be given to you.”

  “Right… I don’t see why they’re waiting. I mean, we’ve closed how many Junctions so far? Every new recruit is getting into the thick of it. We should be Omegas now.”

  “We’ve been closing Junctions but what have we really been doing? Some of the beasts we’ve faced have been a challenge but nothing we haven’t been able to overcome without focused effort.”

  She was right. We’d been through so many Junctions but most of them involved walking through valleys or climbing hills in peaceful surroundings. I didn’t sustain any major injuries from any of the bosses we fought, even the ones that were tricky to deal with.

  “What are you saying?” I asked. “Is what’s ahead more challenging?”

  “There’s a reason why you can’t take the oath until after your first World Boss.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because most new recruits won’t be here to take it after.”

  Nina was pretty enough, I figured guys were uneasy around her. But I’d gotten used to her. Having known her for a little bit, I saw the intensity in her more than anything else.

  I raised an index finger and shook it. “You know, you should really work on not saying things so ominously.”

  We shared a laugh and the seriousness in her eyes disappeared.

  “I didn’t mean it like that,” she said. “It’s not a threat or a warning. But it’s only going to get more difficult from here. They bring new recruits in when Pandora is Green. Most recruits wouldn’t last if their first Junction involved searching a dungeon or descending into a hellish cavern.”

  “Sounds like fun…” I twirled my saber around and rested it on my shoulder. “I’m guessing you wanting to meet me in the training lab has something to do with preparations.”

  She walked over to the side of the room to the digital display tablet resting on a podium. She swiped and tapped her fingers on it. “The Drill Rooms are good for practicing on a larger scale. Dozens of cadets can fight all at once and prepare for things like a World Boss. Training labs are better for individual practice, which is why Captains train new recruits here. It makes training a little more… intimate.”

  I raised an eyebrow at her. “That’s a word I never thought would be used with training.”

  “Don’t get any ideas, Liam. I can bring anything up in this room that could easily send you to the Med Bay in a few seconds.”

  “Spoken like a true sadist.”

  “We only have a few more Junctions left before the raid. We beat a giant bat. We beat a giant worm. But the Omega Trial won’t be about beating great beasts.”

  “And I suppose you know what it entails?”

  Nina swiped on the display and the white lights on the ceiling began to glow neon blue. Lines formed on the walls and floor like a grid.

  I looked around and chuckled at everything. “Feels like I’m in Tron or something…”

  Nina stepped out onto the grid next to me and unsheathed her katanas. She held her weapons up and focused on the wall.

  “Nina… What are you—”

  I cut myself off when I saw blue sparks swirling around in front of me like digital fireworks. It took the outline of a small flying blue drone. It floated just above me as another formed right next to it. Then another formed. Then another. Then another.

  “What are these?” I said.

  “Digital drones. To be an Omega, you have to prove you can perform to your capabilities. The exam will consist of drones like this.”

  “Drones, huh? Nothing I can’t handle.” I ran forward to one of the drones and crouched down for a second before doing an Upper Thrust. I sailed to the ceiling with my saber pointed at the drone above me. But the tip of my blade hit nothing but air.

  “What the—”


  A blast of white energy caught me in the chest and sent me tumbling back to the granite. I landed with a thud that knocked the wind out of me.

  “Ungh… shit…” I couldn’t help but groan as I tried to catch my breath.

  Nina rushed up and grabbed my arm to help me back to my feet. “Remember your training,” she said. “It’s about more than just abilities.”


  Despite how hard the blast was, I didn’t lose many hit points. The drones in the sky began shifting around, pointing the small cannons on their bodies right at us.

  “The basics.” I shot Nina a look and nodded. She grinned in response then dashed forward like only a Strider could. The sight of her twirling into the air with her katanas out never got old. Unfortunately, I couldn’t admire it because another pair of drones had locked their sights on me.

  They hovered close and fired two energy blasts. I raised my saber up and turned it sideways, parrying both of the bolts and sending them crashing into the walls. Another few blasts were parried just the same.

  “I feel like a Jedi… Just call me Obi-Wan…”

  One of the drones charged toward me. I twirled my saber around and the faint blue light around it flowed like smoke. The drone raised its cannon up to fire but I quickly brought my saber down with a quick slash. The drone split in two and faded into a digital explosion of energy.

  The other drone zoomed over my head and tried to come at me from behind. I spun around on my heels as fast as I could and thrust. The tip of my blade pierced the center of the drone’s body and turned it into the same digital dust as the other.

  Nina continued to twirl around the black grid of the training lab, dodging the energy blasts responding wi
th lightning-fast slashes of her katanas.

  The drones were gone and we stood across from each other. She breathed softly, her chest rising and falling. A few strands of hair hung over her forehead as sweat dripped down her cheeks.

  “The basics,” I said.

  “The basics.” She gave me a smile and nodded as more drones formed above us.

  I gripped my hilt tight and prepared myself for another wave of digital enemies descending upon me.

  ~ ~ ~

  “I never understood black coffee. I mean, I guess it’s good if you drink that fancy art house stuff. Or maybe if you live in another country. But all we’ve got around here is the usual. It’s only good when it’s got sugar, cream, and more sugar. This right here… ” I took a sip of my Frappuccino and smacked my lips. “That’s the stuff.”

  “I never took you for a Starbucks kinda guy,” Nina said.

  “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me. Who can say no to a Frap?”

  I took another sip to Nina’s apparent amusement.

  Outside of the coffee shop, the climate-controlled weather of the dome was as peaceful as always. Dozens of cadets were out to enjoy the serenity of the Central Square. The sun shined without a cloud in the sky. I would’ve been happy regardless but after a few hours training with Nina, having a drink and relaxing was a lot more enjoyable.

  Nina sipped on her latte, staring off to the side like she was daydreaming.

  “That’s it, huh?” I said. “We fight a few drones and they let us take the oath to be Omegas?”

  “That’s not an exact replica of the trial but it’s similar. If you do what you did today, you shouldn’t have a problem succeeding. Everything you learned from your Captain and your experience in the Junction should be enough.”

  “I can’t wait. Then again, it’s just a title.”

  Nina shook her head. “It’s more than just a title. When you become an Omega, you’re officially integrated into the Legion. Your stipend increases. You get harder missions. You get access to more Junctions. Some abilities you were gated from are open to you.”


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