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KISS MY ASS: The Damned Crew Book 1

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by M. G Rayne




  Copyright © 2021 by M.G RAYNE

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  To my family and friends. I can’t thank you all enough for the support and encouragement you have shown me. Even though it was a secret dream of mine to write, I never had the courage to do it. But your excitement and support mean everything. My girls are my rocks. To my eldest who has repeatedly said that this is so cool, I just want to say. It doesn't matter how old you are and “what life throws at you”, always follow your dreams. To my youngest, keep being you, Tiny, little hurricane you have always been and remember you can be whoever you want to be, the world is yours.

  Aleisha Maree, “what can I say girl. We met through the most random way ever, through a giveaway and me fangirling over your books. Then we became friends in an internet pen pal sort of way. Taking the first step and reaching out to you for advice was the scariest thing I have ever done. You didn't laugh or judge me, you dove straight in and helped me, encouraged me and never complained when I sent you strange messages because of the parties going on in my head. You are a mentor to me and I can’t thank you enough for all the help, support and excitement you have shown. Even though there are however many miles between us I am so glad we have become friends. It was fate, well that's what I think. You're stuck with me now haha.”

  To everyone else. My Editor and formatting girl Elizabeth. My Cover Designer Angie. Thank you to you both and I do apologise about all the questions. You both are amazing.

  To my Beta readers. Thank you for diving into my crazy mind and telling me what you think. I couldn’t ask for a better group of people. You guys are the best.


  This book is Intended for 18+ readers. Some of the situations in this book might be disturbing to some people. If you're wanting a strong female who swears like a sailor and doesn’t give a shit, you’re in the right place. If there is a chance you don’t like too much swearing or other things people find offensive this isn’t the book for you.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  About the Author


  Chapter One


  “C’mon reaper! You got this, knock his fucking head off.”

  “Kick his ass, knock him ooouuuut”.

  “Fuuuuuuck,” I think as this beast keeps smashing his huge fist into my ribs. The bastard must have broken them, my breathing is becoming heavier and I’ve got black spots in front of my eyes. Fuck that’s gonna be a bitch tomorrow

  Now it’s getting close to the time I have to drop like a sack of shit and act like I can’t continue, big man’s orders, “The little girl must lose!” It’s like a podcast on repeat in my head. I hate this. I don’t lose. I’m undefeated and having to throw a fight because the boss man is worried about his grandson’s ego pisses me off. Apparently, it’s already been dented by having to fight a “little girl.”

  I wouldn’t normally fight more than once in a week but a woman’s gotta eat. That’s why on a Sunday night I’m here at a rundown warehouse in the middle of nowhere, in a piece of shit cage that smells of piss, shit and old blood. I really need to learn to concentrate, I barely managed to jump back out of the way of a roundhouse to the stomach. The screams and shouts from the crowd are on another level tonight. Rocco, the fight coordinator, doesn’t usually pair male and female fighters together. The one rule of the house is that women fight women and men fight men, but when the female fighters kept refusing to fight me, it was a case of fight men or don’t fight at all. Hence the reason why I took the order to get my ass beat so my pockets were filled with bills at the end of this.

  Round after round, the big man is starting to slow down. It's obvious he has never had to go so long in a fight. Jesus, he needs to work on his cardio if I’m messing him up like this. Ha-ha, yeah as if I’m just a woman, the stupid twat hasn’t realized yet I’m just messing with him. My usual trick is to run rings around my opponent so when boredom sets in, I pull out my finishing move. A nice combo of a fake kick to the stomach and followed up with a superman punch to the head. Yep, that baby makes them drop. Doesn’t matter how big they are, they always kiss the floor.

  Looking at Rocco from my position in the ring. I can see from his eyes he’s begging me to do it, to drop and finish this. It has already been going on longer than it was supposed to.

  Big man takes advantage by body slamming me to the mat, following with a knee to the chest so I cannot move while he rained bombs to my face. Good job my guard’s as solid as it is, or they would hurt. He hooks his left arm around my neck and spins us, so my back is to his front in a chokehold grip. My hand is tucked over his arm under my chin which stops him from getting any leverage to put me to sleep. Yeah, yeah, I know I really should give up, but pride is a bitch, and I can’t seem to bring myself to do it.

  “Do it,” Rocco screams from outside the ring.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” Big man whispers in my ear.

  “Dooooooooo it,” Rocco screams again.

  “You are holding out, baby, just so I keep my hands on you, mmmmm bet you love it, don’t you?” Who the fuck does this dude think he is?

  “C’mon, sweet cheeks, move ya hand and I’ll make you feel damn good after.”

  “Like fuck you will. You aren’t my type, fuckface. I’d rather pour battery acid into my eyes.” Good job Casanova here can’t see my face, it’s kind of obvious I wanna make him swallow his adam’s apple and watch him turn blue, hmmm that thought alone brings a sadistic grin to my face.

  “You cheeky little bitch! I’m gonna teach you a lesson after this, doll face. I will fuck you one way or another.” He licks the side of my face from jaw to ear then sticks his tongue in my ear. My skin turns cold and a violent shiver works its way down my spine. God, it is disgusting.

  “For fuck’s sake, Reaper! Stop fucking around, get it done,” Rocco screams from the side.

  I turned my head slightly to the right, keeping my hand in place to look at him, I knew his hair would be a mess and eyes wide. This is making him nervous. I'm unpredictable. Rocco doesn’t know that this fucker behind me, who is currently grinding his cock into my ass, has just threatened me. And no one, I mean fucking no one, threatens me and gets away with it.

  Time to teach this bastard a lesson.

  I slip my hips from the centre of his body to the right, so my ass is touching the mat. I laugh. I cannot help it as my adrenaline is running through my body full force and my mind has gone quiet. Anyone who knows me knows if my brain goes calm, you’re fucked, I am about to go ninja on your ass.

  After the elbow to the ribs, he has realized I am done playing, I switch my hips again and dick punch him. He screams like a girl. “Damn,” I said, jumping up. “Music to my ears.” He is red faced and rolling around on the floor. I dive on top of him
and start raining my punches to anywhere on his body I can reach: jabs to the face, stomach and a right hook to the temple. Oh sweet, that one dazed him. I jump back and stand in my corner. I want to finish him while he is on his feet. I tried to do what Rocco wanted but the boy pushed me too far.

  Fuck my money.

  Fuck following the rules.

  This bastard is going down.

  “Bitch!” he screams at me as he slowly stands up.

  “What’s up, baby? Did I damage your crown jewels?” My laugh could send a shiver down the devil’s spine, it's cold and heartless.

  The crowd is going wild. They can feel the change in the atmosphere surrounding us. They’re out for blood. They know this is the end for him or me, only one of us is walking out of here.

  Big man roars as he runs at me, all caution gone. He’s lost his temper. Rookie mistake. You learn growing up and brawling to survive like I have, you never, and I mean never, fight angry.

  I sidestep and sweep his legs from underneath him and spin out of the way to the other side of the cage. He jumps to his feet and charges again; I spin and land a jab to the side of his head. He grabs my right arm and tries to twist it, but I drop to my knee and kick him square in his kneecap. I hear a crunch. With a grin on my face, I move to the other side of the cage and wait. Any normal fighter with a knee injury like that would bow out, but not big man, he’s got a God complex. He pulls his ass up from the mat and stands the best he can, which isn’t that good considering he can’t put much weight on his injured leg. I’ve had enough. I charge him and lean out of the way of his outstretched arms and jump, my right foot above his right hip and I use my momentum to get my left leg over his shoulder, I throw a right hook to the side of his face and bring my right leg up and over, so I’m wrapped around his neck. I hook my left foot under my right knee so I’m in a triangle chokehold, throwing my upper body back to dangle. The movement happens so fast that big man is pulled forward into a roll, I hold on and push my hips just enough that he avoids me, but I still have him in the choke. I increase my pressure on his neck while Big man tries to pull my legs away. But it’s no use, not enough oxygen is reaching his lungs and his strength is fading. I could easily snap his neck in this position but not the best idea considering Rocco is screaming at me like a man possessed. He knows as well as everyone else here this is over. Not one person makes a noise while waiting to see what I’m going to do next.

  I apply more pressure, choked gasps come from him, I kind of feel sorry for him, he knows it’s a lost cause. He can’t get out of it. I add a touch more pressure and strike, left fist to his nose and right to his temple. That is poetry right there. I land it perfectly. Big man is out cold as soon as I connect. I unhook my legs, roll him to the side and stand. The crowd is silent for a moment and Rocco looks like he wants to kill me. He better get in line. Big man isn’t going to be happy about this. The crowd screams and it’s chaos. They loved the bloodshed.

  I get a cold shiver down my spine, you know what I mean, the type when you know someone is watching. I try to look around but all I can see is the crowd jumping and screaming. I investigate the dark corners, but the light doesn’t reach that far. Not seeing anyone, I think to myself it's obviously my imagination.

  Chapter Two


  We stood at the top of the makeshift bleachers surrounding the cage to give us a better vantage point of the warehouse floor. We had to keep an eye on our target Alexander, a small-time degenerate who likes to think he is better than everybody else but has a serious addiction to money. It doesn’t matter how he gets it. That’s the reason he runs an illegal underground fight club, but also borrows money from anyone who is further up the food chain than he is. That’s where me and my brothers come in. I'm the leader of the Damned Crew, my brother Liam is my second and his twin Marcus is our third. Marcus may look like a ladies man with a happy go lucky attitude making him look like a good little citizen, but what people don’t see is he’s the most ruthless enforcer I have ever seen. Me and my brothers are here because Alexander borrowed fifteen-thousand-dollars from me to place a bet on a fight tonight. The match was meant to give us a massive turnover and he was going to pay us back with the customary interest. We came to see how this fight went down and to make sure the little shit couldn’t back out of our deal. From the way he is hiding in the corner like he wants the ground to open and swallow him whole, he knows he is fucked.

  We were surprised to see who Mason was fighting, considering the size of the guy you would have expected his opponent to be a male, so when a tiny, absolutely stunning woman strolls into the cage as if this is nothing new to her, we all stand at attention.

  “Fuck me, who the hell is that?” My brother Marcus mumbles.

  “Bro, we need to stop this, she’s going to get seriously hurt.” Liam frantically waves a hand in front of my face trying to engage me in conversation.

  All I can do is stare at her. She’s gotta be pulled out of my favorite wet dream. She is a perfect replica of my ideal woman. Standing around five and a half feet tall, with long flowing black hair that reaches to the band on her shorts even in a ponytail. She has a tight little body with more than enough tits and ass. I adjust my stance slightly. Trying to take pressure off my rock-hard cock. I wonder if she’s a screamer. I can’t wait to wrap her ponytail around my hand and pull to the point of pain, while I push my cock into her pussy and fuck her until we are both seeing stars. I want to see her eyes; they are the doorway. You can learn a lot about someone from them. I need to see into her soul. I want to find the way I can own and command her to my will. She doesn’t know it yet, but she is mine. I own her now and she will do as I say. I will enjoy breaking her spirit.

  “For fuck’s sake, KANE! We need to get her out of there!” Liam says more forcibly, which brings me out of my daydream.

  “You don’t know who she is?” A pisshead below states.

  “No shit, Sherlock.” I deadpan.

  “So, you don’t know she’s a regular here?” he asks.

  “Why the hell would we? That’s why we’re asking,” Marcus grumbles starting to lose his patience with the guy he has a hold on.

  “She is the goddamn Reaper!” He looks closely at all our faces and it dawns on him that we still haven’t got a clue who he’s on about.

  “Seriously, you haven’t heard of the Reaper? She’s the baddest bitch on this side of the tracks. She’s the undefeated women’s champion in these fights.”

  “Undefeated?” Marcus says as if he can’t quite believe what he’s hearing.

  “That tiny woman is an undefeated champion?” Liam asks.

  “Damn right. She’s bloodthirsty and ruthless - never holds back. It's like there’s an F5 tornado packed into that little body.”

  “There were rumours after her fight last week that the female fighters have refused to fight her anymore.” I try to imagine everything this bum is saying but it doesn’t seem right, he’s obviously full of crap.

  “Yeah, you see after her last fight, they had to take her opponent out of the ring on a stretcher and dump her outside the ER! It looked like a massacre in there,” he says, jumping around like an excited Labrador.

  My brain is still trying to filter through everything this guy has just told us, when we hear the fight coordinator, Rocco.

  We all look up to the centre of the cage where Rocco is standing and on one side is Mason standing so cocky and on the other she jumps around warming herself up, completely at ease being in the ring.

  “You ready for a beatdown?”

  I can’t keep my eyes off her. This has to be a mistake.

  “You’re all in for a treat tonight.”

  The crowd screams.

  “We have two titans about to battle it out, you all know my man, Mason, who is dominating the male side of these fights.”

  Some of the crowd starts screaming louder while other people are silent.

  “Well, tonight ladies and gentlemen he’s taking on The
one... The Only... REAPERRRRRRRRR!!!” He roars into the microphone and the crowd goes wild for the woman.

  Me, Liam and Marcus are all stunned as we stand, not really hearing the crowd. We watch as the two fighters step into the center of the ring, and touch gloves before moving back to their respective corners.

  Ding, Ding! The bell goes and we see both fighters go head-to-head.

  My brain can’t keep up with what’s going on. All I can see is her fluid movements and sure footedness as if she has done this thousands of times before. I stand in stunned silence.

  “Holyshit, did you see that move?”

  The first thing my brain registers when the fog starts to lift is the noise of the crowd and my brother Marcus screaming and bellowing like a young girl who has just had her favorite barbie bought for her. I see what is happening in the cage, Mason was laid on his side with the reaper’s legs wrapped around his neck. From a distance I think it’s some kind of chokehold, but I can’t be sure. One jab to the nose and a right punch to the temple.

  Masons out cold! She rolls him over onto the floor and stands to look around at the crowd which is chanting, “REAPER, REAPER, REAPER!”

  My eyes are drilling holes into the back of her head. As if she can feel me, her eyes scan the darkness with a puzzled look on her face. I cannot take my eyes off her, my brothers are saying things to me, but I can’t hear them.


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