Third Act (Dark Falkon Book 3)

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Third Act (Dark Falkon Book 3) Page 14

by J. O Mantel

  Lukas kissed Sienna on the forehead, squeezed her hand a little tighter and pulled her in toward him as they started walking to the front door again.

  “Everything will be fine, ok. You ready?” Lukas asked.

  Sienna nodded.

  “God I’m so nervous, you would think I was meeting Oprah.”

  Lukas couldn’t help but laugh. He wrapped his arm around Sienna’s waist and they rang the doorbell.

  Within a few seconds, Ivy’s mother, Leah answered the door.

  “Hello Sienna,” she said, kissing Sienna on the cheek as they stepped inside.

  “Leah, this is -”

  “Oh I know who Mr. Dark is,” Leah stretched out her hand, but Lukas leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Leah,” Lukas said.

  Leah went a bright shade of pink. Behind her, Sienna could see Robert, Ivy’s father approaching them.

  “Sienna,” he said, kissing her. “And this must be, Lukas Dark” he said, looking at Lukas.

  “I am,” Lukas replied.

  “Lukas, I’m Robert, Ivy’s dad. What can I get you two to drink?”

  “Just some juice for me,” Sienna replied.

  “Lukas? Let me guess, you’re more of a Jack Daniel’s guy, right?”

  “Actually, I’ll have a Johnny Walker with some coke,” he said.

  Sienna looked at him, her eyes wide open.

  “What? You think a rock star can’t have a proper drink?”

  “Coming right up,” Robert said, as he vanished through the crowd. Leah smiled and went back to mingling with her guests. Sienna placed Ivy and Dick’s present on the table full of gifts, and stood there waiting for Robert to return with their drinks. She looked over Lukas’s shoulder and saw the happy couple approaching.

  “Hey,” Ivy said hugging and kissing Sienna. She then did the same to Lukas.

  “Congratulations, Dick and you too Ivy,” Lukas said, as he greeted Dick with a handshake and kissed Ivy.

  “Wow! You look amazing,” Sienna said, complimenting Ivy’s stunning Colette Dinnigan evening gown.

  “So do you,” Ivy said admiring Sienna’s dress. She took a step forward and rubbed Sienna’s belly, “Just saying hello to the twins.”

  Robert returned with their drinks before he, Ivy and Dick went back to mingling with their other guests.

  Sienna looked through the crowd, trying to find Jake, but it looked as though he hadn’t arrived yet.

  Sienna spent the next couple of hours introducing Lukas to Dick and Ivy’s families. Her feet and back were killing her and she had to sit down. Lukas’s phone rang, he pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the screen.

  “It’s Mike,” he said looking at Sienna.

  “Are you serious? Lukas I thought we agreed, no business calls tonight. We haven’t seen each other in weeks and-”

  “I’ll just be a second,” Lukas replied, answering the phone and stepping outside.

  “Seriously?” Sienna whispered, frustrated. She sat there, drinking her juice, Ivy noticed her through the crowd and walked over to her.

  “What’s wrong?” She asked.

  “Oh, it’s nothing. Just Lukas. We agreed before we got here that there wouldn’t be any business calls. He’s outside on the phone to Mike right now.”

  “Babe, it’s easier said than done. Lukas is a musician and a businessman. You can’t expect him to ignore it totally.”

  “I’m not expecting him to totally ignore it. I just wanted him to ignore it tonight.”

  Ivy smiled at her, “Sienna, just let it go and have a good time. Come on, let’s go dance.”

  Ivy tried to pull Sienna up by her hands but she wouldn’t move from the sofa; “Sorry Hon but my feet are killing me.”

  “Party pooper,” Ivy laughed.

  “Go and have some fun, I’ll be okay, Lukas will be back in a minute.”

  Ivy turned and headed to where some of her guests were dancing. Sienna took out her little mirror and adjusted her bangs, it was getting in her eyes and causing her to blink like crazy. She looked up and saw Lukas walking toward her.

  “There you are, I thought you’d forgotten about me,” she said, standing up.

  “Babe, I’m sorry, but I really have to go.”

  “What?” Sienna gasped. “Why?”

  “I have to fly back to L.A. tonight, Mike’s already at the airport with the others.”

  “LA? What for Lukas?”

  “Mike didn’t give me all the details, he said it had something to do with an important charity gig tomorrow morning.”

  “What charity gig? You never said anything about a charity gig. Lukas you just got back, I haven’t seen you for two weeks and now you’re choosing to go back there!”

  “I didn’t know until just now, that’s why he called me. Why don’t you come with me, Tash is going and she’s bringing Mariah, I know how much you love her.”

  “What? And leave Ivy’s engagement?”

  “Why not? You’ve made an appearance and she’s hardly spoken to you all night. I’m sure she’d understand.”

  “Lukas, she’s been busy entertaining other guests, and besides… no, wait I can’t even believe I’m having this discussion with you. Lukas, this is Ivy and Dick’s engagement, it’s THEIR night. I’m her maid of honor, I can’t just get up and leave.”

  Lukas folded his arms in frustration and looked at Sienna.

  “I understand that, but wouldn’t you rather be with me, alone in L.A.? We could have a party of our own.”

  “Please tell me you’re joking? And whatever happened to you not wanting me traveling in my condition? That was the reason you gave when I wanted to come with you to LA after your accident? Or was that all just bullshit?” Sienna asked.

  He stared at her. He clearly wasn’t joking.


  “Sienna, I have to go, Mike’s waiting for me. Are you coming or not?”

  “You’re serious, aren’t you? You want me to choose between my best friend’s engagement and you.” Sienna asked.

  Lukas nodded.

  She stood up, arching her back when suddenly her legs gave way, Lukas was quick, he placed his arms around her waist and stopped her fall. He helped her sit back down on the sofa.

  “Are you all right?” Lukas asked kneeling down.

  “I’m fine. Just go, you don’t want to keep Mike waiting any longer” she said, not even looking at Lukas.

  “But, Sienna-”

  “GO LUKAS!” She yelled.

  “I’m not going to leave when you’re upset like this.”

  “Fine! I’ll make it easier for you.”

  She managed to stand up and walk over to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind her.

  Lukas knocked loudly on the bathroom door, frantically checking the time.

  “Sienna? Sienna!” He called, as he banged on the door a little louder.


  After almost ten minutes of yelling and knocking, the noise finally stopped. Sienna waited a few more minutes just to make sure, and she slowly opened the door.

  She looked around, but couldn’t find Lukas anywhere. He must have left.

  Ahead of her was Ivy, she was talking with some guests. Frustrated, angry and tired, Sienna grabbed her clutch and walked over to her.

  “What’s wrong? Everything okay?” Ivy asked, noticing the clutch in Sienna’s hand.

  “Ivy, I’m sorry. I really have to go. I’m not feeling the best,” she told her.

  “What do you mean? Are you okay? Are the babies all right?”

  “They’re fine and I’m fine, it’s probably just a cold or something. I think I’m just going to go home and go to bed, I’m exhausted.”

  “Wait, what about Lukas, where is he?”

  “He left,” Sienna said.


  “Nothing, I don’t want to talk about it.”

  Sienna kissed Ivy on the cheek,
then said goodbye to Dick. She made her way to the front door, when she saw Jake straight ahead of her.

  “Now you decide to show up. Where the hell have you been?” She snapped.

  “On a publicity shoot, I told you. What’s going on? Where are you going? Where’s Lukas?” He asked.

  “Just forget it, Jake.” She brushed past him, opened the door and stepped outside, before slamming it shut behind her.

  Ivy noticed Jake, she and Dick walked over to him and he greeted Ivy with a kiss and shook Dick’s hand.

  “Congratulations,” he said, handing them their engagement gift.

  “Thanks,” Dick replied. “I’ll go and put this with the others,” he wandered off leaving Jake and Ivy alone.

  “You look stunning, Ivy. How do you feel?” Jake asked.

  “Thank you. I’m feeling good, I couldn’t be happier.”

  “What’s wrong with Sienna? I saw her walk out.”

  “I don’t know. But I’m guessing she and Lukas must have had a fight because he left earlier without her.”

  “What happened?” Jake asked.

  “I don’t know, Sienna wouldn’t talk about it. I’m worried about her Jake, I know it’s only a short walk home, but she shouldn’t be out in the cold.”

  Jake was worried himself. Sienna was in no condition to handle any stress. This wasn’t good for her or the babies. Jake could see how concerned Ivy was, although he had only just arrived and hated leaving, he and Ivy both knew that Sienna’s safety and well-being was important right now.

  “I know, Ivy. I’ll take care of it” he said, reading her thoughts. He congratulated her again and kissed her goodbye before walking out the door.

  He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Sienna’s number, but there was no answer.

  It was after two when Sienna walked through the front door. A sigh of relief brushed over her as she saw that all the lights were turned off and Jake was in bed.

  She kicked off her sandals and slowly tiptoed past Jake’s room.

  “Where the hell have you been?” She suddenly heard Jake call from behind her, making her jump.

  “Sorry, I thought you were asleep.” She looked up and saw Jake standing outside his room in his boxers and a wife beater.

  “Sorry?! You’re sorry? That’s all you’ve got? How the hell am I supposed to sleep when you’re off gallivanting around the streets of New York in the middle of the night? I’ve been trying to call you all night and all you can say is ‘I’m sorry’?”

  Sienna rolled her eyes and tried to contain her anger and frustration.

  “Jake, you’re not my father and I do not have to answer to you.”

  “No, I’m not. But like it or not, I may very well turn out to be the father of those twins. And if anything ever happens to them or you-”


  Jake looked at her totally flabbergasted.

  “I am sick to death of everyone constantly telling me how worried they are about me. Or how dangerous it is for me to wander the streets at night. Or how dangerous it is to fly. Or the stress. Or this, or that. I’m getting rather tired of it all. Jake, I realize that you’re concerned, okay? Yes, maybe I should have answered my phone or called you. But I don’t need to justify my every movement to you. I’m pregnant, not injured, and I’m sick of people treating me and this pregnancy like it’s some disease that I have to hide.”

  Jake’s eyes widened and all he could do was stand there and listen to what Sienna had to say.

  “I’m sorry, Jake. But I really am sick to death of you, Lukas and even Ivy constantly telling me that I need to be careful. Do you all think that I would intentionally put myself and the twins in danger?”

  There was a few seconds of pause, neither of them said a word before Jake finally spoke.

  “I’m sorry I yelled at you and for the way I spoke. It’s just… ”

  “I know, Jake. I know. Lukas and I had a fight and I’ve just been in a shit mood all night since I left the party. It’s no excuse to take it out on you, I’m sorry. By the way, how was the rest of the party?”

  “I don’t really know. After you disappeared, Ivy and I were worried sick, so that’s when I went out and started looking for you. I messaged Ivy as soon as I got home and told her I still hadn’t found you. I guess one of us should call her and let her know you’re okay.”

  “I’ll do it,” Sienna said. “I owe her an apology for walking out like that.”

  “What about Lukas?” Jake asked.

  “What about him?”

  “Shouldn’t you call him or something? Talk to him?”

  “Fuck him,” she replied. Although she loved him, she was extremely pissed off with him at the moment. He was the reason why she left Ivy’s engagement party early, and the reason she was roaming the streets at night.

  “Whoa,” Jake gasped.


  “That’s the first time I’ve ever heard you curse Lukas like that.”

  “Well he deserves it. You and I wouldn’t be here arguing like this if it wasn’t for him. Anyway, I don’t want to talk about him anymore tonight.” She walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Goodnight” she said, hugging him.

  “Night,” Jake replied, as he watched her go to her room and shut the door.

  He saw her bedroom light flick on from the opening under her door. He turned and walked back into his own room and lay in his bed.

  He pulled the sheets up and rolled over. Through their adjoining wall, he could hear Sienna talking to Ivy. As Sienna explained to Ivy that she was pissed off with Lukas, a smile brushed over Jake’s face. Even though Sienna hadn’t said that she and Lukas were over, for the first time in as many months, Jake no longer saw Lukas as a threat. There was still hope for him and Sienna.

  Lukas returned from LA a few days later. After some time apart and a chat with Jake and Ivy, Sienna managed to calm down. When he returned, Lukas had Joseph pick Sienna up from her apartment and the two of them had dinner at his place, he apologized for the way he behaved and Sienna forgave him.

  Lightning Ridge’s debut album with Sony Music was finally finished, and it was due to hit stores in less than a month. Stuart, their manager, gave them a couple of weeks off all work commitments. The first single from the album, Tame, was due for release in two weeks, so they would have to be back for that. With the release they would be doing a two-week promotional tour, including radio and television interviews and publicity shoots.

  For Sienna, the reality of it all had finally hit home. It was hard enough dating a rock star and keeping up with his demanding schedules and lifestyle. Now, she was living with one also.

  She was thrilled for Jake. Scoring this recording deal was the best thing that could have ever happened to him. She was proud of him and everything he had worked so hard for. If there was anyone who deserved this, it was Jake. A smile swept over her as she finished folding the laundry and headed for her room.

  She placed the basket on the bed and started putting the laundry away. As she opened the closet door, she placed some clothing on the top shelf and noticed something pointy sticking out. She grabbed it and pulled it down, it was her twelfth-grade yearbook. She totally forgot putting it up there when they moved in.

  She sat down on the bed and opened the book, slowly going through each of the pages.

  She came across the photos from her senior prom. She remembered spending hours at the hair salon that day preparing for the occasion. She turned the page and saw a photo of her with her prom date, just as Jake knocked on her door.

  “Hey” Sienna said, looking up.

  “Whatcha doing?” He asked, stepping into her room and sitting down on the bed beside her.

  “Going through my twelfth-grade yearbook.”

  “Oh my God, you still have that?” Jake asked.

  “Yeah, I actually forgot about it,” Sienna said.

  They sat there on the bed and Jake look
ed at the photo.

  “Max Fischer.”

  “You knew Max?” Sienna gasped.

  “Who didn’t know Max? He was the biggest Backstreet Boy wannabe. All the guys in school wanted to be his friend, and all the girls were throwing themselves at him, so that they could be his prom date. Out of everyone, he picked you.”

  Sienna stared at the photo of her and Max.

  “He was a great looking guy. Not to mention he had the best fucking ass. And those eyes, oh my God, I could have died.”

  “Wow, Sienna. A step up from Lukas Dark?”

  “Huh? What? God no! Max was just a crush, nothing more. He did ask me out though.”

  “He what?”

  “Four times actually,” Sienna replied. “But I kept rejecting him.”

  “You never told me that.”

  “Hmm. Well, he did. Oh well, we move on I guess,” she said, turning the pages. As she flicked through, she came to a photo of Jake with his prom date.

  “Oh my God,” Jake said.

  Sienna giggled.

  “I totally forgot that you went to the prom with Silvana,” she laughed. “She had the biggest crush on you.”

  “She was such a cute kid. You know she kissed me in the limo on the way home, right?”


  Jake nodded.

  “You never mentioned that before.”

  They finished going through the yearbook, and Sienna stood up, heading back toward the closet.

  “You know, I can’t believe the whole time we were in high school, we never had any classes together,” Sienna said.

  “Could you imagine if we did, we probably would have ended up in detention every day.”

  Sienna walked back over to the bed and sat down beside Jake. She yawned and rested her head on his shoulder.

  “You look exhausted, why don’t you have a nap,” Jake said.

  “I don’t have time, I still have to do the laundry and do some wedding stuff for Ivy,” Sienna replied.

  “I’ll finish the laundry, and as for Ivy, I’m sure she’ll understand.”

  He stood up, grabbed the laundry basket from the side of her bed and started putting everything away. Sienna lay down on the bed and made herself comfortable.

  “What are you going to do with yourself for the next couple of weeks?” Sienna asked, as Jake re-emerged into the bedroom. He placed the basket on her bed.


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