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One Night With The Billionaire Too

Page 8

by Cross, Cassie

  “Sasha’s my best friend. When her heart’s broken, I want to fix it. A trip to Paris isn’t going to do that, but I think it’ll make things hurt less.”

  “You’re a good sister.”

  She shrugs. “I try. I haven’t told her yet. I figure it’ll be a nice surprise, and she’s still basking in the glow of the strawberries and fancy pants bath bombs you had someone send over.”

  Chase gets offended. “I sent those over.”

  “You did?” She seems genuinely surprised, and that stings.

  “Yeah. What, did you think I had someone do it for me?”

  “Yeah? Not because you’re incapable, just because you’re busy.”

  “It was a gift worth taking the time for.”

  He hears the breathy awww she tries to hide. Amber’s been showing him all the texts she’s sent about how much she’s enjoying them. He’s glad he set the record straight about who sent them. He doesn’t need the recognition, he just wants her to know that he took time out of his day to think about her and making her sister happy.

  “Thank you,” Amber says for probably the tenth time.

  “Anytime. And if there’s anything else you’d like for your Paris trip, you can always ask.”

  “Oh, I think I’m asking enough already. Sasha’s happy to see the sights and I could use a little relaxation. I don’t have much time for that as it is.”

  Chase hangs his head, feeling like shit because he’s the reason why she doesn’t. The job isn’t round-the-clock, but it’s pretty close, and he has her accompanying him on trips like this on her time off.

  “You’re not the reason I can’t relax,” she says. “I can feel you overthinking it. I’m a worrier, it’s in my nature. Even when I’m at home on the couch being lazy, I’m still obsessing over things. When I’m watching something on Netflix, usually I have to rewind a few times because I miss whatever it is they’re talking about. It’s like my brain isn’t conditioned for rest and relaxation. It’s always go, go, go. I guess obsessing over the details is what makes me a good assistant though, so I can’t complain too much.”

  “You’re not just a good assistant,” he tells her. “You’re a great assistant. You’re perfect for me.”

  Amber’s arm jerks, and she loses grip of the wine glass. It goes tumbling into the water.

  She looks at Chase with wide eyes. “Oh my god.” Without thinking, she plunges her hand into the lake, searching around for it.

  “What are you doing?”

  “That wine glass is probably a thousand dollars or an heirloom or something. I’m not going to be the one who loses it.”

  He’s just about to tell her that there’s no way he’d send the good glassware out on a boat when she leans over a little too far and sets the boat off kilter, knocking them both into the water.

  Amber disappears under the surface, and Chase panics for a moment before she pops up with an excited look on her face. “I got it!” she says, holding the wine glass in the air. She looks so proud of herself that Chase has to laugh.

  He pulls himself back into the boat, then once he has his body situated well enough to work as a counterbalance, he offers her his hand and pulls her back up. She topples over the side, knocking him on his back. She lands on top of him, her body sprawled across.

  They laugh—faces so close—until Chase realizes the position they’re in. The weight of her body on his feels so good, it’s a sin not to wrap his arms around her and hold her close. Her breaths quicken as she looks down at his lips, her tongue darting out to wet them in invitation.

  Her makeup is a little smudged, her hair dripping wet. He’s seen her dressed to the nines and ready for bed, but she has never looked more beautiful in this moment, when everything he’s wanted and denied himself for so long is within reach.

  He gently traces the curve of her cheek, then his hand cups the back of her head. Her half-lidded eyes glance down at his lips, and his resistance breaks.

  The kiss starts off tenderly, like they’re taking the time to savor this thing they’ve both been wanting but never thought they should have. Chase tastes the rosé on her tongue and holds on tighter, wanting more. Amber’s hips grind against him, drawing a deep rumble from his chest. Chase loses track of everything around him. The sound of their breathing drowns out the cicadas, her body above his blocks out the vivid pinks and oranges in the evening sky. Chase’s entire world narrows down to her, and he knows he could live the rest of his life in this boat, on this lake and die a happy man, as long as they’re together.

  Chapter Eleven

  After drying off as much as they could so they don’t ruin the Pearsons’ hardwood floors, Amber and Chase make their way upstairs to their bedroom. Amber’s mind is on overdrive at the moment. She’s held out for so long, but when he kissed her in the water, every ounce of determination to stay away from him just dissipated.

  Now that she’s had a taste, she’s desperate for another one. She’s vibrating with the need for it, like a junkie searching for her next fix. She can’t just have one kiss, she needs a thousand. She wants to feel the weight of his body on top of hers, wants to know what it’s like to have him inside of her.

  Settling for anything less seems absurd at the moment.

  She knew that if she ever broke she wouldn’t be able to stop. This is a terrible idea, she knows it is. It will end, and it will end in heartbreak for her. The problem is that she knows she’s not strong enough to stop it now. They’re going to walk into that room, close the door, and they won’t stop until they’re skin-to-skin, naked and satisfied.

  Maybe it’s okay if it’s just for tonight.

  If there’s an expiration date, she can’t get too carried away, right? They should get it out of their systems now, then they can return to New York with their working relationship intact, sans sexual tension.

  Yeah, that sounds good. That’s how she can justify letting herself have what she wants tonight.

  Chase opens the door and looks back at her, his gorgeous eyes heavy-lidded and full of desire for her. For her.

  She never thought she could have this. Might as well take advantage of it while she can, right?

  Before Chase even has the door closed, they’re kissing. They’re kissing and Amber can’t get enough of it. She’s lost in the feel of his body against hers, his strong hands clutching at her back. He holds her so close his impressive erection presses against her belly, so she reaches out and touches because she can, making him buck up against her hand with a deep, rumbling groan.

  She’s in too deep now, can’t stop.

  “We shouldn’t do this,” she whispers between fevered kisses as she pushes herself up on her toes and goes in for more.

  “It’s a really bad idea,” Chase replies, his hand sliding across her breast.

  She gives his chest a firm but gentle push, then takes a couple steps back, breathing heavily.

  “This is a bad idea,” she says, absolutely meaning it this time.

  Chase nods, but he doesn’t say anything.

  Amber runs her fingers through her gross lake hair, trying to get the rational part of her brain back online. They’ve already kissed though, so what would be the harm in taking it a little further? All they need is a set of rules to follow and everything will be fine.

  “Maybe just one time,” she says, kicking off the negotiations. Looking at the way his wet shirt clings to his chest, remembering the hard length of him pressed against her stomach, she knows once isn’t going to be enough. “Just tonight. While we’re in Connecticut.”

  Chase seems amenable to this idea. “What happens in Connecticut, stays in Connecticut.”

  “Yeah,” she nods, clinging to the idea. “We can get this out of our systems—just tonight, just in Connecticut—and when we go back to the city it’s business as usual. We forget this happened.”

  For a few seconds, Chase looks like he’s ready to argue with her. He reaches out and kisses her tenderly instead. “Okay,” he whispers ag
ainst her lips.

  Amber doesn’t want to do this sloppy and wet with lake funk on them. And if they’re going to give themselves a whole night, she figures…why not?

  “We should probably take a shower…before,” she says. “Just so we don’t get all this gross water on the bed.”

  Chase lets out a breathy laugh as he glances over at the pristine white bed. “Okay. Do you want to go first?”

  Amber kinda thought they could go together. The intense desire in his eyes when he looks at her makes her feel sexy. She takes a few steps toward him, slings her arms around his neck and gives him a toe-curling kiss, then leads him into the bathroom. The look on his face when it dawns on him what she wants to do is priceless. It makes Amber giggle and kiss him again.

  The shower is big, and thankfully it has a very handy bench that she hopes to put to good use while they’re in there. She walks inside and pauses. In her shower, there’s one knob and one shower head. In this one there are four each.

  “Help,” she says, looking back at Chase.

  He gives her this sexy little laugh as he expertly twists a couple of the knobs and gets water flowing out of each of the shower heads. When he walks out, he looks entirely too pleased with himself. She wants to kiss that dumb look right off his face.

  “I have one like that at home.”

  Amber shakes her head. “I figured.”

  All of a sudden the mood shifts back to the heated one between them just a few moments earlier, and he takes a couple steps toward her, watching her like she’s prey. He towers above her, and she looks up into his gorgeous eyes.

  “Have you thought about this?” he asks.

  She reaches out and touches his chest. “I’ve thought about a lot of things.”

  “Like this?” his fingertips grip the hem of her shirt, and he drags them along her sides as he lifts her shirt off and throws it onto the floor.

  He gives her a long, languorous kiss, and Amber loses herself in the wet slide of his tongue against hers. He reaches for her bra, unsnapping it easily between his experienced fingers. It takes a concerted effort for her to not think about why he’s so good at that particular move.

  He slides her bra off her shoulders, then kisses his way across her chest. He takes one of her nipples in his mouth, teasing it between his teeth with a gentle pull that makes her moan.

  Amber manages to clear her head long enough to reach for his shirt. She’s less elegant than he was at taking it off of him, but once it’s off she tosses it into the pile with hers. She stares at his naked chest, marveling at the muscle tone beneath his tanned skin. She’s seen him shirtless before, but she’s only ever dreamed about getting to touch. Tonight she can touch him anywhere she wants.

  “I thought about this a lot,” she says, letting her hands glide across his pecs and down his glorious abs.

  “Me too.” There’s a fire in his eyes that draws her closer. She fumbles with his pants. As if he thought she needed less concentration to complete her task, he starts licking and sucking on the curve of her neck. She loses control of her fingers. She just leans back and rests her weight against the wall, letting him have his way with her as the shower’s steam clouds up around them.

  He makes quick work of her pants and underwear, then reaches out and caresses the swell of her breast, his hand coming to rest on her waist.

  Chase kisses her again. “You’re beautiful,” he says as he gazes at her body. “I knew you would be.”

  “You thought about it?”

  “All the time. I’ve always wanted to feel how taut your ass is,” he says, gliding his hand along the curve of it. “How soft your breasts are.” He bends down and licks a stripe across her nipple. His hand moves down along her belly, between her thighs. “I wanted to see what kind of noise you’d make if I did this.” He rubs his finger across her clit, making her mewl as she rocks her hips against his hand for more friction. “I wanted to taste you.”

  Amber captures his lips with hers, and pushes his unbuttoned pants down. The inside of her wrist grazes his erection, and he pulls back with a soft hiss.

  “I’m sorry,” she says, embarrassed she hurt him.

  He licks his lips. “Don’t ever apologize for touching me.”

  Okay, so…not painful. She tilts her head back to get a good look at his cock, she can’t help herself. She swallows at the sight of him, her thighs rubbing together in anticipation. She knew he’d be beautiful, but having confirmation is something else.

  She takes him in her hand, gliding her palm up and down his shaft, rubbing her thumb along the bead at the tip. He kisses her desperately, then tears his lips away. “I’m not gonna last if you do that,” he says, which only makes her want to do it more for some counterintuitive reason.

  “C’mon,” he says, stepping under the spray and pulling her into the shower. He reaches for the shampoo first, lathering up his hair as she tends to hers. She can’t reach high enough to help him, despite desperately wanting to run her fingers through his thick, wet locks. He finishes quickly enough and helps her out, tenderly massaging her scalp.

  She sighs with relaxation, falling forward and resting her head on his chest. She likes the rumble against her forehead as he laughs at her reaction.

  After she rinses, she takes a dollop of conditioner and works it into her hair. When she hands him the bottle he says, “I don’t need that.” He takes it from her and puts it back on the shelf.

  She playfully rolls her eyes. “Men.”

  He grins at her, and it’s beautiful.

  They both reach for washcloths and lather them up, getting to work on each others’ bodies. She goes first, painstakingly washing his shoulders, his arms, his back, his tree trunk-like thighs. His ass puts Greek sculptures to shame. She takes her time with his chest, paying special attention to his nipples, watching as the suds drip down his skin. Once the water washes the suds away, she repays the favor and takes one between her teeth.

  “Fuck,” he whispers, gripping a handful of her hair. He grips it harder when she runs the cloth along the length of his cock, pumping up and down as his head lolls back and he reaches out and holds onto the wall for balance. She’s busy watching his face, the way his Adam’s apple bobs as she twists her wrist. His breathing picks up and she thinks he’s pretty close to coming when he stills her hand.

  “Not until I’m inside you,” he whispers.

  He takes his time washing her. Kissing her as he cleans her body. He’s delicate with her breasts, worships her thighs, pays exquisite attention to every inch of her. She feels like she’s going to combust under his touch, but she can’t get enough of it. She drops her washcloth, and when she bends down to pick it up, she licks a trail along the bottom of Chase’s erection, then takes him in her mouth and gently sucks.

  “Amber,” he growls.

  With a move so quick she barely registers it, he grasps her hips and sets her down on the bench. He kneels in front of her, kissing her playfully with long licks and nips. She never wants this to end. Then he slips his hand between her thighs and teases her clit, and she jolts, reaching out for something to hold onto.

  “Oh my god,” she whispers into his mouth.

  He slides her body to the end of the bench, spreads her legs as wide as they’ll go, and makes himself at home between them. Her heels slip across the muscles on his back as he grasps each thigh, holding her open. Her head drops back against the tile as he sucks at her clit, somehow knowing exactly what she needs and what she likes. She tenderly strokes his hair in tandem with the movement of his tongue as he coaxes her closer and closer to the edge. Her hips rock against his mouth, her body desperate for more of the pleasure that skitters out to her fingers with every lick. The sensation of the water falling on them, the fingers curling up inside her to hit that magic spot, and the scratch of his stubble along her sensitive skin have her falling to pieces in record time.

  She has to bite her lip to keep from screaming.

  Chase doesn’t stop, doesn’
t give her a moment to catch her breath, he just coaxes her through it, milking every last ounce of pleasure that her body has to give her.

  She’s panting and spent, all crumpled up in the corner, every nerve ending in her body firing in waves. He nuzzles the inside of her thigh.

  “Did you think about that?” he asks.

  “I’ll be thinking about that forever,” she tells him, kissing him fiercely, aching for more.

  Once they’re out of the shower, Chase wraps her in a towel and holds her close, rubbing the cotton against her skin to keep her warm. Then he takes the towel and focuses on each area of her body. He dries, kisses, repeats. She never knew post-shower maintenance could be so erotic.

  When she grabs a towel and starts in on him, he shakes his head. “If you touch me, I’m going to explode.” It’s like his entire body is a live wire, and Amber understands the feeling. She’s halfway there again already, and she has the advantage of already having one orgasm under her belt.

  She pins her wet hair up quickly. Chase said he didn’t want to come until he was inside her, and she wants to make that happen as soon as possible.

  She watches him dry off, appreciating the view. He’s built like an Adonis. She figured as much, but it’s good to know for sure. She takes a mental picture. She plans on bringing it out on lonely nights when she’s remembering how great the sex is but won’t let herself have it again.

  When Chase is finished drying off, Amber takes his hand and leads him out to the bedroom. He sits on the edge of the bed, and Amber stands a few feet away from him, not wanting to accidentally set him off and ruin things before they really begin.

  He might have a long recovery period, and she plans to get in as much sex with this god of a man as she can before the sun rises.

  “Did you bring condoms?” she asks. “I have lingerie, but not those.”

  His eyes widen, she sees his cock twitch in her peripheral vision. “You brought lingerie?”


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