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Page 9

by Young

  Sherlock rose to probe his master’s sudden guffaw.

  “Was Sherlock with you at the fairy realm?” I queried.

  He nodded. “We go everywhere together. She never leaves my side.”

  “Sherlock, is a she?” I exclaimed.

  He broke into hilarity.

  “The last I checked, Sherlock is a she. Let’s take a walk,” the man suggested.

  “We have bicycles. Shall we ride instead of walk?” I proposed.

  “It is safe to leave the bikes here. No one will steal them,” the professor remarked.

  “How can you be sure?”

  “Trust me, boy. I know the townsfolk like the back of my hand. No one will pilfer your rentals,” he jested.

  Fairy Codes

  Frederick commented as we proceeded down a path, “Young, you may or may not realize that fairies hold certain values in high esteem. These attributes comprise a Fairy Code in their dealings with other fairies. Even the naughtiest fairies abide by these rules; though not necessarily when interacting with humans.”

  “What is a Fairy Code?” I questioned.

  “Me oh my, you are an inquisitive fellow, aren’t you” he teased.

  “They are playfulness, cheerfulness, tidiness, politeness, friendliness, being hardworking, generosity, honesty, the ability to keep secrets, kindness, and last but not least, humorousness.”

  I twittered, “These are similar traits taught in my school.”

  The fairy scholar responded lightheartedly, “The fairies who pranked Andy, are Asrais. These delicate entities dissolve in water if captured or exposed to sunlight for lengthy periods.”

  “I thought they were Fayçons and Fairelles?” I expressed.

  “Fayçons and Fairelles are land fairies. Their wings will disintegrate if they touch the water.

  “Although both groups belong to similar lineage, Asrais are water nymphs. They live and thrive around natural waterscapes unlike their distant cousins who are land sylphs,” counseled the fairy expert.

  “What do Asrais thrive on?” I enquired.

  The man answered mischievously, “Their main sustenance is mermen’s semen. Much like the Fayçons and Fairelles who sup on their Regent’s vulvic secretions.”

  “So, mer-people do exist?” I exclaimed.

  He nodded.

  “Have you seen them? Do they look like Aunty Mary’s illustrations?”

  “Mary’s sketches are pretty accurate,” he answered before he added, “There are high levels of protein in spermatozoa. This nutrient generates robust growth and revitalizing longevity for the Asrais. Their secondary food source is plankton.”

  Will O’ the Wisp

  Surrounded by ancient oaks, mature elders and seasoned hawthorns, our entrenched discussion turned judicious as we tracked further into the woods.

  Sherlock had wandered ahead sniffing at shrubberies and anything that was of interest. When she barked incessantly, we ran in her direction. Some distance away, while the botanist attended to his yelping companion, I noticed a ball of floating flame.

  When the professor saw the fiery sphere, he indicated for us to be silent. Sherlock instantly ceased to woof.

  Frederick whispered, “It’s a Will O’ the Wisp.”

  “A what?” I asked puzzlingly before I declared, “It’s a florid fairy ring with their leader pirouetting in the middle.”

  The fairy maven marveled, “They are ‘Celebrating Ellyllons’ with their Queen.”

  “What is ‘Celebrating Ellyllo…?” Before I could finish my question, Sherlock cavorted towards the flame.

  The diaphanous circle rose in the air and disappeared into the forest. We ran to keep stride as the ebullient Sherlock chased after the object.

  Finally, the radiance perched itself above a gigantic Elder. Beneath us were toadstools of radiant browns and effervescent reds.

  The surrounding trees weighed down by white elder blossoms, flowering hawthorns, budding floral ashes and monoecious clusters of dangling catkins, provided a dreamlike backdrop I had not witnessed until then.

  I was transfixed by the magnificence when the barking dog and her master snapped me back to reality.

  The orb had transformed into a numinous spheroid.

  Both humans and animal were at a loss.

  End of October 1968

  Aboard Sindbad

  Andy laid asleep when I was awakened by the swaying Sindbad. I crept noiselessly above deck. I needed time to cogitate, to marvel at the tranquil ocean-scape and to listen to the twittering bird songs of the breaking morn.

  Above deck, I did not anticipate soft groaning noises from my teacher’s sofa bed. Curt did not detect my presence. I stood in silent observation as he massaged his tumescent with voracity. Captivated by his virility, my libido grew in sync to his jerking gesticulations. The sportsman’s eroticism had tantalized my hardness to attention. I peered intently at this unanticipated development while my heart palpitated rapaciously.

  Even though we secretly desired one another our student/teacher relationship had been chaste. My Valet and patriarchs had implicated that Herr Eberhardt fancied the opposite sex, but he had behaved differently on occasions; like his three-way liaison with Jesús, and Count Mario. My inner voice carped that this man was more complicated than what he led us to believe.

  Many males and females had solicited my professor’s attention, but none had succeeded in winning his affection. My educator was devoted to his métier and a private man of few words. He was an enigma to behold. Many had scrutinized his sexuality and seduced his integrity, but none had triumphed. It was within this illicit lacuna I spied his privacy as we lecherously sought physical gratifications. Our immodest reveries were adrift in lust.

  Flurries of unbridled concupiscence overshadowed my propriety. I was incarcerated by Curt’s machismo as I masturbated. Our gaze met in approbation. He beckoned me to him.

  My fantasy was now a reality, yet I was flummoxed and baffled by its repercussions. Although in the past, I had made love with educators and mentors but never had I met a man like Professor Eberhardt – a teacher who rarely displayed capriciousness or volatility, let alone pruriency.

  Lethal Seduction

  Enticed by the clutches of his illicitness I fell under his spell. Like an arthropod caught in a spider’s web, we tumbled down a path that would eventually alter the course of our teacher/student dynamics.

  I was lost in his masculinity when his hypnotizing emeralds pierced the depth of my soul. He held me to his hairy chest. My jouissance throbbed in anticipation.

  Eberhardt’s tenderness was a welcome change after a night of profligacy with dominant Andy. Curt had emboldened the pliancy I lacked with my chaperone. At times, Curt was the alpha and me, the omega. When I mounted the sportsman with rousing intensity, our alternation had precipitated my lubricity to exuberance. Similarly, his protuberant adoration of my tenderness also rendered me helpless.

  Our unhurried coitus unfurled our twirling tongues to explored every crevice of our yearning hollows. My teacher’s twitching receptacle greeted my bulbous onslaught with elation as I glided effortlessly into his loving sanctuary. He received my unbridled invasion with rapturous moans.

  Amidst ribaldrous groans of incognizance, he sucked my jabbing tongue as I deposited my abundance into his quivering recess. He lapped away my effervescent remains as we sealed our precarious endearments with an abiding kiss.

  He flipped me around immediately and penetrated my shuddering cleft to claim his prize. No longer able to withhold his efficaciousness, he sprayed into my pulsating vault. He stayed buried within my gasping furrow until his heaving subsided. Only then did he retreat to feed me his remains, I so desirously covet.

  His strong musculature swaddled me in sweet amorosity before he bid me Guten Morgen and plunged into the Gulf of Hammamet for his quotidian laps.

  Gender Schemata (Chapter Thirteen)

  “A gender-neutral society would be one where the word ‘gender’ does not e
xist: where everyone can be themselves.”

  Gloria Steinem

  Early July 2014

  Andy’s Email to David, CC to Me

  Dear David,

  I’m glad to be introduced. Young told me a little about you and asked if I would join the group discussion. You are aware that I was Young’s Valet for four years during our E.R.O.S. years and I am protective of this ex-charge of mine. He means a lot to me, and I continue to watch over him from afar. Nothing will I permit to dishonor his noble character. I hope you too will merit our unimpeachable integrity as we will do with you.

  That said, I have given Young permission to utilize portions of our email correspondences for A Harem Boy’s Saga; a memoir by Young - his memoir publications. It is in my understanding that you will also agree to this proviso. The contents we discuss will not be propagated elsewhere, except within the pages of Young’s autobiography.

  If you are in accordance to our proposition, we can proceed.

  Yours sincerely,


  David’s Response to Andy, CC to Me

  Hello Andy and Young,

  I am aware of the confidentiality of our discussion and am compliant to your adjuration. I am an ex- Enlightened Royal Oracle Society member and rectitude is part of my edification. I am no exception to the rule. Our discussions are classified information unless we agree to release our confidential materials.

  I have no objection to Young using selected segments for A Harem Boy’s Saga; a memoir by Young publications. My contributions are not for personal gains but for greater appreciation of our real education.

  Andy, I understand your consternation. When we become better acquainted, you and Young will find we have much in common. I, like most E.R.O.S. members, avow a gentleman’s agreement in high regards.

  Until our next correspondence, I bid you gentlemen au revoir.

  Yours faithfully,


  End October 1968

  Morning Tutorial with Professor Eberhardt

  By the time, my teacher finished his morning exercises, we were ready to commence my morning tutorials. Andy prepared breakfast at the nearby kitchenette.

  The professor began, “Our lesson this morning is sex roles, sex-role stereotypes, and sex-role socialization.”

  He paused to sip his coffee before he resumed, “There are sets of attributes, attitudes, personality traits, abilities, interests, and behaviors that are defined as appropriate for both sexes.

  “Besides males and females’ anatomies being different, they also behave and express their feelings dissimilarly; even-though, specific behavioral differences are determined biologically.

  “The reason males are considered more aggressive than females are attested to the male testosterone. That said, there are also many nonanatomic differences that are grounded in sex roles; be they learned or ingrained in the individual. In other words, people are taught to be masculine or feminine.”

  Before the professor could continue, I queried, “Why are we taught to be masculine or feminine rather than allow nature to perform its task?”

  Curt declared, “You see, Young, roles are sets of behavioral norms that define a race or culture in each social spectrum.

  “For example, people in a particular occupation are subjected to sets of expectations concerning the work performed and the style it is accomplished.

  “While one might anticipate a mechanic’s soiled appearance to be the norm, such occurrence for a dentist would be considered unsanitary and unprofessional. Similarly, specific roles apply to other occupations like teachers, firefighters or family relationships such as mothers, sons, fathers, daughters and so on. Sex roles propagate to all people and to one’s life.

  “Therefore, it is important to understand how each of us learns his or her sex role and the significance it pertains to our daily life.”

  I remarked, “You haven’t answered my question, sir.”

  “I’ll get to that, young man. Allow me to continue,” my tutor replied.

  “The concept of sex-roles are sets of shared expectations a community characterize suitable for individuals, based on their gender. These shared roles imply that the majority sanctions the expected behaviors as appropriate for men and women. As a society, we expect males and females to play their assumed positions.

  “Although, there is no direct correlation between biological sex and various social aspects of sex roles; some psychologists advocate the term sex be applied to identify biological maleness and/or femaleness as opposed to gender role.”

  I enquired again, “What’s the difference between sex and gender role?”

  “Gender role denotes basic notions of masculinity and femininity. Much of what we consider masculine and feminine is taught or affixed due to socialization experiences. Therefore, it is not a biological necessity but a cultural expectation that is passed from generation to generation,” my teacher explained.

  Sex-role Stereotypes

  “When individuals employ these sets of behavioral rules as criteria, sex-role beliefs transform to sex-role stereotypes. In traditional western society, women are regarded as delicate and more compassionate than men. Thereby, feminine stereotypes include domesticity, gentility, prettiness, emotionality, dependence, meekness, passivity and so on.

  “By contrast, men are construed to be competitive and less emotional than their counterpart. Masculine stereotypes are ascribed to unemotional, strength, independence, actively aggressive, ruggedness, etc.

  “These implicit or explicit expectations are taught at an early age. It is common to see family and friends revel energetically with male infants than with female babies,” the professor elucidated.

  My Valet had remained silent until now.

  “Sex-roles are changing as we speak. Aren’t we are living in the age of gender fluidity?” Andy expressed over a mouthful of breakfast cereal.

  Eberhardt concurred, “You are correct, Andy. It is recently that women abated their traditional role and forged into masculine mantles, especially in career choices.”

  “It is not just in career options but across the spectrum; from sexual freedom to women’s rights,” my chaperone countered.

  “That is true. Yet common beliefs regarding the way the sexes should behave, continue to exist across societies. Even though, variations prevail between cultures that do not correspond to the stereotypes within the industrialized nations. Therefore, sex roles are cultural constructions and not biologically determined.

  “Stereotyping is a cognitive process. The act of forming general impressions allows us to categorize the information we experience. That said, the excessive use of masculine and feminine labels foster restrictions on individual attitudes and behaviors. Sex-appropriate behaviors do determine the kind of experiences we are exposed to throughout our life,” the professor counseled.

  Sex-role Socialization

  Curt continued, “From infancy to maturity, we receive simple, yet strong impressions of our role in society. As I mentioned earlier, male and female infants are handled differently. Family members continue to cultivate masculine and feminine traits by encouraging young adults to behave and develop interests they consider appropriate by the child’s sex, and discouraging activities deemed inappropriate.

  “Often, parents reward and praise a daughter’s interest in sewing and housekeeping while discouraging a son who shows similar interest.

  “When a child is of school age, his or her peers provide additional information about what is considered acceptable or unacceptable within his or her sex role.”

  I chirped animatedly, “Like my dad wanting to butch-me-up in what he considers as masculine activities, while my mum did the opposite.”

  My guardian gave a hearty laugh.

  “My darling boy, you are one unique specimen whom I love and cherish dearly even-though you are a cute and sassy ‘fairy,’” he quipped.

  Herr Eberhardt gave me a wary glance as if a pang of remorse had washed over his
person. I felt a strange premonition that our sexual encounter was more than a moment of passion, but an emotional entrenchment he had cleverly camouflaged during our student/teacher relationship. Until that juncture, I never suspected his feelings for me was romantic other than a dutiful response to a student. This transmogrification was a sign to our teacher/student dynamics.

  Although Andy seemed unaware of Curt and my erotic convergence, his endearment had ignited my tutor’s concealed ardor for me to the surface.

  I was propelled back to the present when my professor’s dignified demeanor resumed as rapidly as it had dissolved.

  Curt stated, “This past year, sex-role development is now an area of extensive research. The initial step consists of a child acquiring his or her gender identity and label himself or herself accurately. He or she can also categorize others appropriately as male or female.

  “Most children understand they will remain the same sex throughout adulthood by age four. This is referred to as gender stability. A child’s ability to recognize that someone remains male or female - despite a change of clothing or altered hair length demonstrates the development of true gender constancy.

  “Sex roles have become increasingly flexible. Although, ‘masculinity’ and ‘femininity’ had long been at opposite ends of the same continuum - meaning a person could be one or the other but not both. It is within these last years that psychologists conceive masculinity and femininity as two separate dimensions. Thereby, a person can simultaneously be compassionate and independent, and gentle and assertive. Many no longer regard fearfulness or tenderness as unmanly emotions, neither is a woman unfeminine when she is confident. Nowadays, men and women hold jobs that were once considered inappropriate for their specified gender.”


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