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Bad Boys of the Kingdom

Page 27

by Rob Jones

  Headlights and loud music awakened Ethan at two-sixteen a.m. from his sleep while waiting on Ligon. He twisted his face, still feeling the aftermath of the brass knuckles. He got out of the car and walked toward Ligon, who just stepped out his.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” Ligon asked, broad-eyed and anxious.

  “You and I need to talk.” Ethan was somewhat settled down. He was not as agitated since so much time had passed.

  “What happened to your face, man?” Ligon asked.

  “Jack Daniel’s and I had a tussle.” He said this because he didn’t want to explain what really happened.

  “Looks like Jack was the winner.” He smiled while sniffing profusely. “Man, it sucks that the rest of the tour got cancelled. I suppose we deserved it. I wonder what they’re going to do with us?”

  “Don’t know and right now I don’t care. Let me ask you this, how long have you and I been friends?”

  “Over ten years. Why?”

  “Do you, or did you ever value our friendship?”

  “Of course I did and still do, you know this.”

  “If you truly do value our friendship, if I ever meant anything to you, I need you to be honest with me when I ask you this, okay?”

  “Sure, man, you can call me Honest Abe.” He laughed nervously.

  “Was the reason that you and Becky were late meeting me and Zoe that night at the restaurant was because you had to let Khloe into my apartment?” Ligon rubbed his forehead and eyes, then dragged his hand down his squinted face.

  “Listen, Ethan, I know there is no excuse, but there is a reason.” He swallowed hard.

  “I’m listening.”

  “I owed Gavin some money. A lot of money that I couldn’t pay back, so we were talking at that hotel party in St. Louis and I mentioned in passing how Khloe was bat crap crazy for you. So her and Gavin had a little chat and made some sort of deal. To make a long story short, he came to me and said that if I could get her into your apartment I would only have to pay half of the money back. He thought that it would be a funny joke, and I thought that it would be a harmless prank—something that you would get a kick out of, and come bragging to us about it.” Ethan gave him an unamused glare. “And I thought it would be an easy way to pay off my debt.”

  “So you lied to me about Gavin being at the hotel and that he was your connection for drugs?” Temper flickered in his eyes.

  “I know, I know, that was stupid on my part, and I am sorry. But he was convenient for me, he used to let me take advantage of him, but that stopped abruptly. As much as I hate to admit this, he turned me into a junkie, and instead of me using him, he was using me.” Shame and disappointment surfaced on his face, but Ethan was devoid of sympathy. Anger and contempt were all that he could offer him.

  “So I suppose that he told you to give Khloe, Zoe’s number also, right?” Ethan clutched his hand into a fist and his eyes contracted.

  “Yes.” Ethan could see the guilt starting to settle in Ligon’s heart as the tears that were hovering at the rim of his eyes started to drizzle down from them. “I told Khloe to send those pictures of her to Zoe because Zoe was stalking you, and if Zoe knew about her she would leave you alone and that would give her a chance to be with you.” He shifted his weight and looked down at his shoes.

  “Also, Gavin somehow Photoshopped your face onto someone else’s body in some pictures that made it look like that you were with two other girls in bed. And he, he, he…” Ligon blubbered between words. “He told me to have Khloe send those to Zoe as well.”

  “Gavin told me that you had a thing for Zoe, so I guess that you really didn’t mind at the time sabotaging our relationship. Because you were jealous of us and you wanted Zoe for yourself. Did I leave anything out?” This wounded Ethan to the core.

  “I’m sorry, Ethan, I’m so sorry, I had no choice. Either I did those things for him or he was going to have his boys touch me up, break my fingers so that I couldn’t play music, and that would have set the band back. I couldn’t do that to you guys.”

  “Don’t you dare use the band as an excuse for your selfishness, you sick piece of garbage!” Ethan, out of control, threw him to the ground and started jabbing him in the face with several quick punches. “How could you hurt me like this? How could you hurt Zoe like this?” He laid on him while they cried in together.

  “You make this right and go over Zoe’s house in the morning and confess everything. If you have an ounce of decency within you, if ever we were once truly friends, go to her and make this right.” He got up and struggled to his car, opened the door, and sat there for a moment. He wiped away the stinging tears from his swollen eyes, and the snot that was running from his nose. He sighed, started the car, and took off.


  “What time is it?” Ethan looked at the clock on his wall that had a guitar on it that said Time to Rock N Roll. “Three-eleven p.m. I can’t believe that I slept in this late. Sue, how could you allow this to happen?” Sue gave him a curious look while he wagged his tail, he barked twice, and left the bedroom. Ethan yawned for what seemed like five full minutes. He grabbed his head. It throbbed from the beating of Gavin and from Jack Daniels.

  “The day has gotten away from me. I haven’t seen Nana since I’ve been back. Now, where is my phone?” He got out of bed and started looking for his phone. It must be in his pants. He picked them up from off the floor and began to rummage through his pockets, but when he pulled out his phone, it was dead. “Of course.” He plugged in his phone to charge it and several text messages and missed calls appeared. It rang and Zoe’s name came up.

  “Zoe, my sweet Zoe, I was hoping to hear from you, I am so sorry. I miss you terribly, babe.”

  “Ethan, I have to tell you something important.”

  “Nothing is more important than you and our baby. Did Ligon talk to you and explain what happened?” Ethan asked with anticipation.

  “Yes, he did, but that doesn’t matter now.”

  “I would never cheat on you, Zoe, I love you entirely too much.”

  “Ethan, please, I have something that’s difficult to tell you!” He could hear the urgency in her voice.

  “What’s wrong, Zoe? Is it the baby?”

  “No, Ethan, it’s not the baby. This is so hard for me to tell you, but it’s Helen. She…she...” Zoe sighed while crying. “She passed away.” He barely understood those three words that she had trouble verbalizing.

  “Wha—wha—what?” His head began to swoon and blood drained from his face as he heard the remorse dripping from her lips.

  “I’m so sorry, Ethan, but she’s gone.” He could hear the sorrow weighing down her voice. “Her immune system was compromised by the infection.” Zoe kept explaining what had happened, but Ethan didn’t hear anything after the words she’s gone. Being inundated by a vortex of grief, his strength ebbed away. He dropped his cell on the floor and his knees followed.

  “Hello? Hello, Ethan—Ethan, talk to me!” Her voice came faintly through the phone lying on the floor. He doubled over, breathing at an erratic rate. The pain was so deep he couldn’t catch his breath. His stomach felt like a stampede of horses were stomping on the inside. “Oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord, please no, please, please, please don’t let this be!”

  He sat up against the wall with his knees up bracing his elbows. He sat there as though he was comatose, as though life was draining from him, that his purpose was abandoning him. Sue looked at him with the saddest eyes. Sensing his grief, Sue began to whimper and moan, expressing empathy the only way he knew how. He laid down next to him, nuzzled closely, and exhaled.

  An unexpected roar of laughter parted Ethan’s lips while he hung his head between his knees. He felt that he was losing it at a rapid rate. His whole world was now shattered and it would never be the same again.




  “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my F
ather’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” Pastor Edwards stood in the pulpit reading the comforting words from the Bible to the large congregation dressed in black and gray attire, weeping and mourning.

  Many came forward to eulogize her. Their words fell hard and hit Ethan’s heart like the rain outside bouncing off the church building. The thunder and lightning that reverberated through the church presented a drab, dreary undercurrent that added to an already weighty burden that was on him and everyone else. After those who gave their remarks, Ethan rose up with swollen eyes, walked to the microphone that was in front of the church, picked up his acoustic guitar, put the guitar strap over his shoulder and cleared his throat.

  “You know heroes don’t always wear capes. Some of them wear their hearts on their sleeve, praying in the midnight hour for a safer world, for the protection of those who can’t protect themselves. My nana, Helen Louise Thorn, was that kind of hero.” The thunder cracked.

  “She embodied and personified unconditional love. She told me that people can change, especially when they are loved. And she was right. Not only have I witnessed that, I have experienced change because of her.” Sniffs, wailings, and amens came from the congregation. “She also said—and let me tell you, she said a lot of things, as you all know.” Faint chuckles confirmed his claim. “But this was one of the last things she told me to do. To be consumed with benevolence, and be a symbol of sacrifice. But most of all, remember the words of our good Lord. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. I promised her that is exactly what I will live out my life doing.” His voice quaked. “I will now sing her favorite hymn.” He sighed and looked up. “This is for you, Nana.” He began to sing the hymn Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. While singing the chorus, the rain stopped and the clouds diverged, allowing the sunlight to shine directly on him. This warmed his heart, for he knew that was Helen looking down and smiling on her hummingbird.

  After the funeral service, everyone at the church came up and gave their condolences and love to Ethan. Ashley Marty approached him in an inappropriate, seductive manner. She kissed him on his cheek.

  “My condolences to you, Ethan,” she said while rubbing his shoulders. “If you ever need to vent or a shoulder to lean on, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I will comfort you any way that you need to be comforted.” She continued to rub his shoulders.

  “Trust me, Mrs. Marty, you will be the very last person that I would ever call. I don’t need your kind of comfort.” He abruptly left her standing with indignity engraved on her face.

  “Ethan, can I talk to you for one moment, please?” Ligon came up to him at the repast. “Listen, Ethan, you don’t know how sorry I am for your loss.”

  “You mean our loss,” Ethan corrected him.

  “You’re right, our loss. Ahem. I know I haven’t been a good friend to you as of late. I probably was a better enemy than a friend. I got caught up in my on hype, the so-called rock-n-roll lifestyle, and just being stupid. It cost me the band, my dreams, but most of all, it cost me you. I am so ashamed of who I am and what I’ve done. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I just want to let you know from the very bottom of my heart that I am truly, truly sorry for everything.”

  Ethan regarded him in silence. Ligon’s guilt and regret was palpable. He knew Ligon’s apology was sincere and that if he could have a do-over, he would definitely rewrite his wrongs. But he couldn’t. He would have to carry that leaden burden for a long while, so Ethan thought that would be punishment enough.

  “I love you, Lig, and I’ll always will.” He put his hands on Ligon’s shoulders. “Things between you and I will never be the same, there is a lot of wreckage left, a lot of damage has been done. But I am willing to help pick up the pieces, start from scratch, and begin something new.” They both teared up and hugged like brothers reuniting.


  “That was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard, Zoe. When our baby’s heartbeat came through the ultrasound, it was like hearing the most beautiful song ever written. It felt as though I was falling in love,” Ethan said, while driving from the doctor’s office.

  When he heard their baby’s heartbeat, his heart stopped beating and tears of unspeakable joy cascaded down his cheeks. Nothing ever moved his heart like this, not even singing in front of thousands of people. It was like a wave of love washing over him, a love that was untainted and powerful, that set him free from the fear of being a father. It was the kind of love that emboldened him, to sacrifice all who he was and all that he had, so he could love Zoe and the baby completely, deeply, and definitely. He turned to look at Zoe and a lonely tear emerged from his eye. She was more beautiful now than ever before. He couldn’t imagine going a day without seeing her beauty. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, then he kissed it.

  “I think we should go shopping for the baby.”

  “Sure, I think that would be fantastic,” Zoe said with her eyes widened.

  “You see, I want us to be that couple who does everything together. Laugh together, cry together, read together, pray together,” he said as a smile lit up Zoe’s face.

  “I want to share every moment of this experience with you. I want to go to all of the doctor’s appointments and to all of the Lamaze classes. I want to be with you on the good days and the bad days. I’m going to pamper you, twenty-four-seven. I want to be in the moment with you on this journey. And I am going to make sure that you and our baby will have everything that you will ever need. You won’t be lacking for anything. This I promise. I love you so much, Zoe Edwards,” he said, as a second tear streamed down his face.


  “This second chance that you guys are getting is because of Bella.” Dan addressed Ethan, Ligon, Owen and Wes. “She somehow convinced Allen to give you another mid-major tour starting with a new music outdoor festival that’s coming up here in the spring and you guys will be the headliners. It was originally for the Gutter Dollz until we learned that they had a hand in sabotaging your set. They took Ligon’s guitar and loosened the strings, they loosened Wes’s double-kick pedal, then they slightly detached your Slither of Light black backdrop, and last but not least, those sewage dwellers put Gorilla glue on Ethan’s mic. So now they have been reprimanded for their actions.”

  “Heck yeah, good for those jerks, I knew they had something to do with it. Those guys needed to be taken down a notch or two,” Ethan said sternly. “Oh, and thank you so much, Bella, for having our backs. Love you, girl!” They all chimed in with their thanks and they gave her an affectionate hug.

  “Reserve that excitement, fellas,” Dan said. “There are conditions that you now have to abide by. There are to be no drugs, no drinking, and absolutely no partying on this tour. There will be a curfew and a random alcohol and drug test. Here are the new contracts for you to sign and date. Now if you violate or breach any of these terms, things will go in a much different direction for you guys.”

  “What does that mean?” Owen inquired.

  “Allen didn’t elaborate on that, but I assure you that you don’t want it to come to that.” He shifted his weight and straightened his tie. “Now get to practicing and keep your noses clean.”




  “Thank you, sis, for getting us backstage passes to see Ethan’s band play,” Roman said with verve while he, their family, and Tori walked through Centennial Park. The sunset was breathless and full of wonder, and the reflection of it on the lake was like a dream. The Sunken Garden was aesthetically adorned with blooming daffodils and gorgeous roses fulfilling the promise of a faithful spring. There were all kinds of tents set up, beer tents, wine tents, and BBQ tents that infiltrated the air with their irresistible aromas.

  “Ethan insisted that you all be here. He said something beautifully special is happening h
ere and he wanted us all to witness it.” Zoe waddled with a protruding belly. “He even wanted you here, Tori.

  “Yippee, I’m honored,” she said with her dry sense of humor.

  “How are things going for you, Zoe?” Tori asked.

  “Well, as you know I will be graduating early, right before the baby comes, thank God. I already have a music teaching job lined up. And…” She took Tori’s hands. “My professor got me an audition with the Nashville Symphony Chorus!” She let out a high-pitched squeal. “Yeah me!”

  “That is so amazing. You know that no one is as proud and as happy for you as I am.”

  “Ahem, I can think of a few people that may trump you here,” Charles gave a playful smirk.

  “Oh, I know I can’t possibly compete when it comes to you and Mrs. Edwards.”

  “Or with me, Tori.”

  “Of course, Roman, with your cute self.”

  “So how are you and boy wonder doing?” Tori whispered in her ear.

  “We are taking things at a steady pace. He has been great and so very supportive throughout the pregnancy. I can tell that he’s proud and happy for all the good things that have been happening for me.”

  “How about your parents? Are they still hostile to the idea of you and Ethan being together?” Tori asked with a look of concern.


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