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Metanoia Page 39

by Young

  John posed, “Is Sam threatening you again?”

  The boy shook his head.

  “Not at all. In fact, he’s overly pleasant,” Helius remarked.

  “Why are you skeptical of his motive?” I enquired.

  Before the lad could respond, Andy remarked, “Do you know, Helius; that fear is the main factor that keeps many from living their full potential?”

  “How so?” the Freshman chirped.

  “You see, the fear of the unknown can cripple the level of excellence a person can achieve. Although the positive side of this trepidation is that it keeps you alert and aware, but it also wastes an opportunity for you to develop a lasting friendship that can lead to many fruitful possibilities.

  “If your apprehension gets in the way before you give Samuel a chance to make amends; you’re already declaring yourself a loser. Calculated risk-taking is a significant step, and you never know where this friendship may lead to for the both of you,” Andy advised.

  John injected, “If you are panicky that your friendship with Sam is already doomed, you had failed before you even start. A strong bond is when both parties are confident that they are supportive of one another in good and bad times. Every measure is a risk. Some uncertainties are successful, and some are not. My advice to you, Helius, is not to let your fear of failure stop you from trying.”

  I chirped, “My way of overcoming fear is to know the reason for my anxiety. Ignorance is often a wall without foundation. It whispers that I cannot progress because the wall is strong, but the truth is; this self-imposed wall can be demolished quickly, and I can achieve more than I can ever imagine.”

  My Valet propounded, “There is a light within each individual that shines magnificently, yet we forget it exists. This connate radiance is the core of our essence, and it is available for us to access anytime. It is our fears, negativities and emotional baggage that overshadow this lightness. We convince ourselves that this is the person I am, and I’m meant to be this way. The truth is; we need to release the weight that weighs us down and limits us to our full potential.

  “It is our birthright to be joyful and trusting. Often the ego holds us captive and insists that we are our thoughts, fears, personalities, and dramas. In verity, each one of us is a radiant soul on earth, to shine our light and share your gifts with the world.”

  We stopped and stared at Andy assiduously for him to continue.

  “Life is not about anguish and victimhood but the lightness of being,” he counseled.

  “You referred to the lightness of being. What exactly is it?” I questioned.

  My Valet answered lightheartedly, “Young, our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but we are powerful beyond measure. It is not our darkness but our light that frightens us. Most of us are petrified to open our hearts to our authentic self. We are accustomed to believing that it is unsafe to shine our light and show our greatness. Apart from a few, most people are conditioned to suppress who they really are; in case they upset others or appear arrogant.”

  Helius muttered, “What is so arrogant about connecting to spirit and to allow our essence to radiate and impact others?”

  My guardian gave a hearty laugh before he replied, “You tell me, Helius. If I wasn’t mistaken, a moment ago, you were concerned about Samuel’s motive of wanting to be your friend.”

  The Freshman went quiet.

  Andy resumed, “Do you remember when we were kids we were full of light and love; only to have our spirits squashed along the path of growing up.”

  None of us uttered a word.

  My Valet continued, “Playing small, or as I refer to it as ‘diminishing our light,’ is not helping anyone. When we are not in our ‘light’ self and allow fear to take over love; we appropriate insecurities and anxieties.”

  John queried, “How do we free ourselves from our negative beliefs and perturbations?”

  “Good question, John. Our dis-ease will be transformed by acknowledging and embracing the light within and around us. What I advocate is not wishful thinking but transformational healing. Our illumination is a gift from the spirit and is a part of the universal soul,” my Valet advocated.

  “You haven’t answered my question. How?” John pressed.

  Andy simpered, “All you have to do is visualize yourself, or the situation that requires healing and surround it with light. Close your eyes and imagine yourself embraced by the radiance of love. Visualize the negativity dissipate while the brilliance lifts your spirit to revitalize and energize you cellularly.”

  Helius enquired, “Can I use this transmogrifying technique on another person?”

  Andy adjured smilingly, “Of course you can. Envision your amatory light penetrating the person or situation that requires your mitigation energy. Sanction his or her fears and gloom to be dissolved for positivity, creativity, and joy to regain its rightful place. Remember, Helius, the power of light can correct that which is in our mind.

  “My advice to you is to permit yourself the universal gift of happiness, peace, and lightness. Illuminate the things that do not serve and support you. By enabling your unique light to radiate, you are also entitling others to shine their light. You’ll be amazed that all the brilliance in the world cannot compare with the dazzle that is within each of us.”

  “Can we perform a group radiation session now?” I quipped jokingly.

  Second Week of February 2015

  David’s Message to Andy and Me

  Hi guys,

  Thank you for friending Jacob. He is an inquisitive and intelligent young man. As you’ve discovered, he has many questions he wants answers.

  I admit that I helped him draft the message to the two of you. He wrote and rewrote the draft several times before he presented it to me for correction. I edited some of his phrases and words before he finally settled on the message you have on your computers. He takes after me in being a perfectionist and articulacy; both traits I take pride in. ??

  Thank you, guys, for your concerns. I am on the road to recovery. Hopefully, I am done with this wretched disease and am able to return to my customary self sooner than later. Young, thanks for the Get-Well e-card. Deeply appreciated.

  Do keep me in the loop to your correspondences with Jacob. I like to follow his progress like a fuddy-duddy granddad. ?? Then we’ll have subject matters to talk about when we communicate.

  Have yourselves a Happy Valentine’s Day.


  February Thirteenth, 2015

  My Message to Andy

  My dear ex,

  You certainly know how to revert my question back in my direction. You crafty devil. ??

  I did a review on the checklist you provided as per your recommendation. Below are my findings:

  Attraction – like the beginning as it is now, I find your wittiness, worldliness, tenaciousness, and last but by no means least, facetiousness extremely attractive. As much as I am drawn to you, I don’t feel flushed, out of breath and jittery; as mentioned in your checklist. But I do look forward to reading your emails; to better comprehend your line of reasoning, and to gain valuable insights from your reasons.

  Closeness – I understand you trust, care and accept me for who I am. We have this closeness since the day we met. These same attributes also made our separation steep and strenuous, oh-so-long-ago. It is indisputable that our propinquity will remain for the rest of our lives.

  Commitment – although I am unsure if you are in a committed relationship with another; I am with Walter, my life-partner of seventeen years. Even though we joke about having a triplet relationship with you - like you and I had with Oscar, back in 1966; Walter and I are devoted to one another. Nowadays, I am incredulous to a triplet relationship working out to the benefit of all parties involved. As is often the case, one person is left unfulfilled and will eventually part for greener pastures. So, my sweet Andy, you can mull over my observation and tell me your thoughts. ??

  Body language – Since we are oceans apart
, this is a question neither of us can answer. Our communications have thus far been via emails and long-distance correspondence.

  Giddiness and a loss of appetite and can’t think of anything but the object of our affection? I don’t believe so. My weight remains at 160 pounds, and I consume the same amount of food as I regularly do. So, my friend, there is no ‘love’ symptoms in this area. LOL!

  Butterflies in my belly – none here. Hahaha!

  I have truthfully answered the questions on your checklist. Now it is your turn to examine your feelings and respond to the million-dollar question you’d so cleverly hurled my direction. ??

  Love, hugs, and kisses,



  Romance, Love & Sex (Chapter Sixty-Three)

  “Purity brings freedom, life, love, and a sense of stability and fortification for which every human heart longs.”

  Eric Ludy

  Third Week of February 1969

  Tolkien Brotherhood Dormitory, Daltonbury Hall, England

  Since Helius’ arrival at Daltonbury Hall, he was under John’s care and observation. Instead of taking to his Big-Brother, this sprightly lad gravitated to Andy and me. The adolescent would slide into my bed to cuddle on the nights when he felt lonely and homesick. Like an altruistic brother, I embraced this young confrère with equanimity, so he could sleep unperturbed in my arms. There were occasions when I felt Helius’ hand on my morning wood when I was in a shallow slumber. I did not move away, nor did I brush his hand aside since it was natural for males to have erections. I wanted the lad to feel unsullied.

  John was visiting his parents in London when my Valet came to spend the night. That evening, Andy, Helius and I nuzzled in bed together.

  The Freshman queried, “John keeps telling me to play the field and not be attached.”

  He paused before he resumed, “I don’t understand why neither of you gets jealous?”

  “What’s there to be jealous of?” I answered.

  The Greco-Roman remarked, “The two of you are devoted to each other, yet you have sex with other guys. Don’t you get jealous?”

  Andy replied mischievously, “That’s because we learn to separate love, romance, and sex and contained them in apropos packages.”

  “How do you do that?” our confrère questioned.

  “First and foremost, you must recognize that romance, love, and sex are three different words with different implications; even if these terms can be wad together to have a single denotation,” my Valet replied.

  “The word romance often indicates fun, frolic, innocence, and immaturity.

  “Love, on the other hand, offers an acute sense of responsibility and cohesiveness from the involved parties. Love is the aspect to which romance culminates into a sexual or nonsexual connection and cannot be determined or measured by anyone. Love is an emotional sentiment,” Andy added.

  Helius chirped spiritedly, “What about sex?”

  We chuckled at the boy’s enthusiasm.

  I declared, “Sex happens when both or more parties are attracted to one another. When the participants permit their indigenous selves to experience the interconnectedness between them and when deep-rooted immoral beliefs are cast aside to allow our untainted essence to emerge; intercourse becomes an electrifying experience.”

  “Tell me more,” the adolescent implored.

  My lover denoted, “Boy, before you jump the gun, let me finish my romance explanation.”

  The Freshman nodded.

  “For romance to bloom into blossoms of love, the partners must be mentally and emotionally secure. One vital component is to sanction personal space, exchange one another’s thoughts, and to spend time together. Without these elements, the partners will drift apart.

  “These supportive components are healthy for building a love attachment. It is imperative for partners to understand each other’s thought process for a smooth and comfortable relationship to flourish,” my chaperone counseled.

  I added, “Romance demands mutual responsibilities, recognition, and innocence from the lovers. You see, Helius, passion cannot remain static, it must progress to a love attachment or friendship; and in some cases, it will terminate altogether. Love can’t fly without the innocence and fun of romance.”

  “Can we get to the sexual aspect?” Helius pressed.

  “Would you like Young and I to demonstrate with you the erotic beauty of intercourse?” Andy answered beguilingly.

  Although our confrère’s countenance was irrepressibly enthusiastic, he nodded sheepishly. Without further ado, my Valet planted a passionate kiss on the boy’s lips before I joined in to partake in a memorable tour de force.

  My lover’s affectionate kiss on Helius’ tender lips stirred us to libidinous excitements. Eager to suffice to Andy’s prowess, the boy reciprocated with amatory avidity. I was engulfed by our unmitigated sensuality as our lips met in anticipation of what was to come. My Valet’s dexterity stirred in me a tenderness I could not disregard. Mirages of our impending separation flashed across my mind. I wanted our affaire de coeur to last forever, yet my rationality forbade me to throw caution to the wind and to follow him to the Land Down Under. Since Andy’s imminent departure weighed heavy on my mind; and my internal conflict had whipped me into many sleepless nights. As much as I love this chivalrous lover and wish to accompany him to the ends of the world; my desire to forge a life as a fashion designer proved stronger with each passing day.

  As I observed my guardian’s copulation with our young confrère, a cognizance washed over my person that Andy would be okay without my presence. Little did I suspect that we would wither without each other’s love and support.

  My lover’s masterful dominance over Helius’ youthful physique reminded me of my lover and my first encounter. With the passing of time, the passion I felt for my guardian had not diminished but had grown stronger and more potent. Not only had our reverence bonded into an inextricable whole but our devotion to one another had also solidified. No person or parties could sunder us but rendered our connection more concrete.

  My fondness for my friends flowered like blossoming perennials in our garden of earthly delights as our concupiscence thrust us into an inseparable entanglement. The Freshman’s hypnotic moans and my lover’s arousing groans threw us into a collective roar of rapturous release.

  Our fountains of youth poured forth as we offered our overflowing libations to honor the self and to those we cherish. We amalgamated into a Oneness-of-Being in a three-way kiss, like we did when we commenced our sojourn of love and sex.

  Third Week of February 2015

  My Reply to Jacob, Bcc to David and Andy

  Hi Jacob,

  Thank you for reaching out to me. I am fascinated by your encounter with Phron. I hope your friendship with your dragon pal will last a lifetime. Very often when we grow older, our ability to discern preternatural entities are blindsided by mundane concerns. I pray that this will not happen to you and you will continue to experience the splendor and rapport with other life forms from different universes.

  I am blessed to have encountered praeternatural beings. These unparalleled experiences had provided me the insightful knowledge that other realms exist beside and around planet earth. I was fifteen when I chanced upon a sprite kingdom at Bassenthwaite Lake in the English Lake District. I documented my praeternatural encounters in A Harem Boy’s Saga – V – Metanoia; a memoir by Young. I hope you will someday read my autobiographical series and gain some insightful information to help you better understand your exceptional experiences.

  My advice to you, Jacob is not to allow temporal rules of behaviors side-track your intuition. Let your instincts be your guide. Play by your directive and listen to your inner voice. By doing so, you will come to appreciate your uniqueness and experience many extraordinary adventures that will usher humanity to a better comprehension of the unknown and as yet untapped universes.

  These are exciting times where humanity is going throu
gh a quantum leap. New explorations and discoveries of our origins and methodological perceptions are reassessed and re-examined to reposition our long-held worldview. These findings will help us understand the scope of our earthly mission and our interactions with entities from uncharted planets.

  I believe that our praeternatural encounters are not novel experiences but ongoing interactions between earthlings and otherworldly species. Besides humankind being interconnected, I am also confident that we are interrelated with other numinous genres. That is why we can interface with them through telepathy and mind communications.

  My ex-tutor and renowned Zentologist, Professor Alain Dubois once proclaimed, “Many things within our limited minds have yet to be illuminated; which we can only access with a purity of heart and innocence of spirit.”

  Jacob, be confident of your preternatural encounters and don’t be dissuaded by those who deem your authentic experiences as the imaginations of the young. Be childlike but never childish.

  I look forward to our correspondence and wish you and Pharon all the best. Please send my regards to your granddad, David.



  Bitten by The Love Bug (Chapter Sixty-Four)

  “Infatuation is when you find someone who is absolutely perfect.

  Love is when you realize that he/she is not perfect, and it does not matter.”

  Bernard Tristan Foong

  Early in March 1969

  Daltonbury Hall Indoor Swimming Pool, England

  Helius took on a different demeanor after our tryst. The lad was on his toes and in his best behavior. He dressed and groomed handsomely whenever my lover and I were around. Although, Helius had no knowledge that our rendezvous was also a case study of his erotophobia and/or erotophilia inquest, entrusted to Andy, John and me by the E.R.O.S. recruitment board; we were worried that the Freshman might be infatuated by the both of us.


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