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Taken aback by his remark and I went quiet before I expressed. “Don’t avert the topic. I want to know what you saw. It is not about Andy and me.”
I held Helius hand to mine.
“You must always tell the truth. I cannot assist you if I don’t know the whole story. Our bond would not be genuine if you lie or tells half-truths. As your BB and friend, I’m here for you. Our friendship will develop if we are honest with one another,” I advocated.
Like a fresh bloom, he opened himself to me.
“Will you promise not to tell anyone what I saw?” he pleaded.
I promised him I will never break my pledge until now. This is Helius’ story…
The Tango Of Love (Chapter Forty-Four)
First, I caught your vision
Then, I sensed emotion
Next, I felt the passion of my Love for you
Your lips were so inviting
I dreamt of pure delighting
My heart felt so excited
By sweet love from you
I want to hold you now
I want to hug you now
I just want to kiss and squeeze you tight
I plan to show you now
How much I do adore you now
Tonight we will dance the Tango Of Love
When I smelt your scent
Filling up the whole room
I had to ask all the flowers to leave
The ice cubes were all melting
From passion emanating
Deep in my heart from love for you
I want to squeeze you tight
Kiss, and hug, and treat you right
Swim with only you in Love’s delight
I plan to show you now
How much I do adore you now
Tonight, we will dance the Tango Of Love.”
Tango Of Love - lyrics
by Monty Guy
Early December 1968
Tad’s Suite at The Plaza Hotel, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kalf and my tango puttering had rustled my Master’s concupiscence to watch his boyfriend and me perform a sexual “Tango” for his private amusement. I was summoned to his suite two nights before his polo tournament.
Although I had no idea why I was called to his chamber, I had a presage that my convoke was erotically connected. As was the norm, I refrained from ejaculation when I received my Master’s request. My Valet and I were groomed and poised for action an hour before the appointed time. As we waited in our room, I asked my guardian, “Do you know who the modish lady is? The one who danced with Tad at Confitería Ideal.”
Andy replied, “I believe her name is Katherina and she is an accomplished ballroom bailarin and a fashion model.”
I opined, “She’s elegant and dances beautifully. Is Tad dating her?”
“You can ask your Master when you see him,” my Valet answered before he added, “Why do you want to know who she is?”
“I wonder if Kalf knows the nature of their relationship and what he thinks of her?” I remarked.
My chaperone counselled, “It’s best not to ask too many questions. The complexities will play out by itself. Time always impart results.”
I negated, “Señor Triqueros taught me that Time is a human contrivance. There is no Time in space.”
“That is correct. But if you hold firm and wait, the result will eventually reveal itself. In other words, time will tell,” Andy enjoined.
In My Master’s Chamber
Sensual music enticed us into Tad’s suite as he ushered us into his boudoir. Kalf, dressed in a half-open bathrobe laid on the king while the muscly athlete held him in an affectionate embrace. No words were required. We knew that my Master’s summon was an erotic participation in a ménage à quatre. Andy gave me a willful glance to join the duo on the bed. I stripped naked and stood next to the mattress when my summoner pulled me down to kiss his lover. I prised open his lips to receive my swirling tongue. Like an enlivened doe, eager to espy my upending gesticulation, the Moroccan abided in accordance. His vulnerability reminded me of my youth when I too was seeking ardor in the arms of the handsome and the dominant, to care and protect my precariousness. A susceptibility that could shatter into a thousand pieces and engender the saddened heart to ossify into an impenetrable bastion of abhorrent repulsion to those who proffer succor.
I held the boy’s lips to mine and as our passionate kisses melted in synchronicity to the rhythm of our yearning hearts while Tad and Andy worked their oral magic on our throbbing protuberances. They oscillated between cherishing our plumpness to delving into our inner sanctums of carnal delights. These erotic pleasures propelled us to euphoric ecstasies as we revolved around one another; embracing roles that were at once anomalous but rewarding.
A sight I had not witnessed until now was my Master’s wonted machismo reduced to acquiescence by Andy’s assertiveness. The athlete’s fervent submissiveness abated to his master’s dominance like his caprice was his mandate. He complied to my Valet’s gesticulations with aplomb. Aroused by this unexpected development, I also took on an alphaness I never knew I possessed. I plunged my bulbousness into Kalf’s mouth as he gusted for air from my unflagging onslaught. Governed by my unyielding demands his covetousness had fashioned him, my slave.
I commanded, “Stop whining like a child and get on with it!” I whacked the boy’s face.
His puppy-dog eyes stared at me unflinchingly, craving for my approval. “You like it, don’t you! Now, get it nice and wet!” I ordered before I landed another blow on his cheeks. I pulled my organ away to tease his craving as he begs to pleasure my palpitations.
Tad, whose hands were already cuffed behind, knelt before his master. With wanton immodesty, he too implored for his master’s assertiveness as Andy smacked his bearded face and spat into his mouth before he jammed his stiffness back into the Arab’s willing oral orifice.
I had fostered my lechery on the Moroccan as I observee my guardian’s supremacy. I wrestled the boy’s on the king and pried his defying legs apart before I jammed my tongue into his inviting crevice. In one fell swoop, I plunged into him. He cried in rapturous elation. Before long, his tightness gave way to my formidable invasion as I plowed into his love’s cavern with abandonment. I rammed into his uncharted territory while my rousing mind exploded in a billowing barrage. Like a heady roller coaster, my concupiscence exhilarated as I stroked the lad with unbridled jubilations. Like an obedient slave, Kalf, tilted his bottom to meet my thrusts. Not only did his amatory whimpering invigorate my explosive velocity, but it also stimulated my ecstatic lubriciousness to consummation. I flipped the boy onto his back and mounted him like an untamed stallion, as I hurtled towards the cliff of no return.
Galvanized by Andy’s erotic performance I bulldozed my way to nirvanic transcendence; while Tad, the complaisant pig-bottom cried for more as his master drove into him unyieldingly.
The sight of the athlete French kissing his lover hurled me over the threshold. Gushes of my molten potencies filled the Moroccan to dribbling capacity as his spasming sphincter milked for more.
Andy released his jubilance into my Master’s welcoming bifid as we merged into a four-way kiss with the duo. The Arab’s simultaneous outpour coated his caressing palm with wholesome potencies before he fed them to Kalf and me.
Before long, our lasciviousness also enkindled Kalf to spew his abundance onto his taut belly. Tad lapped up his lover’s fecundities to share between us. Although we laid spent, our active carnality did not subside until way past the witching hour. Only then did my chaperone and I returned to our suite; exhausted yet ready to dance our very own Tango of Love.
End of October 2014
My Message to David and Andy (Part Three)
“I first saw him when I was six years old,” Helius confided.
“We lived in a remote part of Italy when I was growing up. Behind our house laid an untouched forest and a stream. When the maids and my nanny hung up the laundry in the rear lawn, I would g
o down and play by the water; where a great variety of wildflowers carpeted the forest floor in the early months of spring.
“One day when my nanny was helping the servants, I sneaked into the forest. That was when Petronius revealed himself to me. At first, I noticed a flash of white from the corners of my eyes, but when I looked carefully, there was nothing but trees and wildflowers. I continued to explore the area, but every time I bend to pick the flowers, the glint would zip by. Finally, I sat by the stream to ascertain that my eyes were not playing tricks.
“Out of the blue, a winged stallion materialized. I’ve never seen such a fantastical creature except in fairytale books. The white horse bobbed its head to beckon me. I stood frozen, yet its kind and loving eyes attracted me towards him.”
I queried, “How wide was his wingspan?”
“At least eight to ten feet when outstretched,” the boy replied before he added, “Petronius is significantly bigger than an average horse. Maybe I was small then, and he appeared larger. He lowered its head for me to pat as if in acknowledgment of my panjandrum.”
“Panjandrum!” I exclaimed.
Helius elucidated, “I’m from the Godly realm, and Petronius pays his respect to me.”
“How do you know you’re from the Godly realm and how did you know the horse’s name?” I enquired bafflingly.
“My father told me I was an unconventional baby, and I am blessed by the gods,” my charge stated spiritedly. “To answer your other question: The name Petronius was marked on the side of his mane.”
“What happened after you pat him?” I questioned inquisitively.
“He nudged me to mount him, but my tiny frame did not enable me, so he indicated for me to hold firm onto his hair. In one fell scoop, he lifted me onto his back with his snout and took to the air. I clung to him for balance,” Helius iterated excitedly.
I questioned, “Didn’t your nanny look for you?”
“She panicked when I was nowhere to be found. From above I saw her scurrying for help,” the lad answered musingly before he added, “Petronius didn’t fly very far. Since the commotion was at the back, he circled and dropped me in front of our house, so no one would notice his presence.
“Nobody knew I had returned when I entered the front door until I placed the wild bouquet by my mother’s dresser. Only then, had nanny spotted me standing by the window.”
I declared, “Did you tell them about your encounter with Petronius?”
“I told dad when he came to say goodnight, that evening.”
I oppugned, “Didn’t your nanny asked where you’d gone?”
“I told her I was playing in the front garden.”
I probed, “What was your dad’s response when you told him about Petronius?”
“He said he was glad the deities found me and sent Petronius to be my guardian against harm, and that I should keep my present and future mystical experiences to myself; otherwise people will think I’m demented,” my charge iterated.
“Have you told anyone besides your dad and me?” I inquired.
Helius shook his head.
“I confided to you because I have a presentiment that you too have had otherworldly encounters,” Helius surmised.
“What makes you think that?” I expressed.
The boy said lightheartedly, “It takes one to know one.”
“We must discuss this further,” I finalized.
Dear Andy and David, there is more…
A Peculiar Request (Chapter Forty-Five)
“A change of scenery can help alter everything.”
Drew Pomeranz
Last Week of September 1968
Aldhdhib Dann الذئب دن (Wolf Den), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Since the females were housed separately from the men’s residences, I seldom saw the Aldhdhib Dann’s womenfolk except in passing or when they were chaperoned by their ‘walis’ to the city. I chanced upon a pretty lady in a floral hijab on one occasion. Her perspicacious eyes spotted Andy and me as her vehicle rounded the men’s compound. My instinct told me that the young woman was Yasmin, the nonconformist. As her sedan disappeared out of the driveway, she gazed at us.
I did not pay much attention to the happenstance until later after the household had retired for the night. I was awakened by a series of rustling noises below Andy and my bedroom window. I went to investigate to make sure that the zoo animals had not escaped from their confines. I noticed some movements in the shrubbery. Under scrutiny, a slender figure in black waved at me. My curiosity took flight, and I climbed down the egress by our balcony wall. I was surprised to find the female I had happened upon that morning. She gesticulated for me to be quiet and to follow. Just when I was about to move, my chaperone peered out of the window. He was awakened by my disappearance. I waved for him to join us. The intruder shushed us to be silent.
She arrived at a discreet location away from the mansion. When we were safely hidden from view, Andy voiced, “We’ll be in trouble if we are found with a female, especially in the middle of the night.”
Yasmin responded in perfect English. “No one knows we are here. I need your help. Will you help me?” she implored.
Before either Andy or I could answer, the female whispered, “I know the two of you is the answer to my prayers. Please say you’ll help me.”
“What is it that you want us to do?” my chaperone questioned.
My guardian glanced at me. Lost for words, she did not know what or how to present her request.
I said puzzlingly, “We can’t assist if we don’t know what you want?”
She uttered, “Will you convince my brother to take me to England when he leaves in a week. I want to go shopping in London.”
My Valet and I looked at each other in bewilderment.
“Can’t you ask him, yourself? Why do you need us to relay such a straightforward message?” I queried.
My guardian stated before the female could answer, “I’m sure Tad or your relatives will take you shopping where and whenever you desire.”
“I need to be in London with my brother, Tad. He is the only person who understands me. He’s more likely to take me if the both of you put in a good word on my behalf,” Yasmin professed.
I queried, “What are you planning to buy in London? Have you been there before?”
“Of course, I have been to London. I want to return to experience the freedom of that country,” she proclaimed.
Andy inquired suspiciously, “You woke us in the middle of the night to ask us to appeal to your brother to take you shopping in London?”
“I have no choice but to wake you at this hour because my father, Abdul and eldest brother, Kaleb forbid me to have any contact with strangers and foreigners,” she said defiantly.
“Abdul and Kaleb are Muslim traditionalists, and the women in my family have little say in our lives. But Tad is a worldly man and believes that we should be treated respectfully.
“Unfortunately, he travels regularly, and we are left in the care of our patriarchs whom I have little reverence,” Yasmin opined woefully before she added, “Tad is a good man, and I want to spend more time with him.”
“I’ll do my best to persuade your brother, but I can’t make any promises. He has a mind of his own and is not easily influenced by others,” I deduced empathetically.
Although Andy was aware of my noble intentions, he gazed at me questioningly as if I should have given Yasmin’s request further consideration before I agreed to help.
When the young lady entreated my Valet, he nodded and said he would do the same as me.
When we parted, we promised the female that we would not disclose our meeting to anyone.
Within Our Chamber
As soon as we were out of earshot, Andy opined, “I have a hunch that there is more to Yasmin’s intentions than just a shopping spree in London.”
“I am sure she has good reasons,” I replied.
“You are so trusting, and you believe what people tell you, wi
thout hesitation,” he commented.
“If you are uncertain of her intentions, why did you agree to put in a good word for her?” I asked.
“Because of you, my love. I didn’t want to thwart your kindheartedness and be the sullen guy to mar her travel plans,” my lover reflected.
“We’ll talk to Tad and see what he has to say. It is up to him to decide. At least we kept our word,” I replied and finalized. “Maybe our efforts are for naught.”
First Week of November 2014
David’s Message to Me, c/c to Andy
I can’t wait to read the rest of your caper with Helius. Although your story seems far-fetched, I’m all ears. After all, there are many anomalous encounters in this world that humans have yet to comprehend. So, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt before I comment.
All the best, my friend.
Andy’s Message to Me, c/c to David
My dear chap,
I’m not astounded by your mythical encounters. After all, you’d angels, and fairy experiences during our time together. I’m roused to know the rest of your Helius and Petronius story.
Unfortunately, my connection to the numinous spheres is solely mystical than mythical, but I admire your ability to tap into your sixth sense and wish I am gifted like you.
Remember Albert, my ex-charge? He also had encounters with angels and avowed that he’d a chance meeting with a unicorn. When I was at Canterbury University in New Zealand, I received a lengthy email from him. He swore he came close to patting Boaz, the unicorn. Below is what he wrote:
Albert’s Story:
Andy, you’ll never believe what I saw in the early months of autumn, 1972. A glimmer of white, flashed through the trees when I strolled in the woods nearby Sissinghurst Court. When I stop to observe the area, I saw nothing but foliage. I continued into the woods.