Third Act (Dark Falkon Book 3)

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Third Act (Dark Falkon Book 3) Page 15

by J. O Mantel

  “I don’t know. I did have something planned, but now I’m not sure if I’ll do it.”

  “What did you have planned?”

  “I was thinking of doing a road trip down Historical Route 66. I know most of it has been decommissioned now, but there are some parts that still remain open. Mom and dad used to always talk about doing it when Emily and I were kids, but it never happened. I’ve never done it and figured, now that I have a break, I could finally get the chance.”

  “That sounds like a great idea, so why don’t you do it?”

  “Because it’s not exactly a drive I want to do on my own.”

  “Why don’t you ask Emily to go with you?”

  “I thought about that, but she’s busy with college, she wouldn’t be able to get the time off. Plus, she and Chris have plans to go to Bali later this year; she’s saving her break for then.”

  “What about Tori and the others? Why don’t the four of you make it a road trip together?”

  “I love Tori and the guys, really I do. I’ve spent nearly all my spare time with them rehearsing and recording this album. As much as I enjoy working with them, there comes a point when you just need that space. The ‘me’ time. We’re going to be spending a lot more time together, with tours and promotional stuff, once this album is released. We’ve all kind of agreed that we would all do our own separate thing.”

  Sienna looked at Jake, she could tell he was disappointed. Lately, it was always business trip after business trip, meeting after meeting. Sienna couldn’t remember the last time he had the opportunity to just chill, without all the stress of work.

  “Why don’t you have a nap? I have to run a few errands and then I’ll pick up some take out for lunch.”

  “Sounds perfect,” Sienna replied.

  “I’ll be back soon” Jake said, walking out of her room.

  Sienna heard the car pull out of the drive and speed off down the street. Thinking, she reached into her bag and pulled out her phone.

  Hey, babe.

  I need to talk to you about something. Nothing is wrong and I‘m fine, but I just need to talk. She sent the text to Lukas.

  She rolled over and fluffed her pillow, making herself a little more comfortable. She felt the phone vibrate beside her.


  Yeah, sure. Do you want to come over or shall I come to your place? He replied.

  Sienna was comfortable and she didn’t want to move.

  I’m cozy here, can you please come to my place? Sienna text.

  Ok. Just getting a few things and then I’ll head over. Do you want me to bring some lunch? He asked.

  No, it’s okay. Jake’s bringing some on his way home. Thanks anyway. I’ll leave the front door unlocked. She responded.

  Ok, I’ll be there soon, he said.

  Sienna replied with a smiley face. She quickly got herself out of bed and unlocked the front door, before returning to her bedroom and lying back down on the bed. She pulled the covers over and snuggled up with her pillows.

  About twenty minutes later she heard the front door open and close.

  “Sienna?” She heard Lukas call from the living room.

  “In the bedroom, babe” she yelled.

  Sienna sat up as Lukas entered her room. He walked over to the bed and crawled up to her.

  “Hey” he said, greeting her with a kiss.

  “Hi,” she reciprocated.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. There’s nothing to worry about. Just something that I wanted to discuss with you.”

  “About the babies?” He asked.

  “No. Actually, this has nothing to do with the babies, or us.”

  “Sounds serious,” Lukas said. He adjusted himself on the bed, so he was lying next to Sienna.

  “I was talking to Jake earlier, and he mentioned that he and the band are about to have a break before the release of the album.”

  “That’s coming up soon, isn’t it?” Lukas asked.

  “About a month I think he said.”

  “I hope he’s ready for it, I know he’ll do well, but there’s just so much publicity to prepare for prior to a release.”

  “Yeah, he said the same thing. They’re also releasing the first single, so I know he’s going to be busy. Anyway, as I said, he and the band are going to take a break. I asked him what he had planned and he told me that he was planning on a road trip down Historic Route 66.”

  “That would be pretty cool. I mean, I’ve never done it myself, but I’ve heard amazing things.”

  “Yeah I know. The point is, it’s something Jake really wants to do.”

  “So what’s stopping him?” Lukas asked.

  “He refuses to go alone. He would ask his band mates, but with all the hard work and the amount of time they’ve spent together, they all agreed to do their own thing.”

  “Yep, I get that. Trust me, it’s a rock star thing. Your band mates become like your family, and sometimes you spend more time with them than your real family. I don’t blame Jake for wanting to spend time alone.”

  Sienna sat up, slightly frustrated. She really wanted Jake to take this trip. If he turned out to be the father of the twins, there was no telling when either of them were going to be able to have a vacation.

  “I was wondering, why don’t you go with him?” Sienna asked.


  “Why not?” It might do the two of you good to spend some time together. Who knows, you might even like each other.”

  The two of them laughed.

  “Or we’d probably kill each other in the process. I’d love to go, but I just don’t have the time right now.”

  “What do you mean? I thought everything was finished with the album.”

  “It is. But you heard Jake, now comes the promotional tour. This is the hardest part about recording an album. I don’t have the time to do anything at the moment. I’ve got photo shoots, radio interviews and different appearances all happening in the next couple of weeks. It’s all pretty hectic. I’m doing everything that I can now, so that when the babies are born I can take the time off. Even if I don’t turn out to be the father, I’d still like to be there and help.”

  Sienna had seen Lukas’s schedule for the next month and they were lucky if they were able to get one single day together. Both Jake and Lukas were clearing their busy schedules to be there for her during and after the birth. But she didn’t realize just how much pressure the two of them were under. Now, more than ever, she really wanted Jake to take this road trip, it was the only opportunity he had.

  Lukas looked up at Sienna, he could see that look in her eye. It was the look of sincere concern and love.

  “Here’s a thought, why don’t YOU go with him?”

  “What?! Me?” Sienna replied, shocked at the suggestion.

  “Sure. Why not? Neither of you would be alone, at least I’ll know that you’re being looked after while I’m away.”

  Sienna stared at him, unsure whether he was playing with her or not.

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “Absolutely.” He made himself a little more comfortable on the bed. “Babe, at the end of the day, no matter what the outcome of this paternity test is, Jake is still your best friend. You’ve known him a lot longer than you’ve known me, and it’s obvious that you miss him whenever you and I are away.”

  Sienna’s eyes widened, and she turned a slight shade of pink as she stared at Lukas.

  “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I know how much you love Jake, and I don’t mean that the way it sounds. And I know he loves you too, even if it is more than just a friendship. You two need this time together.”

  Sienna was beside herself. She burst into tears and threw her arms around Lukas.

  “Thank you,” she sobbed, as tears streamed down her cheeks and onto Lukas’s jacket.

  “I have to head to the studio, but promise me you’ll both have a good time.”

  Sienna nodded.
  “And you’ll call me.”

  “Every single day,” Sienna sobbed.

  “Why are you crying? I thought you’d be happy?”

  “Babe I AM happy. I’m just lucky that I have the most amazing and astounding boyfriend in the world. You’ve put up with so much from me lately and I never show you how much I appreciate it.”

  “Yes you do. And I love you,” he whispered, leaning in and kissing her.

  “I love you too.”

  Lukas crawled off the bed and Sienna walked him to the door. With one final kiss and a wave goodbye, he hopped on his motorcycle and rode out of the drive.

  Later, after they had eaten the take out that Jake had brought home for lunch, Sienna practically jumped on him. She was bursting to tell him the idea that her and Lukas had come up with.

  “Well you better start packing Jake, or this trip is never going to happen.”

  “What? What the hell are you talking about?” Jake asked. ’

  “You’re taking that trip on Route 66,” she paused, and then looked into his eyes and smiled, “And I’m coming with you.”


  “You and I are going on Route 66. Now get your lazy ass off that chair and start packing.”

  “Wait a minute. What do you mean you’re coming with me? What about the twins and Lukas? Work?”

  “It’s all taken care of. And the twins are fine, it’s safe for me to travel. I was due to finish work at the end of next week anyway, so I rang my boss, explained the situation and he told me I could finish up now.”

  “What about Lukas?”

  “Whose idea do you think this was?”


  Sienna sat down on the other chair.

  “This morning I could see how much you wanted this trip. I know how hard you and the band have been working on this album, and how much you deserve this break. But then I saw how devastated you were when you said you had no one to go with. I picked up the phone and sent a text to Lukas, he came over and the two of us got talking.”

  “When? I never saw his car or bike outside?”

  “He was here earlier, when you went out to run some errands. Obviously I didn’t want you around when I spoke to him.”

  “And what exactly did Lukas say?”

  “Well, initially I wanted him to go with you. You know, a brotrip” she giggled.

  “A brotrip?” Jake smirked.

  “Anyway, Lukas’s schedule is pretty jam-packed at the moment and as much as he would have loved to join you, he just can’t get the time away.”

  “I’m sure that must have been tragic for him” Jake replied sarcastically.

  “The two of you would have had a ball together.”

  “Oh yeah! Two weeks driving along Route 66 with nothing but old school nineties music, and two dudes who can barely stay in the same room together for more than a minute.”

  Sienna slapped Jake, playfully and rolled her eyes.

  “Hey, it wouldn’t be that bad.”

  “No, probably not. Except for the fact that either one of us would probably kill the other one.”

  “So anyway, Lukas can’t make it. That’s when he suggested that I go with you instead.”

  Jake was speechless. Was Lukas playing at something? Was he setting Jake up? Did Sienna have some secret camcorder stashed away in her purse that she was using to record their entire conversation? But nothing happened. He could see that Sienna was genuine, but it still didn’t explain why Lukas suggested Sienna take his place.

  “I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but why did Lukas suggest you to come instead? I mean, wouldn’t he want you all to himself the whole time I’m away?”

  “Lukas knows how important you are to me. He knows you and I have been friends for a long time. He’s not an enemy, Jake, he genuinely cares about you, about both of us, actually. He wants us both to be happy, and he’s going to be doing a lot of promotional work over the next few weeks for the album. That means he won’t be around as much. So I think it’ll put him at ease knowing that I’m with you.”

  Jake didn’t say anything. He just looked at Sienna.

  “So we’re really doing this?” He asked.


  The two of them were up at 5am the following morning. Thankfully for Jake, he listened to Sienna the night before, when she was constantly on his back about packing. Jake organized a rental car for the entire trip. Once they had completed Route 66 they would need to catch a flight home from Los Angeles, so Jake would be leaving the car at the airport.

  He loaded their bags into the trunk of the car and then sat in the driver’s seat and waited for Sienna. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, until finally, he saw her lock up the house and head to the car.

  Sienna sat in the passenger seat, fastened her seat belt and placed her purse on the floor, together with the bag of snacks she had prepared for the trip.

  Jake started the car and let the motor run, while he fiddled with the GPS unit, before placing it on the dash.

  “What time do you think we’ll get to Cleveland?” Sienna asked.

  “I don’t know. It depends on the amount of pit stops we have to do along the way. But we should be there around lunch time. We can stop for lunch and have a look around and then check in to a hotel.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” Sienna replied.

  Slowly, Jake pulled out of the drive and the two of them were on their way.

  “Jake, how much further until we reach Cleveland? I need to pee.”

  “Again?” Jake replied, rolling his eyes at Sienna. “Sienna do you realize how many times you have been to the bathroom between here and New York? Your pee stops have already added an hour to our trip.”

  “Get over it! I’m fucking pregnant, with twins!” She hissed.

  Jake pulled over at a nearby rest stop, so that they could both pee. They were only a couple of hours away from Cleveland and all he wanted to do was get out and rest. Even though he had been sitting for the past four or so hours, he was getting tired from just staring at the road all morning.

  It was early afternoon when they finally reached Cleveland and they were both hungry. As they approached Lake Erie, Jake found a small restaurant where they could both get out, stretch their legs and have a decent meal before heading to a hotel. Upon entering the restaurant Sienna raced to the bathroom, while Jake found them a small table by the window. A waitress walked over to him and placed two menus on the table and then went back behind the counter. As Jake was looking through the menu, deciding what to eat he saw Sienna exit the bathroom and look around. He raised his hand and waved to her getting her attention, she walked over to him and sat down.

  “Now I feel so much better” she said, picking up her menu. “What are you having?” She asked.

  “The burger sounds amazing” Jake replied, reading the contents of the double chicken burger that had caught his eye.

  Sienna went through the menu and decided on the Caesar salad, fries, garlic bread and pizza. The waitress then returned and the two of them placed their orders.

  “Someone’s hungry,” Jake said.

  “Don’t judge me, I’m pregnant” she replied.

  Jake smirked and raised his eyebrows.

  “Hey, I was looking at the map as we pulled in here and we’re not too far away from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum,” Sienna said.

  “Yeah, I noticed it on the GPS. After we’ve had some lunch maybe we can go and check it out, before we go to the hotel,” Jake said.

  Sienna nodded in agreement.

  “This is great, isn’t it?” Sienna asked.

  “What is?”

  “You, me, us. The two of us just sitting here and having lunch together. We haven’t done much of this lately, and I know I’m partially to blame for that.”

  “You’re not to blame, Sienna. And neither is Lukas.” He paused for a moment. The waitress returned with their meals and placed them on the table. Jake
ordered them both a soda and they started enjoying their lunch.

  “I know it’s taken me all this time to realize this, but being in the entertainment industry is quite demanding. It’s different once you become signed to a label. It’s all about them, the agents and their deadlines. When they say they want something they mean it, we don’t get much of a say with deadlines. I finally get where Lukas is coming from with all this stuff, and honestly, I’m amazed that the two of you still have time to see one another. Our album hasn’t even been released yet and I’ve already seen our schedule for the next few weeks, it’s hectic. I honestly don’t know how Lukas does it. I’ll be glad when these babies are born, then I can have a decent break.”

  He took a bite into his burger, while Sienna enjoyed her salad. Sienna was right, it had been a while since the two of them had eaten out. As he enjoyed his meal, something else occurred to him.

  “Do you know what else I’ve realized?” Jake asked.

  “What?” Sienna replied.

  “In all the years you and I have known each other and lived together, this is the first time we’ve ever gone away together.”

  Sienna stopped eating and looked at Jake, thinking. He was right, Sienna couldn’t recall a time that either of them had been on a trip together. The only traveling they’d done together was when they moved to New York.

  “I think you’re right” she said. “Well, go figure.”

  They went back to eating their meals and Jake scrolled through his phone. After some time, Sienna finished her food and stared at Jake.

  “What?” He asked, noticing her out of the corner of his eye.

  “Nothing. I just really want you to be happy Jake. I mean that.”

  He stopped eating for a moment and looked at her.

  “That’s random,” he said.

  “Jake I’m serious. What’s really going on with you? I mean, I haven’t seen you with anyone since… well, you know who.”

  “Her name’s Ronnie, Sienna. She’s not some infectious disease.”

  “Whatever! My point is, I haven’t seen you with anyone since her.”

  “Yeah, well that’s because I haven’t really been looking for anyone, Sienna. I’ve been too busy, you know that.”


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