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Finding Me (The Music Within Book 3)

Page 11

by Faith Gibson

  “Laci’s blonde-haired, blue-eyed like Mom was. So the baby has a better chance of looking like David if it’s his sperm that takes.”

  “I’m happy for you, Brett. I don’t care who the baby looks like as long as he or she is healthy.”

  “Me, too, Bry. Now, tell me all about this new job.”

  Bryan closed his eyes and told Brett all about meeting Andy at the VA Center and Erik getting them the job. He didn’t stop talking until he’d told his baby brother everything. Well, almost. He left out the part about his attraction to Andy.

  “I’m happy for you, Bry. Sounds like you found somewhere that’ll be healthy for you while you get adjusted to being back. Andy sounds hot, too.”

  “What?” Bryan hadn’t described Andy to Brett. “I didn’t say anything about his looks.”

  “Exactly. It’s what you didn’t say that spoke volumes. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you like him.”

  “Of course I like him. He’s perfect. As far as friends go,” Bryan added the last part so Brett didn’t get the wrong idea.

  “David and I started out as best friends. That’s a much better basis for a relationship than hot sex. The sex is a bonus.”

  Okay, so he already had the wrong idea. “I’ll keep that in mind. Listen, I need to go. We’re getting ready to eat. Mal’s mom and her boyfriend are here, so I’m going to go help set the table. Keep me posted on the baby.”

  “Will do. Love you, big brother.”

  “Love you, too.” Bryan disconnected and stared at the phone. Between the stirrings he got from looking at Andy and his brother’s words, Bryan was more confused than he’d ever been in his life. Surely, if Bryan was gay, he would have known it before now. He wouldn’t be attracted to women. He would be repulsed at thinking about them naked or having sex with them. You could be bisexual. Bryan had heard of people going for both men and women, but he’d never given it much thought. What if that’s the way he was wired? Andy wasn’t the first man to rev Bryan’s motor. It didn’t matter, though. They lived together, so it was probably a really bad idea to pursue his feelings. What if he was wrong and it was just a fluke? Andy might not want Bryan anyway. No, he needed to focus on the job he was hired to do and possibly continue looking for a nice girl to hang out with. With that decided, Bryan stood and headed to the kitchen to help out.

  Chapter Eleven


  With his chin against his chest, Andy let the hot water pelt down on his shoulders. The water swirled down the drain while his emotions swirled through his head and his heart. Between Suzette showing him love and tenderness and Bryan showing him… What exactly was Bryan showing him? Mixed signals for one thing. More than once he’d caught Bryan staring at his mouth. Andy was probably reading more into it than was really there. Pushing Bryan out of his mind, Andy let Suzette’s compassion soothe him. He might not have his own mother doting on him, but now he did have a woman who he could count on to be a surrogate. Suzette had said as much. She’d also asked Andy for his parents’ names and phone number so she could call them and give them a piece of her mind. Andy had laughed, but inside he was wishing his own mother could have loved him as fiercely as Suzette did Mal.

  Andy smiled at the protectiveness Mal’s mother showed over someone she’d just met. Wasn’t that the way all mothers should be? Protective of their young? Andy wasn’t that young now, but he had been when Hilary Holcomb stood idly by and allowed him to be tossed out when he was injured and bleeding. She didn’t care that he could have been dying. She allowed her love for money and a place in the community to override any maternal instinct she had. If it hadn’t been for Christy’s parents, he might have died. He knew he was being dramatic, but at the time, Andy felt like he was on the brink of succumbing to the injuries his so-called boyfriend had inflicted.

  Andy was thankful the scars from that night were on his back, where he couldn’t see them. If he had to endure seeing the reminders every time he looked in the mirror, he would probably have gone back to Texas and taken revenge on the bastards as soon as he left the Marines six months ago. Now, the thought crossed his mind about once a week instead of every day. It was another reason he turned Christy down about coming back to Irving. Orange wasn’t his color. Back when the shit went down with Patrick and his lover, the doctor who came to look at Andy had insisted he go to the police. Andy had been so scared he lied and said he didn’t remember what happened. How he wished that were the case.

  Grabbing the body wash, Andy pulled his mind out of the past and lathered up. As soon as the liquid turned to foam, Andy realized he’d picked up the wrong bottle. The scent was all Bryan. Andy rinsed the suds from his body and rewashed using his own stuff. Not that he was opposed to smelling like Bryan, but he enjoyed the scent so much he was afraid he’d be sniffing himself throughout supper. Once he was clean, Andy rinsed again and turned the water off, grabbing the towel he’d placed on the toilet tank.

  When he was halfway dry, he stepped out of the tub and wiped the steam off the mirror. Andy wrapped the towel around his waist and took a look at his reflection. Andy knew he was handsome. Too many women commented about his looks for him not to know it. So why had he never had a partner? Someone to really care about him? He’d known guys to hook up in the Marines. They’d had to keep their relationship under wraps, but it still happened. Andy hadn’t had sex with another man since Patrick. He’d never had a random hook-up. He was always too scared. He’d seen a club in Nashville that he wanted to visit, but there was always something that stopped him. One night, he had made it to the front door to Primus, but that was as far as he got. Going into the gay club alone with no one to have his back had him shaking. He’d turned around and gone back to his apartment where he drank himself to sleep. For the last eight years, Andy had nothing but his hand and toys to get him off.

  Was that going to be his lot in life? Never finding someone to make love to before curling up and drifting off to sleep? He’d spent the last few years of his military career dreaming of getting out, finding a partner, and building a life. It seemed like fate had something else in mind for him. Andy closed his eyes and did something he hadn’t done since he was a young boy – he prayed. He prayed that he wasn’t going to grow old alone.

  Not bothering with his hair, Andy dressed and headed to the kitchen where everyone was gathered. Since the table wasn’t all that big, Mal left the food on the stove and everyone dished out their own plates. It was what Francine referred to as buffet style. Andy liked it better this way. You didn’t have to wait for someone to pass the potatoes. When he sat down, he noticed there was already a glass of sweet tea in his spot. He didn’t question who put it there. He was pretty sure he knew who it was.

  Another problem with the table being small was that with the two extra chairs, everyone was seated pretty close. Bryan’s thigh was pressed up against Andy’s, and the heat from their legs touching was making Andy uncomfortable. Not that he wanted to move, he just didn’t want to sport a raging hard-on with Suzette sitting on his other side. As bad as it sounded in his head, he was glad the woman couldn’t see well at that moment.

  Walt asked Andy and Bryan about their time in the Marines. Neither man offered up too much detail with Suzette present. They told what company they were in, what their basic duties had been, and a little about their teammates. With Walt being in the Army during Vietnam, Andy and Bryan didn’t have to elaborate on their time in the Corps. The older man had seen as much death and destruction as they had. Maybe more. Walt might have been Army, but the comradery was there. As often as Andy had heard Marines putting down some of the other branches of service, he knew those same Marines would have their fellow warriors back if it came down to it.

  Walt explained how he took over his family farm when he got out. He didn’t mention a wife and children, so Andy assumed there never had been a family for Walt other than Suzette and Mal. It was evident in the way he went on and on about Mal that he thought of Mal as a son and not just a friend
. More than once, Walt touched Suzette’s hand and her face would light up. Anyone could see these were two people madly in love. If they could find love at a later stage in their lives, maybe there was hope for Andy yet.

  When Mal’s brother, Curtis, was mentioned, Suzette changed the subject to Cade. Andy had seen the pictures Suzette kept on the mantle, but the younger brother had been declared MIA. That was tough. Not knowing if one of your loved ones was dead or alive. If he was alive, he probably wished he was dead. Andy had seen some horrific things over the last eight years, most of which he’d never be able to forget. He couldn’t imagine being held and tortured.

  Suzette gushed the praises of Cade Anderson, and even Bryan got in on the conversation. When Suzette mentioned Cade playing and singing for them, Bryan suggested Andy play for her. “Our Andy is pretty good on the piano, too.”

  Our Andy?

  “Oh, Andy! Would you play something?” Suzette begged.

  “For you, I sure will.” Andy couldn’t deny Suzette anything. Just one conversation with the woman and she’d put a suture in his tattered heart. They had a new friend in Walt with their military connection, and Andy felt like he had a new family the way everyone joked with each other. Mal was their boss, but he didn’t make them feel like employees. He was more like a friend who was in charge during the day.

  “Come on. We’ll clean up the kitchen later.” Mal pushed back from the table, and Andy’s hands started sweating. It was one thing to play for Bryan, but another to play for Mal and Suzette when they’d had a rock star entertain them. He didn’t want to disappoint them.

  When he didn’t get up, Bryan put a hand on his shoulder as if reading his mind. “Hey, don’t be nervous. You’re really good.” Andy leaned into Bryan’s hand, letting the comfort wash over him. Bryan gave a squeeze and pulled away. “Come on, Lily. Show ‘em what you got.”

  Andy nodded and stood. He could do this. Andy played for almost an hour. Suzette requested country songs they all knew. Well, everyone except Bryan. Andy chanced a few glances at Bryan every now and then, afraid his friend was getting bored, but he was smiling. At one point, Walt swung Suzette around the room in a two-step. Mal had a decent singing voice that blended smoothly with Andy’s. By the time Walt said he was taking his woman home, Andy’s heart had another couple of stitches, mending the hurt from the past.

  Before his mom left, Mal plated the extra food to send home with Suzette and Walt. Walt shook hands with the men, and Suzette gave them all tight hugs and kisses on their cheeks. When she got to Andy, she placed her hands on his face and whispered, “Thank you, my boy.” And there it was – another stitch. If he hung around Suzette very long, she’d have his heart mended in no time.

  While Mal was outside checking on the animals, Andy began washing dishes. Without asking, Bryan cleared off the table, bringing the dirties to Andy. When he’d done that, Bryan stepped next to Andy and began rinsing. The silence wasn’t uncomfortable. The heat from Bryan was. Andy was glad he was facing the sink. Mal returned and asked, “Are y’all goin’ out tonight? If not, I’m gonna lock up and hit the alarm.”

  “I’m not. Are you?” Andy asked Bryan.

  “No, I’m good right here,” Bryan replied, glancing at Andy.

  “Okay, then. If y’all are good in here, I’m gonna head on up to bed. Got a hot rock star waitin’ on my call. ‘Night.”

  “Goodnight,” Andy and Bryan said in unison.

  Andy focused on the dishes. He scrubbed the plates a little longer than necessary. If Bryan was happy doing something as mundane as the dishes, who was Andy to hurry things along? Having his best friend want to spend time with him was a good feeling. Andy wasn’t going to pretend he didn’t want this – whatever this was.

  After a few minutes, Andy asked, “I know we’ve only been here a few days, but how do you like it so far?”

  “I like it. Mal’s a good boss, and Walt and Suzette are great.”

  “Yeah, kind of like the parents I should’ve had,” Andy muttered.

  “I know what you mean. Not about the mother part, because mine was wonderful. But being around them feels like having a family again. I love my sister and brothers, but this is different. This feels like…”

  “Home,” Andy finished.

  “Yeah. It does.” Bryan’s voice was wistful. Andy had to remember that he wasn’t the only one who’d lost something. While Bryan had siblings, it wasn’t like they were around to comfort him. Anyone looking at Bryan on the outside would see this muscled Marine. Tatted and tough. People probably thought the same thing of Andy. It was the pain on the inside folks couldn’t see. Andy knew the pain. As he let the water empty down the drain, he had the sudden urge to hug Bryan. Not in a sexual way, but in a way that let him know he was there for him.

  Wiping his hands on the dish towel, Andy turned to Bryan who was lost in thought. “This might sound all kinds of wrong, but can I have a hug?” It was his way of offering support to his friend but making it seem like he was the one who needed comforting. It wasn’t a lie. Other than Suzette, Andy couldn’t remember the last time someone held him close.

  Bryan didn’t hesitate to open his massive arms. Andy stepped forward and wrapped his own arms around Bryan’s waist as he cradled his face in Bryan’s neck, inhaling the scent of his best friend’s skin. Bryan leaned his cheek against Andy’s hair and held on. As the two men stood together, just offering support, it felt right to Andy. The scent of Bryan’s body wash invaded his senses. The broad expanse of Bryan’s back tensed and relaxed under Andy’s fingertips. Their lower bodies fit perfectly. Andy’s dick must have thought so, too. When it began twitching, Andy knew it was time to pull back. He wanted this with Bryan. The friendship. The comfort. Before his dick got too hard and he scared Bryan away, Andy begrudgingly removed his face from the warmth of Bryan’s neck and said, “Thank you.”

  Bryan didn’t immediately remove his hands. When Andy pulled back, Bryan’s hands remained on Andy’s hips. Bryan’s eyes searched every inch of Andy’s face, landing on his lips. Andy held his breath. Just when he thought Bryan was going to kiss him, his friend closed his eyes and stepped back. “You’re welcome.” When Bryan opened his eyes, they were filled with so much emotion. Longing. Lust. Doubt. Andy wanted nothing more than to kiss Bryan, but not until he was ready. Andy wouldn’t dare risk doing something to jeopardize the friendship they had.

  “I’m going to turn in. I’ll see you in the morning.” Andy fisted his hands to keep from touching Bryan and made his way down the hall to his bedroom. He didn’t bother brushing his teeth or taking a piss. He needed relief, and he needed it quick. With only the light of the moon shining into the room, Andy removed all his clothes including his underwear. Opening the bedside drawer, he didn’t have to contemplate which toy he would use. He grabbed the dildo he liked to imagine was the same size as Bryan. The lube was already on the bed under the spare pillow. Andy found no sense in putting it in the drawer when he used it so often. Nobody came into his room, so what did it hurt to leave it out?

  Andy was on his knees with his face to his pillow. Using his slicked-up fingers, he stretched his hole. His dick was already hard as fucking nails. By the time he got the toy to his entrance, Andy was ready to blow his load. He grabbed the base of his cock with one hand, stemming the flow of blood. With the other hand, he circled his ready hole with the dildo. The toy wasn’t a monster. When Andy ordered his toys, he wanted something to make him feel good, not rip him apart like… Taking a deep breath, Andy slipped the life-like tip into his channel, inch by inch until it was as far in as it would go. Andy fucked his ass slowly at first, enjoying how the slight burn morphed into pleasure.

  With his eyes squeezed shut, Andy imagined Bryan behind him, filling him up. Until he met Bryan, all Andy’s fantasies had him on top, pounding into the tight ass of a twink. He was the one with the power. The control. Andy’s massive size allowed him to toss around his lover. Never had he let someone have control over him in his fantasies.
Now, all he could think about was Bryan taking control of his body. Sliding his dark cock in and out of Andy. Hitting his prostate the same way the dildo was. Remembering the smell of Bryan’s neck from just a few minutes before, Andy grabbed his cock and stroked it in time with his thrusts. He needed the release. Andy welcomed the way his body tensed as his orgasm washed over him quickly. With thoughts of Bryan in his head, his release shot into his hand and onto the bed.

  Andy removed the toy from his ass and eased over to his side so his sensitive cock wouldn’t be pressed between the mattress and his body. A couple of aftershocks pulsed through his dick, and Andy sucked in a breath with each one. He lay there, spent. Andy pulled the spare pillow to his chest, hugging it close, pretending it was Bryan he was holding onto instead of a piece of material filled with foam. What he wouldn’t give to lay his head on Bryan’s massive shoulder and toss his leg over Bryan’s thigh. Hell, if Bryan wanted to cover Andy instead, he wouldn’t object. As long as they were entwined as they slept deeply together after making love.

  If Andy ever had the chance to get with Bryan, he had no doubt it wouldn’t be merely fucking. But Bryan wasn’t going to fall into bed with Andy just because he was horny. The man was straight, even if he stared at Andy’s lips. He had a gay brother, so he probably was wondering what it would be like to be with another man. Andy was certain that’s all it was, though – curiosity.

  Andy was curious, too. He had never been with another man in a way that counted. In a way that didn’t end in pain. Maybe that was why he’d never allowed himself to find pleasure at the hands of any of the other gay Marines. He was too scared. Then why wasn’t he scared of Bryan? Because he would never hurt you. Fuck! In less than two weeks, Andy was falling. Hard.


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