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Legion: GameLit RPG Fantasy

Page 31

by Riker Kane

  “You said you were going to art school… There’s no reason you can’t go back there.”

  “That’s just it. I’m so comfortable here. I thought the feeling would go away but now I know it was meant to be. Douglas is gone and Brian decided to be a Gunrunner.”

  “He did? I was wondering why I haven’t seen him around…”

  “We’re the only two Cavaliers in our recruitment wave left. I’d like to think there’s a reason for that.”

  “It’s because we’re the only ones who have what it takes.”

  Her grin widened enough to show off the dimples on her cheeks just beneath her round eyes. “I wouldn’t have made it this far without you. The confidence you have… Even though we’re not in the same squad, I’ve been following your lead, whether you realize it or not.”

  I took my hand away and shook my head. “I never mattered. You were always going to succeed as a Cavalier… as an Omega. That’s what your compatibility results are for.”

  She giggled softly and nodded. “I guess you’ve got a point… I know there’s some big operation on the horizon. Maybe some World Boss that’s gonna push all of us to the edge. I just… I just wanna say thanks for making sure I wasn’t alone in those classes with Hamilton.”

  “Once you get to Silver, you’ll be taking advanced lessons with the other cadets.”

  “Maybe. But Nina was right. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We should enjoy our free time while we can.”

  I walked with Paige back to the table. As I did, my communicator vibrated against my wrist.


  Nina Higashi - Level 2: +3 increase to speed

  Quentin Young - Level 3: 10% damage resistance

  Paige Costa - Level 3: 10% increase to saber damage

  Brooke Silvestri - Level 3: 10% increase to saber damage

  More damage put a smile on my face like it always did. I swiped the display closed and enjoyed the friendly conversation continuing around me.

  38: The Operation

  Every cadet was gathered into the Assembly Auditorium early the next morning. There were about a hundred of us total with most of the cadets murmuring about what was going on. With the Class Captains all on the stage, it was obvious something was up.

  Chancellor Layton stood at the podium and smiled warmly despite the tension in the room. The lights dimmed except for the ones shining bright on the stage and everybody began to quiet down.

  “Good morning, cadets. I know how valuable your time is, so I won’t waste it. I don’t mean this lightly when I say today may be your most important day as an Omega.”

  On the large wall behind him on stage, a giant digital screen taking up the whole wall turned on. A bunch of information appeared on the display as Layton explained it.

  “As you know, our engineers were having trouble pinpointing the exact parameters of the nearest Pandora dimension. They’ve been hard at work to get the readings you need to succeed. Late last night, they were able to find out why that was the case.

  “We’ve managed to pinpoint the exact location of a new threat. A Herald.”

  The image resembling the pale man my squad and I fought appeared on the screen. The cadets all chattered in surprise to one another. Nina and Quentin were the only ones who didn’t seem affected by the growing tension.

  “What is a Herald, you ask? A Herald is the very being responsible for all of the dangers in Pandora. Beings from another dimension who threaten our peace and the sanctity of Earth. The Mana density of these Heralds went undetected until our engineers knew to start looking for them. Through their diligent efforts, we can now properly gauge the strength of these dimensions. More importantly, we can focus more on closing the Junctions where they draw most of their Mana from. And as you know, Mana is the source of their power.

  “The other Districts around the world have learned of our discovery. Now they, too, will begin their search of nearby dimensions and the Heralds that dwell within them.”

  The image of the Herald shifted to one side of the screen while a digital globe appeared on the other. Inside of the globe, there was the white skull of a beast.

  “One Herald was defeated,” Layton continued. “But a stronger Herald still lurks within the nearest dimension. Tomorrow, the Vegas District will begin a coordinated assault to close this dimension and the threats that lurk within.

  “Your Class Captains will head through one Junction to face the Herald responsible for this dimension. The rest of you Omegas will venture through another Junction. There you will confront the current World Boss: The Fire Golem. This raid will be no different from the previous ones. You will venture through the Junction and succeed as you always have.”

  Layton leaned forward against the podium. His hands gripped it tight as if he were about to fall over. I narrowed my eyes and could see his eyes beginning to glaze over from behind his glasses.

  “Today marks a new day not just for the Vegas District but for the entire Legion. We now know who threatens us. We know why they’re doing it… Because they want to destroy us and turn Earth, our dimension, into another desolate realm where only death exists.

  “Though the circumstances may be clearer now, the means do not change. You are Omegas. You are here to protect the innocent and vanquish the evil. You are the line between extinction and existence. Never has that been truer than right now.

  “Today will be your last chance before the assault begins tomorrow. Level up. Visit the Med Bay to maximize your stats. Engineer Gage and his colleagues in the Crafting Bay will be working constantly to get you the gear you need. Class Captains will go over any last minute abilities you might need.”

  Chancellor Layton straightened and sighed a deep breath. His eyes no longer glazed over, he puffed his chest out and looked as confident as I’d ever seen him.

  “You have not failed before. And you will not fail tomorrow.”

  The murmuring of the cadets returned as everybody got up from their seats. The chatter about the LOD’s plan was endless.

  I walked with Quentin and Nina by my side as we filed out of the auditorium.

  “I guess that’s pretty much what I expected,” Quentin said. “It was the presence of a Herald giving them all of those bad readings. It’s a shame we won’t get the chance to fight the Herald ourselves. I mean, we beat one, didn’t we? Now the Captains are taking all the glory for themselves.”

  “This isn’t about glory,” Nina said. “We defeated the Herald. That means the Captains shouldn’t have any trouble dispatching the next one. We should be grateful all of the weight isn’t on our shoulders.”

  “Besides, it’s not like we’re not doing our part,” I said. “We’ve got another raid.”

  “The Fire Golem…” Quentin ran his fingers through his messy hair. “Sounds like one hell of a monster… Anyway, we should probably get started now. Gotta use every minute we got to get ready for tomorrow. Where should we start?”

  We stood in the circular main hall of the Nerve Center with everybody moving all around us. Nina and Quentin looked to me while I thought about what to do first.

  “Liam.” I turned and saw Janice walking toward me. She greeted me with a smile and bowed her head, her tablet close to her chest like always. “Adviser Campbell would like to have a word with you in his office.”

  “He would, huh?” I looked at Quentin and Nina. “Meet in the Med Bay. I’m sure this shouldn’t take long.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Campbell sat as upright as possible at his desk as he glanced at his computer monitor. I’d been around the man plenty of times at this point but I still wasn’t quite sure what to make of him. Sometimes I was a little intimidated by his intensity. Other times, he almost seemed like an ordinary cadet. An old cadet, for that matter.

  He ran his hand over his smooth head and sighed a deep breath. I didn’t have to ask him whether or not the operation was weighing on his mind because it was obvious from the weariness in his eyes.

nbsp; “What level are you at right now?” he asked.

  “Level 23, last I checked. I was just heading to the Med Bay to input the last of my Red Mana.”

  “Still a Cavalier?”

  “That’s right. I’m pretty used to it at this point. My squad and I have built some good synergy. Wouldn’t wanna mess with it.”

  “That’s good.” He gave me half-a-smirk and the wrinkles on his leathery skin became more apparent. “You shouldn’t change just for the sake of it. But you should know, you keep your rank if you do decide to change. If you were incompetent in your new class, you wouldn’t be able to advance in rank. An Adept like you shouldn’t have a problem though.”

  “Maybe after the operation is over,” I said with a laugh. “It might be fun to try a new class with my squad.”

  He arched an eyebrow at me.

  “Uh… Maybe fun was the wrong word…” I said under my breath.

  He shifted his eyes toward his computer monitor. “You already heard what’s going to happen but I’m going to explain it to you again. The Class Captains will be leading an assault toward the direction location of the Herald while everybody else heads toward the World Boss. Completing both raids successfully eliminates both threats from making it through Pandora and into our dimension.”

  I nodded. “I understand. I’ll do my part. Whatever it takes to make sure the threat is neutralized.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way. Because you have a different task from the other cadets.”

  “I do?” I raised an eyebrow at him. The uncertainty made the butterflies flutter in my stomach. I never knew quite what to make of Campbell and right now wasn’t an exception.

  “You and a small contingent of Omegas will remain here on campus. You won’t take part in the assault on the Herald. You won’t take part in the raid against the World Boss.”

  “I… I’m supposed to do what here exactly?’

  “You’ll be on standby. With the Captains all being occupied, other Omegas need to remain here. In this case, you.”

  I almost couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My mouth open, I had to struggle to get the words out. “I don’t understand…”

  “What’s to understand? During a raid, the Captains are on standby. With the Captains occupied, someone else will need to stay back.”

  I leaned back in my seat, doing my best to ignore my frustration. “Are you telling me I’m not gonna get to fight in either raid?”

  “Not necessarily. If either raid needs assistance, that’s where you come in. But diverting all of our forces is something the Legion has never done. It was established protocol ever since the Legion was first established.”

  “Right… So I’m backup… Why me? How come I was chosen to stay back here? My squad and I were the ones who beat the Herald. You need us out there. Either battlefield.”

  “You said you would be willing to do whatever it takes to help.”

  “That’s right—”

  “And this is what you’re being told to do… Cadet Griffin will be leading the raid. He granted you with the task of standing by.”

  “Wait a second… Rhys? You let Rhys make the decision?”

  “Griffin is the highest-ranking Omega among all of you. You might have some personal issue with him but I don’t care. He’s proven his judgment is sound as the Apex. We won’t change procedure now.”

  I scoffed at the thought. Now I was just trying not to fall out of my seat. It was ridiculous and I had to bite my tongue to not come out and say it.

  “You’ll be on standby,” Campbell repeated. “The Junction engineers will be monitoring the progress of both assaults. Should your assistance be needed in either Junction, then you can provide it.”

  “Standby… I should be out there on the frontlines… But if that’s what it takes.”

  “Good. There’s nothing more to discuss. Dismissed.”

  39: Control

  The line in the Crafting Bay was longer than usual. Gage and all of the other engineers were hard at work upgrading the weapons and armor for all of the cadets waiting to get their gear.

  There was something in the air today. Not the usual smell of metal welding. It wasn’t the sound of machinery whirring and sparks flying either. No, it was something else entirely. The upcoming operation had everybody trying to get things done as fast as they could. With the Captains stepping up and a new objective laid out, there was an uncertainty that was almost palpable.

  Red Mana 8,675

  Blue Mana 9,125

  Green Mana 2,125

  “Lemme get this straight… We’re just supposed to sit around while everybody else is in the middle of the fight?”

  I went over my available Mana while Quentin lamented the details I just gave him.

  “That’s what I was told.”

  “Did you tell him you were the one who beat the Herald that started all of this nonsense? I mean, wouldn’t it make sense to send you back out there?”

  “If we can beat the Herald, the Captains shouldn’t have a problem.”

  “What about the World Boss? Are they really letting Rhys dictate who goes and who doesn’t?”

  “He’s still the Apex apparently.”

  “You know we did some big damage to the Basilisk.”

  “I know.”

  “…How come you’re not as pissed about this as I am?” Quentin crossed his arms. Even when he was mad, he still managed to make me smile.

  I wish I had the answers he was looking for. But all I could do was shrug.

  “I’ve been in this position before,” I said. “Never getting any credit even when you do something right… But those are our orders. Straight from Chancellor Layton himself.”

  He sighed and dropped his head. “Standby… I really hope everybody gets their ass kicked by the World Boss. I hope this Fire Golem just tears every cadet fighting it a new fuckin’ asshole in the most painful way possible so they know what they’re missing out on. I want them to experience nothing but misery and anguish because they need us out there.”

  The other cadets waiting in line turned and raised an eyebrow at him.

  “He doesn’t mean that,” I said to them, stifling my laugh. “He’s rooting for you guys. A hundred percent…”

  Nobody cared too much to pay any further attention to Quentin as he continued to pout.

  “Look at it this way,” I said. “We level up. We get our gear right. We get ready for war. If everything goes smooth and we’re not needed, we wait for the next Junction and jump right into it. And we go hard. No brakes. Just run through as many Junctions as we can. We’ll beat Rhys for the Apex when we get the chance. They can’t deny us the next time something like this happens.”

  Quentin swallowed a gulp of air to make his already puffy cheeks swell then slowly exhaled. “Damn, Liam. You’ve got a way of looking at the bright side of everything… I guess that’s why you’re Squad leader.”

  “I’m as pissed as you are. But you’ll get another chance to run another Shadow over.”

  Despite how upset he was, Quentin managed not to draw any more attention from the other cadets. We quickly made it to the counter where Engineer Gage was waiting, stroking his beard while he looked me up and down.

  “Cadet Aldridge,” I said.

  He moved back into the work area of the Crafting Bay then sorted through the suits of armor hanging on the wall. He pulled one of them off then set it down in front of me.

  “Everything’s been polished and reinforced,” Gage said. “That’s Cavalier armor.”

  I scanned it with my communicator and saw the information pop up on the display.

  Standard Cavalier Armor Core

  Defense Rating: D

  Core: 5% Damage Resistance

  Synergy Bonus (Quentin): 10% Damage Resistance

  Gage installed one of the Cores Nina found on our last venture. Along with the Synergy Bonus, I was a lot more confident I could take a hit.

  The light-blue sheen on the armor wasn�
��t different from how it usually looked. There was an aura emanating from the Core at the center. But the upper-left side of the chest drew my attention.

  Four bronze stars had been stamped underneath the Omega logo. I trailed my fingers over the metal and felt how rigid they were.


  Gage dropped my saber onto the counter.

  “I resharpened the edges and polished it. Can’t do much else with it without a new Core.”

  Silver Steel Saber

  Damage Rating: D

  Core: 5% Damage Increase

  Synergy Bonus (Paige): 10% Damage Increase

  Synergy Bonus (Brooke): 10% Damage Increase

  Now I understood why it was so important to find good Cores. My synergies made more of a difference than I expected them to.

  “I don’t suppose you can craft me a new weapon,” I said.

  “You got 10,000 blue babies, I can have something whipped up for you by tomorrow.”

  Blue Mana 9,125

  I double-checked and sighed when I saw that I didn’t have what he needed. “Need more Mana…”

  “You’re doing just fine with that saber,” Quentin said. “Why do you need a new one?”

  I thought about it for a moment. “I don’t know… It’d be pretty cool to have a new weapon.”

  “Is that why you’re here?” Gage grumbled. “To look cool? Unless you got something important, stop wasting my time.”

  Quentin picked up his gear after me and we stepped just outside of the Crafting Bay.

  “What do you got planned?” he asked.

  “Gear’s done. I got a training session with Captain Hamilton. Some new abilities opened up on the shop and I think I’m gonna get one.”

  “I’m gonna go see Captain Bell. Don’t see what good a new ability will do when we won’t even get the chance to use it.”

  “I’ll see you in the Med Bay right after. Maybe we can squeeze in some more of that hyperbaric training.”


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