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KISS MY ASS: The Damned Crew Book 1

Page 14

by M. G Rayne

  Silence. I turn to meet the pale expressions of both of them. Marcus is so pale he is almost transparent. Kane is looking at me like I have lost my mind.

  “Hellion. This isn’t your typical underground fight.” His eyes are pleading with me to take back my words.

  “I’m not your typical fighter, Cheshire!” If this is some sexiest bullshit I am going to be pissed.

  “Women don’t fight in the Royale, Hellion.” Oh, hell no. So this is some sexiest bullshit. What the actual fuck? They should know me better than that.

  “What’s up, Cheshire? You don’t think I can hang with the big boys?” His comment has annoyance bubbling under the surface of my skin.

  It really pisses me off how female fighters get pushed aside purely because of their gender. Seriously, we aren’t in the 1500’s or whatever era had sexist pigs in control of women's rights. Any female fighter with the right sort of training can be the deadliest person in any room.

  “We know you're a damn good fighter, Baby.” Kane slowly approaches me, my nostrils flare. Annoyance ramps up to a higher degree because of the tone he’s using.

  “I want to do this, Kane. I also need to do this.” Confusion and concern filter across his face

  Marcus is cussing up a storm, mumbling to himself that I have lost my damn mind. Kane is studying my face, looking for something hidden in the depths of my expression.

  “Ok.” With a slight nod of his head, he grabs hold of my hand and pulls me into his arms.

  “Are you out of your mind?” Marcus screams in our direction. Stepping out of Kane's embrace, I walk over to him so I can take a good look. Worry and fear look down on me. Engulfing me in his arms, he squeezes so tight my already injured ribs protest at the amount of pressure, but I don’t want to say anything. There's a lump in my throat and tears well in my eyes because of the affection he is showing for me.

  “Ivan and Mateo will train you.” Kane informs us, which seems to get Marcus to release his death grip on me. The names are familiar to me from hearing them in the fight rings, but that’s all I know. Confusion must show on my face.

  “They are the best in their styles. You're going to need it for the Royale.”

  Unease starts to settle into my gut. Now I am starting to wonder what have I let myself in for?

  “I’ll make the call.” Kane grabs his phone and leaves. I look at Marcus for some reassurance on my decision, he gulps and shakes his head.

  “I’ll make some food. Do you want anything in particular?” His whole demeanor sends my unease through the roof.

  With a shake of my head I say, “I’m gonna go wash up.” I head off to my room, to process my thoughts.

  Scorching hot water cascades over my body. It feels so good on my aching joints. My ribs are black and purple again, my shoulders feel like I have lifted a Mac truck over my head. I’ve been standing here for a while trying to remember my father’s training regimes for hand-to-hand combat. Since I was little, he has had me train in Kickboxing, Karate, Taekwondo. When I was eleven, he decided it was a good idea to add Krav Maga into the mix with it all. Pain flares to life all over my body remembering how I used to feel after all the sessions I had. I was always battered and broken. But even when I had seriously hurt myself from one of his exercises, he would still make me train the next day. People might think I am a glutton for punishment but I am looking forward to the aches and pain that will come with this. Finally deciding to pull myself out of the shower, I find some pajamas on the sink unit.

  Huh? Either Marcus or Kane must have put them there. The thought of Kane being so close when I am naked in a shower has heat pooling between my legs. Kane all wet with water running over his body. Holy shit, that would be a sight to see. Throwing on my clothes, I make my way down to the kitchen. A gorgeous smell hits my nose, making my mouth water in anticipation, my stomach growls in response. The sight that greets me isn’t what I expected at all. Marcus is standing in front of the stove with each ring filled with pans. It looks so strange seeing him playing house. I chuckle lightly to myself, then he spins with a grin on his face. My eyes land on the apron he is wearing which says, “Suck my dick and make me happy,” with a naked body on it. I burst out laughing, as he wiggles his hips side to side which causes the cock on the apron to wiggle with him.

  “I don’t want to know.” Honestly this guy's mood swings could give somebody whiplash from how quick it changes. One minute he is a funny, charismatic guy then just as quickly he can look like the world is about to end.

  “What’s cooking?” My stomach chooses that moment to rumble again. When was the last time I ate something? The smells wafting toward me from the stove has my mouth watering even more than before. Lifting his finger he starts grabbing plates from a cupboard and puts them on the island. The big, cheesy grin on his face has me grinning along with him. Kane strolls into the kitchen as Marcus starts to dish out the food. His eyes land on me and a huge smile comes onto his face.

  “Hey.” My veins tingle at the look he is giving me and butterflies show up again. Seriously what the hell is going on with me? I couldn’t stand the sight of him at first and then we fucked out of lust, but this? ‘You like them.’ Just great, you had to pipe in now, didn’t you? ‘I don’t like him. It’s a normal reaction to someone being nice to you’.

  God. Why does my inner voice have to pipe up now? ‘You do. You like him.’ I have officially lost the plot. Sitting here with people and I am currently arguing with my inner voice. ‘Stop hiding what you feel. He likes you too.’ Ugggh!

  “Everything ok?” Kane brings me out of my inner argument, which I am glad for. It never works out well.

  “Yeah, sorry. My emotions are everywhere at any minute. I kind of zoned out there.” A plate is being put down in front of me and draws all my attention,

  The plate is filled with a roast chicken breast covered in some sort of sauce with veggies and weird looking pulp stuff. With a frown, I look at Marcus who is chuckling to himself at my reaction. Handing a plate over to Kane, he then serves himself.

  “Lemon and garlic roasted chicken, with sweet potato mash and honey glazed roast veggies.” My eyes almost pop out of my head at how smoothly he says what he cooked. Knowing what everything is. I am shocked at his flippant tone on his cooking.

  “How? I wasn’t that long and this looks like it belongs in a five-star restaurant, not a kitchen island.”

  Rumbling laughter meets my ears from the side of me and from the master chef himself. I give Kane a death glare and he instantly shuts his mouth, but his body still shakes with silent laughter.

  “You were a couple of hours and I got the urge to cook.” He shrugs his shoulders like the effort he has gone to doesn’t mean anything.

  Grabbing my fork I dig in. I moan at all the different ingredients blended on the chicken. This has to be the nicest food I have had in a long time. It's normally ramen noodles or frozen pizza for me. A screech rings out. I look at Kane when I realize it was him. He is adjusting his cock in his jeans, his eyes are filled with lust drilling holes into my face. I can’t help but smirk at this. With a wink, I empty my plate in a matter of minutes. Both guys are wide eyed, staring at me as I push the last mouthful into my mouth. I lift an eyebrow as they both start laughing at me. What? Have they never seen a woman loving her food before? Seriously, Marcus is a fantastic cook.

  Current mood, I am in a food coma. My eyes are drooping as I listen to the guys talk over business stuff. How has Kane managed to keep everything going since he has spent a lot of time with me? I think it's a good idea to take my ass to bed.

  “The fuck is she doing here?” Liam sounds like a pissed off grizzly bear but I haven’t got the effort to look in his direction. I don’t have the energy to listen to his crap again. Heading to the sink, I decide to rinse off my plate and head on up. I leave these three to their guy drama. Once done, I can hear their raised voices drifting further into the house. I head up to my room, face planting on the bed. As exhaustion takes over
, my eyes start to drift shut.


  “What is your fucking problem?” I ask Liam as we step into the office. I am sick and tired of his attitude. He has never been the friendliest person in the world but his attitude with Pretty Bird is off the damn charts for him to be an asshole with.

  “I want her out. She doesn’t belong here.”

  “Tough shit. She is with me and lives here now.” His eyes glaze over at my words and his face becomes bright red.

  “So you guys are official? What happens when you get bored and fuck something else, brother?”

  Taking a step in Liam’s direction, I want to pull my brother's head off at this moment in time. Actually that’s wrong, it’s not a want it is a need. How fucking dare he question my life choices? She is with me, not us. Seeing the intent in my eyes Liam steps forward in challenge. Marcus darts in between us holding his arms out to halt us both in our tracks.

  “Fuck’s sake man, chill out.” His nostrils are flaring which is his tell of being pissed off. He may be playing peacekeeper at the moment but I know he is just as affected by Liam’s comments as I am.

  “Liam, they are together, kind of. He’s happy, leave them alone for Christ’s sake.” He turns his gaze to me. His eyes are asking me to understand Liam’s reluctance at adding a woman into the flood. None of us have allowed too many feelings for a woman after the loss of our mother. She made promises that she didn’t keep and the upbringing we had at my father’s hand... those promises were the only thing that got us through the days.

  “She will destroy us. She hasn’t been here long and there is already a divide between us.” The look on his face makes my anger subside instantly. He really believes she is coming between us.

  “I love you, brother, but I want to be with her. You are the one causing the divide.” Watching his face fall at my words, I feel like the shittiest person alive at this moment. I don’t want us to divide, but I will not walk away from Pretty Bird without finding out where it will go. Without answering me, he is out of the door instantly, slamming it with such force the whole door frame rattles like it wants to splinter apart.

  With a huff, I take a seat and start pulling out all the paperwork I need to catch up on.

  Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Pretty Bird is starting her training. I am mentally drained after the last few days. Lost in my own thoughts I completely zone out the worry that consumes me about everything to do with the Royale. The thought of anything happening to her feels like a knife to the heart.

  “I’ll keep an eye on him. Go up to bed. You look like shit.” Even attempting a laugh at Marcus’s words is too much effort. The paperwork will have to wait until tomorrow. With a fist bump to Marcus, I head up to my room. Walking in a daze toward my bedroom, muffled cries catch my attention from Reika’s bedroom. Putting my ear to the door, I listen. I don’t want to disturb her if I don't have to. She needs to sleep.

  Agonised screams reach me, so without another thought I throw the door open to find Reika thrashing around on her bed in the middle of what looks to be a nightmare.

  Climbing onto the bed while trying to avoid her legs isn't the easiest thing to do. ‘Ow!’

  Fucking hell, her legs are lethal. The kick to the gut has just nearly knocked me off the bed. Managing to get around her thrashing limbs, I place my hand on her chest, to try to keep her in place. Her movements start to slow a little.

  “I got you, Baby. It’s just a dream,” I whisper against her ear. I am not leaving her like this, so I make myself comfy laid out on her bed. I pull her into my chest. She hums to herself and her movements stop completely. She snuggles closer to my chest like she's infused herself into my skin and goes back to sleep. Listening to the sound of her breathing becoming deeper, I easily fall asleep.

  That tickles. The movement happens again which slowly brings me out of my sleep. Tingles run down across my stomach. Opening my eyes slowly, I find Pretty Bird tracing patterns across my stomach. The room is in darkness. I am only able to make out her features because the moonlight is shining through the windows. Looking down at her in this light, her features glow which gives her an ethereal look like a goddess. All I can do is stare at her. My body becomes alive under her touch like an electric current is zapping around my veins.

  “You were having a nightmare,” I mumble my reason for being with her, with a shyness I have never felt before.

  Her eyebrows draw together in a frown, but she doesn’t say anything. Still tracing the patterns on my stomach, the sensation sends everything to my cock which starts to get hard. Her eyes work down from her hand to my hard on, making her eyes glaze over. She meets my eyes once again after staring at my cock, then her lips suddenly land on mine as she swings her legs over me so she is straddling my hips. My brain fogs as lust devours everything in my body and all I can see is her. I respond to her kiss the best I can as her mouth is chaotic, demanding, forceful. She then moves slowly down my body with kisses, tracing a path down my stomach to my waistband. She grabs hold of my jeans and flicks the button. Yanking on them, she practically rips them off in one go.

  I lean forward and grab hold of her throat and growl. She stops, her eyes flick up to mine.

  “Stop,” I growl in her face. I enjoy the gulp she swallows down with wide eyes staring at me like I am the only thing on this planet.

  “Do you trust me?” Everything depends on her answer.

  “Y-yes,” she whispers, diverting her eyes from my gaze.

  I know it's taken a lot for her to admit she trusts me. This makes me happy. But I have to take care of my girl at this moment. Placing my finger underneath her chin, I force her eyes back. Looking into her eyes, I see lust at the front but behind them I can see the demons still plaguing her thoughts from her nightmare. Dropping my face down to the crook of her neck, I take a deep inhale, which causes her body to shudder. I lick her from jaw to ear.

  “I want you to feel. Do not hide away from your pain. Own it, adapt it, use it.” Her eyes widened in fear at my words. Violently shaking her head she tries to pull my hand away from her throat.

  Shifting our positions, I apply the slightest little bit of pressure and she leans back allowing me to push her back into the mattress. I can’t help it, the urge to kiss her, claim her, ruin her for anyone else is too much. With more ferocity than I realize, my mouth is on hers, demanding, claiming. She moans into my mouth from the kiss alone. The sound itself is like music to my ears. I need more. Sliding my hand down her side, I grab her shorts, which bunch up in my hand from how tightly I am holding them.

  The shorts tear under the force I have yanked them with. A gasp comes out of her mouth. Smirking to myself, I continue my journey with my hand. Without any obstruction, my hand brushes over her pussy. Another shudder passes over her body, so with my index finger I start off with small, light circles on her swollen clit. Watching the fire in her eyes rise further, I add more pressure and some more speed to the circles, making another moan spill from her lips. Jumbled words are falling from her mouth, I can’t make out the words. Her hips are rising off the bed in perfect sync to my finger. She's begging me with her words and her body to pick up the pace. Switching my finger for my thumb, I dip my finger into her pussy. The warm heat from her makes a groan leave me. My lust turns wild. I don’t know how long I can keep this up. Thrusting my finger back into her, she moans again, so I add another. Her hips are rising and falling, begging for more. I apply all the pressure I can to the point of pain on her clit and add another finger into her. Picking up my pace, I thrust in and out until her body is violently trembling under my hold and her moans fill the room.

  “Kane, please. Please, I need you inside me.” Hearing her beg has my cock so hard it is painful. I can already feel the precum on the tip.

  “Not yet,” is my only reply.

  “Pleeeeeeaaaaaase,'' she says as a moan is ripped out of her throat from my hand. I turn my eyes back to the show. I am full on finger fucking her so fast my wrist is startin
g to ache from the force I am thrusting into her. Her walls tighten around my fingers with a death grip, trying to pull them further into her. Fuck, she’s so responsive.

  I added some more pressure onto her clit. She screams as tremors roll through her body as her orgasm hits. To my amazement, I see her come in all her glory as she squirts all over my hand and the sheets. Settling myself between her legs as I watch the aftershocks of euphoria on her face, I thrust forward so fast she screams from my intrusion. Pulling my cock back so just my tip is still in, I thrust forward again with a roll of my hips. I hit another angle inside her. The moan that leaves her throat makes tingles run through my bloodstream. I set the pace of thrusting so hard she screams, to slow pumping movements that send her body into overdrive. Her moans are wild and guttural. I feel the signs of my orgasm building, so I switch the pace so her body can’t prepare her for what's going to happen. I watch her eyes glaze in a haze, and feel the walls of her pussy tighten around my cock so hard my movement becomes erratic. I thrust harder and faster, leaning my elbow at the side of her head.

  “Say you’re mine?” I whisper into her ear. The moans filling the room from my violent thrusts are the only thing I can hear. Slowing my pace to shallowing thrusts, I ask again.

  “I’m yours.”

  “Only mine, I want you.”

  “I don’t want anyone else.”

  Hit with loads of different emotions at once, my pace becomes frantic, almost brutal with my thrusts. Building up the momentum, both our emotions soar. I set the pace that will make us both come. I want it to happen together.

  Faster, harder, deeper. I am fucking her like a mad man possessed. Her body responds to everything. Her moans are so loud the whole house is probably listening to us. Her walls start to tighten so hard with her shakes. Her legs are vibrating, her eyes are wild. Tingles spread from my balls all over like a feeling of static all over me.

  She screams and I roar my release along with her. Once the shockwaves stop, I open my eyes to the most gorgeous pair of grey eyes staring at me in a look that tells me she doesn’t regret her decision. Rolling off her onto the mattress, I pull her into my body. We are both breathing heavily, but the feeling of contentment that passes through me brings a smile to my face. Pretty Bird’s breathing changes. I look down at her to see she has fallen back asleep. Kissing her forehead, I move into a more comfortable position on my back, pulling her with me so her head is on my chest. I feel sleep starting to pull me in.


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