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Jasper (Cloves County Cowboys Book 2)

Page 18

by Amelia Shea

  “Eager to get out of here?”

  “Nah, just itching to get back on the circuit full time. Gone too long, people forget about you.”

  Travis had been sidelined a few months back due to an injury. Of the four men, he was the only one who’d left town straight after graduation with a grandiose dream of being a bull rider. Travis had just enough talent and passion to turn his dream into a reality if he could just stay focused. His current focus was a tiny denim skirt shaking her ass to the likes of country music’s finest.

  “’Scuse me, boys.”

  Jasper smirked as he watched his friend stroll onto the dance floor to pounce on his prey. Travis had always been lucky with the ladies, even back in school. Some things never changed, he gathered. He turned his head, stretching his neck to see the packed bar. The bar was lined with patrons. He caught a glimpse of a purple shirt and long brown hair, and his lips curled.

  Kellie was walking out from the back hall with her tray tucked under her arm. As if sensing his presence, her gaze traveled around the room until it landed on him. He smiled and was prepared to give her a quick hello. She obviously had other plans in mind. She grinned, keeping her gaze on him as she rushed forward, dropping her tray on the bar and heading his way.

  He circled around the table, meeting her halfway. He was unprepared for the greeting she gave him. Her hands gripped his waist and pulled his body against hers before landing a kiss on his lips which was better suited for privacy. Her lips skittered over his. Jasper was never one for PDA, even back with Abby. Aside from holding hands, he wanted to keep everything else private. Making out in the center of a busy bar was new territory for him. He should have known better, giving the gossips more ammo, but as her tongue glided across his bottom lip and his body heated with desire, all responsible thoughts went out the door.

  Her body molded into him and his hand dropped to her back, tugging her a little closer. He enjoyed the kiss one second longer before pulling back and narrowing his eyes playfully.

  “You happy to see me?”

  “What gave it away?” Kellie giggled and winked but made no move to distance them.

  Kellie was so different from any other woman he’d been with. She was completely open and self-assured. Jasper could feel the stares without even looking around. He was lying to himself if he didn’t admit, as much as he enjoyed her enthusiasm, he wasn’t big on being a conversation piece for the locals. He stepped back, releasing her. If she was bothered by it, she didn’t let it show. Instead, she cocked her head and smiled. “You coming home with me tonight?”

  “If I’m invited.”

  “You’re always invited.” Her words came through as a seductive purr, making the crotch of his jeans tighten. He drew in a breath.

  “You best get back to work before you get fired.”

  “Right! You guys need refills?”

  “Cara’s getting them.”

  She winked and turned, but he couldn’t resist. Just one more kiss. He gripped her arm, pulling her back into his chest, and leaned forward slowly. The kiss was soft and lingered longer than he intended. She seemed caught off guard with him making the first move, but she curled against his body again.

  When he broke the kiss, her eyes were glazed over, a smile playing over her lips. She slowly pulled out of his grasp and sauntered back toward the bar. Jasper watched her and took notice of other men doing the same. He scowled at an older guy at the bar watching Kellie’s ass sway as she bent over the bar to put in her order.

  Get used to it. He ripped his stare from the bar and headed back to the table. Lucas smirked and shook his head.

  “You got it bad for her.”

  Jasper didn’t answer. He couldn’t deny it, nor did he want to. After a few seconds of awkward silence, conversation resumed, and the guys waited for their beer and the darts to become available. Cara weaved to their table with their order.

  She was an odd one, always had been. She mostly kept to herself, and like Kellie, she was the talk of the town. Actually, it was her father who had been a favorite topic, which left Cara a casualty of conversation. He hadn’t known her well and barely interacted with her, but he knew of her. She was very much a Jekyll and Hyde type of person. He never knew what side he’d see.

  “Thanks, Cara,” Lucas said.

  “You’re welcome. Where’s your girl tonight? Too busy making voodoo dolls of the county’s most scandalous to come out for a drink?”

  Nick snorted, choking on his beer, while Jasper held back from laughing. Lucas craned his neck slowly. He didn’t glare, but his scowl was enough to show some anger at Cara’s statement. Lucas’ girlfriend, Sarah, was also Jasper’s cousin. She wasn’t a bad person, but Sarah had a jealous streak which brought out her nasty side. She was also insecure, and she had a way of thinking in black and white. If a person didn’t fit the mold of what she deemed proper then they must be devil. It was a poor way to go about life, but that was Sarah. Although he’d never bear witness, Jasper assumed Cara had felt the wrath of his cousin once or twice.

  “It’s guys’ night.”

  Cara squinted. “She lets you have a guy’s night?’

  Jasper watched the tense exchange, wondering if he was missing something. Lucas was considered a good guy. Everyone liked him. He had no idea where the hostility was coming from on Cara’s end.

  “Whatever problem you may have with Sarah, it’s got nothing to do with me, Cara.”

  Cara smiled and shrugged. “Oh, I’ve got no problem. Just curious is all.”

  Travis came forward, tossing his arm around Cara’s shoulder, and announced it was their turn for darts. Lucas got up quickly and walked around Cara, not sparing her a glance. Nick followed, and Jasper turned back to see Travis shaking his head with a grin.

  “Why ya gotta mess with him?”

  “What? I call it like I see it. Sarah’s a raging bitch in church clothes.” She glanced over at Jasper. “Sorry.” Nothing in her tone said she was genuinely apologetic though. Jasper had the feeling Cara’s hostility may have something to do with how Sarah had treated Kellie in the past. He didn’t recall his cousin ever being rude or mean to Cara, though he wouldn’t put it past her.

  “Well, do me a favor and save your sharp tongue for rowdy drunks, and leave Lucas be.”

  Cara rolled her eyes and shrugged away from Travis’s arm. “Lucas is a big boy, Trav. He don’t need you taking up for him.” She turned quickly and walked away.

  Travis laughed and said nothing more. Jasper was about to follow him to the darts when his name was called out. He glanced over his shoulder to see Abby coming his way. Ah hell. He knew he’d run into her from time to time, but it didn’t mean he liked it. All her calls and texts he’d left unanswered.

  Jasper braced his body as she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Hey, Jasper. How are you?” She was completely done up, her hair and makeup flawless. She was pretty, always had been, but something had changed now when he looked at her. Maybe it was him. Seeing the ugly inside a person had a way of changing how they appeared on the outside.

  “Fine, and you?” Being cordial had been embedded into his brain from his mother as he grew up.

  “Great. Excited to finally get out for the night.” She smiled. “You want to get a drink with me?”

  He lifted his head to the back where the guys were waiting on him. “I’m up next.” He didn’t have to see their faces to know they were probably throwing glares her way. It was confirmed when she looked over his shoulder and lost her smile.

  “Oh, well, maybe later then.”

  Hell no. He lowered his chin without saying a word and strolled back to the guys. They played for the next hour. His attention was mainly focused on Kellie though. A flash of purple and his eyes sought her out. She was laughing with an older couple at one of the tables.

  Suddenly his vision was obscured, and Abby was standing in front of him. She looked uneasy and nervous.

  “Can I ask a huge favor?”
Abby’s hand resting on his forearm. He glanced down, resisting the urge to yank it away from her touch. The idea of Abby thinking she could ask him for a favor was absurd in itself. Cordial, Jasper.

  “What do you need?”

  She sighed, giving him a small smile. Her smile used to set his heart racing, not anymore. “Lara is too drunk to drive so she’s leaving with Ben. I was wondering if you could give me a ride home.”

  Jasper’s brows furrowed. “Why can’t Ben drive you?”

  “Well, he’s in town and walked here. Ryan offered me a ride but—” She bit her lip and glanced behind her. He followed her gaze to see Ryan staring at them. “I just don’t feel comfortable with him. I thought maybe you could drop me off on your way home.” Jasper didn’t know Ryan well, but he seemed like a decent guy.

  “I’m not leaving now, Abby.”

  She grinned, shrugging her shoulders. “All right. I’m up to staying for as long as you want.”

  That was not what he meant. He shook his head. “I’m not going home tonight; I’m staying at Kellie’s.”

  “Oh.” Her eyes widened. “So, the rumors are true, huh?”

  “Don’t know what rumors you’re talking about, but I’m with Kellie if that’s what you’re getting at.”

  Now she got it. Her face fell, and her eyes welled. Damn, seeing any woman cry was hard enough. He shouldn’t feel anything.

  “Jasper, you’re up, man,” Nick said, coming between him and Abby.

  Jasper grabbed the darts and made his way to the back. His four shots came close to a bulls-eye but didn’t quite make it. He handed the darts off to Lucas and headed to the table to get his beer. Abby was standing exactly where he’d left her. Son of a bitch. He was hoping she would have gone in search of another ride.

  He slowed his steps and took in her stance. She seemed less confident than her usual self.

  He grabbed his beer and turned to the dartboard, watching Lucas take his turn.


  He turned to see her playing with the hem of her shirt, not meeting his stare. “Yeah?”

  She glanced up. “I know I shouldn’t ask, and I’m really sorry to put you in this position, but I have no one else to take me home. Some of the things Ryan was saying earlier…I really don’t want to be alone with him. My parents are away this weekend. I really need a ride home. Please.”

  Ah hell, why was she doing this? Surely, he wasn’t her only option. He could just imagine how this was going to look to everyone around him. Everything inside him told him to tell her no, but there was a small part that couldn’t allow it. He’d feel awful if something happened because he wouldn’t give her a ride. As much disdain as he had for Abby, she was still a woman, and he couldn’t just send her home with Ryan who was making her uneasy. He glanced down at his phone. It was well after one, but if he hurried, he could drop Abby off and be back by two for Kellie.

  “Give me a minute.”

  She reached out, grabbing his shoulder and kissed him on the cheek. He pulled away and walked toward the bar to see Kellie waiting on an order. He cupped her waist, and she jerked, her eyes blazing until she registered it was him. Her lips curled into a grin. “I was set to punch you, thinking you were a random drunk.” She laughed, turning into his chest. Had some guy grabbed her the way he just had, she wouldn’t have had the time to punch him; Jasper would have knocked him out in a heartbeat.

  “Listen, if it’s all right with you, I’m gonna give Abby a ride home, but I’ll be back before two.” Jasper sucked in a breath when he saw her face fall. It was a quick move she tried to cover.

  “Abby needs a ride?”

  “Yeah, her friend got too drunk to take her home. And the guy they were with is making her uncomfortable, so she asked me.” Jasper watched Kellie’s expression. She glanced over her shoulder, and her lips tightened into a straight line. “You all right with this?’

  Her gaze flickered to meet his and she nodded, but something was off. “Sure, I’ll see you later.”

  He leaned in, taking her lips in a kiss. He turned and made his way to Abby. He had seen her jerk her head when he turned around. It was good she saw him kissing Kellie. He didn’t want there to be any confusion that him driving her home was anything more than being kind.

  “I can take you home, but it’s got to be now.”

  Abby smiled. “Thank you, Jasper. I’ll grab my jacket.” She rushed off, and he made his way to the guys huddled in a circle.

  “I’m taking off now, let Travis stand in for me.”

  “Where you off to, thought you were staying till Kellie’s shift ended?”

  “Abby needs a ride home. I’ll be back.” Jasper turned, but a firm hand gripped his arm, halting him to an abrupt stop. He looked up to see Lucas glaring at him.

  “You’re driving Abby home? Does Kellie know about this?”

  “Yeah, I told her, she’s fine with it.”

  Travis laughed and shook his head. “As a friend, I’ll lay it out for you. I don’t give a shit what Kellie said; she’s not okay with it.”

  “Agreed,” Lucas chimed in.

  “It’s just a ride home. I’ll be back in thirty.”

  “Why can’t she find someone else?”

  Jasper shrugged. “She tried, there is no one else.”

  Travis snorted. “Don’t do it, man. I’m telling you, huge fucking mistake you’re about to make.”

  Abby came up to the group, and Jasper turned toward the door. He glanced over his shoulder to see Kellie watching them. He smiled and shot up his hand. She waved back and smiled, but it wasn’t her usual. He was second-guessing this decision.

  By the time he got to Abby’s house, it was confirmed, Travis was right. Huge fucking mistake. Abby spent the last twenty minutes rehashing their high school days with remember prom night, remember skinny dipping at the lake, and so on.

  When he pulled up her driveway, he didn’t even bother to put the truck in park.

  “You want to come in for a bit?”

  He glared through the windshield. He was furious with himself. She had planned this. She knew damn well he and Kellie were together, and now she was inviting him in? Of all the feelings rolling over in his body, disgust was the strongest.

  “No, I gotta get back to the bar.”

  Jasper sucked in a breath as she leaned closer. His grip on the steering wheel tightened.

  “Are you sure, Jasper?” she whispered.

  His face burned in rage. Damn this woman. She completely played his kindness, and now she wanted to get him inside her house, and he assumed, her body. Fuck, he should have listened to the guys.

  She pressed her breasts into his arm. He turned to see her leaning in and zeroing in on his lips. He jerked his head and stretched back to the door.

  “Not interested in anything you’re offering, Abby.”

  She froze, and her face paled. She slowly retreated back into her seat with her mouth falling open. Did she really think he was going to throw away everything he had with Kellie for her? Yes. He snorted in disgust and shook his head.

  “Next time you need a ride, find someone else, Abby. Now,” he raised his eyebrows and lifted his chin to the door, “I need to get back before Kellie’s shift ends.”

  She stared at him for what felt like an eternity and nodded. She opened the door without another word. Usually, he’d wait for her to get inside before taking off. Not this time, not her. He was enraged by her intentions and his lack of being able to see what everyone else had.

  He raced back to the bar. The lot had cleared out in the last forty minutes. He pulled into an open spot out front and made his way into the bar. The place was half empty, but his group was still seated at their table by the darts.

  He strolled over glancing around the bar for Kellie but didn’t see her. He did see Cara, but his smile went unreturned. In fact, she scowled and turned around. Lucas turned his head as Jasper walked closer.

  “You see Kellie?”

  Lucas took
a swig of beer and settled the bottle on the table. “Yeah, about ten minutes ago…” he narrowed his eyes, “walking out the door.”

  “She left?”

  Lucas snorted. “We warned you, Jas. Next time, listen.”

  “It was just a ride, Lucas. Don’t make it out to be more than it was. I told Kellie I was coming back.”

  “Yeah, well, I guess she didn’t want to wait around. I offered to walk her home, but she declined.” Lucas got up. “Said she just wanted to be alone.”

  Fuck. Jasper turned heel and rushed through the door.


  Her stomach plummeted at the soft knock on her door. She wiped her eyes, glancing in the mirror one last time. There was no hiding or covering it up. Her eyes were red-rimmed and glassy. Crying was hard to cover. Why? She was more upset with herself than with Jasper. Of course, he would give the bitch in distress a ride home, but she had no doubt what Abby was up to.

  She switched off her light and walked to the door. Another knock. She could pretend to be sleeping, deal with in the morning. Why put off the inevitable? Whether it be tonight or tomorrow or the next day, it was over. She drew in a breath and held the air tightly in her chest. Exhaling slowly, she opened the door.

  Jasper stood at her door. He was looking down the staircase when she opened the door. He smiled, glancing over at her. His smile faltered, and a look of concern cast over his face.


  She inhaled with a strained smile. “Hey. What are you doing here?”

  He furrowed his brows and stepped an inch closer. “We had plans, remember?”

  Yeah, she remembered. However, she didn’t recall Abby being part of those plans. She straightened her shoulders. “Right. Well, once I got off, I was tired, so I came home.”

  His face softened, and he gazed down at the floor. “I’m sorry. I thought I’d be back before your shift ended.” He looked up with those blue eyes that still, even when she was angry, made her heart skip a beat. “It took longer than I thought.”

  “Yeah, well, shit happens.” Her tone was harsh. The idea of why it may have taken longer was grating on her. What were they doing? “Listen, like I said, I’m tired, so I’ll see you around, Jasper.”


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