Jasper (Cloves County Cowboys Book 2)

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Jasper (Cloves County Cowboys Book 2) Page 15

by Amelia Shea

  “Only time I’ve ever seen my dad cry was when Tripp was sick.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “What for?”

  “I don’t want to upset you bringing it up.”

  “You didn’t. It’s been awhile since I thought about it, it was so long ago. Tripp, now, it’s hard to believe, he was ever weak. His mouth sure as hell made a full recovery.”

  Kellie laughed. “He definitely is a pompous one, huh?”

  “Now, you’re just being kind. He’s an asshole, but he’s my brother. Deep down there’s some good, just gotta look. Real hard.” Jasper tossed the napkin on the plate and sat back. “Some of how Tripp turned out falls on me and Grey’s shoulders. Along with the rest of the family, we spoiled him. When he was having a rough time with some kids in school, we stepped in, taking up for him.” Jasper shook his head. “We created a monster thinking he could do and say anything, and no one would mess with him, or we’d come down on them.”

  “Hell is paved with good intentions?”


  Kellie chuckled. “Well, Tripp has always been decent to me.”

  Jasper stopped short of showing his surprise. It may not have been deserved, but someone like Kellie would have been a perfect source of ridicule for Tripp.

  “He better.” Jasper got up and took the plates to the sink. He turned to see Kellie pushing her chair in. He strolled over and slid his hands around her waist, leaving only an inch separating them.

  “Let’s get you back to bed.”

  Her brow quirked, and her lips spread in a sultry smile. “Fine by me.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “To sleep. I got about an hour or two before I shower and get ready. You get some sleep and hang out. I’ll drive you back to your place at noon.”

  “We’re still on for Friday, right?”

  They were definitely on, but the idea of waiting another day to see her didn’t sit well with him. He was getting addicted to the mere presence of her. Maybe he should be taking things slower. It’s what his old self would have done. No.

  “Yeah, Friday night is on. You gonna invite me in at the end of the night?”

  “Like you have to ask.” She leaned in, taking his lips for a kiss.

  Chapter Ten

  Jasper shut down the tractor and sat back in the seat. It was too damn hot. He grabbed the thermos near his feet and chugged the water in one shot. He’d been doing the fields for as long as he could remember, and it was his least favorite job on the ranch.

  It was barely eleven, and he’d been out since eight. Three-quarters of the field had been plowed and turned over. The wheat crops were the most lucrative in the way of harvesting, with barley falling second.

  Beyond the ridge, Jasper caught sight of Grey coming in on Bullet. He waited until he was across the field before hopping out of the tractor.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Figured I’d check on the progress.” He scanned the field. “Looks like you almost got it done.”

  “Another hour or so. This damn heat is slowing me down though.”

  Grey dismounted from the horse and handed him the small drinking cooler. Jasper didn’t even bother to put it on the tractor. He opened up the top and drank. The cold water flowing down his throat was pure heaven. His body cooled.

  “I got the plans we have to go over for the fall. Come over for dinner, and we can go through them tonight.”

  Jasper cleared his throat, wiping the sweat seeping into his eyes. “Can’t tonight, I got plans.”

  “What’s going on?”

  Jasper glanced over his shoulder. Another quarter crops would take his mind off her until he actually saw Kellie tonight. He was trying to stay focused, but she was making it hard. Her texts started coming in an hour ago. He could ignore them till later or even mention he was busy, but he wanted this. It may not be the sound of her voice, but it was something.

  “Taking Kellie out?”

  Without even watching Grey, Jasper could feel his eyes on him. It wasn’t a secret he’d been spending time with her. Even if he was trying to keep it between them, it would have been foiled. Kellie was close with Britt. There was no doubt Grey had more information about him and Kellie than Jasper had mentioned.

  “You getting serious about her?”

  Was he? Jasper shrugged. “I like being around her.”

  “I bet you do.” Grey chuckled.

  Jasper jerked his head and glared. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” The heat rising in his blood had nothing to do with temperature. He’d always been closest to his oldest brother, and he considered him his best friend. However, Jasper wouldn’t tolerate anything negative about Kellie, even from Grey.

  Grey held out his hand, palm up. “Settle down, Jas. I just meant, Kellie’s a sweet girl, and her beauty doesn’t hurt either. Damn, man, why you so wired?”

  “Just don’t want you saying anything bad about her.”

  “Why would I? I’ve always liked Kellie, and her being friends with Britt, I like her more anyhow.”

  “Sorry, I know you wouldn’t.” He yanked off his hat, wiping his forehead. “Just feeling really protective of her.”

  “I can see that. It ain’t a bad thing, Jas.”

  “I know, just catching me by surprise, I guess.” Jasper snorted. “Kellie caught me by surprise. She’s different than I thought.”

  “How so?”

  “You know what people say…”


  “No, I know, people like to spew bullshit and rumors, and God knows I’ve never bought into it. But it’s out there and makes her come off as something she’s not. She’s got a big heart, and she’s kind.” Jasper smirked. “Makes me laugh and is the only other woman besides Britt that teases me. Hell, the woman looks like she could be on magazines with her face and body and yet, her face lights up feeding baby goats.” Jasper chuckled, thinking about the scene.

  “Those damn goats. Who woulda thought the way to a woman’s heart was through those furry-assed goats.”

  Jasper laughed, knowing Britt had a thing for them also.

  “I just want to be around her.”

  “Then keep doing what you’re doing, Jas.”

  Jasper sighed and put on his hat. “The girl has got me all rallied up.”

  Grey snickered. “Good women usually do. Where you taking her?”

  “Steakhouse on Main.”

  Grey nodded. “Wine and dine her then…”

  “Do not finish that sentence.”

  Grey burst out laughing. “The finish is the best part, little brother.” He clapped Jasper on his back and pointed to the open field. “You want me to finish up?”

  “No, I got it.”

  “Then I’ll leave you to it.”

  Jasper got up on the tractor and spent the next two hours on the field. It probably would have been less had he not stopped to respond to Kellie. It was mostly small talk but worth stalling his work for.

  He was just locking the tractor for the night when his phone pinged. All ease left his body as he stared down at the single word message.


  Abby had made calls and left numerous messages on his voicemail, but all went unanswered. This must be her new tactic for reaching him. He shoved his phone in his pocket and started toward his horse. He had a feeling no matter how much he tried to avoid Abby, she wouldn’t back off until he talked to her.


  “Why am I so damn nervous?”

  Kellie tugged on the hem of her dress. It came to her mid-thigh standing. Too short?

  “Walk away.” She should be taking her own advice and stepping back from the mirror she’d been standing in front of for the past twenty minutes.

  She glanced down at her phone. Jasper would be there any second. She rushed around her room and started down the stairs, locking up behind her. Her day had consisted of cleaning her apartment, food shopping, and a trip to the Laundromat to clean her sheets. It was all in prep
aration for Jasper staying the night. It had been a while since she had anyone stay at her place, and she couldn’t remember putting this much effort in making it perfect in the past.

  She stood on her porch waiting. The light rain was drizzling, and she caught sight of his headlights. She made a quick run for the passenger door as he slowed down in front of her house. She gripped the door, opened it, and jumped into the truck. When she slammed the door, she turned to face him. His eyes were narrowed.


  “Why you waiting in the rain, I would have come in for you? Got an umbrella and all.” He jerked his chin to the backseat. A large green umbrella lay on the seat.

  She inched closer, pressing her lips against his. “I didn’t want you to have to get out in the rain either.” His firm lips were trying to resist her. She liked a challenge, especially from Jasper. She curled her hand on his neck, feeling the heat of his skin. She swiped her tongue across his bottom lip, and he reacted the way she wanted. His lips parted, and she slid inside his mouth.

  He pulled away, too quickly for her liking, and settled into his seat. “Reservations are at seven. You keep kissing me, we’ll be skipping dinner.”

  She smirked and shrugged. “Sounds good to me.”

  Jasper shook his head, tightening his lips and holding back a laugh. He failed.

  The drive to the restaurant was only a few miles away from her house. The conversation with him was easy. She talked mainly about the bar. By the time they arrived, Jasper pulled into a spot and jumped out so quickly Kellie was confused. Was something wrong? She craned her neck to see him walk behind the truck.

  She gripped the handle, and the door opened. Jasper stood with the door open and a grin. Did he really rush just to open the door for me? She laced her fingers through his when he reached out his hand and helped her from the truck.

  “Always the gentleman, Jasper.”

  “I try.”

  He didn’t let go of her hand even when he opened the door to the restaurant. Her jitters seemed to increase as they went in. If you were going to be seen in Cloves County, this was the place. She shimmied her legs in hopes of the hem lowering, but it did the opposite, and her dress hiked up a bit.

  “Evening, reservation for Fords.”

  The hostess smiled at him and glanced down at her station. “Follow me.”

  Jasper gestured for Kellie to go in front of him. With the loss of his hand, she was able to tug at her hem. She felt his breath on her neck.

  “You’re awfully fidgety tonight.”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “I’m rethinking this dress; it keeps riding up.”

  Jasper gazed down her legs and smirked. “Got no problem with that.”

  Kellie rolled her eyes as they were led to the back table in the corner. She refused to look around the restaurant. It was obviously packed, and she felt the stares. Jasper beat her to her chair and pulled it out for her.

  “Thank you.”

  When Jasper took his seat and the menus from the hostess, Kellie couldn’t help but just watch him. He was beautiful.

  He glanced up and lowered his brows. “What?”

  She shrugged, feeling the heat rise in her neck. “You look very handsome.”

  Jasper stared at her for a long while. She would have given anything to know what he was thinking. The corner of his mouth cocked up. “Did I tell you how you beautiful you look tonight?”


  “How about I show you later?”


  The rest of dinner was perfect. The conversation with Jasper was effortless. They talked about everything from family to friends, to the bar and ranch. She did the majority of talking. It was easy. She felt comfortable around him, something she thought she’d never feel. Every once in a while, she’d stop and ask, “Am I talking too much?”

  Jasper smiled. “No. I like hearing and watching you tell a story.”


  “Yeah, your hands all over the place, your facial expressions. The way your voice changes when you quote someone else. I like it.”

  By the time they had finished dinner, she was eager to get him back to her place. The idea of having him wake up in her bed next to her was something of amazement. They started out to the truck hand in hand when his cell rang.

  She half listened to the conversation, which she gathered was a call from the ranch. When she hopped in the truck, Jasper’s tone completely changed. Whatever was being discussed was not making him happy. The last thing she heard before he closed the door was, “It’s my night off.”

  Kellie sunk into the seat. She had a feeling she knew where this night was going to lead Jasper, and it wasn’t back to her place. She sighed and turned her head toward his door. Through the window, she could see Jasper drive his hand into his hair.

  He opened the door and clicked off the phone without another word. He settled into his seat, his body tense and his face darkened. She had misread him earlier. He wasn’t unhappy; he was pissed.

  “Gotta go, huh?”

  Jasper turned to her, his lips tight and a scowl so deep the lines on his forehead creased. “I’m sorry, Tripp got stuck in the auction in Laramie.”


  Jasper’s gritted his teeth. “So, he claims.”

  Kellie sat back and smiled. “Stuck in what is the question.”

  Jasper stared at her, and his lips spread into a smile, and he snickered. He started up the engine and put the truck in reverse. This night was not ending how either one of them had planned.

  “I could come with you and help?”

  “It’s gonna be barn work, very dirty and sweaty.”

  “And not in the good way, right?”

  Jasper laughed.

  Kellie shrugged. “I just wanna be with you, Jasper.” She had regrets after the words slipped past her lips. Was she being too clingy, too pushy? She glanced over, prepared to retract the offer, when his lips landed on hers, pushing her back into her seat. His mouth covered hers, warm and wet, with a desperate force that made her moan. She slid her hands to his neck, feeling the heat of his skin.

  Making out in the parking lot was not how she had planned this date, but when Jasper Fords kissed her, she was helpless. He kissed her lips softly before pulling away just an inch. “We’ll stop by your place for a change of clothes.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “I’ll give you credit for originality, Jasper.”

  Jasper tossed a bale of hay onto the stack and wiped his forehead. Kellie stood on the top stair, leaning against the wooden rail.

  Her lips twitched. “Been on a lot of dates, but never once did they end with me shoveling shit.” She sauntered forward. “Would it be too cliché if I suggested we take a roll in the hay?”

  “Not unless you enjoy the smell of mouse piss.”

  She scrunched her face in disgust, causing Jasper to burst out laughing. Her shoveling shit was of her own doing. She insisted on mucking out the stalls. In fact, he was against it at first, but Kellie was persistent. Aside from her jab, she didn’t complain once.

  “What else can I do?”

  Jasper raised a brow.

  “I mean in the barn.” She clucked her tongue. “Dirty mind, Jasper.”

  “I’m about done here. Then I plan on taking you to bed.” He grabbed another bale, tossing it onto the stack. “After a shower, of course.”

  Five minutes later they were walking up the path to his house.

  “So, why’d you choose to build a house here?”

  “The ranch is my job, it’s not gonna change.” He glanced around to his parents’ house. “I like being close, saves me on gas money.”

  “So gas money is the reason.”

  Jasper chuckled. “I love it here, always have. My family is close. Eventually, my kids will play in the same yard as I did, learn to ride on the same trails as me when I was their age. It’s home.”

  She released his hand and winded her arm around his bicep
, hugging into him. “I’m saving for a house.”

  That caught him by surprise. “You are?”

  “Yeah, I still have a ways to go, but I’m getting there. It won’t be anything spectacular like this but…” she shoved her face against his jacket and mumbled, “It’ll be a home.”

  Jasper leaned down and kissed her head, taking in her sweet scent. “I’m sure it will be perfect.” He pulled his arm from her grip and wrapped it around her shoulder as they neared his house.

  Jasper opened the door and ushered Kellie into the mudroom. The room was small, his washer and dryer taking up most of the space. He shut the door and hung up his hat on the top hook above the coat rack. She was half undressed, her pants around her ankles, giving him the most glorious view of her ass. It wasn’t a thong, but damn close. The lines of her panties etched close to the crease, showing most of her cheeks. The rumble in his chest from his growl got her attention, and she glanced over her shoulder. A small smile crept up, and her eyebrow raised.

  “Like what ya see, cowboy?” She did a lot of teasing when they were together. He liked it. For the first time in his life, he had a woman who was fun. Not to say Abby or the other women weren’t fun, but they weren’t like Kellie. He laughed more with her, and she was silly, which was not a trait he shared. It was almost refreshing to be with someone who didn’t take everything so seriously.

  He pulled off his jacket, continuing to stare. He tossed it on the bench and stalked over to her. Where most women would have turned around to face him, Kellie remained in her spot, offering him the view of her ass. He braced his hands on the dryer, caging her in, and dropped a kiss to her lips.


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